Romney will never be President of the United States.

Looks like my prediction about this turning into Chris's Governor Walker thread is already starting to be fulfilled.
Why won't Mitt show us his tax returns for the last 12 years?

What is he hiding?

He doesnt want to embarass Obama's lack of charitable givings.

I can only conclude that you have the assumption that if a public official doesnt release all documentation about his life, then he is hiding something. So what exactly is Obama in his college records? You seem conveniently unconcerned about them.
Is this supposed to be some kind of swan song for Obama that will make us forget all his fuck ups?

Yeah it is. The absolute misery that this country has sustained during this administration will not be easily forgotten though.

Why won't Mitt show us his tax returns for the last 12 years?

What is he hiding?

Why should he? He made his Tax return public in January... Why should he allow himself to be scrutinized by people whose sole endeavor is to destroy him, and his family's reputation. You idiots just cannot stand it when your political enemies refuse to play ball, when they know your entire mantra in the game is to not abide by the rules. Hell, look at what you idiots tried to do to Sarah Palin... Why should Mr. Romney allow you fools to sidetrack the nation from the real issue of this election... OBLAMO'S INEPTITUDE at running our Nation, and complete lack of any motivation to help America recover financially.
Why won't Mitt show us his tax returns for the last 12 years?

What is he hiding?

Why should he? He made his Tax return public in January... Why should he allow himself to be scrutinized by people whose sole endeavor is to destroy him, and his family's reputation. You idiots just cannot stand it when your political enemies refuse to play ball, when they know your entire mantra in the game is to not abide by the rules. Hell, look at what you idiots tried to do to Sarah Palin... Why should Mr. Romney allow you fools to sidetrack the nation from the real issue of this election... OBLAMO'S INEPTITUDE at running our Nation, and complete lack of any motivation to help America recover financially.

Mitt Romney already submitted his tax returns. He did it during the debates--and YES we all know he's a self made wealthy man. The fact is--the money Romney inherited from his father he donated. That means that Mitt Romney accumulated a lot of wealth from actually working in the private sector and has a lot of experience with OUR PRIVATE SECTOR economy. The lack of Obama's experience with the private sector is in our faces with a 8.2% or a real 10.9% unemployment rate in this country.

The fact is Barack Obama has never worked ONE SINGLE DAY in the PRIVATE SECTOR in his ENTIRE LIFE.

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Why won't Mitt show us his tax returns for the last 12 years?

What is he hiding?

He doesnt want to embarass Obama's lack of charitable givings.

I can only conclude that you have the assumption that if a public official doesnt release all documentation about his life, then he is hiding something. So what exactly is Obama in his college records? You seem conveniently unconcerned about them.

I think there's a little problem about RELEVENCE.

Obama's college grades from 30 years ago are relevent, how, exactly? That he got a "C" in Contract Law one semester proves, what, exactly?

Romney's tax returns, yeah, that's kind of relevent. How much money does he have squirrelled away in the Caymans and how much money did he make screwing over those AmPad workers?
Mitt Romney already submitted his tax returns. He did it during the debates--and YES we all know he's a self made wealthy man. The fact is--the money Romney inherited from his father he donated. That means that Mitt Romney accumulated a lot of wealth from actually working in the private sector and has a lot of experience with OUR PRIVATE SECTOR economy. The lack of Obama's experience with the private sector is in our faces with a 8.2% or a real 10.9% unemployment rate in this country.

The fact is Barack Obama has never worked ONE SINGLE DAY in the PRIVATE SECTOR in his ENTIRE LIFE.

First, during the debate, he only released tax returns for ONE YEAR and his estimate for the following year (because he probalby hadn't filed yet.) That is hardly conclusive, considering right now, he doesn't actually have a job and is just living off his investments.

Second, his father was still very much alive when he started working Dad's Rolodex. So he had earned a bunch of money pimping off dad's rep before Dad went off to the Celestial Heaven. Of course, given that Mitt has betrayed all of George's decency, I'm sure he's hoping the Planet Mitt Rules in the hereafter is far away from his.

Third, why do you guys talk about working in the Public Sector as though it's not valid.

Frankly, I've worked in both. Work is work, and I'm more proud of the work I did in the Public Sector than a lot of the bullshit I did in the private sector.
BTW, anyone want to put their money where their mouth is?

If someone says something "never" is going to happen, they should be willing to take astronomical odds against something happening. So if Romney is "never" going to be President, one would be willing to take 100:1 odds of it happening, because "never" means there is 0% of it happening.

Anybody willing to offer astronomical odds?

I'm willing to do a sig bet.

In any case, Romney's been touting the line "Nice guy, but in over his head". That was George W. Bush. He was a nice guy. And he was in over his head. That's why for the first four years the country was run by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. And that's why it seems his father called in Jim Baker and Robert Gates save George W. Bush's second term. George W. Bush was a likable, charismatic guy. That's why he won in 2004, but barely. People actually liked the guy. His past was filled with things we all can identify with, like making mistakes. But he wasn't a schmuck. He didn't have his buddies hold down a guy so he could give the poor fellow a hair cut. He didn't put his dog on the roof. He didn't engage in business practices that put people out of work.

