Romney will never be President of the United States.

Actually, they kind of are.

Who wants an administration that harbor tax cheats?

Ok, that was badly phrased!!:tongue:

I don't. But then we have one now, don't we?

And showing or not showing tax returns doesnt make someone a tax cheat. And if Romney was cheating on his taxes, do you honestly think Obama wouldnt have arrested him by now?

Obama can arrest people?! I had NO idea!

That must have been a slip. No, he can only call in drone strikes to have you killed. No reason to arrest anyone really....:eusa_whistle:
Had Barack Obama been involved in a fatal car can bet conservatives would have been all over it. Especially one with a Catholic Priest.

And, facts be damned, they would have blamed him for it.

I'm old enough to remember other elections and I have never seen the degree of hate or the constant lies we're now seeing from the right.

I realize they're desperate but that's really no excuse for throwing the Constitution out the window and cheating people out of their right to vote.

Mitt is a joke. He's a puppet for the Norquist Gang. The rw's know that and they really don't care. Never have I seen a more un-American group than the rw is right now.

Then you must have not been around for the bush years. The Birthers have nothing on the Truthers.

They are one-and-the-same in my book. Both scenarios are so silly, they deserve nothing more than token investigation. I will say this though; I know twoofers of alot of different political and social stripes. Just to mention names you may know, Eminem and Martin Sheen are both twoofers to some extent. Judge Napolitano (sp) of Fox News is one as well to a lesser extent.

Birthers are particularly detestable because this is based on race and nothing else. If the President's name was Sam Smith and he were white, there would be no argument whatsoever.
Third last in the nation is still better than dead last, as net job creation has been under Obama compared to all other Presidents since data started being compiled.

A guy who spent most of his life in business knows more about job creation than a lawyer who has spent his life on the government dime.


Words never spoken in a working class bar.

"My boss is such a genius. I am so lucky to be working for such a smart man!"

Usually, business works well despite these people, not because of them.
You're right. What does a businessman know about his business? What does he know about finding new markets? What does he know increasing sales and expanding markets for his products? What does he know about meeting a payroll? What does he know about plant expansion? What does he know about getting a loan? Those 60-80 hours a week he puts in are just for show.

Instead, we should ask Joe the line worker, because Joe knows so much better. After all, Joe knows how to work the lathe. Let's ask him.

Third last in the nation is still better than dead last, as net job creation has been under Obama compared to all other Presidents since data started being compiled.

A guy who spent most of his life in business knows more about job creation than a lawyer who has spent his life on the government dime.


Words never spoken in a working class bar.

"My boss is such a genius. I am so lucky to be working for such a smart man!"

Usually, business works well despite these people, not because of them.
You're right. What does a businessman know about his business? What does he know about finding new markets? What does he know increasing sales and expanding markets for his products? What does he know about meeting a payroll? What does he know about plant expansion? What does he know about getting a loan? Those 60-80 hours a week he puts in are just for show.

Instead, we should ask Joe the line worker, because Joe knows so much better. After all, Joe knows how to work the lathe. Let's ask him.


Hey, guy, after 20 years, I've seen one "brilliant" plan after another blow up in their faces. Things the guy who worked the lathe would have told him was a horrible idea.

Like the last company I worked for, decided that their three year contract was really going to be "have the business forever", even though this customer was notorious for changing vendors every three years when contracts ran out. They bought a new big expensive facility and hired a bunch of people they didn't need to work on other projects, and they were all caught flat footed when us "lathe-workers" (actually, the CSR's and Buyers who worked with the vendor directly) told them tney needed to pay more attention to the customer's concerns. You know, like we were overcharging them to pay for bullshit.

Yup, yup, they insisted. They can't get another vendor to do what we do. No problem. They were still claiming that about a year after they dropped us. Then they finally let a bunch of people go. Not the people who had been hired. They worked cheaper. They fired the folks who were there from the beginning. They actually earned raises the bastard.

The only place a "businessman" looks good is at the end of meathook.
You're right. What does a businessman know about his business? What does he know about finding new markets? What does he know increasing sales and expanding markets for his products? What does he know about meeting a payroll? What does he know about plant expansion? What does he know about getting a loan? Those 60-80 hours a week he puts in are just for show.

