Romney's "classy" aides..


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
It's a slow news week..but what the heck..

WARSAW, Poland - A Mitt Romney spokesman reprimanded reporters traveling with the candidate on his six-day foreign trip, telling them to "kiss my a**" after they shouted questions from behind a rope line.

As Romney left the site of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw and walked toward his motorcade parked in Pilsudski Square, reporters began shouting questions from the line where campaign staffers had told them to stay behind, prompting traveling press secretary Rick Gorka to tell a group of reporters to "kiss my a**" and "shove it."
Mitt Romney Spokesman Tells Reporters 'Kiss My ***' at Polish Holy Site - Yahoo! News

Slow is it might's not been a good trip for Romney.

awwww, the poor press, as if they are on his side to begin with their bias so in our face..
awwww, the poor press, as if they are on his side to begin with their bias so in our face..

...but it does feed into the narrative that Romney was going to three countries that had some reason to be dissatisfied with Obama, but he managed to step in it at each stop anyway!
awwww, the poor press, as if they are on his side to begin with their bias so in our face..

...but it does feed into the narrative that Romney was going to three countries that had some reason to be dissatisfied with Obama, but he managed to step in it at each stop anyway!

well I guess you could see it that way if you want to believe THE PRESS...which the majority of the people feel is biased in their reporting
He got an endoresement from Walensa, appeared better grounded than Obama in Israel, and told the truth in England.
Looks like a successful trip to me.

The question comes, why would Romney take from his campaign to go to 3 foreign countries? I suspect because his internal polling is telling him he has a comfortable lead.
awwww, the poor press, as if they are on his side to begin with their bias so in our face..

...but it does feed into the narrative that Romney was going to three countries that had some reason to be dissatisfied with Obama, but he managed to step in it at each stop anyway!

well I guess you could see it that way if you want to believe THE PRESS...which the majority of the people feel is biased in their reporting

So, you're saying the Brits weren't really miffed that he came over and dissed their Olympics? So, you're saying the other party with whom we're trying to be an "honest broker" wasn't angered by a statement about land that's still up for negotiation and that Israeli officials who said relations with Obama and the US were good, are lying? So, you're saying that cussing out the press proves he's the man to lead the country? That's a lot of missteps to put all on the press. Did they force him to say those things? I guess they're just Super-beings!!! :doubt:
Romney isn't doing himself any favors by pissing off the press.


The MSM has been FOR Obama/Democrats for years starting with these DIRECT quotes from MSM reporters,editors,etc...

"our job is to bash the president, that's what we do -- Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington, February 2, 2007. Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' |

But Obama?? same editor of NewsWeek..
I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God." –

And Liberal bias is ADMITTED to by Same Editor...

"There is a liberal bias.
It's demonstrable.
You look at some statistics.
About 85 percent of the reporters who cover the White House vote Democratic, they have for a long time.
There is a, particularly at the networks, at the lower levels, among the editors and the so-called infrastructure, there is a liberal bias.-

George W. Bush Transcript

So who CARES what the MSM thinks... They hate Romney love Obama!
Romney aide: ‘Kiss my ass’ -

Romney’s foreign policy detour: One wonders if Mitt Romney is auditioning for National Lampoon’s European Diplomatic Tour, as the candidate’s foreign policy foibles continued in Poland today when his traveling press secretary told reporters asking tough questions to “shove it.” “Kiss my ass, this is a holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect,” aide Rick Gorka told reporters yelling questions at Romney about his numerous gaffes. Gorka later called two reporters to personally apologize, acknowledging, “It was inappropriate.”

Romney also took some heat for reviving Cold War rhetoric in telling CNN last night that Russia is America’s “number one adversary.” He also praised Israel’s health care system, which is, while not quite socialized, sort of like a more robust version of the Affordable Care Act.
The video bleeps out so much, it could just as easily have been "shut up moron" as "kiss my ass."
So that makes Romney a bad choice?:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Liberals are completely full of shit these days.
The video bleeps out so much, it could just as easily have been "shut up moron" as "kiss my ass."

At least he didn't say, "All this for a damn flag!" that America-hating First Lady....

...or "I'll have more flexibility after my election!" that fucking Marxist President.
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Yet, somehow or another, past alliances with the likes of Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko, Jeremiah Wright, and present alliances with Valerie Jarrett, Anita Dunn, Cass Sunstein and Van Jones are just to be blown off as irrelevant.

Strange days indeed.

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