Romney leaves Cruz off his list of 2016 GOP stars

The name that all the sudden everyone seems to have forgotten is Marco Rubio he has appeal to both Hispanic and women voters he was and still is a Tea Party favorite he has done nothing to alienate them while still showing a willingness to work across the aisle especially on immigration reform. So far the only notable mistake he has made was keeping his bottled water to far away from him which I don't see as being a problem for him.

Poor, poor Marco

He believed it when Republicans said they were taking the Hispanic vote seriously. Pissed off the TeaTards offering citizenship to wetbacks

shhhhh ..... The rw's are trying to forget that happened.


Double Down, new book from Halperin and Heilemann quotes Mittens as saying he couldn't stop laughing at Christie. Understandable that Mittens would hate Christie - they're opposites in every way. I can't remember what it was but he gave him a terrible nickname.
Romney is a leftist moron, as evident by his tenure at Massachusetts. He won't get in the way of America being reclaimed by it's rightful heirs.
But the radical right got their ‘true conservative.’
Not sure about the radical right, however I agree that Republicans need to get a conservative candidate this time. Last time Romney failed in this regard, and many conservative Republicans did not vote. The same could be said with McCain, although he is a good man, many of his views did not connect with conservative voters.

Ted Cruz would fit the bill, and would get "true" conservatives out to vote. Same for Ron Paul (although many conservatives would disagree with his views on Capital Punishment).

If we look at the far left, one candidate that comes to mind is Howard Dean. His views are so far left that they in fact merge with the far right. Realistically though, as many have already stated, Hillary Clinton at this point is the most likely candidate for the Democrats in 2016.

I think America will regret not electing Mitt Romney. He would have gotten things running much more smoothly and he would have been a calming presence rather than every week a new outrage, a new insult to our intelligence, another assault on our lives, our way of life, our government, our confidence in our government, our laws, our jobs, our industry, our economics, our relationship to the Government and to each other, our freedoms.

Mitt is known as a BRILLIANT businessman. A Superstar. Why didn't you want to make him our servant???

Maybe he was TOO smart for you all.

'Yeah, just give us a president who can sang a little Al Green and make us laugh!'

And that "Mittens" guy?

Yeah, show us a quick list of his major accomplishments.

Governor of Massachusetts: Jan 2003 — Jan 2007
Head of the 2002 Olympic Committee: 1999 — 2002
Founder, Head of business with ~ $65B in assets: 1984-90, 92-99
Vice President, Bain & Company: 1978 — 1984 (CEO: 1990-92)
Graduated cum laude from Harvard — MBA and Law degrees: 1975

(Attended Stanford for undergraduate work then followed his
highschool sweetheart to BYU, graduating as valedictorian: 1971)

Yeah! Forget about THIS guy.

Just give us the COMMUNITY Organizer. He'll be good enough for us, I reckon.

Hell, Barack don't need to know nuthin bout no bizness plans! And I bet Mitt don't know about fillin out this year's Sweet 16 brackets!
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Romney is a leftist moron, as evident by his tenure at Massachusetts. He won't get in the way of America being reclaimed by it's rightful heirs.

Anyone who was willing to pass on the moderate Republican Romney just so the country would become 'sick' on a second dose of Obama and in 2016 we would be more likely to get another GOP man or woman in the WH makes me sad.

You guys were just as blind to the damage Obama did in his first term as your Liberal counterparts and you doubled down on allowing him a second term to screw your Golden.

It refers to an anaolgy I employed yesterday about Obama having carnal relations with your Golden Retriever and whether you'd stop him immediately and kick his sorry ass down the road, post-haste or if you'd let him finish his assault and then clean up and straighten himself all up and then leisurely leave out the front door like a respectable gentleman.

The Libs can be excused for their lack of judgment. They are Liberals! But you on the Right should be ashamed of yourselves for putting your hopes for a GOP administration in 2016 ahead of your desire to shield America from the harm that would certainly result from a second dose of Obama!
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The name that all the sudden everyone seems to have forgotten is Marco Rubio he has appeal to both Hispanic and women voters he was and still is a Tea Party favorite he has done nothing to alienate them while still showing a willingness to work across the aisle especially on immigration reform. So far the only notable mistake he has made was keeping his bottled water to far away from him which I don't see as being a problem for him.

Poor, poor Marco

He believed it when Republicans said they were taking the Hispanic vote seriously. Pissed off the TeaTards offering citizenship to wetbacks

shhhhh ..... The rw's are trying to forget that happened.


