Romney Being Punked?

My take (TL/DR version - Mitt is a stand up guy & bringing him on board helps Trump move his agenda through Congress):

Why Mitt Romney should be Trump's Secretary of State

Mitt is a man of integrity - he can be counted on to honor his word

Hell, he did this in opposing Trump during the campaign - many do not like it, but he honored his word

If he comes on board, it will only be done after he has sworn his allegiance - Mitt is a guy that can be counted on once his commitment has been secured

His whole track record demonstrates this. I understand the concern from hard core Trump supporters, but on this, you will have to trust Trump's judgement...

Remember this, there are A LOT like of genuine conservatives and folks who at least "lean right" politically who are frustrated with what has happened in this country, and hated Obama. People that though Hillary was awful, but were just not able to support Donald Trump

Trump won primarily by bringing new people to the party (not the Republican Party, the "election party" if you will")

The new folks got him over the top, but he was only able to win the election because enough "establishment types" held their noses & voted for him.

But again; many did not - many stayed home or voted 3rd party.

Mitt voted 3rd party, but he DID NOT support Clinton

Mitt is respected by those folks. He is also, begrudgingly. respected by those on the left.

Bringing Romney in demonstrates that Trump is willing to set aside personal grievances to do what is right for the country, it also brings those "lost souls" that should have been with us home

Preibus was a great "get" - Romney is better, the guy is not only qualified, he is the best man for the job

His presence would help to unify the Republican Party in a way that would make it easier for Trump to pass legislation that is unrelated to foreign policy. Think about this for a minute, one of the fears that many Trump supporters have had (and one of the hopes from those on the left) is that Trump would be "handcuffed" and unable to move his agenda through Congress. Bringing Romney into his cabinet will dissuade the fears of many congressional Republicans and open them up to supporting parts of Trump's agenda that they may otherwise have fought.

The "Trumpkins" always brag about "3D Chess"

Mitt as SecState is 3D Chess x 1000

No man of integrity goes to work for a "fraud".

meh - whiskey under the bridge

Like him or not, Mittens is a patriot that cares about the country.

And he won't be selling access or renting out the Lincoln Bedroom in the WH which is now the new precedent for SecState...
I think Romney was brought in so that Trump could mock him. Doesn't it look like it here?
Sort of like when Trump brought Palin to Manhattan and took her to a cheap pizza place.
Why does this prick waste our time with his petty bullshit?


Trump's Romney romance could be one big setup -

It's one reason I like him. Trump fucks with his enemies, just like he does you dude. I don't think he has anything against Palin, BTW.

He was elected to lead the country, not fuck with people. Just in case you forgot, after burying your face in his trousers.
My take (TL/DR version - Mitt is a stand up guy & bringing him on board helps Trump move his agenda through Congress):

Why Mitt Romney should be Trump's Secretary of State

Mitt is a man of integrity - he can be counted on to honor his word

Hell, he did this in opposing Trump during the campaign - many do not like it, but he honored his word

If he comes on board, it will only be done after he has sworn his allegiance - Mitt is a guy that can be counted on once his commitment has been secured

His whole track record demonstrates this. I understand the concern from hard core Trump supporters, but on this, you will have to trust Trump's judgement...

Remember this, there are A LOT like of genuine conservatives and folks who at least "lean right" politically who are frustrated with what has happened in this country, and hated Obama. People that though Hillary was awful, but were just not able to support Donald Trump

Trump won primarily by bringing new people to the party (not the Republican Party, the "election party" if you will")

The new folks got him over the top, but he was only able to win the election because enough "establishment types" held their noses & voted for him.

But again; many did not - many stayed home or voted 3rd party.

Mitt voted 3rd party, but he DID NOT support Clinton

Mitt is respected by those folks. He is also, begrudgingly. respected by those on the left.

Bringing Romney in demonstrates that Trump is willing to set aside personal grievances to do what is right for the country, it also brings those "lost souls" that should have been with us home

Preibus was a great "get" - Romney is better, the guy is not only qualified, he is the best man for the job

His presence would help to unify the Republican Party in a way that would make it easier for Trump to pass legislation that is unrelated to foreign policy. Think about this for a minute, one of the fears that many Trump supporters have had (and one of the hopes from those on the left) is that Trump would be "handcuffed" and unable to move his agenda through Congress. Bringing Romney into his cabinet will dissuade the fears of many congressional Republicans and open them up to supporting parts of Trump's agenda that they may otherwise have fought.

The "Trumpkins" always brag about "3D Chess"

Mitt as SecState is 3D Chess x 1000

No man of integrity goes to work for a "fraud".

meh - whiskey under the bridge

Like him or not, Mittens is a patriot that cares about the country.

