Romney Told Latinos He'd Veto Any Dream Act

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Romney spoke to Latino Elected and Appointed Officials and he assured them he is a man who keeps his promises.

Romney Promise:
Mitt Romney says he would veto DREAM Act
January 01, 2012|By James Oliphant

Reporting from Des Moines — Republican presidential front-runner Mitt Romney has pledged to veto the so-called DREAM Act, which would provide a path to citizenship for children of illegal immigrants if they attend college or serve in the military.

Romney made the comments during a late campaign stop New Year’s Eve in northwestern Iowa.

Mitt Romney says he would veto DREAM Act - Los Angeles Times


A political question: Will Romney keeps his word?
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If I believed Mitt had a plan and would follow through with in regards to actually ending illegal immigration, I'd vote for him.

But I don't.
[ame=]Mitt Romney: Supports Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants - YouTube[/ame]

very next video lol.
If I believed Mitt had a plan and would follow through with in regards to actually ending illegal immigration, I'd vote for him.

But I don't.

Obama has no plans at all. Other than to blame the other side for his utterly ineffective Leadership on almost every issue.

Watch the vid I posted... Like I said, "If I could believe Mitt.." And you simply can't.
Here is how I feel about the whole Mitt VS Obama situation. I hope Mitt wins, but not enough to vote for him.

Mitt is a liar, huge, omfg wow liar... Obama is a liar, huge, omfg wow sized liar... The difference is Obama is President and his lies have hurt the country deeply and Mitt's lies have not. So I'd like to see Mitt have a shot at destroying the nation over Obama because I know what Obama does after he lies and while Mitt is a liar, I'll have to judge him on the policy he passes and he simply ain't there yet.

Does that make any sense? I know, it’s retarded sounding.
Romney spoke to Latino Elected and Appointed Officials and he assured them he is a man who keeps his promises.

Romney Promise:
Mitt Romney says he would veto DREAM Act
January 01, 2012|By James Oliphant

Reporting from Des Moines — Republican presidential front-runner Mitt Romney has pledged to veto the so-called DREAM Act, which would provide a path to citizenship for children of illegal immigrants if they attend college or serve in the military.

Romney made the comments during a late campaign stop New Year’s Eve in northwestern Iowa.

Mitt Romney says he would veto DREAM Act - Los Angeles Times


A political question: Will Romney keeps his word?

Charles_Main said Obama has no plan. Huh? Obama just put his latest immigration stance forward, and Republicans are having a very difficult time with it.


Because they are against any Dream Act passing in Congress. With the Tea Party tail waging the GOP dog, and with leading Republicans NOT wanting to pass anything that would benefit the American people and benefit Obama at the same time...

Immigration reform would benefit the American people because it would address one of the most troubling issues causing strife in our nation. But the GOP is stuck hating Obama, so we have no reform,
If I believed Mitt had a plan and would follow through with in regards to actually ending illegal immigration, I'd vote for him.

But I don't.

Obama has no plans at all. Other than to blame the other side for his utterly ineffective Leadership on almost every issue.

What a crock of bs. Obama has been told by the GOP that ANY plan he puts forward, it's DOA (dead on arrival). So Obama did an end run around the GOP.

If Obama had his way, Dream Act would be law, but like Romney, the GOP is on record hating any Dream Act
Obama just got "SMACKED DOWN" :lol:

:lol: US Supreme Court just upheld Arizona's tough anti-illegal-immigration law. :lol:
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I'm not for the Dream Act at all.

Sure these kids are here through no fault of their own but it sure as hell ain't the taxpayers of Americans fault they are here either.

If you want into the US then come in legally.

Barry and Mitt can end this bs by simply having a guest worker program here in the US. Canada has a good one and they should copy the hell out of it.
I'm not for the Dream Act at all.

Sure these kids are here through no fault of their own but it sure as hell ain't the taxpayers of Americans fault they are here either.

If you want into the US then come in legally.

Barry and Mitt can end this bs by simply having a guest worker program here in the US. Canada has a good one and they should copy the hell out of it.

they are not leaving .. period. They will be paying taxes and future Social Security and other programs will need them.

Guest workers in great numbers are not deportable either. What happens when they choose to stay? Their kids are born here. We have a Constitution and we are NOT Canada.

Any Dream Act WILL NOT cost American tax payers in the long run. Choosing to focus on the short term is idiocy and fed by racism. American teens and young adults who are drug addicts, drunks, bums, and criminals will cost the tax payer for ever. The dream act proposals attempt to get great kids and young adults, all immigrants, onto a path that will have them being better citizens or at least tax payers, better than many native born losers

America needs an educated and well paid citizenry and work force. Any dream act that furthers this is welcome
I'm not for the Dream Act at all.

Sure these kids are here through no fault of their own but it sure as hell ain't the taxpayers of Americans fault they are here either.

