Romney will never be President of the United States.

That was George W. Bush. He was a nice guy. And he was in over his head. That's why for the first four years the country was run by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld

Hmm...before W took office, he was a Neocon, he never had any appreciation that other people had earned the money he was spending. Probably since he never got a real job that wasn't given to him because of his father. Cheney on the other hand was a conservative.

The administration spent 8 years as Neocons, but Cheney ran the country. Your argument is ridiculous.


Which argument are you talking about?

George W. Bush being a nice guy or Dick Cheney running the country?
I think anybody thinking either party is guaranteed a win at this time has GOT to be a special kind of stupid.

I guess I'm that kind then. I don't see Obama losing in November.

I would say that not seeing him loosing is a far cry from claiming that Romney has zero chance. I, personally, do not think that Obama is going to lose but that does not mean that he has the presidency already dialed in. It is going to be a tough fight and there are a lot of things that Obama is going to have to fight to retain his office.

The first time he ran on hope and change. That is not going to cut it. Now he has a record to explain. You may like or dislike his record but no matter what side you are on, you have to at least admit that he has something that can be attacked.

My point wasn't that it wasn't going to be a tough fight.

Romney, however has so many negatives that this ruling sunk his presidential ship.

But there are alot of well monied people still trying to shine a turd.
obamacare passing saved his ass?


I have a friend that runs a small biz, his only hope to keep it going was aca getting shot down.

I asked him what he's going to do; "I'm shopping around for buyers so I can get out from under all this."

He's a true blue liberal through and through, and he will NOT vote for obama b/c of aca.

To Paraphrase Hillary Clinton, why should we worry about undercapitalized businesses?
BTW, anyone want to put their money where their mouth is?

If someone says something "never" is going to happen, they should be willing to take astronomical odds against something happening. So if Romney is "never" going to be President, one would be willing to take 100:1 odds of it happening, because "never" means there is 0% of it happening.

Anybody willing to offer astronomical odds?

I'm willing to do a sig bet.

In any case, Romney's been touting the line "Nice guy, but in over his head". That was George W. Bush. He was a nice guy. And he was in over his head. That's why for the first four years the country was run by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. And that's why it seems his father called in Jim Baker and Robert Gates save George W. Bush's second term. George W. Bush was a likable, charismatic guy. That's why he won in 2004, but barely. People actually liked the guy. His past was filled with things we all can identify with, like making mistakes. But he wasn't a schmuck. He didn't have his buddies hold down a guy so he could give the poor fellow a hair cut. He didn't put his dog on the roof. He didn't engage in business practices that put people out of work.

That's Romney.

And that's why he'll never be President.

He's a schmuck.

Now I am taking sig far no takers.

Obama is someone we can identify with !!! ???


If I want someone I can identify with, I'll pick a city councilman. If I want someone who understands how to manage large systems....I'll look for someone with that skill set.

And it sure as hell won't be BHO.

BHO is in over his head....way way way over his head. I actually think McCain would have done a better job than BHO has.

If people want a nice guy they can identify with, they better realize they are going to get four more years of stink in the least.
My very real fear is that the most corrupt Rs will succeed in buying and stealing the White House.

Look at the rw posts here. They have no friggin clue and they are STILL whining and yammering about such nonsense as Obama's birth certificate. They are idiots who have blindly bought into the farce that such as Norquist is feeding them.

Add to that the illegal voter suppression along with the illegal buying of votes - both of which go against everything that the US stands for and guess what ... The idiot rw's are STILL whining about a BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

Bush should never have been elected. Well, actually, he wasn't elected. We know that now. But, he was elected the second time. That in itself should tell us just how stupid people can be.

We also know that Silly Putty Mitt should not be elected.

Look back at posts here. There are people here who say they would happily vote for Mickey Mouse rather than ..................

Hard to get more stupid than that.

A huge percentage of the voters just don't get it. They will suck up to lushbo, beck, fux and then they will vote for the least qualified and they WILL believe they have done the right thing.

Anyway, I hope its true that etch a sketch won't be elected.
My very real fear is that the most corrupt Rs will succeed in buying and stealing the White House.

Look at the rw posts here. They have no friggin clue and they are STILL whining and yammering about such nonsense as Obama's birth certificate. They are idiots who have blindly bought into the farce that such as Norquist is feeding them.

