Romney will never be President of the United States.

Thanks for your illiterate and factually incorrect rant. The class hatred just oozes all over the page.

First and foremost, we need jobs.

We've seen what Obama can do. Nearly four years of incompetence.

Time for someone else.

Um, since Romney just wants to do the same thing Bush did, and a lot of those Bush Policies (Free Trade, Tax breaks for rich Douchebags) are the ones Obama's retained, I'm not sure how "someone else" isn't more of the same.

Our economic woes can be tracked to two things.

1) We are bleeding out 500 Billion a year every year since 1976 in trade deficits.

2) 1% of the population controls 50% of the wealth and growing.

Those are our economic problems, and Romney thinks both of those things are just dandy. We totally need more of both of those.

And this is the bottom line. "Someone else" needs to be an improvement.

A failed former governor who has no concept of why people are hurting is not an improvement.

YOU made it about you, hater. Just like your bigotry towards Mormons, you've taken your incident and extrapolated it to everything else.

Since you're the King of Deflections, I'm not surprised.

Um, guy, I pointed out REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE.

Just like you do when you brag about how smart you were when you cheated Granny out of her house or whatever it was you did to take advantage of the housing market debacle.

My real life experience is that when someone goes around telling you what a brilliant business leader he is, he's usually full of shit, and anyone who works for him will tell you as much.

Kind of like most of the people who worked for AmPad (arrrrgh!) GS Steel, DDi Instruments and Damon Medical will tell you Romney was no "genius".

My experience- these "geniuses" are anything but, and we should stop pretending they are.

The Bain commercials are working.... just like I said they would. And you are screaming like a stuck pig.
It's only class hatred when they fight back and stop putting up with it.

Few more years, the Plutocrats won't have a home in either party. Santorum and Huckabee were just the first knocking at the gates, and you'll run out of boiling oil to pour on them eventually.

Thanks for your illiterate and factually incorrect rant. The class hatred just oozes all over the page.

First and foremost, we need jobs.

We've seen what Obama can do. Nearly four years of incompetence.

Time for someone else.

Um, since Romney just wants to do the same thing Bush did, and a lot of those Bush Policies (Free Trade, Tax breaks for rich Douchebags) are the ones Obama's retained, I'm not sure how "someone else" isn't more of the same.

Our economic woes can be tracked to two things.

1) We are bleeding out 500 Billion a year every year since 1976 in trade deficits.

2) 1% of the population controls 50% of the wealth and growing.

Those are our economic problems, and Romney thinks both of those things are just dandy. We totally need more of both of those.

And this is the bottom line. "Someone else" needs to be an improvement.

A failed former governor who has no concept of why people are hurting is not an improvement.
Bush was incompetent. So is Obama.

Being a partisan hack doesn't obviate either fact.

First and foremost, we need jobs.

We've seen what Obama can do. Nearly four years of incompetence.

Time for someone else.

What you call "incompetence" I call competence. What you call competence, I call incompetence.

George W. Bush..was competent to you.

So no thanks man.

Because Romney essentially has the same record in or out of government.

He profits himself..and leaves shit behind.

That's crazy talk Toro.

We haven't seen anything like 9/11 or Katrina under Obama. And employment has been slowly going up.

What we don't see under Obama is public sector hiring. We saw that under Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush..but not Obama. Congress has been blocking it. So some 600K public sector employees lost their jobs.

That really should make you folks really getting smaller.
lol, a (so called) failed former Governor or a failed President
now lets see, which one to chose.....hummmmm

Well, um, yeah.

Here's the telling thing.

Mitt Romney will not carry Massachusetts in November.

In fact, he's not even contesting it.

And not because it's a "liberal" state. Scott Brown has a pretty reasonable chance of getting a second term.

Now, if the people who have already lived under a Romney Administration are saying "no way" to a bigger and more important one, that should tell you right there it's a bad deal.

Oh, by the way. Obama will definitely carry Illinois again.
That's crazy talk Toro.

We haven't seen anything like 9/11 or Katrina under Obama. And employment has been slowly going up.

What we don't see under Obama is public sector hiring. We saw that under Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush..but not Obama. Congress has been blocking it. So some 600K public sector employees lost their jobs.

That really should make you folks really getting smaller.

That is the irony.

