Romney will never be President of the United States.

Y'know, sometimes I think - elect Romney. I would looooove to see him pull a Bush II, because I really don't know how this board would cover their ass - oh, wait. I do. "Obama made such a mess, there's no way he can fix it that fast!"

Yeah, I can see it now.

Sometimes I feel that way too but the next President may be able to overturn Roe...we can't risk that.

Dont like the thought of States making their own laws on the matter? I guess it is much easier to make your agenda immune to the people.

Relax though. With Kennedy and Roberts being unreliable, Roe v Wade is unlikely to be overturned. Id rather see Griswold overturned. such a bad precedent.

Ginsburg is in bad health and will likely retire. I'm hoping Scalia and Alito go in the next 4 years and Obama instills Gloria Alred...(LOL--sarcasm).

Anyway, Governor Romney will replace Ginsburg with some draconian barrister pulled out of Leave it to Beaver or Mayberry and that will be that. So I support the President to the end on this basis alone. As I've always said; both parties are out to lunch fiscally. So I'm a social issues voter. Obama is closer to my issues than Governor Romney. I would suggest that Obama understands the issues a great deal more than the Governor does as well.
wow, some real deep stupid on this board

conz, so funny to look at, soon they will all be in a museum where they belong
Thanks, Judge Roberts.



Well, surely the person who made his fortune destroying american companies and jobs, creating outsourcing, refusing to invest in the same country he robbed, shouldnt be president, but they are going to prevent millions of Americans from voting so dont be so sure

Well clearly that person isnt going to be President. The person you just described doesnt exist.

BTW Dead people arent allowed to vote.
wow, some real deep stupid on this board

conz, so funny to look at, soon they will all be in a museum where they belong

Now now.

You should be able to win arguments on points..not on insults.

It's not people that are bad..but sometimes they need a little education.
Thanks, Judge Roberts.



Well, surely the person who made his fortune destroying american companies and jobs, creating outsourcing, refusing to invest in the same country he robbed, shouldnt be president, but they are going to prevent millions of Americans from voting so dont be so sure

Well clearly that person isnt going to be President. The person you just described doesnt exist.

BTW Dead people arent allowed to vote.

What part of "Creative Destruction" did you miss?

That's from the Bishop Mitt "How I got rich after I got rich from inheritance" Romney's playbook.
Sometimes I feel that way too but the next President may be able to overturn Roe...we can't risk that.

Dont like the thought of States making their own laws on the matter? I guess it is much easier to make your agenda immune to the people.

Relax though. With Kennedy and Roberts being unreliable, Roe v Wade is unlikely to be overturned. Id rather see Griswold overturned. such a bad precedent.

Ginsburg is in bad health and will likely retire. I'm hoping Scalia and Alito go in the next 4 years and Obama instills Gloria Alred...(LOL--sarcasm).

Anyway, Governor Romney will replace Ginsburg with some draconian barrister pulled out of Leave it to Beaver or Mayberry and that will be that. So I support the President to the end on this basis alone. As I've always said; both parties are out to lunch fiscally. So I'm a social issues voter. Obama is closer to my issues than Governor Romney. I would suggest that Obama understands the issues a great deal more than the Governor does as well.

By draconian, you mean someone who obeys the laws and the Constitution? Id love to say we will have someone who follows the Constitution, but we were supposed to get that in CJ Roberts and we all know how well that turned out. Republicans have horrible records at picking good Justices. Scalia/Thomas being the clear exception.
HOly moly are you conz dumb, imagine the forward progress we could achieve if we could shut down Fox not news
Mormons are morons, a religion invented by a guy caught diddling the maid, and think of all the morons who now follow that religion, my god that is funny

Hey Avatar, are you a mormon?
What part of "Creative Destruction" did you miss?

That's from the Bishop Mitt "How I got rich after I got rich from inheritance" Romney's playbook.

Romney didnt get rich from inheritence and you know that. His inheritence was donated.