Add to that the illegal voter suppression along with the illegal buying of votes - both of which go against everything that the US stands for and guess what ... The idiot rw's are STILL whining about a BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

Bush should never have been elected. Well, actually, he wasn't elected. We know that now. But, he was elected the second time. That in itself should tell us just how stupid people can be.

We also know that Silly Putty Mitt should not be elected.

Look back at posts here. There are people here who say they would happily vote for Mickey Mouse rather than ..................

Hard to get more stupid than that.

A huge percentage of the voters just don't get it. They will suck up to lushbo, beck, fux and then they will vote for the least qualified and they WILL believe they have done the right thing.

Anyway, I hope its true that etch a sketch won't be elected.

Hell, just a few days back Syrenn said she'd vote for Manson over Obama.
My very real fear is that the most corrupt Rs will succeed in buying and stealing the White House.

Look at the rw posts here. They have no friggin clue and they are STILL whining and yammering about such nonsense as Obama's birth certificate. They are idiots who have blindly bought into the farce that such as Norquist is feeding them.

Add to that the illegal voter suppression along with the illegal buying of votes - both of which go against everything that the US stands for and guess what ... The idiot rw's are STILL whining about a BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

Bush should never have been elected. Well, actually, he wasn't elected. We know that now. But, he was elected the second time. That in itself should tell us just how stupid people can be.

We also know that Silly Putty Mitt should not be elected.

Look back at posts here. There are people here who say they would happily vote for Mickey Mouse rather than ..................

Hard to get more stupid than that.

A huge percentage of the voters just don't get it. They will suck up to lushbo, beck, fux and then they will vote for the least qualified and they WILL believe they have done the right thing.

Anyway, I hope its true that etch a sketch won't be elected.

Bush was elected the second time because the white house kept America hostage to terror. Remember the color terror alert warning system? They jacked up phoney upgraded terror warnings every time Kerry showed any life in the polls.

Tom Ridge admits terror alerts were used for political reasons. What about the Osama video right before the '04 election? | Crooks and Liars
My very real fear is that the most corrupt Rs will succeed in buying and stealing the White House.

Look at the rw posts here. They have no friggin clue and they are STILL whining and yammering about such nonsense as Obama's birth certificate. They are idiots who have blindly bought into the farce that such as Norquist is feeding them.

Add to that the illegal voter suppression along with the illegal buying of votes - both of which go against everything that the US stands for and guess what ... The idiot rw's are STILL whining about a BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

Bush should never have been elected. Well, actually, he wasn't elected. We know that now. But, he was elected the second time. That in itself should tell us just how stupid people can be.

We also know that Silly Putty Mitt should not be elected.

Look back at posts here. There are people here who say they would happily vote for Mickey Mouse rather than ..................

Hard to get more stupid than that.

A huge percentage of the voters just don't get it. They will suck up to lushbo, beck, fux and then they will vote for the least qualified and they WILL believe they have done the right thing.

Anyway, I hope its true that etch a sketch won't be elected.

Bush was elected the second time because the white house kept America hostage to terror. Remember the color terror alert warning system? They jacked up phoney upgraded terror warnings every time Kerry showed any life in the polls.

Tom Ridge admits terror alerts were used for political reasons. What about the Osama video right before the '04 election? | Crooks and Liars

So your admitting that the American voting public does not trust Democrats to defend their nation... Point taken.
My very real fear is that the most corrupt Rs will succeed in buying and stealing the White House.

Look at the rw posts here. They have no friggin clue and they are STILL whining and yammering about such nonsense as Obama's birth certificate. They are idiots who have blindly bought into the farce that such as Norquist is feeding them.

Add to that the illegal voter suppression along with the illegal buying of votes - both of which go against everything that the US stands for and guess what ... The idiot rw's are STILL whining about a BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

Bush should never have been elected. Well, actually, he wasn't elected. We know that now. But, he was elected the second time. That in itself should tell us just how stupid people can be.

We also know that Silly Putty Mitt should not be elected.

Look back at posts here. There are people here who say they would happily vote for Mickey Mouse rather than ..................

Hard to get more stupid than that.

A huge percentage of the voters just don't get it. They will suck up to lushbo, beck, fux and then they will vote for the least qualified and they WILL believe they have done the right thing.

