Rolling Stone Cover

According to the editors, that was the purpose of the cover.

"The fact that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is young, and in the same age group as many of our readers, makes it all the more important for us to examine the complexities of this issue and gain a more complete understanding of how a tragedy like this happens," the statement said.

Read more: Rolling Stone editor tweets flippant response to critics of bomber cover -- then apologizes | Fox News

That quote in no way supports your assertion, shithead.

They weren't trying to pander to young girls, or make him appear to be the victim. There's nothing in this quote that supports what you wrote.

Like I wrote...the article is above you intellectual capability.
Was it me or is anyone else as shocked to see Tsarnaev on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine? As one who has never purchased this particular magazine, I am forced to pass judgement on the entire publication based on one cover. As a result, I don't see myself purchasing this magazine any time soon or ever for that matter.

Here's what's more amazing too, Rolling Stone is defending themselves -- Rolling Stone defends Tsarnaev cover | Rare -- maybe it's just me who remembers the Boston Bombing still.

Are people these days really this stupid?

The purpose of showing this kid's face on the cover of the magazine is to show that real life monsters don't normally look like Frankenstein...they look like the people who live next door.

This concept seems to be above the average American's intellectual capabilities, judging by the dumb pointless outrage over the cover.


A 19 year old's brain is not fully developed, yet. Most people of that age make stupid decisions. Maybe, not as stupid as this guy. But he was influenced by an older brother.

Can anyone posting on this message board honestly claim that they never did anything stupid between the ages of 16-21?

If you make that claim, you are a liar.

I made some stupid decisions in my life, still do. Billions have been 16-21 and made stupid decisions, however 99% do not involve the killing and maiming of others. Despite his history and his past, his brothers influence and on and on, he made decisions that have damaged others for the rest of their lives.

Ted Bundy was the guy next door, this kid, is the kid next door. He is getting his 15 minutes of fame through Rolling Stone. Rolling Stone has every right to publish the paper with his face on the cover and everyone has a right to their own opinion on Rolling Stones choice.

I don't sympathize with this kid at all, what he did is wrong. His stupid decisions, still carries personal responsibility.
According to the editors, that was the purpose of the cover.

"The fact that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is young, and in the same age group as many of our readers, makes it all the more important for us to examine the complexities of this issue and gain a more complete understanding of how a tragedy like this happens," the statement said.

Read more: Rolling Stone editor tweets flippant response to critics of bomber cover -- then apologizes | Fox News

That quote in no way supports your assertion, shithead.

They weren't trying to pander to young girls, or make him appear to be the victim. There's nothing in this quote that supports what you wrote.

Like I wrote...the article is above you intellectual capability.

It's not my fault that English isn't your first language.
Free Jahar: Why does Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev have so many female fans?

Tsarnaev's supporters insist that they have purely intellectual reasons for supporting the young man accused of causing three deaths and 14 amputations. They believe the government set him up. But they sure do spend a lot of time sharing pictures of him on Tumblr, squealing over any behavior of his that can be construed as "cute," and clucking maternally over his well being. On Wednesday, outrage flared up in "Free Jahar" circles because of the unflattering portrayal of him in the court illustrations. The whole thing feels uncomfortably like a Justin Bieber fan squee—bad enough when it's for Bieber, but even worse for someone who appears to be a remorseless killer.

Really?? ?Free Jahar? Chanted Outside Boston Courthouse - Heather Ginsberg

Notice that the Rolling Stone cover has made it to t-shirts.
According to the editors, that was the purpose of the cover.

"The fact that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is young, and in the same age group as many of our readers, makes it all the more important for us to examine the complexities of this issue and gain a more complete understanding of how a tragedy like this happens," the statement said.

Read more: Rolling Stone editor tweets flippant response to critics of bomber cover -- then apologizes | Fox News

That quote in no way supports your assertion, shithead.

They weren't trying to pander to young girls, or make him appear to be the victim. There's nothing in this quote that supports what you wrote.

Like I wrote...the article is above you intellectual capability.

If you're are gonna accuse someone of stupidity maybe you should start proofreading your posts.

