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Romney Thanks His Staff Workers By Canceling CC's Before They Can Get A Cab Home!

They do name streets after people like the right wingers who do not see the injustice of what has happened.
They call those streets ONE-WAY!
And they are the ones that shout about family values the most.
Let 's put this into the right context. Rev. Wright was not WORKING for President Obama.
These people were dedicating time and effort for mittens.

Sorry, I don't see that.

You must thinking of the way Obama treats his friends when he doesn't need them.

Ask Rev. Wright.

So it's alright to steal from him?

Mittens stole hundreds of millions in hard working Americans pension funds and you have the unmitigated gaul to say THAT!

Fuck you PudWhistler...seriously Fuck You

You are trying to say that expecting a little cab fare is stealing? What fucking assholes both you and Mittens are.
Willard Romney, Cutting of The Help for Good

By Charles P. Pierce at 3:29PM

One last time, let's reiterate: In the House of Romney, there are only two kinds of people — Romneys and The Help:

From the moment Mitt Romney stepped off stage Tuesday night, having just delivered a brief concession speech he wrote only that evening, the massive infrastructure surrounding his campaign quickly began to disassemble itself. Aides taking cabs home late that night got rude awakenings when they found the credit cards linked to the campaign no longer worked.


They're all lucky they're not working in China now.

Romney DID say that he liked to fire people.
This kind of thing happens in the best-run campaigns from time to time. I can't believe anyone is wasting with this issue.

yeah right, I bet you really feel that way.

and what has the GOP led House been doing while ignoring the fiscal cliff? Oh yeah, attacking the President for every move he makes.

The GOP doesn't govern anymore .. it plays politics with every little things.

In point of fact, the GOP-led House passed a budget that cut spending by barely 10%, but Obama said he'd veto it and Reid wouldn't even let it come up for a vote in the Senate.

Then, when the Super Committee was formed, the GOP members offered three different compromise plans, which included provisions for additional revenue, but the Democrats on the panel rejected all of them and, incredibly, never submitted a single proposal of their own.

The GOP-led House has been trying to avoid the coming fiscal cliff by passing a responsible budget in 2010 and by halting our reckless borrowing and spending, but Obama and the Dems, while claiming to be worried about the debt and the deficit, have insisted on more borrowing and more spending.
Just seemed kind of tabloidesque as written. I hate commenting on things that might not be true or might be SOP.

and yet you comment on lgs threads.....and others that are obviously false...ie the thread on non union workers being turned away from up north....

dont grab the banner of truth and pretend its your friend

Example please? I never commented on that thread to the best of my recollection but perhaps you could show me my post Bones. Thanks.

Hmmm Bones, maybe you were referring to someone other than me on this charge you made and appeared to be directed at me. When you have a chance....that post if you will. Gracias in advance.
Do people realize that decisions about campaign credit cards are usually made by staffers and that the candidate rarely if ever gets involved in that kind of detail? I'm sure this was just an honest mistake. This kind of thing happens from time to time in even the best campaigns.

I'm surprised you're wasting any time on this issue after making your condescending remark about being surprised anyone is wasting time on this issue. :lol:
Are the folks who are screaming about stranded Romney staffers equally upset about the 4 Americans who were left to fend for themselves in the Benghazi attack and whose deaths were dishonored with the lie that the attack was just a spontaneous response to a YouTube video?

Hi Mike thanks for your other post also about the big tax hit in January. Do you mind calling in to my boyfriend's radio show Saturday? I think on your coast it would be 1 to 3 am on Sunday because it's from 12 to 2 in Houston. Home Page or News Talk 1070 AM KNTH Talk Back Weekend with Chris X. I'm sure he would love to hear from more callers who keep up with what is really going on. he is big on this economic mess with health care/govt bureaucracy killing businesses and with the Benghazi failure. I'd personally like to hear from someone in VA about how the vote went there. The toll free number to call in is 1-866 (NOT 1-800) 606-TALK. There may be an affiliate station you can catch on air, or else either website streams the broadcast live. Please consider calling in to his show! Thanks!
They do name streets after people like the right wingers who do not see the injustice of what has happened.
They call those streets ONE-WAY!
And they are the ones that shout about family values the most.

Honey, everyone starts by seeing things just their way.
If you only frame the rightwingers "your way" you are doing the same thing they are.

It takes mutual empathy to see the other person's side, equally as your own.
The more you think two-way and three-way, then you would
not paint people in this manner. You would be too busy trying to understand
and solve the problems that make them yell out so much. You wouldn't blame them
any more or less than you blame yourself when you scream out your own issues.

Believe me, these rightwingers feel the same frustration you just expressed.
They cannot understand why other people don't respond to the injustices
they see, and yell about these people being biased one way! just like you say of them!
They do name streets after people like the right wingers who do not see the injustice of what has happened.
They call those streets ONE-WAY!
And they are the ones that shout about family values the most.

