Romney will never be President of the United States.

I think anybody thinking either party is guaranteed a win at this time has GOT to be a special kind of stupid.

I guess I'm that kind then. I don't see Obama losing in November.

I fear what will happen if people take a win for granted.

Yeah, I hear you. The governor has plenty of money, thats for sure. But at a certain point, the money becomes ineffective. Oh to be the owner of a local TV station in a major market in a swing state....

There is only so much TV ad time up for grabs. So it's not going to be as large a factor as it may be otherwise. Governor Romney's financial advantage is such that he'll get his message out; as soon as he finds one other than castigating the President.

Which is why I was and remain confident. Huntsman was a man of substance and he could have provided a clear alternative. Romney seems to provide nothing that you can't get off of talk radio. Thus far, his post-primary stance has been shockingly sophomoric. As Jimmy Kimmel said; his biggest opponent is Mitt Romney from 4 years ago.
I think anybody thinking either party is guaranteed a win at this time has GOT to be a special kind of stupid.

I guess I'm that kind then. I don't see Obama losing in November.

I would say that not seeing him loosing is a far cry from claiming that Romney has zero chance. I, personally, do not think that Obama is going to lose but that does not mean that he has the presidency already dialed in. It is going to be a tough fight and there are a lot of things that Obama is going to have to fight to retain his office.

The first time he ran on hope and change. That is not going to cut it. Now he has a record to explain. You may like or dislike his record but no matter what side you are on, you have to at least admit that he has something that can be attacked.
I guess I'm that kind then. I don't see Obama losing in November.

I fear what will happen if people take a win for granted.

Yeah, I hear you. The governor has plenty of money, thats for sure. But at a certain point, the money becomes ineffective. Oh to be the owner of a local TV station in a major market in a swing state....

There is only so much TV ad time up for grabs. So it's not going to be as large a factor as it may be otherwise. Governor Romney's financial advantage is such that he'll get his message out; as soon as he finds one other than castigating the President.

Which is why I was and remain confident. Huntsman was a man of substance and he could have provided a clear alternative. Romney seems to provide nothing that you can't get off of talk radio. Thus far, his post-primary stance has been shockingly sophomoric. As Jimmy Kimmel said; his biggest opponent is Mitt Romney from 4 years ago.

Most do not seem to get this point. Everyone talks about the money in politics and few connect the dots as to where all this money ends up. HELLO !!! It serves the advertizers to keep the race close. These seem to be the only groups of Americans served well by the Citizens United court ruling.
Which is why I was and remain confident. Huntsman was a man of substance and he could have provided a clear alternative. Romney seems to provide nothing that you can't get off of talk radio. Thus far, his post-primary stance has been shockingly sophomoric. As Jimmy Kimmel said; his biggest opponent is Mitt Romney from 4 years ago.


Hear! Hear!

Why the fucking 'pubs cannot choose a candidate like Huntsman that could have easily distinguished himself is beyond comprehension.
Ron Paul certainly comes to mind, but he is one of the precious metals advocates, who hasn't come to grips, with how if the government owns all the precious metals, private persons and industry don't get to have any, and even if the government did screw that up, after Nixon finally got something right, government couldn't back the currency, anyway.

There just isn't enough gold or silver, to back all the US currency, in circulation. Ron Paul usually likes to do smart things, like end the drug war and aid to foreign tyrants. He had no chance.
BTW, anyone want to put their money where their mouth is?

If someone says something "never" is going to happen, they should be willing to take astronomical odds against something happening. So if Romney is "never" going to be President, one would be willing to take 100:1 odds of it happening, because "never" means there is 0% of it happening.

Anybody willing to offer astronomical odds?

I'm willing to do a sig bet.

In any case, Romney's been touting the line "Nice guy, but in over his head". That was George W. Bush. He was a nice guy. And he was in over his head. That's why for the first four years the country was run by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. And that's why it seems his father called in Jim Baker and Robert Gates save George W. Bush's second term. George W. Bush was a likable, charismatic guy. That's why he won in 2004, but barely. People actually liked the guy. His past was filled with things we all can identify with, like making mistakes. But he wasn't a schmuck. He didn't have his buddies hold down a guy so he could give the poor fellow a hair cut. He didn't put his dog on the roof. He didn't engage in business practices that put people out of work.

That's Romney.

And that's why he'll never be President.

He's a schmuck.

Now I am taking sig far no takers.
Thanks, Judge Roberts.



So the largest increase in Tax history is exactly what the public has been looking for in a President, and that largest Tax increase in history is going to ensure Obama gets reelected? Got it... :lol::lol::lol:
Yeah, saying it in caps still doesn't make it true. I do appreciate the effort, though. :eusa_clap:
That was George W. Bush. He was a nice guy. And he was in over his head. That's why for the first four years the country was run by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld

Hmm...before W took office, he was a Neocon, he never had any appreciation that other people had earned the money he was spending. Probably since he never got a real job that wasn't given to him because of his father. Cheney on the other hand was a conservative.

