Romney had it of course the Dems call foul!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Ignoring the fact that their precious dictator's failed policies in the Middle East are killing people by the gross.

"According to the Census Bureau, 49% of Americans in the second quarter of 2011 lived in a household where at least one member received a government benefit. (The total population at the time was 305 million).
That’s up from 30% in the 1980s and 44.4% in the third quarter of 2008, a recent growth in part attributable to the bad economy of President Obama’s first term."

The Data Behind Romney’s 47% Comments - Washington Wire - WSJ
Romney's fixers won't be able to fix this mess, his goose is cooked....

Was he correct or not?

Tell me, do the following have any impact on your thinking?

1. The desire for equality of income or of wealth is, of course, but one aspect of a more general desire for equality. “The essence of the moral idea of socialism is that human equality is the supreme value in life.”
Martin Malia, “A Fatal Logic,” The National Interest, Spring 1993, pp. 80, 87

2. Sociologist Helmut Schoeck’s observation: “Since the end of the Second World War, however, a new ‘ethic’ has come into being, according to which the envious man is perfectly acceptable. Progressively fewer individuals and groups are ashamed of their envy, but instead make out that its existence in their temperaments axiomatically proves the existence of ‘social injustice,’ which must be eliminated for their benefit.”
Helmut Schoeck, “Envy: A Theory of Social Behavior,” p. 179
See the problem here is not the facts. The problem comes in when Romney says "it's not my job to worry about those people" News flash Mr. Romney.... It most certainly is your job to worry about those people. There are plenty of Republicans that work every day and pay no taxes and that receive some sort of government help. It's not just "Them"
See the problem here is not the facts. The problem comes in when Romney says "it's not my job to worry about those people" News flash Mr. Romney.... It most certainly is your job to worry about those people. There are plenty of Republicans that work every day and pay no taxes and that receive some sort of government help. It's not just "Them"

no he doesnt being poor means u have a saftey net, does that mean u have to take care of them no the government is doing that. was it wrong what romney said, no because we are already paying big bucks for peopel to not only be poor but to take advantage of it, see food stamps, adopting children, dependants and if possible anything else they can write off.

what we should be concerned about is the greed of the people mainly the poor and middle class.
Ignoring the fact that their precious dictator's failed policies in the Middle East are killing people by the gross.

"According to the Census Bureau, 49% of Americans in the second quarter of 2011 lived in a household where at least one member received a government benefit. (The total population at the time was 305 million).
That’s up from 30% in the 1980s and 44.4% in the third quarter of 2008, a recent growth in part attributable to the bad economy of President Obama’s first term."

The Data Behind Romney’s 47% Comments - Washington Wire - WSJ

Your own link acknowledges that some of what he said does not hold up so well. What say you about the notion that those 47% will automatically vote Democrat. Are there no republicans in that category? The statement shows how out of touch he is, and the focus is not whether or not it is valid. A percentage of this 47% is elderly or disabled or pay no federal income taxes due to income based exemptions, not because they don't take responsibility for their own lives.

Not "elegantly stated" or "spoken off the cuff." At least he is a master of understatement.
Romney got a big boost from the release of that tape. He's eliminated obama's lead and taken the lead himself.
Romney got a big boost from the release of that tape. He's eliminated obama's lead and taken the lead himself.



Don't pay any attention to katzdog. She's the least intelligent conservative poster on this board.

How do I know that? Because I've yet to hear one conservative poster dispute it.

thats because we dont have to, one should not challenge anothers intelligence , remarks are going to happen, but to have to defend one anothers intelligence, well you are trying prove how little intelligence you possess or care to use.
It all boils down to the power of the liberal media. Instead of focusing on the incredible negligence of the secretary of state and the Hussein administration the media manages to divert attention to Romney. Now the administration gets to blame both the previous president and the future president for it's own failures.

Don't pay any attention to katzdog. She's the least intelligent conservative poster on this board.

How do I know that? Because I've yet to hear one conservative poster dispute it.

thats because we dont have to, one should not challenge anothers intelligence , remarks are going to happen, but to have to defend one anothers intelligence, well you are trying prove how little intelligence you possess or care to use.

Is what she said intelligent? Did Romney get a big boost in the polls from this? Is he really leading now because of this? Or is it a fact that what katzdog said is outrageously idiotic?

If you had an ounce of character you'd answer those questions honestly. But you don't, so you won't.
Don't pay any attention to katzdog. She's the least intelligent conservative poster on this board.

How do I know that? Because I've yet to hear one conservative poster dispute it.

thats because we dont have to, one should not challenge anothers intelligence , remarks are going to happen, but to have to defend one anothers intelligence, well you are trying prove how little intelligence you possess or care to use.

Is what she said intelligent? Did Romney get a big boost in the polls from this? Is he really leading now because of this? Or is it a fact that what katzdog said is outrageously idiotic?

If you had an ounce of character you'd answer those questions honestly. But you don't, so you won't.

do they need a link if its what they see locally? keep in mind the internet is global and of which understands global speak but has a hard time with local speak. Sorry buddy, but if i see romney doing better here in jersey and people are saying why hes doing better, and are pointing how that story, than i can Romney is leading here or has changed the minds or whatever i want.

You attack the intelligence because your little mind has elsewhere to go, the rest of us are thinking "oh maybe they are considering this"

sorry for thinking, ill be sure to post that for the tiny brain thinkers who wish to keep it in their minds instead of understand how other people are seeing something.
Ignoring the fact that their precious dictator's failed policies in the Middle East are killing people by the gross.

"According to the Census Bureau, 49% of Americans in the second quarter of 2011 lived in a household where at least one member received a government benefit. (The total population at the time was 305 million).
That’s up from 30% in the 1980s and 44.4% in the third quarter of 2008, a recent growth in part attributable to the bad economy of President Obama’s first term."

The Data Behind Romney’s 47% Comments - Washington Wire - WSJ


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