Romney hires Michele Davis who was hired to defend BP in oil disaster

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Ben Smith reports that a former top aide to Bush Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and the woman who worked hard at damage control for BP following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill is moving to the Romney campaign.
Michele Davis is reportedly being tapped to defend Romney's record in the private sector and given her experience dealing with the press and within the financial sphere while at Treasury, she may just be a good choice.
But her appointment raises a couple of questions:
1. Is this hire an admission that Obama's Bain attacks are working?
2. Davis is probably insulated from Democratic attacks of this kind (since Obama's advisors are guilty of the same), but is it really such a great idea to hire someone who earlier in her career was "vice president for regulatory policy at Fannie Mae from 2002 to 2006, and is listed as a registered 2004"?
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are the government-backed entities that are supporting nearly all home mortgages these days and besides have a record of troubling financial practices and too-cozy relations with the legislative branch.

Read more: Romney hires a new aide. We have some questions
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Wasn't there just another thread on here about some BP person working for Obama?

As I have said for some time, no matter who wins in November we all lose.
What's she gonna do, say Bain Capital was NOT involved with shipping jobs overseas?
It wasn't difficult to defend BP. After all, Republicans were on their side.

First the apology from Joe Barton. Who was later rewarded with a powerful chairmanship.

Then Republicans blocked this administration from getting subpoena power to investigate BP which put the interests of a foreign company above the interests of the American people - twice.
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It wasn't difficult to defend BP. After all, Republicans were on their side.

First the apology from Joe Barton. Who was later rewarded with a powerful chairmanship.

Then Republicans blocked this administration from getting subpoena power to investigate BP which put the interests of a foreign company above the interests of the American people - twice.

I wonder what Republicans think when they know a post like this to be completely true? Don't they feel shame or embarrassment that the rest of America knows they care about a foreign corporation over the people of this country? It's amazing how many approve. They show that approval by voting Republican.
What the hell is going on with the left? They didn't seem concerned when Obama hired a communist former leader of an arson and looting rampage to be on his "green jobs board" which created no green jobs or any other jobs but they pretend to be hysterical when a good lawyer is hired to represent an oil company. The world is upside down to the left. Lobbyists are us. We are all lobbyists. Oil ain't your enemy either.
It wasn't difficult to defend BP. After all, Republicans were on their side.

First the apology from Joe Barton. Who was later rewarded with a powerful chairmanship.

Then Republicans blocked this administration from getting subpoena power to investigate BP which put the interests of a foreign company above the interests of the American people - twice.

I wonder what Republicans think when they know a post like this to be completely true? Don't they feel shame or embarrassment that the rest of America knows they care about a foreign corporation over the people of this country? It's amazing how many approve. They show that approval by voting Republican.

Republicans= party before country. McConnell said so.

true story
As democrats are dedicated to the destruction of the nation, then to republicans party and country are synomous.

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