If Obama were White and a Republican doing the same things, they'd be singing his hosannas.

He does the things that they praised for years, from individual mandates to reducing the number of government workers to killing Khadafy, and he gets nothing but grief.
Personal anecdotes aren't proof applied to a broad population, something totally fail to understand.


YOU made it about you, hater. Just like your bigotry towards Mormons, you've taken your incident and extrapolated it to everything else.

Since you're the King of Deflections, I'm not surprised.

Um, guy, I pointed out REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE.

Just like you do when you brag about how smart you were when you cheated Granny out of her house or whatever it was you did to take advantage of the housing market debacle.

My real life experience is that when someone goes around telling you what a brilliant business leader he is, he's usually full of shit, and anyone who works for him will tell you as much.

Kind of like most of the people who worked for AmPad (arrrrgh!) GS Steel, DDi Instruments and Damon Medical will tell you Romney was no "genius".

My experience- these "geniuses" are anything but, and we should stop pretending they are.

The Bain commercials are working.... just like I said they would. And you are screaming like a stuck pig.
- Our credit rating was downgraded under Obama

- There hasn't been a budget passed in three years

- We are running record deficits, and even under the best scenarios, the deficit to GDP will be 3% in a few years, an astonishingly frightening figure

- He ignored Simpson Bowles

- He demagogues on Medicare for political gain without offering a real solution to contain costs, which is a ticking time bomb

- Same on social security

- He has created so much regulation and uncertainty, CEOs have gone on record saying they won't invest here.

- Saying "he's not Bush" or "it's not his fault" isn't good enough. I don't blame him for this mess but his response has been poor.

- And blaming the Tea Party is lame too. Of course, they contributed to the problems over the past 18 months, but the reason why they are even in DC is because Obama was so unpopular, he took one of the biggest hidings in recent political history. He is the President. The buck stops there. Whining that it is all someone else's fault is a sign of weakness.

- He's as divisive as Bush. Liberals and Democrats can't see this because they're biased. But he brings up as much vitriol to the right as Bush did to the left.

And FTR, Clinton was a good President and extremely good politician (though he was a failure as a man). Obama is neither.

- Obama's first two years was so unpopo

Bush was incompetent. So is Obama.

Being a partisan hack doesn't obviate either fact.

What you call "incompetence" I call competence. What you call competence, I call incompetence.

George W. Bush..was competent to you.

So no thanks man.

Because Romney essentially has the same record in or out of government.

He profits himself..and leaves shit behind.

That's crazy talk Toro.

We haven't seen anything like 9/11 or Katrina under Obama. And employment has been slowly going up.

What we don't see under Obama is public sector hiring. We saw that under Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush..but not Obama. Congress has been blocking it. So some 600K public sector employees lost their jobs.

That really should make you folks really getting smaller.
- Our credit rating was downgraded under Obama

- There hasn't been a budget passed in three years

- We are running record deficits, and even under the best scenarios, the deficit to GDP will be 3% in a few years, an astonishingly frightening figure

- He ignored Simpson Bowles

- He demagogues on Medicare for political gain without offering a real solution to contain costs, which is a ticking time bomb

- Same on social security

- He has created so much regulation and uncertainty, CEOs have gone on record saying they won't invest here.

- Saying "he's not Bush" or "it's not his fault" isn't good enough. I don't blame him for this mess but his response has been poor.

- And blaming the Tea Party is lame too. Of course, they contributed to the problems over the past 18 months, but the reason why they are even in DC is because Obama was so unpopular, he took one of the biggest hidings in recent political history. He is the President. The buck stops there. Whining that it is all someone else's fault is a sign of weakness.

- He's as divisive as Bush. Liberals and Democrats can't see this because they're biased. But he brings up as much vitriol to the right as Bush did to the left.

And FTR, Clinton was a good President and extremely good politician (though he was a failure as a man). Obama is neither.

- Obama's first two years was so unpopo

Bush was incompetent. So is Obama.

Being a partisan hack doesn't obviate either fact.

That's crazy talk Toro.

We haven't seen anything like 9/11 or Katrina under Obama. And employment has been slowly going up.

What we don't see under Obama is public sector hiring. We saw that under Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush..but not Obama. Congress has been blocking it. So some 600K public sector employees lost their jobs.

That really should make you folks really getting smaller.

