Romney winning with middle-class families


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010

We took a special look at middle-class voters, and middle-class families in particular, in this latest POLITICO-George Washington University Battleground Poll and found that not to be the case. In fact, on every measure it is Romney who is winning the battle for the support of middle-class families.

Overall, Obama leads Romney by just 3 points on the ballot (50 percent to 47 percent) – which before we rounded up, is actually a 2.6 point lead and only up a half-a-percentage point from the 2.1 point lead for Obama in our last Battleground poll in early August. In our latest POLITICO-George Washington University Battleground Poll with middle-class families, which comprise about 54 percent of the total American electorate and usually split in their vote behavior between Republicans and Democrats, Romney holds a 14-point advantage (55 percent to 41 percent). Middle-class families are more inclined to believe the country is on the wrong track (34 percent right direction, 62 percent wrong track), are more likely to hold an unfavorable view of Obama (48 percent favorable, 51 percent unfavorable), and hold a more favorable view of Romney (51 percent favorable, 44 percent unfavorable) and Paul Ryan (46 percent favorable, 35 percent unfavorable) than the overall electorate. These middle-class families also hold a majority disapproval rating on the job Obama is doing as president (45 percent approve, 54 percent disapprove), and turn even more negative toward Obama on specific areas; the economy 56 percent disapprove; spending 61 percent disapprove; taxes, 53 percent disapprove; Medicare 48 percent disapprove; and even foreign policy 50 percent disapprove.

Republican poll analysis: Romney winning with middle-class families - Ed Goeas and Brian Nienaber -
I don't see how....he just wants to continue and even FURTHER the policies that put the Middle Class into low income workers.

Business/financial sector(playing the part of Lucy): Go ahead...kick the ball. I promise I won't pull it out from under you again!

The working people(playing the part of Charlie Brown): That's what you said before.....

Business/financial sector: This time I mean it...we'll trickle down, create real, good paying jobs, and you will thrive!

The working people:(to be continued....)
Winning what? He wants to cut education. And he wants to bring immigrants with degrees here instead of investing in his own base.

How could Republican accept that? Seriously. They want bosses with accents that bad? Maybe Rick Santorum was right.
I don't see how....he just wants to continue and even FURTHER the policies that put the Middle Class into low income workers.

Business/financial sector(playing the part of Lucy): Go ahead...kick the ball. I promise I won't pull it out from under you again!

The working people(playing the part of Charlie Brown): That's what you said before.....

Business/financial sector: This time I mean it...we'll trickle down, create real, good paying jobs, and you will thrive!

The working people:(to be continued....)
If you think it through, one of the things Romney will do first is to reinstate the drillers at sites in America. Obama put a moratorium by fiat on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, and those kinds of anti-business, anti-high-paying jobs days are numbered and hopefully will never knock on America's door again. Romney will bring back high paying jobs, and that is only one area in which he will work on pulling low-income households up to households that are higher-income households, and to make sure they get to enjoy their income by keeping taxes low as possible.

I'm inspired by assurances that employment will go up when businesses, full of confidence, will light the home fires by providing more jobs with Romney in the executive office, running our nation like a business as it has always been in the past. There will be good things for Americans with Romney.
Guess it sucks for him then that the middle class is 10% smaller than it was 10 years ago. This is a class warfare going on in Amerika. In the end we will have the poor and the rich. There will be no middle class left.
Republicans want to help bring more people into the middle class and upper class for that matter as Reagan did. Democrats like people stuck and dependent on government.
Republicans want to help bring more people into the middle class and upper class for that matter as Reagan did. Democrats like people stuck and dependent on government.

What a Crock.....It's Republican Trickle Down policy that Busted Unions, outsourced Jobs, Gave huge tax Breaks, Relaxed Financial regulations, fight for these "not so" Free Trade Agreements.....all of which is "supposed" to be good for America....and all it's done is make more and more working people struggle to fucking survive, turned the Banking industry into a Casino, and made rich people uber-rich.

God, you people have short memories.
Republicans want to help bring more people into the middle class and upper class for that matter as Reagan did. Democrats like people stuck and dependent on government.

What a Crock.....It's Republican Trickle Down policy that Busted Unions, outsourced Jobs, Gave huge tax Breaks, Relaxed Financial regulations, fight for these "not so" Free Trade Agreements.....all of which is "supposed" to be good for America....and all it's done is make more and more working people struggle to fucking survive, turned the Banking industry into a Casino, and made rich people uber-rich.

God, you people have short memories.

For some reason you people think there is no "middle class" without unions and both Obama and Clinton signed free trade agreements idiot
Republicans want to help bring more people into the middle class and upper class for that matter as Reagan did. Democrats like people stuck and dependent on government.

What a Crock.....It's Republican Trickle Down policy that Busted Unions, outsourced Jobs, Gave huge tax Breaks, Relaxed Financial regulations, fight for these "not so" Free Trade Agreements.....all of which is "supposed" to be good for America....and all it's done is make more and more working people struggle to fucking survive, turned the Banking industry into a Casino, and made rich people uber-rich.

God, you people have short memories.

Still waiting to hear from you on when Christie said Fuck You to anyone in public.
This is for Pennsylvania boy get your head on straight idiot

The analysis, done on behalf of ACCCE by NERA, relies on state-of-the-art modeling tools, as well as government data for almost all of its assumptions. NERA’s analysis projects that EPA’s Cross-State Air Pollution Rule and proposed Maximum Achievable Control Technology, coal combustion residuals, and cooling water intake requirements for power plants would, over the 2012-2020 period:

•Cost the power industry $21 billion per year;
•Cause an average loss of 183,000 jobs per year;
•Increase electricity costs by double digits in many regions of the U.S.;
•Cost consumers over $50 billion more for natural gas; and
•Reduce the disposable income of the average American family by $270 a year.