I'll give you time to figure out your mistake and correct it genius.
Was it me or is anyone else as shocked to see Tsarnaev on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine? As one who has never purchased this particular magazine, I am forced to pass judgement on the entire publication based on one cover. As a result, I don't see myself purchasing this magazine any time soon or ever for that matter.

Here's what's more amazing too, Rolling Stone is defending themselves -- Rolling Stone defends Tsarnaev cover | Rare -- maybe it's just me who remembers the Boston Bombing still.

Are people these days really this stupid?

The purpose of showing this kid's face on the cover of the magazine is to show that real life monsters don't normally look like Frankenstein...they look like the people who live next door.

This concept seems to be above the average American's intellectual capabilities, judging by the dumb pointless outrage over the cover.


A 19 year old's brain is not fully developed, yet. Most people of that age make stupid decisions. Maybe, not as stupid as this guy. But he was influenced by an older brother.

Can anyone posting on this message board honestly claim that they never did anything stupid between the ages of 16-21?

If you make that claim, you are a liar.

I made some stupid decisions in my life, still do. Billions have been 16-21 and made stupid decisions, however 99% do not involve the killing and maiming of others. Despite his history and his past, his brothers influence and on and on, he made decisions that have damaged others for the rest of their lives.

Ted Bundy was the guy next door, this kid, is the kid next door. He is getting his 15 minutes of fame through Rolling Stone. Rolling Stone has every right to publish the paper with his face on the cover and everyone has a right to their own opinion on Rolling Stones choice.

I don't sympathize with this kid at all, what he did is wrong. His stupid decisions, still carries personal responsibility.

So this rotten kid gets the cover while his victims are still trying to heal.

Great move. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy about journalists.

Perhaps this is what is wrong this this generation or people in this business. There is no line they aren't willing to cross. That cover is an icon of the music industry. I guess the music industry is shit now.
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If the purpose was to make Tsaranev look like the guy next door, then show him looking like the guy next door instead of tarting him up like a rock star. It wasn't just the photo, it was the glammed up, airbrushed, retouched photo.
Did Rolling Stone mention he ran over and killed his brother trying to get away?
The purpose of the cover was to pander to all those girls saying "he can't be guilty, he's too CUTE". The purpose of the article was to make of Tsarnaev that he is just a victim and we should feel sorry for him because he was raised in the United States with the full complement of welfare benefits. It wasn't just his photo. It was his photo airbrushed and retouched until he looks like the next Justin Bieber.

Actually it's the same photo the New York Times used two months ago, only just the headshot:


Remember all the fake outrage over that?

Me neither.

It's a fucking photo. A photo makes no comment by itself. Actually the RS cover does make a comment in the text below the photo, referring to him as a "monster".

What the hypocrites are yelling at RS about is their failure to join in the Two Minutes Hate Demonization Plan by drawing, say, a Hitler mustache on Tsarnaev. Or perhaps pulling a Fox Noise retouch, with the shadowed eyes, yellowed teeth and enlarged nose:


RS is being taken to task for the crime of insufficient hatemongrering. As the RS editor tweeted, ""I guess we should have drawn a dick on Dzhokhar's face or something?".

They've drugged the populace to such an extent that we not only expect biased journalism, but some of us actually complain when we don't get it. You whiners are never happy with reality. Always gotta tweak it. SMH...
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The purpose of the cover was to pander to all those girls saying "he can't be guilty, he's too CUTE". The purpose of the article was to make of Tsarnaev that he is just a victim and we should feel sorry for him because he was raised in the United States with the full complement of welfare benefits. It wasn't just his photo. It was his photo airbrushed and retouched until he looks like the next Justin Bieber.

Actually it's the same photo the New York Times used two months ago, only just the headshot:


Remember all the fake outrage over that?

Me neither.

It's a fucking photo. A photo makes no comment by itself. Actually the RS cover does make a comment in the text below the photo, referring to him as a "monster".

What the hypocrites are yelling at RS about is their failure to join in the Two Minutes Hate Demonization Plan by drawing, say, a Hitler mustache on Tsarnaev. Or perhaps pulling a Fox Noise retouch, with the shadowed eyes, yellowed teeth and enlarged nose:


RS is being taken to task for the crime of insufficient hatemongrering. As the RS editor tweeted, ""I guess we should have drawn a dick on Dzhokhar's face or something?".