Double Down, new book from Halperin and Heilemann quotes Mittens as saying he couldn't stop laughing at Christie. Understandable that Mittens would hate Christie - they're opposites in every way. I can't remember what it was but he gave him a terrible nickname.


Or, if I recall correctly, Puffer fish.
Real Republicans don't listen to the likes of Mojo2 and The Rabbi and those knotheads.

Cruz's campaign is finished before it can begin.

And, besides, he is not eligible to be president, not being a natural born citizen and all

Neither is Obama ,but he lied his way into office .:eusa_liar::lol::lol:

BHO actually was born in Hawaii to an American citizen. Cruz was not.

Cruz has already been cleared, legally, so that if/when he chooses to run there is no doubt and there will be no doubt that he is eligible.
Real Republicans don't listen to the likes of Mojo2 and The Rabbi and those knotheads.

Cruz's campaign is finished before it can begin.

And, besides, he is not eligible to be president, not being a natural born citizen and all.

Kind of a "one trick pony," aren't you? If you are one, you prove that there are dumbass Republicans also!:cuckoo:

I am a true blue American and Republican. You are not if you support the TPM.

When you get a chance, attend a TP Rally. Learn what it's really about. Remember also, Rs have not won with RINO candidates like McCain and Romney who are more liberal than conservative.

I always support the R candidate for President even if he's not my first choice. I'm a true blue American, served in the military, I vote at every election, and I support the principles of The Tea Party!
Mitt Romney isn't including tea party favorite Ted Cruz among the Republicans' most electable potential presidential candidates in 2016.

Loser says what?

Mr. "American Exceptionalism" wants people to care about the opinion of someone who is so un-exceptional that he lost to an incumbent President during an economic downturn?
Kind of a "one trick pony," aren't you? If you are one, you prove that there are dumbass Republicans also!:cuckoo:

I am a true blue American and Republican. You are not if you support the TPM.

When you get a chance, attend a TP Rally. Learn what it's really about. Remember also, Rs have not won with RINO candidates like McCain and Romney who are more liberal than conservative.

I always support the R candidate for President even if he's not my first choice. I'm a true blue American, served in the military, I vote at every election, and I support the principles of The Tea Party!

Just so you know, conservatives can't even win in the GOP primaries. How can they win a general election?
Romney leaves Cruz off his list of 2016 GOP stars | Political Headlines | Comcast

Mitt Romney isn't including tea party favorite Ted Cruz among the Republicans' most electable potential presidential candidates in 2016.

Who does the 2012 GOP nominee put on his list of "very capable people?"

His ex-running mate, Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

But Romney says New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie "stands out as one of the very strongest lights."

Romney was asked on NBC's "Meet the Press" whether Texas Sen. Cruz is a "potential light."

Romney said he's not going to disqualify anybody. But he made clear that he had given the names of those he thought were "the most effective in becoming elected."

Cruz led the GOP effort to shut down the government in an effort to dismantle Obama's health care law

If Romney was President right now ,we would be much better off ,because of the shellacking we have had from Obama.:eusa_whistle:

Why does anyone give a crap what this Weird Mormon Robot has to say at this point.

And he thinks anyone will vote for a guy named "Bush" at this point?
It's too early to tell, but I believe the "Bush" name as far more attractive than many think. Jeb Bush would be a great candidate especially having a latino wife. I would prefer a more conservative candidate, but Romney may be correct. How about Bush/Paul?

How about, not.

Frankly, the first Bush gave us war and recession.

The second Bush gave us two wars and two recessions.

I don't want to go for three.
If Christie stands out as one of the strongest lights, why didn't Romney choose him as a running mate?

Because Christie has a past that would disqualify him and Romney knew it.

Double Down Excerpt: Mitt Romney Feared Chris Christie's Baggage |

The vetters were stunned by the garish controversies lurking in the shadows of his record. There was a 2010 Department of Justice inspector general’s investigation of Christie’s spending patterns in his job prior to the governorship, which criticized him for being “the U.S. attorney who most often exceeded the government [travel expense] rate without adequate justification” and for offering “insufficient, inaccurate, or no justification” for stays at swank hotels like the Four Seasons. There was the fact that Christie worked as a lobbyist on behalf of the Securities Industry Association at a time when Bernie Madoff was a senior SIA official—and sought an exemption from New Jersey’s Consumer Fraud Act. There was Christie’s decision to steer hefty government contracts to donors and political allies like former Attorney General John Ashcroft, which sparked a congressional hearing. There was a defamation lawsuit brought against Christie arising out of his successful 1994 run to oust an incumbent in a local Garden State race. Then there was Todd Christie, the Governor’s brother, who in 2008 agreed to a settlement of civil charges by the Securities and Exchange Commission in which he acknowledged making “hundreds of trades in which customers had been systematically overcharged.