And he won't be selling access or renting out the Lincoln Bedroom in the WH which is now the new precedent for SecState...

Mormons don't drink. In case you forgot that, too.
My take (TL/DR version - Mitt is a stand up guy & bringing him on board helps Trump move his agenda through Congress):

Why Mitt Romney should be Trump's Secretary of State

Mitt is a man of integrity - he can be counted on to honor his word

Hell, he did this in opposing Trump during the campaign - many do not like it, but he honored his word

If he comes on board, it will only be done after he has sworn his allegiance - Mitt is a guy that can be counted on once his commitment has been secured

His whole track record demonstrates this. I understand the concern from hard core Trump supporters, but on this, you will have to trust Trump's judgement...

Remember this, there are A LOT like of genuine conservatives and folks who at least "lean right" politically who are frustrated with what has happened in this country, and hated Obama. People that though Hillary was awful, but were just not able to support Donald Trump

Trump won primarily by bringing new people to the party (not the Republican Party, the "election party" if you will")

The new folks got him over the top, but he was only able to win the election because enough "establishment types" held their noses & voted for him.

But again; many did not - many stayed home or voted 3rd party.

Mitt voted 3rd party, but he DID NOT support Clinton

Mitt is respected by those folks. He is also, begrudgingly. respected by those on the left.

Bringing Romney in demonstrates that Trump is willing to set aside personal grievances to do what is right for the country, it also brings those "lost souls" that should have been with us home

Preibus was a great "get" - Romney is better, the guy is not only qualified, he is the best man for the job

His presence would help to unify the Republican Party in a way that would make it easier for Trump to pass legislation that is unrelated to foreign policy. Think about this for a minute, one of the fears that many Trump supporters have had (and one of the hopes from those on the left) is that Trump would be "handcuffed" and unable to move his agenda through Congress. Bringing Romney into his cabinet will dissuade the fears of many congressional Republicans and open them up to supporting parts of Trump's agenda that they may otherwise have fought.

The "Trumpkins" always brag about "3D Chess"

Mitt as SecState is 3D Chess x 1000

No man of integrity goes to work for a "fraud".

meh - whiskey under the bridge

Like him or not, Mittens is a patriot that cares about the country.

And he won't be selling access or renting out the Lincoln Bedroom in the WH which is now the new precedent for SecState...

Mormons don't drink. In case you forgot that, too.

no, but they do have magic underwear that may be helpful in navigating through tough times

so, there's that
I guess we still have journalist that take Trump for a fool. Trump doesn't have time to waste and I wouldn't think revenge is his motive but rather to absorb Romney's 2012 plan to reorganize the State Department in an efficient and business like manner.
I think Romney was brought in so that Trump could mock him. Doesn't it look like it here?
Sort of like when Trump brought Palin to Manhattan and took her to a cheap pizza place.
Why does this prick waste our time with his petty bullshit?


Trump's Romney romance could be one big setup -

Sadly i dont think so. Look at his bromance with Huckaboo, McConnel, and Rudy. Trump at best is shaping up to be Dubya Redux.
In a way, I wish that were so. I am afraid that he will make the Bush years look like good ones compared to his four years, if he gets that far.
I think Romney was brought in so that Trump could mock him. Doesn't it look like it here?
Sort of like when Trump brought Palin to Manhattan and took her to a cheap pizza place.
Why does this prick waste our time with his petty bullshit?


Trump's Romney romance could be one big setup -

Sadly i dont think so. Look at his bromance with Huckaboo, McConnel, and Rudy. Trump at best is shaping up to be Dubya Redux.
In a way, I wish that were so. I am afraid that he will make the Bush years look like good ones compared to his four years, if he gets that far.

but seriously, I was against Trump in the primaries, but I was ALWAYS #NeverHillary - so far, I have been favorably impressed with the way Trump is moving forward to implement his agenda

My biggest issue was SCOTUS, but I am on board with much of his agenda (stop illegal immigration & drugs, serious vetting of refugees, repeal Obamacare, lower corporate taxes, etc)
I think Romney was brought in so that Trump could mock him. Doesn't it look like it here?
Sort of like when Trump brought Palin to Manhattan and took her to a cheap pizza place.
Why does this prick waste our time with his petty bullshit?


Trump's Romney romance could be one big setup -

It's one reason I like him. Trump fucks with his enemies, just like he does you dude. I don't think he has anything against Palin, BTW.

He was elected to lead the country, not fuck with people. Just in case you forgot, after burying your face in his trousers.