Honey, everyone starts by seeing things just their way.
If you only frame the rightwingers "your way" you are doing the same thing they are.

It takes mutual empathy to see the other person's side, equally as your own.
The more you think two-way and three-way, then you would
not paint people in this manner. You would be too busy trying to understand
and solve the problems that make them yell out so much. You wouldn't blame them
any more or less than you blame yourself when you scream out your own issues.

Believe me, these rightwingers feel the same frustration you just expressed.
They cannot understand why other people don't respond to the injustices
they see, and yell about these people being biased one way! just like you say of them!

Well said.
I believe the left will be attempting to smear Romney for the next four years. He's going to be th enew Bush. Instead of watching their selection and seeing to it he holds up to what they want, they will just point to Romney.

This colors me shocked, no really. It does.
I do believe you have a case of the vapors!
WOW! you sure read quite a bit into a statement. I have been on many negotiations in my life and I know full well about giving and taking.My statement was about mitten and how he treated those that worked so hard for him. That is what I expected from him watching everything I did while he and the President were running for office. With how he had no real core principles that he stuck too showed his true character. So don't try to give me the little speech you just did about me being like any of those on-wayers.
Thank you very much
They do name streets after people like the right wingers who do not see the injustice of what has happened.
They call those streets ONE-WAY!
And they are the ones that shout about family values the most.

Honey, everyone starts by seeing things just their way.
If you only frame the rightwingers "your way" you are doing the same thing they are.

It takes mutual empathy to see the other person's side, equally as your own.
The more you think two-way and three-way, then you would
not paint people in this manner. You would be too busy trying to understand
and solve the problems that make them yell out so much. You wouldn't blame them
any more or less than you blame yourself when you scream out your own issues.

Believe me, these rightwingers feel the same frustration you just expressed.
They cannot understand why other people don't respond to the injustices
they see, and yell about these people being biased one way! just like you say of them!
Thanks. Looks like NBC was the first to report this. I have no idea what the protocol is with these campaign issued credit cards or their max amounts but having loose cards active after an election loss might be a bad idea? No?
Shouldn't the campaign tell it's staff? Give them a heads up? Maybe collect the cards from them and give them $20-30 cash for cabs to get home?

Give them a heads up? Probably.

Pay there way home? Why? I've been working for 35 years and my employer has never paid for travel to and from home, let along to and from home to attend a party.

When I've been on official travel, then I keep receipts and get reimbursed.

So if they are on travel, they get paid back. If they are not on travel pay your own way home.


So you think they were there to attend a party? :lol:

I've already showed that the campaign wasn't over for another few days afterward.
“I like being able to fire people who provide services to me,”

So do I Del, if you hire someone to do a job and they do a shitty job - are you against an employer being able to terminate that employee? If you are purchasing services from a provider, don't you want the ability to terminate those services if you don't like them?

That's what that quote means.

Here it is in context: ""I want individuals to have their own insurance. That means the insurance company will have an incentive to keep you healthy. It also mean that if you don't like what they do, you could fire them. I like being able to fire people who provide services to me. You know, if someone isn't giving the good service, I want to say, 'I'm going to get someone else to provide this service too.'"

Romney: "I Like Being Able To Fire People Who Provide Services To Me" | RealClearPolitics

Why would Mitt need to pronounce something so obvious?

Who opposed this concept, necessitating his remark?
Just seemed kind of tabloidesque as written. I hate commenting on things that might not be true or might be SOP.

and yet you comment on lgs threads.....and others that are obviously false...ie the thread on non union workers being turned away from up north....

dont grab the banner of truth and pretend its your friend

Regardless of what that fat fuck Christie said....they were turned away and he didn't witness it.

His word is meaningless.

This is why the Rightwing cannot be trusted. One day you're the saviour of the party, the next day you're "that fat fuck".

You're a douchebag.
No, they have selective thoughts or something along the lines of romnesia.
Typical rich plutocratic syndrome from mitten, as soon as they have used someone or something and it is no longer of value to them. Discard it quickly.
And they wonder why the real workers in this country don't vote for them.

No. It's not, dope.

Learn to click links. There's a prominent one in the first line of the story.

Damn, you're thick.

Workers of the world unite.
We are.
Are the folks who are screaming about stranded Romney staffers equally upset about the 4 Americans who were left to fend for themselves in the Benghazi attack and whose deaths were dishonored with the lie that the attack was just a spontaneous response to a YouTube video?

Damn Patraeus!
Hi Boilermaker: If you were talking about Romney, did you take into account all the public service he did volunteering EQUALLY if you are going to defend good things about Obama. And are you equally holding Obama accountable for withholding information about his past, including his deferred criminal record and conflicts with law practice, none of which Romnay has to hide. As long as you are consistent, and hold BOTH MEN to the same standards of proof of character, I certainly have no argument with that!

From what I saw in the media, when Romney was confronted with things that offended people he apologized and corrected himself. If that is seen as wishy washy, then it is a negative. If it is seen as open to working with people and adjusting when perceptions are different and someone feels wronged, that is a good sign of character.