Instead, we should ask Joe the line worker, because Joe knows so much better. After all, Joe knows how to work the lathe. Let's ask him.

Third last in the nation is still better than dead last, as net job creation has been under Obama compared to all other Presidents since data started being compiled.

A guy who spent most of his life in business knows more about job creation than a lawyer who has spent his life on the government dime.


Words never spoken in a working class bar.

"My boss is such a genius. I am so lucky to be working for such a smart man!"

Usually, business works well despite these people, not because of them.

This translates to making sure your citizens are in good health, educated and well fed, how exactly?

This translates to brokering deals with countries you may not like to insure that you avoid war, how exactly?

This translates to working with people that do not agree with your agenda, how exactly?

This translates to making investments in new technology and infrastructure that will never personally profit you or investors, but will assure the overall economic health of the nation, how exactly?

The George W. Bush administration was the businessman administration.

If people liked that..they should definitely vote Romney.
Aww, was someone a big meanie to poor wittle Joe!

The funny thing is that you carry around so much hatred for people whom you rely so heavily on.

You're right. What does a businessman know about his business? What does he know about finding new markets? What does he know increasing sales and expanding markets for his products? What does he know about meeting a payroll? What does he know about plant expansion? What does he know about getting a loan? Those 60-80 hours a week he puts in are just for show.

Instead, we should ask Joe the line worker, because Joe knows so much better. After all, Joe knows how to work the lathe. Let's ask him.


Hey, guy, after 20 years, I've seen one "brilliant" plan after another blow up in their faces. Things the guy who worked the lathe would have told him was a horrible idea.

Like the last company I worked for, decided that their three year contract was really going to be "have the business forever", even though this customer was notorious for changing vendors every three years when contracts ran out. They bought a new big expensive facility and hired a bunch of people they didn't need to work on other projects, and they were all caught flat footed when us "lathe-workers" (actually, the CSR's and Buyers who worked with the vendor directly) told them tney needed to pay more attention to the customer's concerns. You know, like we were overcharging them to pay for bullshit.

Yup, yup, they insisted. They can't get another vendor to do what we do. No problem. They were still claiming that about a year after they dropped us. Then they finally let a bunch of people go. Not the people who had been hired. They worked cheaper. They fired the folks who were there from the beginning. They actually earned raises the bastard.

The only place a "businessman" looks good is at the end of meathook.
Aww, was someone a big meanie to poor wittle Joe!

The funny thing is that you carry around so much hatred for people whom you rely so heavily on.


Nice deflection, guy. Blew your point totally out of the water, so you make it about me.

I can totally understand. A parasite never likes when it's called a parasite, but that's what a capitalist is.
First and foremost, we need jobs.

We've seen what Obama can do. Nearly four years of incompetence.

Time for someone else.

You're right. What does a businessman know about his business? What does he know about finding new markets? What does he know increasing sales and expanding markets for his products? What does he know about meeting a payroll? What does he know about plant expansion? What does he know about getting a loan? Those 60-80 hours a week he puts in are just for show.

Instead, we should ask Joe the line worker, because Joe knows so much better. After all, Joe knows how to work the lathe. Let's ask him.


Words never spoken in a working class bar.

"My boss is such a genius. I am so lucky to be working for such a smart man!"

Usually, business works well despite these people, not because of them.

This translates to making sure your citizens are in good health, educated and well fed, how exactly?

This translates to brokering deals with countries you may not like to insure that you avoid war, how exactly?

This translates to working with people that do not agree with your agenda, how exactly?

This translates to making investments in new technology and infrastructure that will never personally profit you or investors, but will assure the overall economic health of the nation, how exactly?

The George W. Bush administration was the businessman administration.

If people liked that..they should definitely vote Romney.
First and foremost, we need jobs.

We've seen what Obama can do. Nearly four years of incompetence.

Time for someone else.