Oh ridiculous.

To your points..

-The S&P initially got the numbers wrong. After that..they went with the "political climate" to factor into the downgrade. First time in history. But it isn't the first time in history they got anything the Mortgage Backed Derivatives proves.

-The "record deficits" are a result of Bush spending and tax cuts. Government spending after the first year of the Obama administration has actually gone down or been flat.

-He didn't "ignore" it..he allowed congress to come up with it's own budget. But instead of doing that..they got together and decided to put up legislation designed to make Obama a one term President. This is what the agenda has been from day 1.

-Again ridiculous. 500 Billion was cut from medicare and the savings was seen in reducing wasteful practices, eliminating redundancies and going after fraud. Republicans had a fit and called it "Death Panels".

-SSI isn't a ticking time bomb. It's fully funded and expected to be solvent for at least 2 decades.

-Obama's "regulation" has been pretty light. In fact, less regulation has been put up by the Obama administration then either Bush's or Clinton's administration. Seems you forgot Sarbanes-Oxley as well as other measures. Frank/Dodd is incredibly weak considering what happened. There really should have been arrests.

-The Tea Party is a well funded conservative astro turf movement aimed at one thing, unseating the President. Ignoring them would have been folly. SEE: Swift Boating.

-He brings up "vitriol" because he's black. Bush never ever held cocktail parties for the Democrats or attended meetings with them to hash out anything. Bush was a my way, I am the decider, you are either with me or against me..sort of guy. Obama's incorporated Republican ideas, reached out to them numerous times and bends over backwards to accomodate them..and they still kick him in the ass.

-Too late for that Toro..Republicans did their very best to get rid of Clinton. They impeached him. Calling him a "really good politician" is really pale coming from a conservative. It didn't matter what sort of "politician" he was..conservatives wanted him out. Same with Obama.
First and foremost, we need jobs.

We've seen what Obama can do. Nearly four years of incompetence.

Time for someone else.

Y'know, sometimes I think - elect Romney. I would looooove to see him pull a Bush II, because I really don't know how this board would cover their ass - oh, wait. I do. "Obama made such a mess, there's no way he can fix it that fast!"

Yeah, I can see it now.
I guess obama is finding out the people don't like to have a monster legislation loaded down with new taxes shoved on them against their will (ObamaTax)..

Now he is talking about RAISING taxes again after he said in this economy it wasn't a good idea...the people don't have any faith in him, see him as corrupt, arrogant, and are sick of his transforming America with HIS VISIONS

They also don't like a whiny thug as President..time for him go back to whatever it was he did before he felt he should grace us with his being President

vote him out folks
I think people are warming-up to the Romney Penalty as it will only effect scofflaws and 1% of the total population at that
I guess obama is finding out the people don't like to have a monster legislation loaded down with new taxes shoved on them against their will (ObamaTax)..

Now he is talking about RAISING taxes again after he said in this economy it wasn't a good idea...the people don't have any faith in him, see him as corrupt, arrogant, and are sick of his transforming America with HIS VISIONS

They also don't like a whiny thug as President..time for him go back to whatever it was he did before he felt he should grace us with his being President

vote him out folks

Lol :clap2:
But don't forget Obama always wanted to raise taxes to destroy the economy its step one towards 'hope and change' communism, that's the only true thing I believe about Barry.
I guess obama is finding out the people don't like to have a monster legislation loaded down with new taxes shoved on them against their will (ObamaTax)..

Now he is talking about RAISING taxes again after he said in this economy it wasn't a good idea...the people don't have any faith in him, see him as corrupt, arrogant, and are sick of his transforming America with HIS VISIONS

They also don't like a whiny thug as President..time for him go back to whatever it was he did before he felt he should grace us with his being President

vote him out folks

Lol :clap2:
But don't forget Obama always wanted to raise taxes to destroy the economy its step one towards 'hope and change' communism, that's the only true thing I believe about Barry.

Communists tax?

Since when.

Find it in the Manifesto.

America Taxes.

That's in the Constitution.

Section 8 - Powers of Congress

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Amendment 16 - Status of Income Tax Clarified. Ratified 2/3/1913. Note History

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

Commies DON'T TAX.
First and foremost, we need jobs.

We've seen what Obama can do. Nearly four years of incompetence.

Time for someone else.