That's Romney.

And that's why he'll never be President.

He's a schmuck.

Now I am taking sig far no takers.

i think Obama may be in a little over his head too........part of being President is being a LEADER.....not just for one side or just those who agree with you.....Obama & Bush.....great guys......lousy leaders.....right now this Country NEEDS a leader......and i dont think there is one in sight.....
My very real fear is that the most corrupt Rs will succeed in buying and stealing the White House.

Look at the rw posts here. They have no friggin clue and they are STILL whining and yammering about such nonsense as Obama's birth certificate. They are idiots who have blindly bought into the farce that such as Norquist is feeding them.

Add to that the illegal voter suppression along with the illegal buying of votes - both of which go against everything that the US stands for and guess what ... The idiot rw's are STILL whining about a BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

Bush should never have been elected. Well, actually, he wasn't elected. We know that now. But, he was elected the second time. That in itself should tell us just how stupid people can be.

We also know that Silly Putty Mitt should not be elected.

Look back at posts here. There are people here who say they would happily vote for Mickey Mouse rather than ..................

Hard to get more stupid than that.

A huge percentage of the voters just don't get it. They will suck up to lushbo, beck, fux and then they will vote for the least qualified and they WILL believe they have done the right thing.

Anyway, I hope its true that etch a sketch won't be elected.

you have all that to say.....but yet not one criticism of Obama or any Democrat....your right Dudley..... it is Hard to get more stupid than that. .....

A huge percentage of the voters just don't get it.......

your one of them Dudley.....
Why won't Mitt show us his tax returns for the last 12 years?

What is he hiding?

He doesnt want to embarass Obama's lack of charitable givings.

I can only conclude that you have the assumption that if a public official doesnt release all documentation about his life, then he is hiding something. So what exactly is Obama in his college records? You seem conveniently unconcerned about them.

Chris is not allowed to say anything negative about Democrats,he is not able seems his head starts hurting if he tries.....thought i would let you know.....:eusa_eh:
The fact is Barack Obama has never worked ONE SINGLE DAY in the PRIVATE SECTOR in his ENTIRE LIFE.

Good thing he's not working at staples, right?

He's in an elected, government job, of which he has lots of history.
Sankaty is Romney's dirty little secret....

WASHINGTON (AP) — For nearly 15 years, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's financial portfolio has included an offshore company that remained invisible to voters as his political star rose.

Based in Bermuda, Sankaty High Yield Asset Investors Ltd. was not listed on any of Romney's state or federal financial reports. The company is among several Romney holdings that have not been fully disclosed, including one that recently posted a $1.9 million earning — suggesting he could be wealthier than the nearly $250 million estimated by his campaign.

The Associated Press: Assets offshore raise Romney wealth questions

What? Romney could be even richer than he is? Well that's a reason not to vote for him. Thanks for telling us that Chris.
How by telling the government they can compel people into buying something or they can be taxed? How exactly is that the right thing to do?
What if the government said you had to buy a new car every 5 years or you will be taxed, is that the right thing to do? Or you could go over a certain number of miles on your car?

Your example makes no sense at all. Some people don't even need to drive, so why would they need to buy a new car ever? What you are missing is that everyone needs health insurance. No, not everyone will use it, but most everyone will, and some will definitely need it because they will become seriously ill. Nobody can be 100% certain they will never be sick and will never need it. For those who don't have coverage and do get sick, everyone else pays. It's a tax on society, and it comes at a very high price. To this day I find it hilarious that those on the right who are so concerned about self-responsibility support those who do not take responsibility for themselves by forgoing having any insurance coverage at all. It's a riot.

How about life ins then.

everyone will die and not everyone can afford a funeral, those people are buried at our cost.

Therefore, we should be mandated to get life ins. Those that refuse will be taxed. For those that can't afford it, others will be taxed some more.

It's only fair and it's for our own good.


Cheap funeral, $5000

Treating Leukemia $1,500,000

Stupidity, Priceless
Your example makes no sense at all. Some people don't even need to drive, so why would they need to buy a new car ever? What you are missing is that everyone needs health insurance. No, not everyone will use it, but most everyone will, and some will definitely need it because they will become seriously ill. Nobody can be 100% certain they will never be sick and will never need it. For those who don't have coverage and do get sick, everyone else pays. It's a tax on society, and it comes at a very high price. To this day I find it hilarious that those on the right who are so concerned about self-responsibility support those who do not take responsibility for themselves by forgoing having any insurance coverage at all. It's a riot.

How about life ins then.

everyone will die and not everyone can afford a funeral, those people are buried at our cost.

Therefore, we should be mandated to get life ins. Those that refuse will be taxed. For those that can't afford it, others will be taxed some more.

It's only fair and it's for our own good.