They've drugged the populace to such an extent that we not only expect biased journalism, but some of us actually complain when we don't get it. You whiners are never happy with reality. Always gotta tweak it. SMH...

That pic isn't as good as the copy they used on the Rolling Stone. It looks a bit more grungy because they didn't crop off that nasty T-shirt.

The New York Times is a rag. We expect anti-American propaganda from them. There circulation has fallen off so much that nobody even noticed it.
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The purpose of the cover was to pander to all those girls saying "he can't be guilty, he's too CUTE". The purpose of the article was to make of Tsarnaev that he is just a victim and we should feel sorry for him because he was raised in the United States with the full complement of welfare benefits. It wasn't just his photo. It was his photo airbrushed and retouched until he looks like the next Justin Bieber.

Actually it's the same photo the New York Times used two months ago, only just the headshot:


Remember all the fake outrage over that?

Me neither.

It's a fucking photo. A photo makes no comment by itself. Actually the RS cover does make a comment in the text below the photo, referring to him as a "monster".

What the hypocrites are yelling at RS about is their failure to join in the Two Minutes Hate Demonization Plan by drawing, say, a Hitler mustache on Tsarnaev. Or perhaps pulling a Fox Noise retouch, with the shadowed eyes, yellowed teeth and enlarged nose:


RS is being taken to task for the crime of insufficient hatemongrering. As the RS editor tweeted, ""I guess we should have drawn a dick on Dzhokhar's face or something?".

They've drugged the populace to such an extent that we not only expect biased journalism, but some of us actually complain when we don't get it. You whiners are never happy with reality. Always gotta tweak it. SMH...

That pic isn't as good as the copy they used on the Rolling Stone. It looks a bit more grungy because they didn't crop off that nasty T-shirt.

Rolling Stone is a magazine, the NYT a newspaper. Guess which one shows up better. Just flip a coin, you have a 50-50 shot.

The New York Times is a rag. We expect anti-American propaganda from them. There circulation has fallen off so much that nobody even noticed it.

It's a news story. That's what newspapers do. And the photo is what was available.

What should RS have done? Drawn a Hitler mustache? A dick coming out of his face? Dark eye shadow? Enlarge the nose? Stick a cigarette in his mouth? Photoshop a tattoo of "Death to America" on his forehead? Spelled his name "Emmanuel Goldstein"?
What should RS do? Run the picture and offend people and people that they offended can now voice their displeasure of the cover and then boycott if they so choose.
What should RS do? Run the picture and offend people and people that they offended can now voice their displeasure of the cover and then boycott if they so choose.

Which is what's happening, just like anything else. The interesting thing about this one is that those objectors cannot articulate why they object. Near as I can read it, their objection is based on "failure to distort".
What should RS do? Run the picture and offend people and people that they offended can now voice their displeasure of the cover and then boycott if they so choose.

Which is what's happening, just like anything else. The interesting thing about this one is that those objectors cannot articulate why they object. Near as I can read it, their objection is based on "failure to distort".

In your opinion, which is only relevant to you, no one else.
What should RS do? Run the picture and offend people and people that they offended can now voice their displeasure of the cover and then boycott if they so choose.

Which is what's happening, just like anything else. The interesting thing about this one is that those objectors cannot articulate why they object. Near as I can read it, their objection is based on "failure to distort".

In your opinion, which is only relevant to you, no one else.

No, in their opinion. They've been invited to articulate it and failed to do so.
Which is understandable; it's what happens when you act (or post) before thinking.
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Which is what's happening, just like anything else. The interesting thing about this one is that those objectors cannot articulate why they object. Near as I can read it, their objection is based on "failure to distort".

In your opinion, which is only relevant to you, no one else.

No, in their opinion. They've been invited to articulate it and failed to do so.
Which is understandable; it's what happens when you act (or post) before thinking.

My opinion, is they did articulate their reasons well. I suspect your bias may cloud your view.

I think both sides have good points.
In your opinion, which is only relevant to you, no one else.

No, in their opinion. They've been invited to articulate it and failed to do so.
Which is understandable; it's what happens when you act (or post) before thinking.

