Romney; ‘culture of dependency”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Romney complains that we have become a “culture of dependency” as he calls “unemployment” which cause the dependency on unemployment insurance, welfare and food stamps, caused by 8 years of Bush reckless spending and borrowing and Bain sending jobs overseas, causing people to loose their jobs creating the “culture of dependency.” The way to fix it is to let Obama finish what he started with another four years. Obama did not add $4 trillion to the deficit because he just loves spending tax payers money, it was a necessity to avoid a depression caused by the “2008 financial meltdown.” Obama’s policies worked and we are in a economic recovery even if unemployment is 8.3% and even after recovery it will never drop below 5% ever again. 8.3% is better than 20% which it would have been had Obama’s policies not worked. May as well get use to it because we are never going to put everyone who want to work back to work. Historical fact that after a economic recession we have never got back to where we were before the recession.
To get the car out of the ditch and up and running will take time and money. My neighbor’s car broke down and he cannot get it fix until the gets the money.
Romney have no clue whatsoever as to Americans dependence because even as he proudly claims his unemployment, he is walking around with a million dollars in pocket change. Not the same as my neighbor being unemployed with a dollar in pocket change. How do you “make ends meet” with a million dollar in pocket change? How does it feel to be unemployment with a million dollars in pocket change?
He say he know how to create jobs and he also knows how to fire people. Taking away their way of living and healthcare.

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