Romney leaves Cruz off his list of 2016 GOP stars

I think Cruz is very smart but he has shown his political inexperience with the defund Obamacare stuff with time and some experience he will be force in the future.

Surely you jest. And I always respect your opinion.

His strategy was spot on. Oh my. On this we must disagree on then.

Cruz is a populist idiot. He made the shutdown about ObamaCare instead of the budget. A huge tactical mistake.

Cruz dragged the GOP approval rating 20 points below the Democrats, and he alienated one third of Republicans.

The GOP now has to come from way, way behind to have a fighting chance in the mid-terms.

How you could possibly think he is anything other than a moron for these gross and amateurish blunders is beyond me.

I agree that Cruz made a few mistakes, but I disagree that he's a moron or that he hurt the GOP.

Obamacare is a massive clusterfuck and Cruz was right to try and defund it. People have already forgotten the partial shutdown, but they all know that Ted Cruz tried to stop Obamacare. They all know that Obamacare is a disaster. They all know that Obama is a LIAR.

As for the '14 midterms- Republicans will easily retain the House and have a very strong chance of winning 7 seats in the Senate.
I have a question who will the Democrats put up if Hillary doesn't run? The left has been so focused on who the Republicans might or might not nominate you haven't noticed the cupboard is pretty bare after Hillary.

There is no ‘left,’ that’s the whole point.

By 1992 democrats had successfully neutralized ‘the left,’ since then they’ve won four of the last six presidential elections.

The question is will republicans be smart enough to do the same, and neutralize the radical right.

And that’s the context of the thread topic: will the GOP run an extreme rightist and lose the 2016 election, or will they nominate someone responsible and likely win.

There is no left that's what your trying to sell? That's all there is the Obama policies especially Obamacare did in most of the moderate democrats in 2010 and it threatens to finish off the few left in 2014. You went from moderate with Bill Clinton and the era of big government is over to the extreme with Obama and big government is back bigger than ever.

There is no ‘left’ in that the general voting public doesn’t perceive a ‘left,’ and those who do don’t associate a ‘left’ with dominating the democratic party – save that of a tiny, tiny minority of blind partisan rightist such as you.

The general voting public doesn’t perceive the ACA as ‘left,’ that you and others on the right do is irrelevant because you’d never vote for a democratic candidate. In fact, the ACA is a republican plan, using private insurance companies in the free market to afford more Americas access to healthcare – it’s anything but ‘left.’

To the general voting public ‘the left’ is George McGovern, Ted Kennedy, Michael Dukakis – all ghosts of the political past democrats successfully exorcised between 1988 and 1992.

Which brings us back to the central question: can republicans, as democrats did with ‘the left,’ successfully change the voters’ perception that the GOP is dominated by radical rightwing extremists who place dogma and party above country.
There is no ‘left,’ that’s the whole point.

By 1992 democrats had successfully neutralized ‘the left,’ since then they’ve won four of the last six presidential elections.

The question is will republicans be smart enough to do the same, and neutralize the radical right.

And that’s the context of the thread topic: will the GOP run an extreme rightist and lose the 2016 election, or will they nominate someone responsible and likely win.

There is no left that's what your trying to sell? That's all there is the Obama policies especially Obamacare did in most of the moderate democrats in 2010 and it threatens to finish off the few left in 2014. You went from moderate with Bill Clinton and the era of big government is over to the extreme with Obama and big government is back bigger than ever.

There is no ‘left’ in that the general voting public doesn’t perceive a ‘left,’ and those who do don’t associate a ‘left’ with dominating the democratic party – save that of a tiny, tiny minority of blind partisan rightist such as you.

The general voting public doesn’t perceive the ACA as ‘left,’ that you and others on the right do is irrelevant because you’d never vote for a democratic candidate. In fact, the ACA is a republican plan, using private insurance companies in the free market to afford more Americas access to healthcare – it’s anything but ‘left.’

To the general voting public ‘the left’ is George McGovern, Ted Kennedy, Michael Dukakis – all ghosts of the political past democrats successfully exorcised between 1988 and 1992.

Which brings us back to the central question: can republicans, as democrats did with ‘the left,’ successfully change the voters’ perception that the GOP is dominated by radical rightwing extremists who place dogma and party above country.

