Romney: "As President, on Day One....I will reverse Obama’s massive defense cuts"

Let's see...

Defense spending, 2011, $739 b; 2010 $721b; 2009 $698b; 2008 $696b; 2007 $626b; 2005, $506b

Oh, this is gonna be a fun election! :lol:
From Romney's speech:

As President, on Day One, I will focus on rebuilding America’s economy. I will reverse President Obama’s massive defense cuts. Time and again, we have seen that attempts to balance the budget by weakening our military only lead to a far higher price, not only in treasure, but in blood.

Anyone know any particulars as to WTF he is talking about here?
From Romney's speech:

As President, on Day One, I will focus on rebuilding America’s economy. I will reverse President Obama’s massive defense cuts. Time and again, we have seen that attempts to balance the budget by weakening our military only lead to a far higher price, not only in treasure, but in blood.

Anyone know any particulars as to WTF he is talking about here?

Not a freaking clue.
Mitt, the big Government conservative that we're all used to... Shocking the Media loves the shit ouut of him.
Its code for "contractors, I'll keep those tax-payer $ rollin' in"

Romney continues to say things that prevent me from considering him seriously. The last thing we need now is an increase in defense spending.
From Romney's speech:

As President, on Day One, I will focus on rebuilding America’s economy. I will reverse President Obama’s massive defense cuts. Time and again, we have seen that attempts to balance the budget by weakening our military only lead to a far higher price, not only in treasure, but in blood.
Anyone know any particulars as to WTF he is talking about here?

Talking out his ass, throwing a little red meat out the the neocon war worshipers and banking on most folks won't know the difference
So Romney is promising to increase spending and decrease taxes

Where have we heard that before?
From Romney's speech:

As President, on Day One, I will focus on rebuilding America’s economy. I will reverse President Obama’s massive defense cuts. Time and again, we have seen that attempts to balance the budget by weakening our military only lead to a far higher price, not only in treasure, but in blood.
Anyone know any particulars as to WTF he is talking about here?

Talking out his ass, throwing a little red meat out the the neocon war worshipers and banking on most folks won't know the difference
Spot on.
So Romney is promising to increase spending and decrease taxes

Where have we heard that before?

No. He's promising to eliminate "Obama's massive defense cuts". The rest of us are trying to figure out which "massive defense cuts" Romney is targeting...
I haven't seen any cuts from this prez and the last prez. They need to be footnotes at the bottom of our history page on how not to run a country.

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