Romney says Carter weak: Romney fires gay advisor after pressure

So strap on a pair and address the issue at hand.

There is no issue to address. Rdean as usual spouted off a bunch of lies and twisted a story to suit HIS agenda. As such I have grown tired of his usual homophobic race baiting bullshit and its high time the sane members of the board called him on it.

Also, it is below you to defend him. Let HIM GROW A PAIR and do that himself.

That wasn't defense. That was "There's a subject here, why have you two gone off on a tangent."

There is no subject here. The dude quit because he didn't like his job. Period. Rdean tried to make it something it wasn't as usual. I'm sick of his antics. As such i will be his new best friend :)
So strap on a pair and address the issue at hand.

There is no issue to address. Rdean as usual spouted off a bunch of lies and twisted a story to suit HIS agenda. As such I have grown tired of his usual homophobic race baiting bullshit and its high time the sane members of the board called him on it.

Also, it is below you to defend him. Let HIM GROW A PAIR and do that himself.

You might want to tell Neotrotsky to stop 'defending' you by neg repping people for giving YOU shit.

For the record I have pos reped you several times because of some of the terrible things people have said to you.
There is no issue to address. Rdean as usual spouted off a bunch of lies and twisted a story to suit HIS agenda. As such I have grown tired of his usual homophobic race baiting bullshit and its high time the sane members of the board called him on it.

Also, it is below you to defend him. Let HIM GROW A PAIR and do that himself.

You might want to tell Neotrotsky to stop 'defending' you by neg repping people for giving YOU shit.

Who is he neging? If its Dick Tuck I got no problem with it.

Is that the point? Or would the point be that he is defending you.
There is no issue to address. Rdean as usual spouted off a bunch of lies and twisted a story to suit HIS agenda. As such I have grown tired of his usual homophobic race baiting bullshit and its high time the sane members of the board called him on it.

Also, it is below you to defend him. Let HIM GROW A PAIR and do that himself.

You might want to tell Neotrotsky to stop 'defending' you by neg repping people for giving YOU shit.

For the record I have pos reped you several times because of some of the terrible things people have said to you.

That I know, and we both know it's a two-way street.
Carter made the difficult decision to send the military after Iranian hostages.

He sanctioned the USSR for invading Afghanistan angering American farmers with a wheat embargo.

Embargoed the Olympics and organized and embargo by many western countries.

Stopped a war in the Middle East and forced enemies to sign a peace treaty.

Romney caved after hiring a gay.

Who is weak? Hmmm.
You forgot one, Mr. Dean: Carter gave away the Panama Canal. There is now a Chinese base of operations at the head of the Canal where we used to be. Thanks for nothing, Jimmah.

The Neutrality Act, which was part of the Panama Canal Treaties, allows the U.S. government to intervene in canal issues when national interests are at stake. But since our modern aricraft carriers can't navigate the canal it lost it stategic importance.

Carter had to fight both Republicans and Democrats to ratify the treaty.
Carter made the difficult decision to send the military after Iranian hostages.

He sanctioned the USSR for invading Afghanistan angering American farmers with a wheat embargo.

Embargoed the Olympics and organized and embargo by many western countries.

Stopped a war in the Middle East and forced enemies to sign a peace treaty.

Romney caved after hiring a gay.

Who is weak? Hmmm.

Carter's problem was he was stupid enough to allow Ollie North to lead that mission.

Carter didn't know his enemy or how far he was willing to go to get into the WH.

Take this with a grain of salt.

Sherm Says: The "Shadow CIA" and the REvenge of the Spooks: The October (1980) Surprise: Part II

A pro-Reagan operative at the National Security Council stole President Carter’s debate briefing book on foreign policy and delivered it to the Reagan campaign. A subsequent investigation found James Baker’s fingerprints on the book, but a committee suggested William Casey was probably involved in the theft. There was suspicion that Lt. Colonel Oliver North and Major General Richard Secord sabotaged Operation Eagle Claw, the failed rescue mission launched by Carter on April 25, 1980.

According to Mansur Rafizadeh, a secret C.I.A. team directed by William Casey sabotaged the mission.Rafizadeh was a C.I.A. agent who had run SAVAK. Rafizadeh had been a C.I.A. operative for 18-19 years. In his book, he added that the Reagan-Bush people specifically required that the hostages not be released until Reagan was sworn in. They did not want Carter to have any role and opposed return of the hjostages after the election was over.

