Romanian Eagle: Democracy Theory (Fiction)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a governance-ideals parable I cooked up inspired by the films The Three Musketeers, The Contender, and Escape from New York.



A Lord Protector of Romania named Drag was a princely philosopher and terrific swordsman and spear-thrower. Drag wanted to 'reform' Romania so it wouldn't be perceived as simply a 'totem' of tourism and childish-folklore (e.g., Dracula). Drag wanted to blend theories about socialism with theories of moderate democracy and envisioned a state in which men served as bishops and women served as queens.


Drag's mother, Esmerelda, was a powerful gypsy who believed that magic was superior to philosophy and worried about her son's obsessive meditation on the 'parametrics' of governance in a modernizing Romania. Esmerelda was a terrific cook and always fed Drag the finest Romanian culinary-delights. Drag grew up with a special affection for the feminine mystique, but mostly it was because he loved his mom's cooking. Therefore, Drag wanted a special Romanian 'entertainment-platform' in which female chefs would be spotlighted every summer!


Drag was wed to the princess Olivia on his 22nd birthday. The marriage was arranged by Esmerelda who was a very shrewd negotiator and consulted with the king and queen of a nearby castle in Romania and convinced them that Drag was the 'wave of the future' (in terms of political leadership). Olivia was very charming and graceful and really she was the opposite of Esmerelda but she was just like Drag's mother in terms of her 'simple view' of Romanian happiness. Drag knew that his vision of a modernized Romania should somehow laud his learned spiritual praises of domestic/family values as they related to mothers and wives.


The Chancellor of Romania was a very cruel 'cardinal' named Alastair who wanted Romania to be a haven for smugglers, political schemers, and terrorism daydreamers. Alastair's 'theory' was that 'controlled anarchy' fostered a social 'worship' of the Chancellor. As such, Alastair despised Drag's 'pseudo-progressive' views on the role of women in society. To Alastair, women were handmaidens, concubines, seamstresses, and of course, messengers of conspirators. It was a 'war' between the Lord Protector of Romania (Drag) and the Chancellor (Alastair). Alastair had a dastardly musketeer-swordsman named Rutho who worked in his employ but mostly as an assassin. Alastair ordered Rutho to assassinate Drag during a public sports-spectacle (to draw great social attention to the demise of Drag).


Drag knew that if he didn't scheme properly and strategize wisely, Alastair the Chancellor would turn Romania into a 'pseudo-Reich.' Drag also knew that not everyone would favour his 'progressive' policies regarding the active participation of both men and women in a Romanian society governed as much by poetics as it was by economics. Still, Drag's mother and wife (Esmerelda and Olivia) worried that Drag was too immersed in 'Romanian bickering.' To ease their worries, Drag kept a special 'spirit-eagle pet' (whom he named Randall). Randall became a guardian-spirit for Drag as well as a message-carrier (on little paper tied to the bird's feet). It was Randall that helped Drag overturn the mob rule favoured by Alastair. It was Randall that helped Drag pave the way for future 'journalism.'


Well, in the end, Drag the Lord Protector of Romania won the contest. However, he wanted to appease all the people and reach out to those loyal to Alastair by promising them villages and havens from 'mainstream society.' Drag hired two consultants (or 'viziers') to help him run his new government --- two cunning bishops named Tomas and Tomas(!). When Drag was old in years, and his wife and mother (Olivia and Esmerelda) passed away, leaving him all alone, Tomas and Tomas assassinated Drag (with a poisoned drink) and initiated a diabolical (and ultimately doomed) plan to revolutionize Romania into a fascist state called the Romanian State of Patriots (RSP).



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