Romney visits Solyndra

Your whole "alternative energy" nonsense is a waste of time and money......

I'm merely pointing that out by giving examples of your failed attempts, like GM/Chevy Volt....

The best part is you and your dumbass "green cars" take hours to charge - not to mention the price to charge your piece of shit (that will likely light on fire) is nearly the same cost as gas prices dummy.

So there you are like a fucking idiot wasting your time to look cool and "green" paying what you would at the pump while waiting an hour to charge your battery..... It's so fucking stupid....

BTW, the engineers who designed those wind power windmills are idiots. If they put solar panels on them they would 2x as effective - not to mention you could add to the power production if you painted them black instead of silver....

It seems the majority of those who are concerned with creating energy have no fucking clue as to what it is an how to harness it......

You're absolutely right Nick. Hybrid cars aren't selling at all.

Neither are very high MPG cars...

Seriously dude, how much money do you have invested in oil companies anyway?
Solar panels have been around for years, why didn't Billy Clinton or Jimmah jump on the band wagon a long time ago?? Obama is the first one to realize Solar is a profitable industry?? Well, not so much so in the US, they missed the train a long time ago.

Buttttt, they have wind, the turbines only kill a few thousand birds a year. Who cares if it's a few endangered species??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Because the price of gas wasn't at $4.00 a gallon in the 70's or the 90's?

Because the price of manufacturing solar panels has dropped significantly since then?

You might as well ask why they didn't "jump on the solar bandwagon" in 1890...

Well, you see I was a young, just married momma in the 70s when the first oil embargo hit the US under Carter. I sat in those looonnnnggggg gas lines so I could get to work to feed my babies. Solar existed then, no one did anything about it. Being late to the dance doesn't mean you get a partner. ;)
Solar panels have been around for years, why didn't Billy Clinton or Jimmah jump on the band wagon a long time ago?? Obama is the first one to realize Solar is a profitable industry?? Well, not so much so in the US, they missed the train a long time ago.

Buttttt, they have wind, the turbines only kill a few thousand birds a year. Who cares if it's a few endangered species??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Because the price of gas wasn't at $4.00 a gallon in the 70's or the 90's?

Because the price of manufacturing solar panels has dropped significantly since then?

You might as well ask why they didn't "jump on the solar bandwagon" in 1890...

Or why there wasn't global warming or cooling then.
There is no demand for the "product." The little demand there is comes from progressives like you who will gladly pay 30k for a car that lights on fire just so you can look "trendy and progressive."

Listen here little shit - the majority of progressives don't do all this green bullshit for the environment they do it to look cool in front of their other brainwashed "green" friends....

Why don't you do just a TINY bit of research before opening your trap?

There's this thing called "google", where you can find the answer to any question you may have in a very short time period.


Demand for panels has been continuing to grow steadily over the past two years, but the prices have been dropping like a rock, thanks to Chinese subsidization as they attempt to take over the world market.

One assumes that once the Chinese have a lock on the market, they will stop subsidizing and the price will steadily rise again.

Solar panels have been around for years, why didn't Billy Clinton or Jimmah jump on the band wagon a long time ago?? Obama is the first one to realize Solar is a profitable industry?? Well, not so much so in the US, they missed the train a long time ago.

Buttttt, they have wind, the turbines only kill a few thousand birds a year. Who cares if it's a few endangered species??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Basic calculators among other things were solar powered......

Hell, I have a mini mechanical/electronic cockroach/bug that starts crawling around when it is in the sun.
obama dropped a 31% to 250% tariff on Chinese solar equipment dude.....get with it. :rolleyes:

I know, that just happened.

What's your point? That Obama is doing the right thing to look out for our interests?

a) tariffs are self destructive and yes I felt same when bush slapped them on steel imports.

b) don't try that shit on me is what you said;

Great, did he meet with the Solyndra employees and explain to them how he's going to stop Chinese subsidization of their Solar industry so American solar manufacturers don't go bankrupt anymore?

No, I imagine he didn't talk about that part much, did he?

first solyndra was/is deader than Kelsey's nuts so there are NO employees to meet wiht and, second, the tariff came before this event, Obama as I said has already hit them with a tariff......see how that works?
Well, you see I was a young, just married momma in the 70s when the first oil embargo hit the US under Carter. I sat in those looonnnnggggg gas lines so I could get to work to feed my babies. Solar existed then, no one did anything about it. Being late to the dance doesn't mean you get a partner. ;)

Yes, solar existed, but solar wasn't cost effective.

Same reason why the horseless carriage didn't sell very well until the advent of mass production lines.

Now it is cost effective, as long as China stops playing dirty.
Your whole "alternative energy" nonsense is a waste of time and money......

I'm merely pointing that out by giving examples of your failed attempts, like GM/Chevy Volt....

The best part is you and your dumbass "green cars" take hours to charge - not to mention the price to charge your piece of shit (that will likely light on fire) is nearly the same cost as gas prices dummy.

So there you are like a fucking idiot wasting your time to look cool and "green" paying what you would at the pump while waiting an hour to charge your battery..... It's so fucking stupid....

BTW, the engineers who designed those wind power windmills are idiots. If they put solar panels on them they would 2x as effective - not to mention you could add to the power production if you painted them black instead of silver....

It seems the majority of those who are concerned with creating energy have no fucking clue as to what it is an how to harness it......

You're absolutely right Nick. Hybrid cars aren't selling at all.

Neither are very high MPG cars...

Seriously dude, how much money do you have invested in oil companies anyway?