New EPA regulations will cause 183,000 jobs to be lost - study
I don't see how....he just wants to continue and even FURTHER the policies that put the Middle Class into low income workers.

Business/financial sector(playing the part of Lucy): Go ahead...kick the ball. I promise I won't pull it out from under you again!

The working people(playing the part of Charlie Brown): That's what you said before.....

Business/financial sector: This time I mean it...we'll trickle down, create real, good paying jobs, and you will thrive!

The working people:(to be continued....)

I don't think the middle class is being fooled by the MSM or Obama. The middle class are the hands on workers that realize that jobs are scarce and a huge tax hike is looming.
A chunk of them are the independents that woke up after the last election and found that the hope and change was only hope for change that fell flat to empty rhetoric.
They are not the 47% that are on the government teet.
More for the Pittsburg idiot...What clueless dope

[ame=]Spain admits that the Obama green economy is a disaster: American Jobs Lost by TheLawman49 - YouTube[/ame]
I don't see how....he just wants to continue and even FURTHER the policies that put the Middle Class into low income workers.

Business/financial sector(playing the part of Lucy): Go ahead...kick the ball. I promise I won't pull it out from under you again!

The working people(playing the part of Charlie Brown): That's what you said before.....

Business/financial sector: This time I mean it...we'll trickle down, create real, good paying jobs, and you will thrive!

The working people:(to be continued....)
If you think it through, one of the things Romney will do first is to reinstate the drillers at sites in America. Obama put a moratorium by fiat on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, and those kinds of anti-business, anti-high-paying jobs days are numbered and hopefully will never knock on America's door again. Romney will bring back high paying jobs, and that is only one area in which he will work on pulling low-income households up to households that are higher-income households, and to make sure they get to enjoy their income by keeping taxes low as possible.

I'm inspired by assurances that employment will go up when businesses, full of confidence, will light the home fires by providing more jobs with Romney in the executive office, running our nation like a business as it has always been in the past. There will be good things for Americans with Romney.

The highlighted sentence above is so staggeringly far from the truth, I can't even believe it was posted here.
Winning what? He wants to cut education. And he wants to bring immigrants with degrees here instead of investing in his own base.

How could Republican accept that? Seriously. They want bosses with accents that bad? Maybe Rick Santorum was right.

So you're for migrants with no education or skills running across the border to pick melons and allowing them to drive, vote, educate their children for free and get free medical care, but you're against immigrants with degrees.

You know which one is more likely to vote for your guy, don't you? And truthmatters is out there making sure they are allowed to...
I don't see how....he just wants to continue and even FURTHER the policies that put the Middle Class into low income workers.

Business/financial sector(playing the part of Lucy): Go ahead...kick the ball. I promise I won't pull it out from under you again!

The working people(playing the part of Charlie Brown): That's what you said before.....

Business/financial sector: This time I mean it...we'll trickle down, create real, good paying jobs, and you will thrive!

The working people:(to be continued....)
If you think it through, one of the things Romney will do first is to reinstate the drillers at sites in America. Obama put a moratorium by fiat on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, and those kinds of anti-business, anti-high-paying jobs days are numbered and hopefully will never knock on America's door again. Romney will bring back high paying jobs, and that is only one area in which he will work on pulling low-income households up to households that are higher-income households, and to make sure they get to enjoy their income by keeping taxes low as possible.

I'm inspired by assurances that employment will go up when businesses, full of confidence, will light the home fires by providing more jobs with Romney in the executive office, running our nation like a business as it has always been in the past. There will be good things for Americans with Romney.

I don't believe it....Since I was a teenager, all I have heard was if we give Big business and banking breaks, they will trickle down....When I turned 18 in 1983, I couldn't wait to cast my first presidential vote. I proudly showed my voter registration card and cast my vote that helped Ronald Reagan win his second term. I voted George Bush Twice....I did vote for Clinton for his second term....But I voted For GWB over Gore.

That was when I started to notice that for working Class stiffs like me....things weren't getting better....everything was getting more and more expensive.....stuff that we really need....housing, transportation, utilities, food.....and the stuff we could really do without were getting cheaper....electronics, entertainment, etc., and wages weren't going anywhere....I kept seeing huge gains on the all these businesses were doing great and their CEO'S were raking in ungodly sums of money....but all my friends who worked in the private sector were falling further and further paycheck to paycheck...using credit cards more and more. and being unable to save....and these people weren't frivolous...they were sincerely trying.

That was when I had a revelation.....trickle down only works when those that are doing so well actually play by the rules that they lobbied Reagan for....and they haven't. They've taken their windfalls and thumbed their noses at the American People who trusted them to do the right thing. Then Bush gave most favored Nation status to China.....a Communist Country with a horrific human rights record....and the job exodus began....I voted for Kerry in Bush's 2nd term election....and things got worse again......Then a group of right wing extremists started shouting out moderates within the party, calling them RINO'S and derided them at every turn...That's when I decided to leave the party that I was so proud to join when I was 18.

The thingsthat piss me off most about Obama? That he signed yet another, probably detrimental to American workers Free Trade Agreement. He extended the Patriot Act too....Along with signing off on that NDAA shit....

But I don't believe in trickle down's a scam. Hey, I'd be willing to compromise on it....small businesses with 100 employees or less? Give THEM the breaks...Fuck the conglomerates...They need to be broken up....too much power, too much influence.

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