And lead he will do. He can still fuck with people in the process. Ever hear keep your friends close enemies closer?
My take (TL/DR version - Mitt is a stand up guy & bringing him on board helps Trump move his agenda through Congress):

Why Mitt Romney should be Trump's Secretary of State

Mitt is a man of integrity - he can be counted on to honor his word

Hell, he did this in opposing Trump during the campaign - many do not like it, but he honored his word

If he comes on board, it will only be done after he has sworn his allegiance - Mitt is a guy that can be counted on once his commitment has been secured

His whole track record demonstrates this. I understand the concern from hard core Trump supporters, but on this, you will have to trust Trump's judgement...

Remember this, there are A LOT like of genuine conservatives and folks who at least "lean right" politically who are frustrated with what has happened in this country, and hated Obama. People that though Hillary was awful, but were just not able to support Donald Trump

Trump won primarily by bringing new people to the party (not the Republican Party, the "election party" if you will")

The new folks got him over the top, but he was only able to win the election because enough "establishment types" held their noses & voted for him.

But again; many did not - many stayed home or voted 3rd party.

Mitt voted 3rd party, but he DID NOT support Clinton

Mitt is respected by those folks. He is also, begrudgingly. respected by those on the left.

Bringing Romney in demonstrates that Trump is willing to set aside personal grievances to do what is right for the country, it also brings those "lost souls" that should have been with us home

Preibus was a great "get" - Romney is better, the guy is not only qualified, he is the best man for the job

His presence would help to unify the Republican Party in a way that would make it easier for Trump to pass legislation that is unrelated to foreign policy. Think about this for a minute, one of the fears that many Trump supporters have had (and one of the hopes from those on the left) is that Trump would be "handcuffed" and unable to move his agenda through Congress. Bringing Romney into his cabinet will dissuade the fears of many congressional Republicans and open them up to supporting parts of Trump's agenda that they may otherwise have fought.

The "Trumpkins" always brag about "3D Chess"

Mitt as SecState is 3D Chess x 1000

No man of integrity goes to work for a "fraud".

meh - whiskey under the bridge

Like him or not, Mittens is a patriot that cares about the country.

And he won't be selling access or renting out the Lincoln Bedroom in the WH which is now the new precedent for SecState...

Mormons don't drink. In case you forgot that, too.

no, but they do have magic underwear that may be helpful in navigating through tough times

so, there's that

Mormons think they are better than everybody else. It's what their religion teaches. They are more loyal than most groups, the CIA recruits heavily from Utah. No kidding, they really do. They know a Mormon, properly trained and Temple Eligible, will take torture and not betray due to the blood oaths they make to the LDS Church. So having said all that, Romney is acting like a prostitute.
I think Romney was brought in so that Trump could mock him. Doesn't it look like it here?
Sort of like when Trump brought Palin to Manhattan and took her to a cheap pizza place.
Why does this prick waste our time with his petty bullshit?


Trump's Romney romance could be one big setup -

What's it to you? you clearly hate them both.

And? It's just that one of them has his head in the other's trousers. And it's not Trump.
I think Romney was brought in so that Trump could mock him. Doesn't it look like it here?
Sort of like when Trump brought Palin to Manhattan and took her to a cheap pizza place.
Why does this prick waste our time with his petty bullshit?


Trump's Romney romance could be one big setup -

Lol if only that was true. I sure hope he passes on Romney, but I think the courtship is legit.

Sent from my iPhone using
I think Trump will pick him and Romney will turn out to be a fantastic Secretary of State with an impressive loyalty towards his new boss.

Trump has the ability to convince anyone to be on his side, and he knows how to utilize the talents of people.
My take (TL/DR version - Mitt is a stand up guy & bringing him on board helps Trump move his agenda through Congress):

Why Mitt Romney should be Trump's Secretary of State

Mitt is a man of integrity - he can be counted on to honor his word

Hell, he did this in opposing Trump during the campaign - many do not like it, but he honored his word

If he comes on board, it will only be done after he has sworn his allegiance - Mitt is a guy that can be counted on once his commitment has been secured

His whole track record demonstrates this. I understand the concern from hard core Trump supporters, but on this, you will have to trust Trump's judgement...

Remember this, there are A LOT like of genuine conservatives and folks who at least "lean right" politically who are frustrated with what has happened in this country, and hated Obama. People that though Hillary was awful, but were just not able to support Donald Trump

Trump won primarily by bringing new people to the party (not the Republican Party, the "election party" if you will")

The new folks got him over the top, but he was only able to win the election because enough "establishment types" held their noses & voted for him.

But again; many did not - many stayed home or voted 3rd party.

Mitt voted 3rd party, but he DID NOT support Clinton

Mitt is respected by those folks. He is also, begrudgingly. respected by those on the left.