80% rate at saving failing companies isnt destroying them.
HOly moly are you conz dumb, imagine the forward progress we could achieve if we could shut down Fox not news

I imagine you could achieve alot of things if you silenced your opposition. Not surprising that you advocate that. I'd rather win in the arena of ideas than shut ideas down. See, I could be wrong on a matter, and if there is something better out there, I can correct myself, if all opposition is silenced, Id end up stuck in mediocrity.
Mormons are morons, a religion invented by a guy caught diddling the maid, and think of all the morons who now follow that religion, my god that is funny

Hey Avatar, are you a mormon?

True blue through and through. You are wrong, of course, on your points. But I am sure you probably get that alot.
Dont like the thought of States making their own laws on the matter? I guess it is much easier to make your agenda immune to the people.

Relax though. With Kennedy and Roberts being unreliable, Roe v Wade is unlikely to be overturned. Id rather see Griswold overturned. such a bad precedent.

Ginsburg is in bad health and will likely retire. I'm hoping Scalia and Alito go in the next 4 years and Obama instills Gloria Alred...(LOL--sarcasm).

Anyway, Governor Romney will replace Ginsburg with some draconian barrister pulled out of Leave it to Beaver or Mayberry and that will be that. So I support the President to the end on this basis alone. As I've always said; both parties are out to lunch fiscally. So I'm a social issues voter. Obama is closer to my issues than Governor Romney. I would suggest that Obama understands the issues a great deal more than the Governor does as well.

By draconian, you mean someone who obeys the laws and the Constitution? Id love to say we will have someone who follows the Constitution, but we were supposed to get that in CJ Roberts and we all know how well that turned out. Republicans have horrible records at picking good Justices. Scalia/Thomas being the clear exception.

What part of "Creative Destruction" did you miss?

That's from the Bishop Mitt "How I got rich after I got rich from inheritance" Romney's playbook.

Romney didnt get rich from inheritence and you know that. His inheritence was donated.

80% rate at saving failing companies isnt destroying them.

You can peddle that crapola to people who live in fantasy land.

Romney was in cahoots with people like Michael Milken.
First and foremost, we need jobs.

We've seen what Obama can do. Nearly four years of incompetence.

Time for someone else.

Y'know, sometimes I think - elect Romney. I would looooove to see him pull a Bush II, because I really don't know how this board would cover their ass - oh, wait. I do. "Obama made such a mess, there's no way he can fix it that fast!"

Yeah, I can see it now.

Sometimes I feel that way too but the next President may be able to overturn Roe...we can't risk that.

Yeah, God forbid you have to stop killing the next generation... You know, the ones that will have to cough up the money for your SS and Medicare... Idiot...
Mormons are morons, a religion invented by a guy caught diddling the maid, and think of all the morons who now follow that religion, my god that is funny

Hey Avatar, are you a mormon?

Hey! Go easy on him. He thinks that if he buys into that crap he'll get his own planet. Pretty sweet deal if ya ask me.


I know, precious, arent they!

To think an entire religion based on a guy caught diddling the maid so he had to make up a story to tell his wife

by the way, that is a fact, kids.
Mormons are morons, a religion invented by a guy caught diddling the maid, and think of all the morons who now follow that religion, my god that is funny

Hey Avatar, are you a mormon?

Hey! Go easy on him. He thinks that if he buys into that crap he'll get his own planet. Pretty sweet deal if ya ask me.


I know, precious, arent they!

To think an entire religion based on a guy caught diddling the maid so he had to make up a story to tell his wife

by the way, that is a fact, kids.

Boyoboy that was quite a line! I coulda yuzed it myself a couple of times! Smith a PIMP! :Lol:
Hey! Go easy on him. He thinks that if he buys into that crap he'll get his own planet. Pretty sweet deal if ya ask me.


I know, precious, arent they!

To think an entire religion based on a guy caught diddling the maid so he had to make up a story to tell his wife

by the way, that is a fact, kids.

Boyoboy that was quite a line! I coulda yuzed it myself a couple of times! Smith a PIMP! :Lol:

is it possible these idiots supporting a mormon dont know how stupid that is

I know, precious, arent they!

To think an entire religion based on a guy caught diddling the maid so he had to make up a story to tell his wife

by the way, that is a fact, kids.

Boyoboy that was quite a line! I coulda yuzed it myself a couple of times! Smith a PIMP! :Lol:

is it possible these idiots supporting a mormon dont know how stupid that is

well one thing is possible, we see after only 42 post you are stupid

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