Cheap funeral, $5000

Treating Leukemia $1,500,000

Stupidity, Priceless

Which makes stupidity worth about 2X your response.

Essentially you can now be penalized for NOT buying anything the government decides you should buy.

How this is terribly different than being rewarded for buying anything the government decides you should buy is uncertain, but trying to argue that the government is somehow innocent of creating a false market to control its citizens is stupid.
Roberts is yet another example of everything Bush touching turning to shit.

Not a big fan of Heller or Citizen's United..

And this decision could be very interesting in the long run.

But it did assure Obama's re-election.

:lol:no of course not, any 5-4 decision that goes your way is wise jurisprudence, any 5-4 decision that doesn't go your way speaks to a radical court:rolleyes:....wipe your chin sallow.

You always seem to map things to people that aren't there.

This court has been wildly partisan and engaged in Legislating from the Bench. It is a very radically conservative court.

I don't agree with Roberts by the way.

I believe this legislation falls well within the Congress' power to regulate commerce.
BTW, anyone want to put their money where their mouth is?

If someone says something "never" is going to happen, they should be willing to take astronomical odds against something happening. So if Romney is "never" going to be President, one would be willing to take 100:1 odds of it happening, because "never" means there is 0% of it happening.

Anybody willing to offer astronomical odds?

I'm willing to do a sig bet.

In any case, Romney's been touting the line "Nice guy, but in over his head". That was George W. Bush. He was a nice guy. And he was in over his head. That's why for the first four years the country was run by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. And that's why it seems his father called in Jim Baker and Robert Gates save George W. Bush's second term. George W. Bush was a likable, charismatic guy. That's why he won in 2004, but barely. People actually liked the guy. His past was filled with things we all can identify with, like making mistakes. But he wasn't a schmuck. He didn't have his buddies hold down a guy so he could give the poor fellow a hair cut. He didn't put his dog on the roof. He didn't engage in business practices that put people out of work.

That's Romney.

And that's why he'll never be President.

He's a schmuck.

Now I am taking sig far no takers.

Obama is someone we can identify with !!! ???


If I want someone I can identify with, I'll pick a city councilman. If I want someone who understands how to manage large systems....I'll look for someone with that skill set.

And it sure as hell won't be BHO.

BHO is in over his head....way way way over his head. I actually think McCain would have done a better job than BHO has.

If people want a nice guy they can identify with, they better realize they are going to get four more years of stink in the least.

Well that's your opinion and you are entitled to it.

But it was the guy everyone liked, and who was basically self interested, that got the economy into a shithole. That it was the "wonders" of the invisible hand of the free market that George W. Bush proposed would be so great. It's the type of philosophy that looks at a traffic jam and expounds the virtue of removing street signs, traffic lights and highway patrol.

And the guy you don't seem to like has put on waders and began to dig us out. It isn't pretty..but it seems to be working.

And guys want to put someone more self interested then George W Bush, in the mix.

Personally? I don't think it's going to happen.
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Why won't Mitt show us his tax returns for the last 12 years?

What is he hiding?

He doesnt want to embarass Obama's lack of charitable givings.

I can only conclude that you have the assumption that if a public official doesnt release all documentation about his life, then he is hiding something. So what exactly is Obama in his college records? You seem conveniently unconcerned about them.

I think there's a little problem about RELEVENCE.

Obama's college grades from 30 years ago are relevent, how, exactly? That he got a "C" in Contract Law one semester proves, what, exactly?

Romney's tax returns, yeah, that's kind of relevent. How much money does he have squirrelled away in the Caymans and how much money did he make screwing over those AmPad workers?

shows a pattern of character.

And no Romney's tax returns arent relevant.
BTW, anyone want to put their money where their mouth is?

If someone says something "never" is going to happen, they should be willing to take astronomical odds against something happening. So if Romney is "never" going to be President, one would be willing to take 100:1 odds of it happening, because "never" means there is 0% of it happening.

Anybody willing to offer astronomical odds?

I'm willing to do a sig bet.

In any case, Romney's been touting the line "Nice guy, but in over his head". That was George W. Bush. He was a nice guy. And he was in over his head. That's why for the first four years the country was run by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. And that's why it seems his father called in Jim Baker and Robert Gates save George W. Bush's second term. George W. Bush was a likable, charismatic guy. That's why he won in 2004, but barely. People actually liked the guy. His past was filled with things we all can identify with, like making mistakes. But he wasn't a schmuck. He didn't have his buddies hold down a guy so he could give the poor fellow a hair cut. He didn't put his dog on the roof. He didn't engage in business practices that put people out of work.

That's Romney.

And that's why he'll never be President.

He's a schmuck.

Now I am taking sig far no takers.

i think Obama may be in a little over his head too........part of being President is being a LEADER.....not just for one side or just those who agree with you.....Obama & Bush.....great guys......lousy leaders.....right now this Country NEEDS a leader......and i dont think there is one in sight.....

Then we need to make ourselves the leaders. And we do that by building and establishing our character and the skills needed to lead.

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