Y'know, sometimes I think - elect Romney. I would looooove to see him pull a Bush II, because I really don't know how this board would cover their ass - oh, wait. I do. "Obama made such a mess, there's no way he can fix it that fast!"

Yeah, I can see it now.

Sometimes I feel that way too but the next President may be able to overturn Roe...we can't risk that.
- Our credit rating was downgraded under Obama

- There hasn't been a budget passed in three years

- We are running record deficits, and even under the best scenarios, the deficit to GDP will be 3% in a few years, an astonishingly frightening figure

- He ignored Simpson Bowles

- He demagogues on Medicare for political gain without offering a real solution to contain costs, which is a ticking time bomb

- Same on social security

- He has created so much regulation and uncertainty, CEOs have gone on record saying they won't invest here.

- Saying "he's not Bush" or "it's not his fault" isn't good enough. I don't blame him for this mess but his response has been poor.

- And blaming the Tea Party is lame too. Of course, they contributed to the problems over the past 18 months, but the reason why they are even in DC is because Obama was so unpopular, he took one of the biggest hidings in recent political history. He is the President. The buck stops there. Whining that it is all someone else's fault is a sign of weakness.

- He's as divisive as Bush. Liberals and Democrats can't see this because they're biased. But he brings up as much vitriol to the right as Bush did to the left.

And FTR, Clinton was a good President and extremely good politician (though he was a failure as a man). Obama is neither.

- Obama's first two years was so unpopo

That's crazy talk Toro.

We haven't seen anything like 9/11 or Katrina under Obama. And employment has been slowly going up.

What we don't see under Obama is public sector hiring. We saw that under Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush..but not Obama. Congress has been blocking it. So some 600K public sector employees lost their jobs.

That really should make you folks really getting smaller.

Oh ridiculous.

To your points..

-The S&P initially got the numbers wrong. After that..they went with the "political climate" to factor into the downgrade. First time in history. But it isn't the first time in history they got anything the Mortgage Backed Derivatives proves.

-The "record deficits" are a result of Bush spending and tax cuts. Government spending after the first year of the Obama administration has actually gone down or been flat.

-He didn't "ignore" it..he allowed congress to come up with it's own budget. But instead of doing that..they got together and decided to put up legislation designed to make Obama a one term President. This is what the agenda has been from day 1.

-Again ridiculous. 500 Billion was cut from medicare and the savings was seen in reducing wasteful practices, eliminating redundancies and going after fraud. Republicans had a fit and called it "Death Panels".

-SSI isn't a ticking time bomb. It's fully funded and expected to be solvent for at least 2 decades.

-Obama's "regulation" has been pretty light. In fact, less regulation has been put up by the Obama administration then either Bush's or Clinton's administration. Seems you forgot Sarbanes-Oxley as well as other measures. Frank/Dodd is incredibly weak considering what happened. There really should have been arrests.

-The Tea Party is a well funded conservative astro turf movement aimed at one thing, unseating the President. Ignoring them would have been folly. SEE: Swift Boating.

-He brings up "vitriol" because he's black. Bush never ever held cocktail parties for the Democrats or attended meetings with them to hash out anything. Bush was a my way, I am the decider, you are either with me or against me..sort of guy. Obama's incorporated Republican ideas, reached out to them numerous times and bends over backwards to accomodate them..and they still kick him in the ass.

-Too late for that Toro..Republicans did their very best to get rid of Clinton. They impeached him. Calling him a "really good politician" is really pale coming from a conservative. It didn't matter what sort of "politician" he was..conservatives wanted him out. Same with Obama.

"Oh ridiculous?"

You do realize Toro is not a hard core conservative, right? You're losing people who aren't conservatives and I dont think you are taking them seriously. Please carry on though. I want Romney to win:)
Thanks, Judge Roberts.



Well, surely the person who made his fortune destroying american companies and jobs, creating outsourcing, refusing to invest in the same country he robbed, shouldnt be president, but they are going to prevent millions of Americans from voting so dont be so sure
First and foremost, we need jobs.

We've seen what Obama can do. Nearly four years of incompetence.

Time for someone else.

Y'know, sometimes I think - elect Romney. I would looooove to see him pull a Bush II, because I really don't know how this board would cover their ass - oh, wait. I do. "Obama made such a mess, there's no way he can fix it that fast!"