I got news for Harry Reid is far left Nancy Pelosi is far left Keith Ellison is far left Bernie Sanders is far left Alan Grayson is far left Al Franken is far left and so is the current President and those were just off the top of my head so all the Democrats did is replace the regular left with the super sized left. As for how the country perceives Obamacare the left may still love it but the rest of the country is starting to see just how much they have been lied to suckered and bull shitted about it to paraphrase Pelosi we had to pass it to see whats in it well they did we are and it's not good and the lefts attempts to distract and deflect and call people names won't change this.
You mean all 25 electoral votes?

Christie can win in purple states, which the other Republucans can't

People are tired of the partisan bickering. Christie is the only candidate who has shown a willingness to work with the other side

I don't think he can, necessarily.

For one thing, if there's a reason why I stopped voting Republican, it's because the GOP cares more about fat brokers on Wall Street than Joe just trying to make ends meet by working two jobs.

And I'll be straight up, I used to care more about the social and security issues than the fiscal ones until I realized that those things didn't matter to me.

I just don't see how the GOP wins just looking out for the 1%ers.

Christie can win Florida, Ohio and Virginia

Who cares about Iowa and Nebraska?

the question is, can he win Iowa and South Carolina in the primaries...
JoeB counseling Republicans on who to choose as a candidate is similar to a Nazi counseling Jews on the positive merits of Belsen-Bergen.

Not only is this a humor fail it's also a Godwin fail for more than one reason.

Fake Snarkey just can't admit to himself that nominating Romney was a horrible idea, when I told him it was.
I don't think he can, necessarily.

For one thing, if there's a reason why I stopped voting Republican, it's because the GOP cares more about fat brokers on Wall Street than Joe just trying to make ends meet by working two jobs.

And I'll be straight up, I used to care more about the social and security issues than the fiscal ones until I realized that those things didn't matter to me.

I just don't see how the GOP wins just looking out for the 1%ers.

Christie can win Florida, Ohio and Virginia

Who cares about Iowa and Nebraska?

the question is, can he win Iowa and South Carolina in the primaries...

That used to matter before Citizens United. Used to be if you weren't competitive by South Carolina, your funding dried up

With deep pockets, Christie can run through Florida, Virginia, Ohio, New York, California, New England, Pennsylvania........all big delegate states
Mitt Romney Leaves Ted Cruz Off List Of Electable Republicans For 2016

Yeah, its silly to quote Mittens about anything but what is actually important is that last line.

The fact that Cruz actually believed he could stop ObamaCare indicates an inexcusable ignorance about how our government works and how our laws come to be.

On top of that, he was willing to harm so many innocent people, including children, our disabled vets, the elderly. Yes, I know that makes him a good Republican but it also means he should be in a position of power.

I don't know how anyone can take Ted Cruz seriously but then again, they take Palin and Bachmann seriously.

Sez the woman who takes Obama and Hillary seriously.
Obama...Obama...where have I heard that name before. Oh yes....won the Presidency....twice. :D
Cruz is unelectable

Christie, Rubio, Bush and Ryan are

So was Churchill until Britain was up the creek without a paddle.

THEN Winston Churchill was called upon to save the free world when no one else could.

And he did it.

Ted Cruz is a smart guy.

And you'll notice he always takes the high ground. He doesn't respond to the silly little Dem attacks of him which might otherwise bog him down in typical Lib FUD.

Fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) is a tactic used in sales, marketing, public relations,[1][2] politics and propaganda.

FUD is generally a strategic attempt to influence perception by disseminating negative and dubious or false information. An individual firm, for example, might use FUD to invite unfavorable opinions and speculation about a competitor's product; to increase the general estimation of switching costs among current customers; or to maintain leverage over a current business partner who could potentially become a rival.

The term originated to describe disinformation tactics in the computer hardware industry but has since been used more broadly.[3][dubious – discuss] FUD is a manifestation of the appeal to fear.

Fear, uncertainty and doubt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nominate Cruz and it's "Green Eggs and Ham" 24/7. :D
Christie can win Florida, Ohio and Virginia

Who cares about Iowa and Nebraska?

the question is, can he win Iowa and South Carolina in the primaries...

That used to matter before Citizens United. Used to be if you weren't competitive by South Carolina, your funding dried up

With deep pockets, Christie can run through Florida, Virginia, Ohio, New York, California, New England, Pennsylvania........all big delegate states

Again, not so much.

Let's look at 2012, the first post CU election.