Yeah you're right - cars aren't selling because people don't have jobs.

You think people can afford a car that costs 1/3rd of the price of their house???

You can't sell a home these days let alone a car.....

That's your "hope and change" in action....
Well, you see I was a young, just married momma in the 70s when the first oil embargo hit the US under Carter. I sat in those looonnnnggggg gas lines so I could get to work to feed my babies. Solar existed then, no one did anything about it. Being late to the dance doesn't mean you get a partner. ;)

Yes, solar existed, but solar wasn't cost effective.

Same reason why the horseless carriage didn't sell very well until the advent of mass production lines.

Now it is cost effective, as long as China stops playing dirty.

Being unionized did not help Solyndra
Why was investing $500,000,000 in Solyndra a good idea? Surely obama knew what the Chinese were up to.

He knows how important the clean energy industry is to American interests.

He was fighting fire with fire.

The Germans and the French were doing the same thing.

Unfortunately, there's no way to keep up with subsidization when your competitor is a totalitarian socialist state.

well, actually the Germans have been taking apart and defunding their subsidization of thegreen energy ind.

Germany to cut solar power subsidies

Government plans to reduce subsidies by up to 30% as high consumer demand leaves it unable to support green energy

Germany to cut solar power subsidies | Environment | The Guardian

get with it.
Great, did he meet with the Solyndra employees and explain to them how he's going to stop Chinese subsidization of their Solar industry so American solar manufacturers don't go bankrupt anymore?

No, I imagine he didn't talk about that part much, did he?

Funny, ha,ha,ha. So subsidizing a corporation and industry to keep them alive, that could and would never turn a profit makes sense to you? Dam you must be rich. I would love to get a piece of that action!
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I know, that just happened.

What's your point? That Obama is doing the right thing to look out for our interests?

a) tariffs are self destructive and yes I felt same when bush slapped them on steel imports.

Yes, in most cases they are, but when faced with a nation that's willing to do anything to corner the market and create a nationalized monopoly, one must do what one needs to do to make sure that doesn't happen.

b) don't try that shit on me sonny..

Who are you calling "sonny"?

here is what you said;

Great, did he meet with the Solyndra employees and explain to them how he's going to stop Chinese subsidization of their Solar industry so American solar manufacturers don't go bankrupt anymore?

No, I imagine he didn't talk about that part much, did he?
first solyndra was/is deader than Kelsey's nuts so there are NO employees to meet wiht

One can say "employees" when one is referring to "former employees". It's a valid use of the word. My statement did not imply that they were still employed by the company.

and, second, the tariff came before this event, Obama as I said has already hit them with a tariff......see how that works?

The tariff did not come before Solyndra collapsed, which was my point.
I must say it probably was quite a feat to keep this quiet until it was done. Solyndra and Obamites would have stripped the place of any remnants of what the wasted taxpayer money was spent on.

Smart move.
Great, did he meet with the Solyndra employees and explain to them how he's going to stop Chinese subsidization of their Solar industry so American solar manufacturers don't go bankrupt anymore?

No, I imagine he didn't talk about that part much, did he?

Funny, ha,ha,ha. So subsidizing a corporation and industry to keep them alive, that could and would never turn a profit makes sense to you? Dam you must be rich. I would love to get a piece of that action!

Goes against all the fundamentals/laws of capitalism.

They may as well say Newton shot an apple out of his head next.....
Funny, ha,ha,ha. So subsidizing a corporation and industry to keep them alive, that could and would never turn a profit makes sense to you? Dam you must be rich. I would love to get a piece of that action!

If you subsidize an industry until you have a monopoly, and then raise the prices, you will make a profit.

This is business 101 man.
Funny, ha,ha,ha. So subsidizing a corporation and industry to keep them alive, that could and would never turn a profit makes sense to you? Dam you must be rich. I would love to get a piece of that action!

If you subsidize an industry until you have a monopoly, and then raise the prices, you will make a profit.

This is business 101 man.
What about the fact it was unionized?
Funny, ha,ha,ha. So subsidizing a corporation and industry to keep them alive, that could and would never turn a profit makes sense to you? Dam you must be rich. I would love to get a piece of that action!

If you subsidize an industry until you have a monopoly, and then raise the prices, you will make a profit.

This is business 101 man.

Huh? That is not Bus. 101, that's just nuts.

Solyndra failed after Obama 'invested' billions.' The writing was on the wall, as like others. He doesn't care. He KNOWS he is right. Regardless of facts. He'll keep doing what he's been doing.

Vote in November!
well, actually the Germans have been taking apart and defunding their subsidization of thegreen energy ind.

Germany to cut solar power subsidies

Government plans to reduce subsidies by up to 30% as high consumer demand leaves it unable to support green energy

Germany to cut solar power subsidies | Environment | The Guardian

get with it.

They are now because they can't keep up with the Chinese.

Besides, those are mainly consumer-end subsidies that are being cut.
Funny, ha,ha,ha. So subsidizing a corporation and industry to keep them alive, that could and would never turn a profit makes sense to you? Dam you must be rich. I would love to get a piece of that action!

If you subsidize an industry until you have a monopoly, and then raise the prices, you will make a profit.

This is business 101 man.

Good God, subsidizing an industry to have a monopoly is illegal in the US............Obama is a horrid investor. Romney has shown his successful investment ideas over and over, with almost an 80% success rate. Obama's is not so good, but he doesn't give a crap, it wasn't his money. He lost nothing but his credibility. :D
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