The administration spent 8 years as Neocons, but Cheney ran the country. Your argument is ridiculous.
Thanks, Judge Roberts.



:lol::lol: Ya Think?---:lol::lol:


BTW, anyone want to put their money where their mouth is?

If someone says something "never" is going to happen, they should be willing to take astronomical odds against something happening. So if Romney is "never" going to be President, one would be willing to take 100:1 odds of it happening, because "never" means there is 0% of it happening.

Anybody willing to offer astronomical odds?

I'm willing to do a sig bet.

In any case, Romney's been touting the line "Nice guy, but in over his head". That was George W. Bush. He was a nice guy. And he was in over his head. That's why for the first four years the country was run by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. And that's why it seems his father called in Jim Baker and Robert Gates save George W. Bush's second term. George W. Bush was a likable, charismatic guy. That's why he won in 2004, but barely. People actually liked the guy. His past was filled with things we all can identify with, like making mistakes. But he wasn't a schmuck. He didn't have his buddies hold down a guy so he could give the poor fellow a hair cut. He didn't put his dog on the roof. He didn't engage in business practices that put people out of work.

That's Romney.

And that's why he'll never be President.

He's a schmuck.

Now I am taking sig far no takers.

You willing to offer 100:1 odds? 100 days for you with my sig or 1 day with your sig for me? If you think Romney has zero chance, that's a bargain for you.
BTW, anyone want to put their money where their mouth is?

If someone says something "never" is going to happen, they should be willing to take astronomical odds against something happening. So if Romney is "never" going to be President, one would be willing to take 100:1 odds of it happening, because "never" means there is 0% of it happening.

Anybody willing to offer astronomical odds?

I'm willing to do a sig bet.

In any case, Romney's been touting the line "Nice guy, but in over his head". That was George W. Bush. He was a nice guy. And he was in over his head. That's why for the first four years the country was run by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. And that's why it seems his father called in Jim Baker and Robert Gates save George W. Bush's second term. George W. Bush was a likable, charismatic guy. That's why he won in 2004, but barely. People actually liked the guy. His past was filled with things we all can identify with, like making mistakes. But he wasn't a schmuck. He didn't have his buddies hold down a guy so he could give the poor fellow a hair cut. He didn't put his dog on the roof. He didn't engage in business practices that put people out of work.

That's Romney.

And that's why he'll never be President.

He's a schmuck.

Now I am taking sig far no takers.

You willing to offer 100:1 odds? 100 days for you with my sig or 1 day with your sig for me? If you think Romney has zero chance, that's a bargain for you.

I'd be willing to do it until 1/1/13 just so we don't have to worry about counting days and that sort of thing. But we'd have to agree on a signature, a font size, color (red is not allowed apparently).

Might I suggest the following.

If Obama wins, you put "All hail President Obama, Your President, My President, Our President.

If Governor Romney wins, I put "All hail President Romney, Your President, My President, Our President."

Size 3 font, blue color, bold font.

And we leave that message of unity up until 1/1/13.

Last edited:
Thanks, Judge Roberts.



So the largest increase in Tax history is exactly what the public has been looking for in a President, and that largest Tax increase in history is going to ensure Obama gets reelected? Got it... :lol::lol::lol:

That's incorrect.

President Ronald Reagan holds the record for the largest tax increase in history. And Reagan's spending was off the charts.
BTW, anyone want to put their money where their mouth is?

If someone says something "never" is going to happen, they should be willing to take astronomical odds against something happening. So if Romney is "never" going to be President, one would be willing to take 100:1 odds of it happening, because "never" means there is 0% of it happening.

Anybody willing to offer astronomical odds?

I'm willing to do a sig bet.

In any case, Romney's been touting the line "Nice guy, but in over his head". That was George W. Bush. He was a nice guy. And he was in over his head. That's why for the first four years the country was run by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. And that's why it seems his father called in Jim Baker and Robert Gates save George W. Bush's second term. George W. Bush was a likable, charismatic guy. That's why he won in 2004, but barely. People actually liked the guy. His past was filled with things we all can identify with, like making mistakes. But he wasn't a schmuck. He didn't have his buddies hold down a guy so he could give the poor fellow a hair cut. He didn't put his dog on the roof. He didn't engage in business practices that put people out of work.

That's Romney.

And that's why he'll never be President.

He's a schmuck.

Now I am taking sig far no takers.

You willing to offer 100:1 odds? 100 days for you with my sig or 1 day with your sig for me? If you think Romney has zero chance, that's a bargain for you.


2 months..for me or you.

I still think it's going to be a close race.

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