Romney leaves Cruz off his list of 2016 GOP stars

I have a question who will the Democrats put up if Hillary doesn't run? The left has been so focused on who the Republicans might or might not nominate you haven't noticed the cupboard is pretty bare after Hillary.

I'd love to see Joe Manchin run. Not only would he be the first West Virginian presidential candidate, but he is possibly the most moderate Democrat available.

Interesting. Personally I don't care for him, but I could be swayed.
The name that all the sudden everyone seems to have forgotten is Marco Rubio he has appeal to both Hispanic and women voters he was and still is a Tea Party favorite he has done nothing to alienate them while still showing a willingness to work across the aisle especially on immigration reform. So far the only notable mistake he has made was keeping his bottled water to far away from him which I don't see as being a problem for him.

Rubio would be about as strong a candidate as Bobby Jindal.
It's a rousing success because it is right and correct.

Godwin is most accurate when you pull this type of nonsense.

I corrected you for such during the primaries and the general last year.

I will do every time you act stupidly.

And how did you go about doing this when I just joined the forum last week? You just open your mouth and let whatever's in there tumble out, don't you?

Ah, you are a noob, when I thought I was talking to JoeB. And I will do the same with you when you act stupidly. You just did. :lol:
Republicans have the right to have whomever they want as their nominee. If they want Cruz, so be it.

And the democrats will hold the WH for at least another 4 years.

But the radical right got their ‘true conservative.’

If Republicans want a true conservative, they could at least nominate one with some class like John Thune, but he won't run because he knows he can't win.
The name that all the sudden everyone seems to have forgotten is Marco Rubio he has appeal to both Hispanic and women voters he was and still is a Tea Party favorite he has done nothing to alienate them while still showing a willingness to work across the aisle especially on immigration reform. So far the only notable mistake he has made was keeping his bottled water to far away from him which I don't see as being a problem for him.

Poor, poor Marco

He believed it when Republicans said they were taking the Hispanic vote seriously. Pissed off the TeaTards offering citizenship to wetbacks

Wetbacks? So is this what liberals call Hispanics when they feel they have their voted locked up? Highly disrespectful not to mention racist.

Actually he was referring to what most tea party folk think of Hispanics.
Poor, poor Marco

He believed it when Republicans said they were taking the Hispanic vote seriously. Pissed off the TeaTards offering citizenship to wetbacks

Wetbacks? So is this what liberals call Hispanics when they feel they have their voted locked up? Highly disrespectful not to mention racist.

I tried telling some people that Libs and Dems are some of the most racist sukkas around!

Much more so than Conservatives.

But the Dems will lie to your face and tell you they are your friend just because they are passing out freebies and you promise to vote their ticket in exchange for $24 worth of wampum and beads.

The Democratic Party encompasses many different viewpoints. There is a segment of the Democratic Party that is very racist. I saw this in Chicago. But it has nothing to do with freebies. Most of the racists are hard working blue collar Americans who other than being racist are pretty decent people The mistake is thinking that all Dems are racist or even that the majority of them are racist.
Most of the Tejanos in the 1830s thought the Americans were DixieBacks because they had to swim the Red and Sabine rivers to illegally enter Texas.
Romney leaves Cruz off his list of 2016 GOP stars | Political Headlines | Comcast

Mitt Romney isn't including tea party favorite Ted Cruz among the Republicans' most electable potential presidential candidates in 2016.

Who does the 2012 GOP nominee put on his list of "very capable people?"

His ex-running mate, Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

But Romney says New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie "stands out as one of the very strongest lights."

Romney was asked on NBC's "Meet the Press" whether Texas Sen. Cruz is a "potential light."

Romney said he's not going to disqualify anybody. But he made clear that he had given the names of those he thought were "the most effective in becoming elected."

Cruz led the GOP effort to shut down the government in an effort to dismantle Obama's health care law

If Romney was President right now ,we would be much better off ,because of the shellacking we have had from Obama.:eusa_whistle:

I don't trust Cruz. My gut tells me he's more of an opportunist than anything else. But, on paper, he at least has something. But, Romney is basically forecasting the sad state of the Republican party. Loser Bush, Fat Christie, All Talk Ryan, Spineless Rubio are all Democrat Lite at best. If you want the government to get out of your life; stop voting for Republicans. Vote for libertarians and independents who have real values and not meaningless slogans.
Wow, Fakitor, Fakey, and Joe Blow are carrying on; no doubt in an effort to ruin another thread. I wouldn't know; I rarely read their nonsense.
Surely you jest. And I always respect your opinion.

His strategy was spot on. Oh my. On this we must disagree on then.

