Romney will never be President of the United States.

My very real fear is that the most corrupt Rs will succeed in buying and stealing the White House.

Look at the rw posts here. They have no friggin clue and they are STILL whining and yammering about such nonsense as Obama's birth certificate. They are idiots who have blindly bought into the farce that such as Norquist is feeding them.

Add to that the illegal voter suppression along with the illegal buying of votes - both of which go against everything that the US stands for and guess what ... The idiot rw's are STILL whining about a BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

Bush should never have been elected. Well, actually, he wasn't elected. We know that now. But, he was elected the second time. That in itself should tell us just how stupid people can be.

We also know that Silly Putty Mitt should not be elected.

Look back at posts here. There are people here who say they would happily vote for Mickey Mouse rather than ..................

Hard to get more stupid than that.

A huge percentage of the voters just don't get it. They will suck up to lushbo, beck, fux and then they will vote for the least qualified and they WILL believe they have done the right thing.

Anyway, I hope its true that etch a sketch won't be elected.

you have all that to say.....but yet not one criticism of Obama or any Democrat....your right Dudley..... it is Hard to get more stupid than that. .....

A huge percentage of the voters just don't get it.......

your one of them Dudley.....

According to some rich hag, poor people just don't get it.
Not really.

George W. Bush had a lot of negatives too and people over looked them.

What's going to sink Romney is that he's a schmuck.

He can't get away from matter how hard he tries.

It is my opinion that the ACA sunk Romney because if it were struck down, it offered a great argument for him..that Obama was a weak leader and chasing after windmills.

That's over. Domestically he's proven that he can take risks even against his own advisors and lead. And internationally? Osama Bin Laden was a home run. That's along with helping to off Gaddafi, pirates and various bad guys, with no hesitation or remorse.

He's the strong horse.

And people go with the strong horse.

What's going to sink Romney is that he's a schmuck.

Sallow....90% of the people who get elected over and over again.....are being a Dick.....doesn't seem to hurt to can still get elected....
My very real fear is that the most corrupt Rs will succeed in buying and stealing the White House.

Look at the rw posts here. They have no friggin clue and they are STILL whining and yammering about such nonsense as Obama's birth certificate. They are idiots who have blindly bought into the farce that such as Norquist is feeding them.

Add to that the illegal voter suppression along with the illegal buying of votes - both of which go against everything that the US stands for and guess what ... The idiot rw's are STILL whining about a BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

Bush should never have been elected. Well, actually, he wasn't elected. We know that now. But, he was elected the second time. That in itself should tell us just how stupid people can be.

We also know that Silly Putty Mitt should not be elected.

Look back at posts here. There are people here who say they would happily vote for Mickey Mouse rather than ..................

Hard to get more stupid than that.

A huge percentage of the voters just don't get it. They will suck up to lushbo, beck, fux and then they will vote for the least qualified and they WILL believe they have done the right thing.

Anyway, I hope its true that etch a sketch won't be elected.

Which is it?
Buy or Steal?

Sorta contradictory, dontcha think?

But, the truth is, elections have been bought and paid for since George Washington.

S'funny to hear the Left whine about an election being bought when Obama's 2008 campaign was the most expensive in history.

Now Romney will outspend the incumbent for the 1st time in history!

It will make a dent, for sure..but I basically think that Romney's done.

I'll take that Sig-Bet for between Election Day and Inauguration
Not really.

George W. Bush had a lot of negatives too and people over looked them.

What's going to sink Romney is that he's a schmuck.

He can't get away from matter how hard he tries.

It is my opinion that the ACA sunk Romney because if it were struck down, it offered a great argument for him..that Obama was a weak leader and chasing after windmills.

That's over. Domestically he's proven that he can take risks even against his own advisors and lead. And internationally? Osama Bin Laden was a home run. That's along with helping to off Gaddafi, pirates and various bad guys, with no hesitation or remorse.

He's the strong horse.

And people go with the strong horse.

What's going to sink Romney is that he's a schmuck.

Sallow....90% of the people who get elected over and over again.....are being a Dick.....doesn't seem to hurt to can still get elected....