Christie is crooked enough to be a democrat.

I, for one, am underwhelmed

Christie strikes me as being like Rudy Guiliani.

There's a Northeastern Faction that likes him, but he won't play in Flyover Country.
I have a question who will the Democrats put up if Hillary doesn't run? The left has been so focused on who the Republicans might or might not nominate you haven't noticed the cupboard is pretty bare after Hillary.

There is no ‘left,’ that’s the whole point.

By 1992 democrats had successfully neutralized ‘the left,’ since then they’ve won four of the last six presidential elections.

The question is will republicans be smart enough to do the same, and neutralize the radical right.

And that’s the context of the thread topic: will the GOP run an extreme rightist and lose the 2016 election, or will they nominate someone responsible and likely win.
If Christie stands out as one of the strongest lights, why didn't Romney choose him as a running mate?

Because Christie has a past that would disqualify him and Romney knew it.

Double Down Excerpt: Mitt Romney Feared Chris Christie's Baggage |

The vetters were stunned by the garish controversies lurking in the shadows of his record. There was a 2010 Department of Justice inspector general’s investigation of Christie’s spending patterns in his job prior to the governorship, which criticized him for being “the U.S. attorney who most often exceeded the government [travel expense] rate without adequate justification” and for offering “insufficient, inaccurate, or no justification” for stays at swank hotels like the Four Seasons. There was the fact that Christie worked as a lobbyist on behalf of the Securities Industry Association at a time when Bernie Madoff was a senior SIA official—and sought an exemption from New Jersey’s Consumer Fraud Act. There was Christie’s decision to steer hefty government contracts to donors and political allies like former Attorney General John Ashcroft, which sparked a congressional hearing. There was a defamation lawsuit brought against Christie arising out of his successful 1994 run to oust an incumbent in a local Garden State race. Then there was Todd Christie, the Governor’s brother, who in 2008 agreed to a settlement of civil charges by the Securities and Exchange Commission in which he acknowledged making “hundreds of trades in which customers had been systematically overcharged.

Christie is crooked enough to be a democrat.

I, for one, am underwhelmed

Christie strikes me as being like Rudy Guiliani.

There's a Northeastern Faction that likes him, but he won't play in Flyover Country.

You mean all 25 electoral votes?

Christie can win in purple states, which the other Republucans can't

People are tired of the partisan bickering. Christie is the only candidate who has shown a willingness to work with the other side
Romney leaves Cruz off his list of 2016 GOP stars | Political Headlines | Comcast

Mitt Romney isn't including tea party favorite Ted Cruz among the Republicans' most electable potential presidential candidates in 2016.

Who does the 2012 GOP nominee put on his list of "very capable people?"

His ex-running mate, Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

But Romney says New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie "stands out as one of the very strongest lights."

Romney was asked on NBC's "Meet the Press" whether Texas Sen. Cruz is a "potential light."

Romney said he's not going to disqualify anybody. But he made clear that he had given the names of those he thought were "the most effective in becoming elected."

Cruz led the GOP effort to shut down the government in an effort to dismantle Obama's health care law

If Romney was President right now ,we would be much better off ,because of the shellacking we have had from Obama.:eusa_whistle:

It should be obvious by now that Chris Christie is the best chance for the GOP to regain the WH in 2016. He will be vilified by the TP and the far right of course. But unless the GOP pulls away from the right wing extremists, they will not win national elections.

If the TP pushes Cruz as the 2016 Presidential candidate and succeeds, they will get what they ask for. Another lost election.
I, for one, am underwhelmed

Christie strikes me as being like Rudy Guiliani.

There's a Northeastern Faction that likes him, but he won't play in Flyover Country.

You mean all 25 electoral votes?

Christie can win in purple states, which the other Republucans can't

People are tired of the partisan bickering. Christie is the only candidate who has shown a willingness to work with the other side

I don't think he can, necessarily.

For one thing, if there's a reason why I stopped voting Republican, it's because the GOP cares more about fat brokers on Wall Street than Joe just trying to make ends meet by working two jobs.

And I'll be straight up, I used to care more about the social and security issues than the fiscal ones until I realized that those things didn't matter to me.

I just don't see how the GOP wins just looking out for the 1%ers.

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