Romney leaves Cruz off his list of 2016 GOP stars

Just so. Christie/Bush would be good.

this would be a hard ticket to beat. Lots of moderates and independents would be swayed.

Cruz and you would have a genocide.

"McCain/WHoever would attract a lot of moderates."
"Romney is the only one who can appeal to both sides of the aisle."

Yeah, we've heard that before. Excuse us real Republicans of not taking your word for who we should nominate.
Ted Cruz, baby. Dems were ecstatic when Reagan was nominated, swearing he was too far right to get elected.
I don't know how anyone can take Ted Cruz seriously but then again, they take Palin and Bachmann seriously.

Sez the woman who takes Obama and Hillary seriously.

Well, considering that President Obama has been elected President of the most powerful nation on earth twice, I would say that he is someone to be taken seriously.

The jury is out on whether Obama is a malevolent agent intentionally doing his best to take this country down all the way, or whether he's merely an incompetent joke who is stumbling through his second of two terms..

I think he is as evil and as wrong as a POTUS could be.
Cruz is unelectable

Christie, Rubio, Bush and Ryan are

So was Churchill until Britain was up the creek without a paddle.

THEN Winston Churchill was called upon to save the free world when no one else could.

And he did it.

Ted Cruz is a smart guy.

And you'll notice he always takes the high ground. He doesn't respond to the silly little Dem attacks of him which might otherwise bog him down in typical Lib FUD.

Fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) is a tactic used in sales, marketing, public relations,[1][2] politics and propaganda.

FUD is generally a strategic attempt to influence perception by disseminating negative and dubious or false information. An individual firm, for example, might use FUD to invite unfavorable opinions and speculation about a competitor's product; to increase the general estimation of switching costs among current customers; or to maintain leverage over a current business partner who could potentially become a rival.

The term originated to describe disinformation tactics in the computer hardware industry but has since been used more broadly.[3][dubious – discuss] FUD is a manifestation of the appeal to fear.

Fear, uncertainty and doubt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dershowitz has come out of the gate and said straight out that Cruz freaking rocks.

When Alan gives a clear warning to those he knows on the left about Teddly here... you know its the real deal.

Carville picked it up as did others in the Clinton camp. They're smart as can be. They know Cruz is dangerous. .
Who cares?

Romney is the past.

Cruz is the future.
The name that all the sudden everyone seems to have forgotten is Marco Rubio he has appeal to both Hispanic and women voters he was and still is a Tea Party favorite he has done nothing to alienate them while still showing a willingness to work across the aisle especially on immigration reform. So far the only notable mistake he has made was keeping his bottled water to far away from him which I don't see as being a problem for him.

Poor, poor Marco

He believed it when Republicans said they were taking the Hispanic vote seriously. Pissed off the TeaTards offering citizenship to wetbacks

Wetbacks? So is this what liberals call Hispanics when they feel they have their voted locked up? Highly disrespectful not to mention racist.
Just so. Christie/Bush would be good.

this would be a hard ticket to beat. Lots of moderates and independents would be swayed.

Cruz and you would have a genocide.

"McCain/WHoever would attract a lot of moderates."
"Romney is the only one who can appeal to both sides of the aisle."

Yeah, we've heard that before. Excuse us real Republicans of not taking your word for who we should nominate.
Ted Cruz, baby. Dems were ecstatic when Reagan was nominated, swearing he was too far right to get elected.

President Ted Cruz.


Nice ring to it!

Sez the woman who takes Obama and Hillary seriously.

Well, considering that President Obama has been elected President of the most powerful nation on earth twice, I would say that he is someone to be taken seriously.

The jury is out on whether Obama is a malevolent agent intentionally doing his best to take this country down all the way, or whether he's merely an incompetent joke who is stumbling through his second of two terms..

I think he is as evil and as wrong as a POTUS could be.

Obviously you've never heard of Richard Nixon.

Otherwise, a simple ‘I have nothing factual or constructive to contribute’ would have sufficed.
Romney leaves Cruz off his list of 2016 GOP stars | Political Headlines | Comcast

Mitt Romney isn't including tea party favorite Ted Cruz among the Republicans' most electable potential presidential candidates in 2016.

Who does the 2012 GOP nominee put on his list of "very capable people?"

His ex-running mate, Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

But Romney says New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie "stands out as one of the very strongest lights."

Romney was asked on NBC's "Meet the Press" whether Texas Sen. Cruz is a "potential light."