The last schmuck I can remember (in my lifetime) winning an election was Dick Nixon. But Nixon was a brilliant schmuck. He knew his way around politics. Also, the political climate back then..was not quite so polarized. Sure there was alot of turmoil, but people weren't locked into parties like they are now. You had alot of liberal republicans and conservative democrats. Nixon ran on ending the war and did a good many things that liberals wanted to see happen.

You don't have that now. There aren't any liberal republicans and very few conservative democrats. Positions are very hardened now, so you have vast amounts of people that will only vote along party lines.

So..what you are fighting for..are the small amount of people that go with their gut. And for the most part..they don't go with schmucks. They go with the guys they can have a beer with.

Romney isn't that guy.
Which is it?
Buy or Steal?

Sorta contradictory, dontcha think?

But, the truth is, elections have been bought and paid for since George Washington.

S'funny to hear the Left whine about an election being bought when Obama's 2008 campaign was the most expensive in history.

Now Romney will outspend the incumbent for the 1st time in history!

It will make a dent, for sure..but I basically think that Romney's done.

I'll take that Sig-Bet for between Election Day and Inauguration

Bets are now closed.

You're on.

My very real fear is that the most corrupt Rs will succeed in buying and stealing the White House.

Look at the rw posts here. They have no friggin clue and they are STILL whining and yammering about such nonsense as Obama's birth certificate. They are idiots who have blindly bought into the farce that such as Norquist is feeding them.

Add to that the illegal voter suppression along with the illegal buying of votes - both of which go against everything that the US stands for and guess what ... The idiot rw's are STILL whining about a BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

Bush should never have been elected. Well, actually, he wasn't elected. We know that now. But, he was elected the second time. That in itself should tell us just how stupid people can be.

We also know that Silly Putty Mitt should not be elected.

Look back at posts here. There are people here who say they would happily vote for Mickey Mouse rather than ..................

Hard to get more stupid than that.

A huge percentage of the voters just don't get it. They will suck up to lushbo, beck, fux and then they will vote for the least qualified and they WILL believe they have done the right thing.

Anyway, I hope its true that etch a sketch won't be elected.

you have all that to say.....but yet not one criticism of Obama or any Democrat....your right Dudley..... it is Hard to get more stupid than that. .....

A huge percentage of the voters just don't get it.......

your one of them Dudley.....

According to some rich hag, poor people just don't get it.


Good one.
It will make a dent, for sure..but I basically think that Romney's done.

The race has barely started. There are four months left.

If you think Romney's done, you just arent paying attention.
It will make a dent, for sure..but I basically think that Romney's done.

The race has barely started. There are four months left.

If you think Romney's done, you just arent paying attention.

I've been paying attention. Every week something new gets uncovered to relate just how much of a schmuck Romney really is..

This week? Foreign bank accounts..

First candidate for American President ever to have one.

I recently found out Romney was involved in a head on collision with a French Catholic Priest. One of his passengers died.

The shocking pictures that show how Mitt Romney almost died as a young Mormon missionary | Mail Online
The fact is Barack Obama has never worked ONE SINGLE DAY in the PRIVATE SECTOR in his ENTIRE LIFE.

Good thing he's not working at staples, right?

He's in an elected, government job, of which he has lots of history.

Since when is that a resume enhancement?

When you dont know anything about the private sector, how on earth do you think you're qualified to help it in any real way?

Why is working in it a qualifier for being a good executive?

Romney had all this experience in the Private Sector, but when he was Governor of Massachusetts, his job creation record was 47 out of 50 states. The only worse ones were MI and OH (devastated by the decline of the Auto Industry) and LA (devestated by Katrina.)

So if he couldn't work his Rolodex to bring more jobs to Massachusetts in 2003, what is he going to do for America in 2013?
shows a pattern of character.

And no Romney's tax returns arent relevant.

Actually, they kind of are.

Who wants an administration that harbor tax cheats?

Ok, that was badly phrased!!:tongue:

I don't. But then we have one now, don't we?

And showing or not showing tax returns doesnt make someone a tax cheat. And if Romney was cheating on his taxes, do you honestly think Obama wouldnt have arrested him by now?

Obama can arrest people?! I had NO idea!
It will make a dent, for sure..but I basically think that Romney's done.

The race has barely started. There are four months left.

If you think Romney's done, you just arent paying attention.

I've been paying attention. Every week something new gets uncovered to relate just how much of a schmuck Romney really is..

This week? Foreign bank accounts..