Bringing Romney in demonstrates that Trump is willing to set aside personal grievances to do what is right for the country, it also brings those "lost souls" that should have been with us home

Preibus was a great "get" - Romney is better, the guy is not only qualified, he is the best man for the job

His presence would help to unify the Republican Party in a way that would make it easier for Trump to pass legislation that is unrelated to foreign policy. Think about this for a minute, one of the fears that many Trump supporters have had (and one of the hopes from those on the left) is that Trump would be "handcuffed" and unable to move his agenda through Congress. Bringing Romney into his cabinet will dissuade the fears of many congressional Republicans and open them up to supporting parts of Trump's agenda that they may otherwise have fought.

The "Trumpkins" always brag about "3D Chess"

Mitt as SecState is 3D Chess x 1000

No man of integrity goes to work for a "fraud".

They do if they want to keep them honest
My take (TL/DR version - Mitt is a stand up guy & bringing him on board helps Trump move his agenda through Congress):

Why Mitt Romney should be Trump's Secretary of State

Mitt is a man of integrity - he can be counted on to honor his word

Hell, he did this in opposing Trump during the campaign - many do not like it, but he honored his word

If he comes on board, it will only be done after he has sworn his allegiance - Mitt is a guy that can be counted on once his commitment has been secured

His whole track record demonstrates this. I understand the concern from hard core Trump supporters, but on this, you will have to trust Trump's judgement...

Remember this, there are A LOT like of genuine conservatives and folks who at least "lean right" politically who are frustrated with what has happened in this country, and hated Obama. People that though Hillary was awful, but were just not able to support Donald Trump

Trump won primarily by bringing new people to the party (not the Republican Party, the "election party" if you will")

The new folks got him over the top, but he was only able to win the election because enough "establishment types" held their noses & voted for him.

But again; many did not - many stayed home or voted 3rd party.

Mitt voted 3rd party, but he DID NOT support Clinton

Mitt is respected by those folks. He is also, begrudgingly. respected by those on the left.

Bringing Romney in demonstrates that Trump is willing to set aside personal grievances to do what is right for the country, it also brings those "lost souls" that should have been with us home

Preibus was a great "get" - Romney is better, the guy is not only qualified, he is the best man for the job

His presence would help to unify the Republican Party in a way that would make it easier for Trump to pass legislation that is unrelated to foreign policy. Think about this for a minute, one of the fears that many Trump supporters have had (and one of the hopes from those on the left) is that Trump would be "handcuffed" and unable to move his agenda through Congress. Bringing Romney into his cabinet will dissuade the fears of many congressional Republicans and open them up to supporting parts of Trump's agenda that they may otherwise have fought.

The "Trumpkins" always brag about "3D Chess"

Mitt as SecState is 3D Chess x 1000

No man of integrity goes to work for a "fraud".

meh - whiskey under the bridge

Like him or not, Mittens is a patriot that cares about the country.

And he won't be selling access or renting out the Lincoln Bedroom in the WH which is now the new precedent for SecState...

Mormons don't drink. In case you forgot that, too.

no, but they do have magic underwear that may be helpful in navigating through tough times

so, there's that

Mormons think they are better than everybody else. It's what their religion teaches. They are more loyal than most groups, the CIA recruits heavily from Utah. No kidding, they really do. They know a Mormon, properly trained and Temple Eligible, will take torture and not betray due to the blood oaths they make to the LDS Church. So having said all that, Romney is acting like a prostitute.

Half that is nonsense
I think Romney was brought in so that Trump could mock him. Doesn't it look like it here?
Sort of like when Trump brought Palin to Manhattan and took her to a cheap pizza place.
Why does this prick waste our time with his petty bullshit?


Trump's Romney romance could be one big setup -

What do you mean why? To keep you idiots busy. He knows every time he meets with someone, the media will create a story about it and get the leftists kooks worked up. You all then start circulating the story and act outraged.

Funny thing is you idiots keep falling for it.
I think he is seriously considering Romney. Though I'm sure he isn't upset that some of his supporters like newt are trying to claim Romney is begging for the job. I don't believe that for a second. Trumps team reached out to him and Romney is not going to turn down a call to serve his nation. Few Mormons would.

I think he would be an honorable representative for our nation. He would clean out the waste and corruption in the state department. He is a good compliment to Mattis as sec of defense reach out in friendship but if you try to screw with us we kick your ass.

Not to mention it helps trump demonstrate he isn't petty or vindictive, consolidate Republican power, and shows he is more interested in making the decisions he thinks are best than caving to political pressures.

Whomever he chooses has a tough task ahead of them. The last two sec. Of states really screwed the world.

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