Anyway, I hope its true that etch a sketch won't be elected.

What is more funny is that, after four years, you morons don't see what you've done to the country by bringing in Mr. Hope And Change. We've got hope allright....a desperate hope that we will be able to change out the ass that sits in the Oval Office to someone who really does have a clue as to how our nation and economy work.....not the way they wish it would work.

Your bitterness over George is understandable. Nobody wants to lose to a loser...and that is just what you did. Eight years later.....things were not that good. And four years after that...they are looking terrible.

Good luck in whatever state you work in. I know here, Obama isn't going to spend a dime because he has no hope of winning. And all four congressional districts will stay GOP. And the state house will become even more conservative.

Across the way, they are already planning the wake for Mckaskill and to the north, Nelson's seat is almost a given GOP switch.

So, keep your etch a sketch poster up on your wall. You can keep good notes on it when Romney starts to right the ship.
My very real fear is that the most corrupt Rs will succeed in buying and stealing the White House.

Look at the rw posts here. They have no friggin clue and they are STILL whining and yammering about such nonsense as Obama's birth certificate. They are idiots who have blindly bought into the farce that such as Norquist is feeding them.

Add to that the illegal voter suppression along with the illegal buying of votes - both of which go against everything that the US stands for and guess what ... The idiot rw's are STILL whining about a BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

Bush should never have been elected. Well, actually, he wasn't elected. We know that now. But, he was elected the second time. That in itself should tell us just how stupid people can be.

We also know that Silly Putty Mitt should not be elected.

Look back at posts here. There are people here who say they would happily vote for Mickey Mouse rather than ..................

Hard to get more stupid than that.

A huge percentage of the voters just don't get it. They will suck up to lushbo, beck, fux and then they will vote for the least qualified and they WILL believe they have done the right thing.

Anyway, I hope its true that etch a sketch won't be elected.

Hell, just a few days back Syrenn said she'd vote for Manson over Obama.

So what....

There were morons on the left who were saying they'd vote for Manson over Bush in 2004. I would have considered it...if he had presented a good economic policy.

My very real fear is that the most corrupt Rs will succeed in buying and stealing the White House.

Look at the rw posts here. They have no friggin clue and they are STILL whining and yammering about such nonsense as Obama's birth certificate. They are idiots who have blindly bought into the farce that such as Norquist is feeding them.

Add to that the illegal voter suppression along with the illegal buying of votes - both of which go against everything that the US stands for and guess what ... The idiot rw's are STILL whining about a BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

Bush should never have been elected. Well, actually, he wasn't elected. We know that now. But, he was elected the second time. That in itself should tell us just how stupid people can be.

We also know that Silly Putty Mitt should not be elected.

Look back at posts here. There are people here who say they would happily vote for Mickey Mouse rather than ..................

Hard to get more stupid than that.

A huge percentage of the voters just don't get it. They will suck up to lushbo, beck, fux and then they will vote for the least qualified and they WILL believe they have done the right thing.

Anyway, I hope its true that etch a sketch won't be elected.

Bush was elected the second time because the white house kept America hostage to terror. Remember the color terror alert warning system? They jacked up phoney upgraded terror warnings every time Kerry showed any life in the polls.

Tom Ridge admits terror alerts were used for political reasons. What about the Osama video right before the '04 election? | Crooks and Liars

So your admitting that the American voting public does not trust Democrats to defend their nation... Point taken.

You are an idiot. I don't allow idiots to speak on my behalf. Now run along and go fuck yourself Sport.
You are an idiot. I don't allow idiots to speak on my behalf. Now run along and go fuck yourself Sport.

I find it can be extremely useful to allow idiots to speak on my behalf.....


I also only appear in public with people shorter than 5' 3".
I'm willing to do a sig bet.

In any case, Romney's been touting the line "Nice guy, but in over his head". That was George W. Bush. He was a nice guy. And he was in over his head. That's why for the first four years the country was run by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. And that's why it seems his father called in Jim Baker and Robert Gates save George W. Bush's second term. George W. Bush was a likable, charismatic guy. That's why he won in 2004, but barely. People actually liked the guy. His past was filled with things we all can identify with, like making mistakes. But he wasn't a schmuck. He didn't have his buddies hold down a guy so he could give the poor fellow a hair cut. He didn't put his dog on the roof. He didn't engage in business practices that put people out of work.