First candidate for American President ever to have one.

I recently found out Romney was involved in a head on collision with a French Catholic Priest. One of his passengers died.

The shocking pictures that show how Mitt Romney almost died as a young Mormon missionary | Mail Online

The other driver was drunk and it was a bad road. I'm no fan, but this really doesn't reflect badly on Willard.
The race has barely started. There are four months left.

If you think Romney's done, you just arent paying attention.

I've been paying attention. Every week something new gets uncovered to relate just how much of a schmuck Romney really is..

This week? Foreign bank accounts..

First candidate for American President ever to have one.

I recently found out Romney was involved in a head on collision with a French Catholic Priest. One of his passengers died.

The shocking pictures that show how Mitt Romney almost died as a young Mormon missionary | Mail Online

The other driver was drunk and it was a bad road. I'm no fan, but this really doesn't reflect badly on Willard.

Well there is no proof of the drunk a "witness".

In any case..the Hampton/Aspen thing was classic.

Love it.
Well, okay, in the interest of being fair, there is one real benefit we would gain if Etch a Sketch were elected ...

We would not have to pay for Secret Service for him because morm magic underwear protects from fire, knives, bullets and satan.
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I recently found out Romney was involved in a head on collision with a French Catholic Priest. One of his passengers died.

The shocking pictures that show how Mitt Romney almost died as a young Mormon missionary | Mail Online

See? That magic underwear works.
Well, okay, in the interest of being fair, there is one real benefit we would gain if Etch a Sketch were elected ...

We would not have to pay for Secret Service for him because morm magic underwear protects from fire, knives, bullets and satan.

Well, okay, in the interest of being fair, there is one real benefit we would gain if Etch a Sketch were elected ...

We would not have to pay for Secret Service for him because morm magic underwear protects from fire, knives, bullets and satan.

Had Barack Obama been involved in a fatal car can bet conservatives would have been all over it. Especially one with a Catholic Priest.
Well, okay, in the interest of being fair, there is one real benefit we would gain if Etch a Sketch were elected ...

We would not have to pay for Secret Service for him because morm magic underwear protects from fire, knives, bullets and satan.

Had Barack Obama been involved in a fatal car can bet conservatives would have been all over it. Especially one with a Catholic Priest.

And, facts be damned, they would have blamed him for it.

I'm old enough to remember other elections and I have never seen the degree of hate or the constant lies we're now seeing from the right.

I realize they're desperate but that's really no excuse for throwing the Constitution out the window and cheating people out of their right to vote.

Mitt is a joke. He's a puppet for the Norquist Gang. The rw's know that and they really don't care. Never have I seen a more un-American group than the rw is right now.
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Third last in the nation is still better than dead last, as net job creation has been under Obama compared to all other Presidents since data started being compiled.

A guy who spent most of his life in business knows more about job creation than a lawyer who has spent his life on the government dime.

Good thing he's not working at staples, right?

He's in an elected, government job, of which he has lots of history.

Since when is that a resume enhancement?

When you dont know anything about the private sector, how on earth do you think you're qualified to help it in any real way?

Why is working in it a qualifier for being a good executive?

Romney had all this experience in the Private Sector, but when he was Governor of Massachusetts, his job creation record was 47 out of 50 states. The only worse ones were MI and OH (devastated by the decline of the Auto Industry) and LA (devestated by Katrina.)

So if he couldn't work his Rolodex to bring more jobs to Massachusetts in 2003, what is he going to do for America in 2013?
Well, okay, in the interest of being fair, there is one real benefit we would gain if Etch a Sketch were elected ...

We would not have to pay for Secret Service for him because morm magic underwear protects from fire, knives, bullets and satan.

Had Barack Obama been involved in a fatal car can bet conservatives would have been all over it. Especially one with a Catholic Priest.

And, facts be damned, they would have blamed him for it.

I'm old enough to remember other elections and I have never seen the degree of hate or the constant lies we're now seeing from the right.

I realize they're desperate but that's really no excuse for throwing the Constitution out the window and cheating people out of their right to vote.

Mitt is a joke. He's a puppet for the Norquist Gang. The rw's know that and they really don't care. Never have I seen a more un-American group than the rw is right now.

Then you must have not been around for the bush years. The Birthers have nothing on the Truthers.

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