Romney will never be President of the United States.

The small government meme plays well to the base and not much else. The US never had a small government. What Romney fails on is smart government.
The small government meme plays well to the base and not much else. The US never had a small government. What Romney fails on is smart government.

The incumbent fails on small government and on smart government.

And, in any event, there was a time we did have a much smaller more manageable federal government.
That was a very short time. As soon as the US acquired new states the government grew. It had too.
People shouldn't say things like this.

A black Northern liberal with a funny name and no experience became President.

If that can happen, Romney can also become President.

There are moments when you just know something is over.

With Jimmy Carter? I knew it in the debates. Reagan's "There you go again..".

With George HW Bush? I knew it when he didn't know the price of milk.

With John Kerry? The picture of him para-sailing.

With this? The ACA ruling.

Romney's got a whole lot of problems..and no charisma.

But he has a whole lot of money behind he had a chance. But this was the "that" point.

I explained it too.

I think your reasoning is wrong.

This election is and will continue to be about the economy.

That doesn't mean Romney is going to win, but I don't think most people who are not intensely political are going to make a decision based on what a supreme court justice says.

The political calculus is very simple. If job growth starts to accelerate, Obama will be difficult to beat. If job growth falters, Romney has a real chance.

That's it.
Are all LDS folks as hateful and disrepectful as yourself?

LDS folks are not taught to walk in lockstep.... If you want to judge everyone by one member, you would be as ignorant as Lakhota. I don't judge all people in a group by one or more members.

As far as being hateful....I have no patience for this kind of silliness....sue me.

I like how ridiculing someone's religion - even to the point of bringing it up in conversations that have nothing whatsoever to do with that religion specifically for the purpose of ridiculing it - is not seen as "hateful and disrespectful" by liberal doucherags, but becoming angry about that ridicule IS.

Here's a thought, liberals: if you want to be like, be likable first. If you want to be respected, earn it by being respectful. If you want to ridicule other people's beliefs, expect to be hated and treated with disrespect, because you deserve it.

Oh, and if you want to be a doucherag and then whine about how you're treated in return, expect that not a single damn will be given about your opinions, which we all know is, in fact, the case.
Basically I am going by I have seen. The people go with the strong horse. And they love bread and circuses.
What fuck ups?

The only thing I can think of is extending the Bush tax cuts.

That was a bad move.

Healthcare reform in and of itself will not seal victory for Obama this November.

It really depends on how many other voters ask that same queston "what fuck ups"?

For my 2 cents, it boils down to failing to promote the domestic economy by allowing industry and commerce to function under the profit motive regardless of perceived inequities in taxpayer burdens.

He's a bookworm and a low-value asset to this nation.

It's not the health care reform..that did it.

It's the fact that Obama in the face of opposition from people in his own administration went ahead and pushed for the reform. He did it with ideas from both parties. And the GOP , in an extremely petulant move, went full bore to get it repealed. Not because they really hated it..but because they wanted to unseat the President.

The fact they expended so much political capital to do it..and failed, makes the entire GOP look incredibly weak.

And the inverse of that it makes Obama look like a very strong leader.

That was the "Jewel" of Romney's case to be President.

It's gone.

Romney has absolutely nothing left.
Obamaturd will never look like a jewel of a president, he is too stupid.
Swallow starts a troll thread and shows what a dim-wit he is (she is?).
Are all LDS folks as hateful and disrepectful as yourself?

LDS folks are not taught to walk in lockstep.... If you want to judge everyone by one member, you would be as ignorant as Lakhota. I don't judge all people in a group by one or more members.

As far as being hateful....I have no patience for this kind of silliness....sue me.

Well I notice that both Mormons and Christians are incredibly hateful, violent and intolerant of others.

That's not very American..and probably why the founders had enough fore thought not to introduce a national religion.

Wow, coming from you, that means . . . less than nothing. First, because the idea of a three-toothed bigot like you calling someone ELSE "hateful and intolerant" is hypocrisy on a monumental scale, and second, because literally no one on the planet gives a fat rat's ass what you "think".

Just a suggestion, here: contemplate the possibility that people aren't being "hateful and intolerant" to you; they're just doing unto you as you have done unto them. Don't deserve it if you're such a wuss that you're going to have to cry about it afterward.

I encourage everyone to read this link.

The fact that Lakhota would pull it up only shows just what a bigot and moron he is.

You won't learn about LDS beliefs....this stuff is mostly B.S.

What you will learn is that the left will draw on the ignorant (all the while whining about Rush) if they think it will help them in their jihad to get Obama re-elected.

I don't need to know about LDS beliefs. All I need to know is that Lakhota is a hate-filled bigot who is blinded by his unreasoning hatred of religious people, such that he dredges it up in conversations that have nothing to do with that, and tries vainly to convince others to abandon intelligence and rationality and join him in the ignorant Hickville of prejudice.

Actually clicking on his links and discussing Mormonism in any way, shape, or form would give Lakhota the mistaken impression that he is somehow relevant to the real world of actual human beings, and would leave more of an impression upon his death than a fart in a wind tunnel.
What's really pathetic about the Right is that as bad as Romney is, every one of the more conservative candidates that were in the primaries would be doing even worse against Obama at this point.
What's really pathetic about the Right is that as bad as Romney is, every one of the more conservative candidates that were in the primaries would be doing even worse against Obama at this point.

Kinda stings to know that Romney's raising more money than Obama did last election, hunh?!


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