If you want into the US then come in legally.

Barry and Mitt can end this bs by simply having a guest worker program here in the US. Canada has a good one and they should copy the hell out of it.

they are not leaving .. period. They will be paying taxes and future Social Security and other programs will need them.

Guest workers in great numbers are not deportable either. What happens when they choose to stay? Their kids are born here. We have a Constitution and we are NOT Canada.

Any Dream Act WILL NOT cost American tax payers in the long run. Choosing to focus on the short term is idiocy and fed by racism. American teens and young adults who are drug addicts, drunks, bums, and criminals will cost the tax payer for ever. The dream act proposals attempt to get great kids and young adults, all immigrants, onto a path that will have them being better citizens or at least tax payers, better than many native born losers

America needs an educated and well paid citizenry and work force. Any dream act that furthers this is welcome

If that was the case we would be living the utopia you talk about. Fact is education comes in many forms. Most people that go to college get a degree in something that matters very little or that most people can figure out on the job in a quarter of the time. The difference is the person who went to college wants to be paid way to much because they are so far in debt, but that amount of pay kills the industry they want to enter.

Free markets are not an option. All you can do is pretend you have control, then one day the markets will in fact correct themselves. Sadly that correction usually is the end of the society.
I'm not for the Dream Act at all.

Sure these kids are here through no fault of their own but it sure as hell ain't the taxpayers of Americans fault they are here either.

If you want into the US then come in legally.

Barry and Mitt can end this bs by simply having a guest worker program here in the US. Canada has a good one and they should copy the hell out of it.

they are not leaving .. period. They will be paying taxes and future Social Security and other programs will need them.

Guest workers in great numbers are not deportable either. What happens when they choose to stay? Their kids are born here. We have a Constitution and we are NOT Canada.

Any Dream Act WILL NOT cost American tax payers in the long run. Choosing to focus on the short term is idiocy and fed by racism. American teens and young adults who are drug addicts, drunks, bums, and criminals will cost the tax payer for ever. The dream act proposals attempt to get great kids and young adults, all immigrants, onto a path that will have them being better citizens or at least tax payers, better than many native born losers

America needs an educated and well paid citizenry and work force. Any dream act that furthers this is welcome

If that was the case we would be living the utopia you talk about. Fact is education comes in many forms. Most people that go to college get a degree in something that matters very little or that most people can figure out on the job in a quarter of the time. The difference is the person who went to college wants to be paid way to much because they are so far in debt, but that amount of pay kills the industry they want to enter.

Free markets are not an option. All you can do is pretend you have control, then one day the markets will in fact correct themselves. Sadly that correction usually is the end of the society.

whatever in the whacky world of whack-a-doodle right wing politics are you ranting about? :laugh2:

btw, More illegal immigrants both violent criminals and average people, have been deported under President Obama than under any other President.
Romney spoke to Latino Elected and Appointed Officials and he assured them he is a man who keeps his promises.

Romney Promise:
Mitt Romney says he would veto DREAM Act
January 01, 2012|By James Oliphant

Reporting from Des Moines — Republican presidential front-runner Mitt Romney has pledged to veto the so-called DREAM Act, which would provide a path to citizenship for children of illegal immigrants if they attend college or serve in the military.

Romney made the comments during a late campaign stop New Year’s Eve in northwestern Iowa.

Mitt Romney says he would veto DREAM Act - Los Angeles Times


A political question: Will Romney keeps his word?

Romney can run but he can't hide -- his stances during the primaries. :eusa_whistle:
Here is how I feel about the whole Mitt VS Obama situation. I hope Mitt wins, but not enough to vote for him.

Mitt is a liar, huge, omfg wow liar... Obama is a liar, huge, omfg wow sized liar... The difference is Obama is President and his lies have hurt the country deeply and Mitt's lies have not. So I'd like to see Mitt have a shot at destroying the nation over Obama because I know what Obama does after he lies and while Mitt is a liar, I'll have to judge him on the policy he passes and he simply ain't there yet.

Does that make any sense? I know, it’s retarded sounding.

oh it totally makes sense for a person who.Will vote for.Romney. let us know how that works.out for you.
Romney spoke to Latino Elected and Appointed Officials and he assured them he is a man who keeps his promises.

Romney Promise:
Mitt Romney says he would veto DREAM Act
January 01, 2012|By James Oliphant

Reporting from Des Moines — Republican presidential front-runner Mitt Romney has pledged to veto the so-called DREAM Act, which would provide a path to citizenship for children of illegal immigrants if they attend college or serve in the military.

Romney made the comments during a late campaign stop New Year’s Eve in northwestern Iowa.

Mitt Romney says he would veto DREAM Act - Los Angeles Times


A political question: Will Romney keeps his word?

Mitt can run but he can't hide...from what he promised to do

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