Romney said he's not going to disqualify anybody. But he made clear that he had given the names of those he thought were "the most effective in becoming elected."

Cruz led the GOP effort to shut down the government in an effort to dismantle Obama's health care law

If Romney was President right now ,we would be much better off ,because of the shellacking we have had from Obama.:eusa_whistle:

Of course he did. Romney's a strict party member. Old school loser all the way.
Well, considering that President Obama has been elected President of the most powerful nation on earth twice, I would say that he is someone to be taken seriously.

The jury is out on whether Obama is a malevolent agent intentionally doing his best to take this country down all the way, or whether he's merely an incompetent joke who is stumbling through his second of two terms..

I think he is as evil and as wrong as a POTUS could be.

Obviously you've never heard of Richard Nixon.

Otherwise, a simple ‘I have nothing factual or constructive to contribute’ would have sufficed.

Nixon was a piker compared to Obama. Nixon wanted to sic the IRS on his enemies. Obama actually did.
Nixon didnt have an NSA to spy on Republicans. Obama does. Nixon bugged the Watergate. Obama bugged the world. Nixon declared "I am not a crook." Obama declared "If you like your health plan, you can keep it."
Nixon opened China. Nixon started detente. Nixon stood with Israel.
Obama has basically pissed off the part of the world that doesn't think he's a weak buffoon.
The name that all the sudden everyone seems to have forgotten is Marco Rubio he has appeal to both Hispanic and women voters he was and still is a Tea Party favorite he has done nothing to alienate them while still showing a willingness to work across the aisle especially on immigration reform. So far the only notable mistake he has made was keeping his bottled water to far away from him which I don't see as being a problem for him.

Poor, poor Marco

He believed it when Republicans said they were taking the Hispanic vote seriously. Pissed off the TeaTards offering citizenship to wetbacks

Wetbacks? So is this what liberals call Hispanics when they feel they have their voted locked up? Highly disrespectful not to mention racist.

I tried telling some people that Libs and Dems are some of the most racist sukkas around!

Much more so than Conservatives.

But the Dems will lie to your face and tell you they are your friend just because they are passing out freebies and you promise to vote their ticket in exchange for $24 worth of wampum and beads.
The jury is out on whether Obama is a malevolent agent intentionally doing his best to take this country down all the way, or whether he's merely an incompetent joke who is stumbling through his second of two terms..

I think he is as evil and as wrong as a POTUS could be.

Obviously you've never heard of Richard Nixon.

Otherwise, a simple ‘I have nothing factual or constructive to contribute’ would have sufficed.

Nixon was a piker compared to Obama. Nixon wanted to sic the IRS on his enemies. Obama actually did.
Nixon didnt have an NSA to spy on Republicans. Obama does. Nixon bugged the Watergate. Obama bugged the world. Nixon declared "I am not a crook." Obama declared "If you like your health plan, you can keep it."
Nixon opened China. Nixon started detente. Nixon stood with Israel.
Obama has basically pissed off the part of the world that doesn't think he's a weak buffoon.

Amen, brother!


Consider this:


Rush Limbaugh on Friday said President Richard Nixon “resigned over a lie” nowhere near as big or damaging as President Barack Obama’s “lie about keeping your insurance,” which he called perhaps “the biggest lie ever told by a sitting president.”

Limbaugh told his listeners that Americans “are losing coverage by political design.” And Nixon’s resignation over the Watergate scandal was nothing compared to what’s happened under this administration, the conservative radio host said.

“It’s a purposeful, deceitful, fraudulent law,” he said, according to a transcript. “I think Obama’s lie about keeping your insurance may be the biggest lie ever told by a sitting president. This is not an error. It was not a mistake. This was a calculated, purposeful lie — and the mainstream media carried his water on this until just last week. And now? Now they’re claiming that they knew it was a lie all along! Isn’t it funny how they never told us, though? But now they say, ‘We kinda knew this.’”

And, Limbaugh said, “the White House knew out there that 93 million Americans were gonna lose their policy.”

“Richard Nixon resigned over a lie nowhere near this big,” he said. “And you know the hell of it is that Obama doesn’t think he lied. I don’t think Obama, in his mind, is capable of lying. Whatever is necessary to say or do to advance the agenda is what is morally correct. Doesn’t matter. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t think he lied.”