My opinion, is they did articulate their reasons well. I suspect your bias may cloud your view.

I think both sides have good points.

You must be reading a different thread, because all I got is:
I am forced to pass judgement on the entire publication based on one cover. As a result, I don't see myself purchasing this magazine any time soon or ever for that matter.
-which articulates no reasoning whatsoever;

Then there was

Having the picture on the cover is one thing. Giving it the glam treatment is another. The photograph was obviously tarted up to be appealing.
The problem is the Tiger Beat photo they used.
-- which I've already shown to be subjective bullshit and not documented anyway;

That and the "defending a murderer" canard, which does not compute with a front cover with the word BOMBER and "monster" on it; and the jive about "making rock stars out of murderers" which, again, like the first point, offers no basis for itself whatsoever. Running an undoctored photo, after all, is not "defending" anything except journalistic ethics.

You can hold any opinion you want, but if you can't give a basis for it, it ain't worth a lot. Now if you saw some kind of articulation feel free to quote what I missed.
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No, in their opinion. They've been invited to articulate it and failed to do so.
Which is understandable; it's what happens when you act (or post) before thinking.

My opinion, is they did articulate their reasons well. I suspect your bias may cloud your view.

I think both sides have good points.

You must be reading a different thread, because all I got is:
-which articulates no reasoning whatsoever;

Then there was

Having the picture on the cover is one thing. Giving it the glam treatment is another. The photograph was obviously tarted up to be appealing.
The problem is the Tiger Beat photo they used.
-- which I've already shown to be subjective bullshit and not documented anyway;

That and the "defending a murderer" canard, which does not compute with a front cover with the word BOMBER and "monster" on it; and the jive about "making rock stars out of murderers" which, again, like the first point, offers no basis for itself whatsoever. Running an undoctored photo, after all, is not "defending" anything except journalistic ethics.

You can hold any opinion you want, but if you can't give a basis for it, it ain't worth a lot. Now if you saw some kind of articulation feel free to quote what I missed.

Again, your opinion.
My opinion, is they did articulate their reasons well. I suspect your bias may cloud your view.

I think both sides have good points.

You must be reading a different thread, because all I got is:
-which articulates no reasoning whatsoever;

Then there was

The problem is the Tiger Beat photo they used.
-- which I've already shown to be subjective bullshit and not documented anyway;

That and the "defending a murderer" canard, which does not compute with a front cover with the word BOMBER and "monster" on it; and the jive about "making rock stars out of murderers" which, again, like the first point, offers no basis for itself whatsoever. Running an undoctored photo, after all, is not "defending" anything except journalistic ethics.

You can hold any opinion you want, but if you can't give a basis for it, it ain't worth a lot. Now if you saw some kind of articulation feel free to quote what I missed.

Again, your opinion.

No-- again, their opinions.
I laid 'em all out. Where's the beef?
You must be reading a different thread, because all I got is:
-which articulates no reasoning whatsoever;

Then there was

-- which I've already shown to be subjective bullshit and not documented anyway;

That and the "defending a murderer" canard, which does not compute with a front cover with the word BOMBER and "monster" on it; and the jive about "making rock stars out of murderers" which, again, like the first point, offers no basis for itself whatsoever. Running an undoctored photo, after all, is not "defending" anything except journalistic ethics.

You can hold any opinion you want, but if you can't give a basis for it, it ain't worth a lot. Now if you saw some kind of articulation feel free to quote what I missed.

Again, your opinion.

No-- again, their opinions.
I laid 'em all out. Where's the beef?

Your opinion that it doesn't look like a Tiger Beat picture is your OPINION, others have a differing OPINION.

The picture on the front cover can be seen as undue attention and the humanizing of a terrorist. Those that have been effected the most by this see it as a way of trying to soften the terrorist.

The many times I see mugshots of famous people as they are arrested I think how stupid they are.

The opinion polls are running 65-15 against the cover. I part of the 20 that sees it as neither good or bad.

Rolling Stones put the picture up to sell magazines. They are doing that, they are getting publicity that they haven't had for decades. Smart marketing.

So both opinions are fine to me, your not understanding a position because of your bias, doesn't less others opinions, they just don't make sense to you.

I'm not sure how to make it simpler for you to understand.

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