You're right. What does a businessman know about his business? What does he know about finding new markets? What does he know increasing sales and expanding markets for his products? What does he know about meeting a payroll? What does he know about plant expansion? What does he know about getting a loan? Those 60-80 hours a week he puts in are just for show.

Instead, we should ask Joe the line worker, because Joe knows so much better. After all, Joe knows how to work the lathe. Let's ask him.

This translates to making sure your citizens are in good health, educated and well fed, how exactly?

This translates to brokering deals with countries you may not like to insure that you avoid war, how exactly?

This translates to working with people that do not agree with your agenda, how exactly?

This translates to making investments in new technology and infrastructure that will never personally profit you or investors, but will assure the overall economic health of the nation, how exactly?

The George W. Bush administration was the businessman administration.

If people liked that..they should definitely vote Romney.

What you call "incompetence" I call competence. What you call competence, I call incompetence.

George W. Bush..was competent to you.

So no thanks man.

Because Romney essentially has the same record in or out of government.

He profits himself..and leaves shit behind.

YOU made it about you, hater. Just like your bigotry towards Mormons, you've taken your incident and extrapolated it to everything else.

Since you're the King of Deflections, I'm not surprised.

Aww, was someone a big meanie to poor wittle Joe!

The funny thing is that you carry around so much hatred for people whom you rely so heavily on.


Nice deflection, guy. Blew your point totally out of the water, so you make it about me.

I can totally understand. A parasite never likes when it's called a parasite, but that's what a capitalist is.
If Obama can make it to become President (do you all feel like dupes now?)

For sure Romney has as much chance..

Romney will never be President of the United States.

Obamabots are so cute when they make predictions
First and foremost, we need jobs.

We've seen what Obama can do. Nearly four years of incompetence.

Time for someone else.

Um, since Romney just wants to do the same thing Bush did, and a lot of those Bush Policies (Free Trade, Tax breaks for rich Douchebags) are the ones Obama's retained, I'm not sure how "someone else" isn't more of the same.

Our economic woes can be tracked to two things.

1) We are bleeding out 500 Billion a year every year since 1976 in trade deficits.

2) 1% of the population controls 50% of the wealth and growing.

Those are our economic problems, and Romney thinks both of those things are just dandy. We totally need more of both of those.

And this is the bottom line. "Someone else" needs to be an improvement.

A failed former governor who has no concept of why people are hurting is not an improvement.
The Obama plan, spend and borrow, womb to the tomb entitlements, this will not end well,
Europe comes to mind........



First and foremost, we need jobs.

We've seen what Obama can do. Nearly four years of incompetence.

Time for someone else.

Um, since Romney just wants to do the same thing Bush did, and a lot of those Bush Policies (Free Trade, Tax breaks for rich Douchebags) are the ones Obama's retained, I'm not sure how "someone else" isn't more of the same.

Our economic woes can be tracked to two things.

1) We are bleeding out 500 Billion a year every year since 1976 in trade deficits.

2) 1% of the population controls 50% of the wealth and growing.

Those are our economic problems, and Romney thinks both of those things are just dandy. We totally need more of both of those.

And this is the bottom line. "Someone else" needs to be an improvement.

A failed former governor who has no concept of why people are hurting is not an improvement.

lol, a (so called) failed former Governor or a failed President
now lets see, which one to chose.....hummmmm
Bush was incompetent. So is Obama.

Being a partisan hack doesn't obviate either fact.

First and foremost, we need jobs.

We've seen what Obama can do. Nearly four years of incompetence.

Time for someone else.

This translates to making sure your citizens are in good health, educated and well fed, how exactly?

This translates to brokering deals with countries you may not like to insure that you avoid war, how exactly?

This translates to working with people that do not agree with your agenda, how exactly?

This translates to making investments in new technology and infrastructure that will never personally profit you or investors, but will assure the overall economic health of the nation, how exactly?

The George W. Bush administration was the businessman administration.

If people liked that..they should definitely vote Romney.

What you call "incompetence" I call competence. What you call competence, I call incompetence.

George W. Bush..was competent to you.

So no thanks man.

Because Romney essentially has the same record in or out of government.

He profits himself..and leaves shit behind.

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