Romney backed off when people jumped on him for responding so quickly to the issue with the White House response to Libya. Now people are saying he was right.

It seems clear to me, any flip-flopping is from people on both sides putting pressure on him to either stick to the conservative no-apology approach to smashing the liberal/democrats the same way that side will smash opponents in the media without apology, right or wrong. Or to try to open up to work with diverse people and accommodate other moderates and even liberals, WITHOUT compromising the conservative Constitutional stances either.

I believe Romney was trying harder to reach out to more people. The hardline conservatives were pressuring him not to do this, and he was trying to do both things at the same time.

Obama and the Democrats were going to benefit from the populous vote by sticking to the game plan of slamming the whole party with Romney mixed in like the baby in the bathwater. So there was no motivation for them to do reaching out, only slamming by fearful stereotypes of the hardlined Republicans that Romney was not like, and was too moderate to please. He tried to reach out to both, by sticking to centrist unifying American values. But the slamming back and forth from left to right was too strong a force, like a tsunami, to try to keep the peace in the middle of all that.

Now people are saying he should not have tried to play the peacemaker, but should have ridden the tsunami wave of unapologetic conservative bashing of Democrats and played the politics-as-usual games. So sad to see a nice guy get smashed by politics he tried to avoid.

From what someone told me personally who met and talked with Mitt Romney long before the nominations and election campaigns were underway, he is a genuinely sincere good man whose heart is on serving God and serving the people in that way. Obama's mind is focused on politics, and we know how that goes. He is smarter in how to play the game, and it is unfortunately costing the Democrat party integrity, and any unity the nation can bring about standing on the Constitution which is being sold out under our feet. If you want to be fair about it, the GOP with allowing corporations including war contractors in Iraq too much free reign to abuse rights and freedoms without constitutional checks and balances was equally selling out the laws of the land, and that does need to be paid back to the public if we are going to have accountability for the budget and overspending and debts.

However, the correct way to hold the GOP accountable is NOT to bash Bush or the party, but uphold teh Constitution and demand accounting for unconstitutional provisions and contracts at taxpayers expense, and using that debt or credit to pay back taxpayers and rebuild the country, instead of charging taxpayers more for these debts and lack of capital!

So the approach the Democrats are using is equally backwards. Both parties need to stand together, uphold and enforce the Constitution, quit blaming the other party, but hold each to accounting for misspending and abuse of resources, and get the public paid back instead of charging us more in taxes for the abuses of bad govt. Most all the money misspent can be traced, if both parties help each other to identify and research it, and collect on the debt.

All this talk of holding parties and leaders accountable should be for collecting on behalf of taxpayers instead of just bashing each other's parties to get control of office. No one has really brought up the issue or idea of tracking where the money went and getting it back.
Even having the wrongdoers borrow or lend against the money they misspent, so we can use that for rebuilding jobs/economic structures through education and business, while these people pay it back who were actually responsible for profiting at taxpayer expense.

So until both parties take equal responsibility for corruption and abuse they allowed or participated in under their leadership, they are both playing this game of blaming the other.

If the parties don't agree to a truce, with conditions agreed upon as to corrections and restitutions for past corruption and abuses both parties' leaders have knowledge of and power/access to resources to fix, then I will write one up for them to sign their names to!!!

And if they won't sign it, by God, I'll post it online for all other citizens who see what I am talking about to sign it, and apologize to each other on behalf of party leaders who won't.
Someone's GOT to take responsibility, instead of charging their mistakes to the taxpayers....

WOW! you sure read quite a bit into a statement. I have been on many negotiations in my life and I know full well about giving and taking.My statement was about mitten and how he treated those that worked so hard for him. That is what I expected from him watching everything I did while he and the President were running for office. With how he had no real core principles that he stuck too showed his true character. So don't try to give me the little speech you just did about me being like any of those on-wayers.
Thank you very much
They do name streets after people like the right wingers who do not see the injustice of what has happened.
They call those streets ONE-WAY!
And they are the ones that shout about family values the most.

Honey, everyone starts by seeing things just their way.
If you only frame the rightwingers "your way" you are doing the same thing they are.

It takes mutual empathy to see the other person's side, equally as your own.
The more you think two-way and three-way, then you would
not paint people in this manner. You would be too busy trying to understand
and solve the problems that make them yell out so much. You wouldn't blame them
any more or less than you blame yourself when you scream out your own issues.

Believe me, these rightwingers feel the same frustration you just expressed.
They cannot understand why other people don't respond to the injustices
they see, and yell about these people being biased one way! just like you say of them!
From what I saw in the media, when Romney was confronted with things that offended people he apologized and corrected himself. If that is seen as wishy washy, then it is a negative.

That is not seen as wishy washy. This is.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0m_xXvQlvg]The Ultimate Mitt Romney Flip-Flop Collection - YouTube[/ame]

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