They thought Romney won Iowa, but then admitted Santorum did. Had Santorum won clearly in Iowa, it would have shaken Romney in NH and maybe people would have given the other Mormon a look.

Romney won NH.

Gingrich won SC, but that was mostly because he was from a neighboring state.

The thing was, Santorum lasted the longest as the "not Romney, please, god Not Romney" candidate not because he was getting sugar daddys funding him, but because he really came off as the most credible.
It's too early to tell, but I believe the "Bush" name as far more attractive than many think. Jeb Bush would be a great candidate especially having a latino wife. I would prefer a more conservative candidate, but Romney may be correct. How about Bush/Paul?

Of all the Republicans, I like Jeb the best. He's not his brother.
JoeB counseling Republicans on who to choose as a candidate is similar to a Nazi counseling Jews on the positive merits of Belsen-Bergen.

Not only is this a humor fail it's also a Godwin fail for more than one reason.

Fake Snarkey just can't admit to himself that nominating Romney was a horrible idea, when I told him it was.

Nothing to admit. He was the best choice we had. Your anti-Mormon bigotry has forever stained your reputation on this Board from right to left.

Tis what tis, chum.
Cruz is unelectable

Christie, Rubio, Bush and Ryan are

Rubio and Ryan are also unelectable.

I tend to agree. While I doubt that he is electable, I think John Thune is the strongest truly conservative candidate. The one positive that Thune has over other far right cons is that he isn't completely hated by a large percentage of the population. Of course, that might be because not that many people are really familiar with him.
Cruz is unelectable

Christie, Rubio, Bush and Ryan are

Rubio and Ryan are also unelectable.

At this point in time no one can run against Hillary and win.

The game is the Senate.

Who cares if she wins if we take the Senate and the House.

Taking the Senate in 2016 is going to be very difficult with many running on Hillary's coattails. I can actually say that because she rarely wears a dress. Holding on to the House may prove difficult. I'm pretty confidant that Hillary is going to win in 2016. The big question in my mind is how well will Dems do across the board. Personally, I think her VP choice could play a big part in determining that.
I think Cruz is very smart but he has shown his political inexperience with the defund Obamacare stuff with time and some experience he will be force in the future.

Surely you jest. And I always respect your opinion.

His strategy was spot on. Oh my. On this we must disagree on then.

Trying to push defund Obamacare when your party only controls the House was never realistic my guess is he was playing to his base here keeping the promise that got him elected that did hurt him short term but not long term in my view. Anyone thinking this one battle will be the end of Cruz would be making a serious mistake I don't think Cruz was ever going to make a run for the Whitehouse in 2016 he is laying the groundwork for 2020.

By 2020, Cruz could have a major problem. If I were a Republican, I would not be so confidant that Texas will remain red come 2020.
Not only is this a humor fail it's also a Godwin fail for more than one reason.

Fake Snarkey just can't admit to himself that nominating Romney was a horrible idea, when I told him it was.

Nothing to admit. He was the best choice we had. Your anti-Mormon bigotry has forever stained your reputation on this Board from right to left.

Tis what tis, chum.

He wasn't a good choice. And even the right wingers are all running him down now.

It's amazing. If I were an alien who stopped by in 2011 and didn't make my way back until 2013, I owuld truly wonder how Romney became the nominee, because no one like him in 2011, and no one admits to voting for him in 2013.
I have a question who will the Democrats put up if Hillary doesn't run? The left has been so focused on who the Republicans might or might not nominate you haven't noticed the cupboard is pretty bare after Hillary.

I think O'Malley becomes the front runner if Hillary does not run. It won't happen right away because he doesn't have the name recognition of Biden. Obviously Biden would jump to the forefront right away, but smart Dems realize Biden is not a good choice. He would be an extremely weak candidate. A lot of people would get behind Warren, but she also comes with many negatives.
It is a fools errand to speculate at this point.

Do continue though....:lol:
No it's not

We are talking about Republicans. When was the last time they picked a candidate out of the blue?

They don't call them conservatives for nothing

You have a short memory bub. Rudy Gulliani was a LOCK in '08.. Hillary was a LOCK too....

You are the partisan hack who assured everyone here that bailing out "GM would turn a profit for the taxpayers"....I can think of 10 billion reasons why you're full of shit. :lol:

The long term tax benefits will return much more than that $10 billion.

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