That's Romney.

And that's why he'll never be President.

He's a schmuck.

Now I am taking sig far no takers.

You willing to offer 100:1 odds? 100 days for you with my sig or 1 day with your sig for me? If you think Romney has zero chance, that's a bargain for you.

I'd be willing to do it until 1/1/13 just so we don't have to worry about counting days and that sort of thing. But we'd have to agree on a signature, a font size, color (red is not allowed apparently).

Might I suggest the following.

If Obama wins, you put "All hail President Obama, Your President, My President, Our President.

If Governor Romney wins, I put "All hail President Romney, Your President, My President, Our President."

Size 3 font, blue color, bold font.

And we leave that message of unity up until 1/1/13.



If I had to bet money on it, I'd bet on Obama.

Rather, I've been doing this long enough to understand hubris when I see it. And saying in July that Romney will never be President is hubris. Hurbis kills in my profession. And I'm more than happy to make money from hubris.
Last edited:
I'm willing to do a sig bet.

In any case, Romney's been touting the line "Nice guy, but in over his head". That was George W. Bush. He was a nice guy. And he was in over his head. That's why for the first four years the country was run by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. And that's why it seems his father called in Jim Baker and Robert Gates save George W. Bush's second term. George W. Bush was a likable, charismatic guy. That's why he won in 2004, but barely. People actually liked the guy. His past was filled with things we all can identify with, like making mistakes. But he wasn't a schmuck. He didn't have his buddies hold down a guy so he could give the poor fellow a hair cut. He didn't put his dog on the roof. He didn't engage in business practices that put people out of work.

That's Romney.

And that's why he'll never be President.

He's a schmuck.

Now I am taking sig far no takers.

You willing to offer 100:1 odds? 100 days for you with my sig or 1 day with your sig for me? If you think Romney has zero chance, that's a bargain for you.


2 months..for me or you.

I still think it's going to be a close race.

That implies even odds. You said Romney will "never" be President. You take any odds on something that will never happen if you truly believe what you are saying.

Or was that hyperbole?

If I had to bet money on it, I'd bet on Obama.

Rather, I've been doing this long enough to understand hubris when I see it. And saying in July that Romney will never be President is hubris. Hurbis kills in my profession. And I'm more than happy to make money from hubris.

And cheating grandmothers out of their homes... that works too in your "profession".
Roberts is yet another example of everything Bush touching turning to shit.

Not a big fan of Heller or Citizen's United..

And this decision could be very interesting in the long run.

But it did assure Obama's re-election.

:lol:no of course not, any 5-4 decision that goes your way is wise jurisprudence, any 5-4 decision that doesn't go your way speaks to a radical court:rolleyes:....wipe your chin sallow.
You willing to offer 100:1 odds? 100 days for you with my sig or 1 day with your sig for me? If you think Romney has zero chance, that's a bargain for you.

I'd be willing to do it until 1/1/13 just so we don't have to worry about counting days and that sort of thing. But we'd have to agree on a signature, a font size, color (red is not allowed apparently).

Might I suggest the following.

If Obama wins, you put "All hail President Obama, Your President, My President, Our President.

If Governor Romney wins, I put "All hail President Romney, Your President, My President, Our President."

Size 3 font, blue color, bold font.

And we leave that message of unity up until 1/1/13.



If I had to bet money on it, I'd bet on Obama.

Rather, I've been doing this long enough to understand hubris when I see it. And saying in July that Romney will never be President is hubris. Hurbis kills in my profession. And I'm more than happy to make money from hubris.

Bullets kill in my pretty much anyone's profession.
Why won't Mitt show us his tax returns for the last 12 years?

What is he hiding?
Sankaty is Romney's dirty little secret....

WASHINGTON (AP) — For nearly 15 years, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's financial portfolio has included an offshore company that remained invisible to voters as his political star rose.

Based in Bermuda, Sankaty High Yield Asset Investors Ltd. was not listed on any of Romney's state or federal financial reports. The company is among several Romney holdings that have not been fully disclosed, including one that recently posted a $1.9 million earning — suggesting he could be wealthier than the nearly $250 million estimated by his campaign.

The Associated Press: Assets offshore raise Romney wealth questions
Didn't they make a rule that any thread Chris posts to is automatically sent to the moron forum ?

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