But the Obama administration knew about the coverage cancellations and kept it secret “with the intention of deceiving the American people for the express purposes of electing Barack Obama in 2008 and reelecting him in 2012,” he told his listeners.

“Folks, Richard Nixon resigned over a lie that was much less damaging in scope than this one,” Limbaugh said.

And the conservative radio host isn’t the only media figure who has brought up Nixon in connection with Obamacare this week. On Wednesday, CNN’s Newt Gingrich tweeted that Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’ “dishonesty in testimony this morning exceeds anything president Nixon was accused of. The Obama team cant tell truth and survive.” The former House Speaker later told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that “exceeds may have been too strong. I’ll modify it: equals anything.”
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Real Republicans don't listen to the likes of Mojo2 and The Rabbi and those knotheads.

Cruz's campaign is finished before it can begin.

And, besides, he is not eligible to be president, not being a natural born citizen and all.
Well, considering that President Obama has been elected President of the most powerful nation on earth twice, I would say that he is someone to be taken seriously.

The jury is out on whether Obama is a malevolent agent intentionally doing his best to take this country down all the way, or whether he's merely an incompetent joke who is stumbling through his second of two terms..

I think he is as evil and as wrong as a POTUS could be.

Obviously you've never heard of Richard Nixon.

Otherwise, a simple ‘I have nothing factual or constructive to contribute’ would have sufficed.

Take this info I'm linking here, read it, then do what you usually do with factual info that might help you win points of debate once in a while.

Rush Limbaugh: Obama lie worse than Nixon - Mackenzie Weinger -

You ignore it. Then hide from it.

Then you go back to pretending you are a serious poster. HA!

You are just one of a handful of posters who are actually masochists.

You loooove the pain of being humiliated and thrashed in a debate with Conservatives.

And when you feel lonely or low on attention you make some silly remark to remind any one of the fine USMB Conservative posters to give you the attention you crave.

What a fail!


Here's a song dedication in your honor.



[ame=]Devo Whip it - YouTube[/ame]

Ye who wraps himself in the Constitution?

What a fail your entire USMB existence is.
But the radical right got their ‘true conservative.’
Not sure about the radical right, however I agree that Republicans need to get a conservative candidate this time. Last time Romney failed in this regard, and many conservative Republicans did not vote. The same could be said with McCain, although he is a good man, many of his views did not connect with conservative voters.

Ted Cruz would fit the bill, and would get "true" conservatives out to vote. Same for Ron Paul (although many conservatives would disagree with his views on Capital Punishment).

If we look at the far left, one candidate that comes to mind is Howard Dean. His views are so far left that they in fact merge with the far right. Realistically though, as many have already stated, Hillary Clinton at this point is the most likely candidate for the Democrats in 2016.
Real Republicans don't listen to the likes of Mojo2 and The Rabbi and those knotheads.

Cruz's campaign is finished before it can begin.

And, besides, he is not eligible to be president, not being a natural born citizen and all.

Neither is Obama ,but he lied his way into office .:eusa_liar::lol::lol:
Real Republicans don't listen to the likes of Mojo2 and The Rabbi and those knotheads.

Cruz's campaign is finished before it can begin.

And, besides, he is not eligible to be president, not being a natural born citizen and all.

Kind of a "one trick pony," aren't you? If you are one, you prove that there are dumbass Republicans also!:cuckoo:
Real Republicans don't listen to the likes of Mojo2 and The Rabbi and those knotheads.

Cruz's campaign is finished before it can begin.

And, besides, he is not eligible to be president, not being a natural born citizen and all.

Kind of a "one trick pony," aren't you? If you are one, you prove that there are dumbass Republicans also!:cuckoo:

I am a true blue American and Republican. You are not if you support the TPM.
Cruz is unelectable

Christie, Rubio, Bush and Ryan are

Rubio and Ryan are known liars.

Bush is a bush.

Christie - won't happen. Can't control what goes in AND out of his mouth.

Cruz - well, he's Cruz. Frootier than a nutcake.
Real Republicans don't listen to the likes of Mojo2 and The Rabbi and those knotheads.

Cruz's campaign is finished before it can begin.

And, besides, he is not eligible to be president, not being a natural born citizen and all

Neither is Obama ,but he lied his way into office .:eusa_liar::lol::lol:

BHO actually was born in Hawaii to an American citizen. Cruz was not.
Why is the defeated former GOP's candidate's alleged opinion about a republican senator considered to be national news? It beats defending the Hussein administration.

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