Yeah, I can see it now.

Sometimes I feel that way too but the next President may be able to overturn Roe...we can't risk that.

Dont like the thought of States making their own laws on the matter? I guess it is much easier to make your agenda immune to the people.

Relax though. With Kennedy and Roberts being unreliable, Roe v Wade is unlikely to be overturned. Id rather see Griswold overturned. such a bad precedent.
- Our credit rating was downgraded under Obama

- There hasn't been a budget passed in three years

- We are running record deficits, and even under the best scenarios, the deficit to GDP will be 3% in a few years, an astonishingly frightening figure

- He ignored Simpson Bowles

- He demagogues on Medicare for political gain without offering a real solution to contain costs, which is a ticking time bomb

- Same on social security

- He has created so much regulation and uncertainty, CEOs have gone on record saying they won't invest here.

- Saying "he's not Bush" or "it's not his fault" isn't good enough. I don't blame him for this mess but his response has been poor.

- And blaming the Tea Party is lame too. Of course, they contributed to the problems over the past 18 months, but the reason why they are even in DC is because Obama was so unpopular, he took one of the biggest hidings in recent political history. He is the President. The buck stops there. Whining that it is all someone else's fault is a sign of weakness.

- He's as divisive as Bush. Liberals and Democrats can't see this because they're biased. But he brings up as much vitriol to the right as Bush did to the left.

And FTR, Clinton was a good President and extremely good politician (though he was a failure as a man). Obama is neither.

- Obama's first two years was so unpopo

Oh ridiculous.

To your points..

-The S&P initially got the numbers wrong. After that..they went with the "political climate" to factor into the downgrade. First time in history. But it isn't the first time in history they got anything the Mortgage Backed Derivatives proves.

-The "record deficits" are a result of Bush spending and tax cuts. Government spending after the first year of the Obama administration has actually gone down or been flat.

-He didn't "ignore" it..he allowed congress to come up with it's own budget. But instead of doing that..they got together and decided to put up legislation designed to make Obama a one term President. This is what the agenda has been from day 1.

-Again ridiculous. 500 Billion was cut from medicare and the savings was seen in reducing wasteful practices, eliminating redundancies and going after fraud. Republicans had a fit and called it "Death Panels".

-SSI isn't a ticking time bomb. It's fully funded and expected to be solvent for at least 2 decades.

-Obama's "regulation" has been pretty light. In fact, less regulation has been put up by the Obama administration then either Bush's or Clinton's administration. Seems you forgot Sarbanes-Oxley as well as other measures. Frank/Dodd is incredibly weak considering what happened. There really should have been arrests.

-The Tea Party is a well funded conservative astro turf movement aimed at one thing, unseating the President. Ignoring them would have been folly. SEE: Swift Boating.

-He brings up "vitriol" because he's black. Bush never ever held cocktail parties for the Democrats or attended meetings with them to hash out anything. Bush was a my way, I am the decider, you are either with me or against me..sort of guy. Obama's incorporated Republican ideas, reached out to them numerous times and bends over backwards to accomodate them..and they still kick him in the ass.

-Too late for that Toro..Republicans did their very best to get rid of Clinton. They impeached him. Calling him a "really good politician" is really pale coming from a conservative. It didn't matter what sort of "politician" he was..conservatives wanted him out. Same with Obama.

"Oh ridiculous?"

You do realize Toro is not a hard core conservative, right? You're losing people who aren't conservatives and I dont think you are taking them seriously. Please carry on though. I want Romney to win:)

Toro's what I describe as a "Wall Street" conservative. Basically apolitical until it effects the bottom line. They typically vote Republican..but will fund both sides. Romney's right up his alley. Toro wants no traffic lights, speed limits or cops on the wall street highway.
First and foremost, we need jobs.

We've seen what Obama can do. Nearly four years of incompetence.

Time for someone else.

Y'know, sometimes I think - elect Romney. I would looooove to see him pull a Bush II, because I really don't know how this board would cover their ass - oh, wait. I do. "Obama made such a mess, there's no way he can fix it that fast!"

Yeah, I can see it now.

While I dont expect fixes overnight, I dont expect there not to be fixes. and if there aren't. it's on Romney's head.

See, we dont have a problem putting responsibility on the proper people.

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