He also said that people on the C.I.A.’s Iran desk were wildly anti-Carter in 1980. However, it is unthinkable that Americans involved in the rescue effort could have wanted it to fail and there is no good evidence that they did anything to produce this result. Yet, several people who would be closely tied to George H.W. Bush’s black operations in subsequent years were part of the rescue effort. Oliver North was aboard a helicopter near the Turkish border........
Carter made the difficult decision to send the military after Iranian hostages.

He sanctioned the USSR for invading Afghanistan angering American farmers with a wheat embargo.

Embargoed the Olympics and organized and embargo by many western countries.

Stopped a war in the Middle East and forced enemies to sign a peace treaty.

Romney caved after hiring a gay.

Who is weak? Hmmm.

Who'se not a homophobe: Romney

Who'se trying to be a little more encompasing: Romney

Who'se one of the bigger morons in the world: RDEAN
When a Repug says he supports something he means it, be it heterosexual couples or what have you.

Democrats aren't held to the same high standard of actually meaning what they say.

That goes without saying, doesn't it?
Carter made the difficult decision to send the military after Iranian hostages.

He sanctioned the USSR for invading Afghanistan angering American farmers with a wheat embargo.

Embargoed the Olympics and organized and embargo by many western countries.

Stopped a war in the Middle East and forced enemies to sign a peace treaty.

Romney caved after hiring a gay.

Who is weak? Hmmm.
You forgot one, Mr. Dean: Carter gave away the Panama Canal. There is now a Chinese base of operations at the head of the Canal where we used to be. Thanks for nothing, Jimmah.

Last I heard, Panama was a "sovereign nation". Course, so was Iraq. When did that ever stop Republicans when they smell money?

What money?

Iraq hasn't given us anything?
You might want to tell Neotrotsky to stop 'defending' you by neg repping people for giving YOU shit.

Who is he neging? If its Dick Tuck I got no problem with it.

Is that the point? Or would the point be that he is defending you.

Well I have no idea who or why he is neging. Isn't that really the point? I am responsible for my own posts. If I deserve heat, so be it. If he is neging peeps for being jerks that's his business.

My posts in this thread, while a bit over the top, are a direct reflection of the op and the type of responses he solicits.
This is the quote from richard grenell;

"I have decided to resign from the Romney campaign as the Foreign Policy and National Security Spokesman. While I welcomed the challenge to confront President Obama’s foreign policy failures and weak leadership on the world stage, my ability to speak clearly and forcefully on the issues has been greatly diminished by the hyper-partisan discussion of personal issues that sometimes comes from a presidential campaign. I want to thank Governor Romney for his belief in me and my abilities and his clear message to me that being openly gay was a non-issue for him and his team."
Why does everything you say END IN YELLING.

why do you care? I think it's funny you really believe posting in caps is's to make a point, but whatever.

Netiquette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Common rules for e-mail and USENET such as avoiding flamewars and spam are constant across most mediums and communities. Another rule is to avoid typing in ALL CAPS or grossly enlarging script for emphasis, which is considered to be the equivalent of shouting or yelling.

then plug your ears while you READ my post...:lol:
When a Repug says he supports something he means it, be it heterosexual couples or what have you.

Democrats aren't held to the same high standard of actually meaning what they say.

That goes without saying, doesn't it?

No. No, it doesn't.
This is the quote from richard grenell;

"I have decided to resign from the Romney campaign as the Foreign Policy and National Security Spokesman. While I welcomed the challenge to confront President Obama’s foreign policy failures and weak leadership on the world stage, my ability to speak clearly and forcefully on the issues has been greatly diminished by the hyper-partisan discussion of personal issues that sometimes comes from a presidential campaign. I want to thank Governor Romney for his belief in me and my abilities and his clear message to me that being openly gay was a non-issue for him and his team."

Or you could look at the bolded bit. Yes, it was a non-issue. Then word got back, and the campaign closed him out. Therefore, he quit. It is different to quit when you've been ostracized than just because you weren't a good job fit.
Who is he neging? If its Dick Tuck I got no problem with it.

Is that the point? Or would the point be that he is defending you.

Well I have no idea who or why he is neging. Isn't that really the point? I am responsible for my own posts. If I deserve heat, so be it. If he is neging peeps for being jerks that's his business.

My posts in this thread, while a bit over the top, are a direct reflection of the op and the type of responses he solicits.


So why go there. He's being an ass? So you join him.

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