Trying to push defund Obamacare when your party only controls the House was never realistic my guess is he was playing to his base here keeping the promise that got him elected that did hurt him short term but not long term in my view. Anyone thinking this one battle will be the end of Cruz would be making a serious mistake I don't think Cruz was ever going to make a run for the Whitehouse in 2016 he is laying the groundwork for 2020.

By 2020, Cruz could have a major problem. If I were a Republican, I would not be so confidant that Texas will remain red come 2020.
Well I live here and I'm pretty confident it will be.
Poor, poor Marco

He believed it when Republicans said they were taking the Hispanic vote seriously. Pissed off the TeaTards offering citizenship to wetbacks

Wetbacks? So is this what liberals call Hispanics when they feel they have their voted locked up? Highly disrespectful not to mention racist.

Actually he was referring to what most tea party folk think of Hispanics.

Actually he wasn't but even if that was the intention it does not justify using a racist term to give his opinion about what someone else thinks of other's. If I used a racist term to describe how I thought a liberal group felt about another I feel confident I wouldn't be given the benefit of the doubt about my intentions.
Winning the presidency is easy

All you have to do is gather up enough electoral votes to reach 270

Most of the candidates (Cruz, Paul, Ryan) cannot put together a campaign that will allow them to win the purple states and reach 270. Florida, Ohio, Virginia.......those are the states you need to reach 270

We will see today what Virginia thinks of TeaTards

Christie, Bush and possibly Rubio can put together a campaign where they don't say stupid stuff and are capable of winning purple states and reaching 270
Just so. Christie/Bush would be good.

this would be a hard ticket to beat. Lots of moderates and independents would be swayed.

Cruz and you would have a genocide.

I don't see Bush having any interest in the 2nd seat.

Goodby Geo, me gotta go, me oh my oh
Me gotta go, before I call you so, and be the asshole
My Columbia, the neo-phobe, me oh my oh
Son of a gun, I don't see how I can run, from the sinkhole

Dub-ya the lie-ya , a-Crawford pie and-a bona-fid-a dumbo
Cause tonight Im gonna see my karma mio
Pick the pres , eat francaise, and bash the gay-ohs
Son of a gun, I don't see how I can run, from the sinkhole

instrumental verse (country fiddle solo)

Push polls, poll control, the place is a coven
Black folk barred from vote, by the dozen
Thrown in jail, ain't no bail, me oh my oh
Son of a gun, I don't see how I can run, from the sinkhole

Repeat chorus

instrumental verse (country fiddle solo)

Final chorus:
Dub-ya the lie-ya, a-Crawford pie and-a bona-fid-a dumbo
Cause tonight Im gonna see my karma mio
Pick the Pres, eat francaise, and bash the gay-ohs
Son of a gun, I don't see how I can run, from the sinkhole
Son of a gun, I don't see how I can run, from the sinkhole
Son of a gun, I don't see how I can run, from the sinkhole
Winning the presidency is easy

All you have to do is gather up enough electoral votes to reach 270

Most of the candidates (Cruz, Paul, Ryan) cannot put together a campaign that will allow them to win the purple states and reach 270. Florida, Ohio, Virginia.......those are the states you need to reach 270

We will see today what Virginia thinks of TeaTards

Christie, Bush and possibly Rubio can put together a campaign where they don't say stupid stuff and are capable of winning purple states and reaching 270

Just so.
Cruz is unelectable

Christie, Rubio, Bush and Ryan are

Ah, we've got a shill and Rubio is his name
(hear me talking now)
We don't love him, but we'll take him just the same
(what'd I say)
Oh-Ooh, Ruby-Ruby, we like you mostly
But we'd rather you be, white and ghostly
Ruby Ruby you'll be just fine...this time

Each time I see you drinking my heart cries
(oh, it does Ruby)
I tell ya Rubio, we're gonna cram ya, down the their throats in ths scam, yeah
Ruby-Ruby-Ruby., you will be lyin'
(hear me talking, in time now!)

I'll tell ya...
I love this shill, and Rubio is his name
(Believe me now)
When this shill looks at me, he just sets my soul a-flame
Don't you know, I got some issues, though
I wish he he didn't have to talk that gibberish, no

But he's our frontman, irregardless
We've got a new look...not as heartless
(now listen, now)
Rubio Rubio , gonna feed you some lines!
Ruby-Ruby, Ruby baby
Ruby-Ruby, Ruby baby
Ruby-Ruby, Ruby baby
Ruby-Ruby, Ruby baby

(The following video chronicles Marco *Rubio's dramatic and courageous escape from communist*Cuba)

[ame=]Dion - Ruby Baby - YouTube[/ame]

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