Romney accepted state med care in France

The evening news in France had a story about a 30 year old traffic accident? You gotta hand it to the radical left.
A report on the evening news in France tonight showed that, following injuries sustained in an auto accident while working for his religion, Mr. Romney paid only feeble charge as contribution to all his care and time in hospital.

Wasn't that while he was dodging the draft?

Tsk, tsk! 'Dodging the draft' is so unpleasant a term!
Perhaps he was serving America by serving the LSD, er, LDS.
We could say he was serving in another direction.
A report on the evening news in France tonight showed that, following injuries sustained in an auto accident while working for his religion, Mr. Romney paid only feeble charge as contribution to all his care and time in hospital.

Was that the accident he had with a Catholic Priest? After dodging the draft for a war he supported? Killing his passenger?

Not sure..could have been more then one.
"Thou shalt not kill!"

Wonder how many hail mormons it took to clear that up?
Romney was supposed to decline treatment for his injuries and stand on principle that he won't be treated in a French hospital because they have socialized medicine.

This is Saul Alinsky at it's finest.
The evening news in France had a story about a 30 year old traffic accident? You gotta hand it to the radical left.

Well it involved a fatality.

One that was riding with Romney.

It was reportage about Romney and American election.
Yes, woman who was president of Mormons in France died.

Other driver was a Catholic Curé.

Ain't that something?

A woman dies in Romney's car after an auto accident.

Not a peep from conservatives about that.

Nothing, nadda, zilch.
People die in auto accidents every day. It's not like Romney murdered her, or left her to die alone while he walked down the road. Romney isn't a democrat.
Romney was supposed to decline treatment for his injuries and stand on principle that he won't be treated in a French hospital because they have socialized medicine.

This is Saul Alinsky at it's finest.

Who said decline treatment? Just man-up like a good, honest capitalist and pay a fair share.

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