Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Except THOSE people all said the war was a horrible idea.

Unlike Romney, who just can't get enough of that shit. He wants one with Iran, too.

Dying in wars is for Poor People.

And what does any of all of that ^^^ have to do with his boys volunteering or not?

I think if you aren't getting it, explaining it to you again won't do any good.

Okay, one more time.

If you are going to advocate for war, advocate that we need to be involved in the middle east, advocate that we be teh world's policeman, and call Democrats "cowards" when they question whether this rathole in the third world is worth shedding American blood over, then you need to put your money where your mouth is.

This is why I miss the draft. Everyone had skin in the game. I mean, let's be perfectly honest, we're all happy to let the other guy do it.

Romney is one of these people who supports the status quo, but man, he wouldn't let his kids get anywhere near an induction center. that's for poor people.

And this is not an indictment of Republicans in general. McCain and Palin had family members in the service. Romney. Well, his dad avoided WWII, he avoided Vietnam and his brood has avoided the War on Terror. Third generation Chickenhawks. more time.

What part of volunteer military are you not understanding?

The poor people can stay away from induction centers just like everyone else can. more time.

What part of volunteer military are you not understanding?

The poor people can stay away from induction centers just like everyone else can.

Except they really can't. Not if they live in a place like Detroit or Cleveland that thanks to the Mitt Romneys of the world moving all the good jobs to China, the military is the only place that's actually hiring.

And here's where I get very critical of a system I benefited from. The military paid for my college, but I was lucky enough to have 12 years of Catholic education that prepared me for college. (This was in the bad old days when Catholic Education was relatively cheap. I paid for my last two years of high school with summer jobs.)

But a lot of these poor kids sign up, hoping to get an education. The unlucky ones come back in boxes or without limbs. The "Lucky" ones come back and then find they never got the skills in high school or grammar school to go to college, and they flunk out after a year.

Now, by comparison, a Romney kid is never going to be in a situation like that. He's always going to be able to get a good paying job for no effort through Daddy's connection, just like Dad did.
If a person comes from a family that works, they will be likely to work. If mom has lived off welfare, daddy's gone, they won't get a good paying job, or any job.

It is a little late for democrats to blather on about the patriotism of military service. The last two democrat presidents never served at all. And, the democrats did everything they could to dice and slice Sarah Palin's son who was actively serving while she was running for VP.
If a person comes from a family that works, they will be likely to work. If mom has lived off welfare, daddy's gone, they won't get a good paying job, or any job.

It is a little late for democrats to blather on about the patriotism of military service. The last two democrat presidents never served at all. And, the democrats did everything they could to dice and slice Sarah Palin's son who was actively serving while she was running for VP.

I'm sorry, when did anyone attack Palin's son?

Is this more of the "Palin Persecution Complex"?
But mention ANYHING about the Obama girls.........


comparing 5 grown men to young girls? :rofl:

too funny. the girlyman/boy defense of GOP idjits. :lol:

If Obama had 5 grown up adult children, not serving while he waged a war, I'd ask the very same question.

you lose

Jimmy Carter has 3 boys and a girl. Did any of them serve in the military? And, this is a question, not an attack on Carter's children.
Last edited: more time.

What part of volunteer military are you not understanding?

The poor people can stay away from induction centers just like everyone else can.

Except they really can't. Not if they live in a place like Detroit or Cleveland that thanks to the Mitt Romneys of the world moving all the good jobs to China, the military is the only place that's actually hiring.

And here's where I get very critical of a system I benefited from. The military paid for my college, but I was lucky enough to have 12 years of Catholic education that prepared me for college. (This was in the bad old days when Catholic Education was relatively cheap. I paid for my last two years of high school with summer jobs.)

But a lot of these poor kids sign up, hoping to get an education. The unlucky ones come back in boxes or without limbs. The "Lucky" ones come back and then find they never got the skills in high school or grammar school to go to college, and they flunk out after a year.

Now, by comparison, a Romney kid is never going to be in a situation like that. He's always going to be able to get a good paying job for no effort through Daddy's connection, just like Dad did.

Again.... what part of voluntary military are you not understanding.
The part where people who SHOULD volunteer don't, and are judged accordingly.

Romney thinks his kids are too good to serve America.

I think America is too Good for Mitt Romney.
The part where people who SHOULD volunteer don't, and are judged accordingly.

Romney thinks his kids are too good to serve America.

I think America is too Good for Mitt Romney.

Then vote for the guy who isn't American at all.
What part of volunteer military are you not understanding?

And what part of the claim from the Rethugs that "terrorists" represent the biggest threat to the country we have faced since the USSR fell. And with the supposed threat you don't think it strange that the man with 5 sons who has wanted to be POTUS for 8 years, during which we have been at war and he didn't have even one son who joined the military.

And you want Mittens to be CIC? So he can send other peoples sons and daughters to war.

What a fearless leader Mittens would be. Sons must be pussies, but Mittens is fearless. Cause it ain't his rich kids getting killed.
The part where people who SHOULD volunteer don't, and are judged accordingly.

Romney thinks his kids are too good to serve America.

I think America is too Good for Mitt Romney.

There is no SHOULD or shouldn't.

Again...what part of the word volunteer don't you understand?

And...are his kids running for office where they should be judged accordingly? No, they are not.
obama sends other people's sons and daughters to war, then has battlefield policies to abandon therm. More over, this regime is ready to serve up our military for human sacrifice whenever the enemy feels peckish for blood.

Mitt Romney is not the enemy of this country, obama is.
Jimmy Carter has 3 boys and a girl. Did any of them serve in the military?

Don't know. But I do know that Jimmy went to the Naval Academy and was a captian of a nuke sub.
Does that count with you?

What branch of service did Mittens join and serve?
obama sends other people's sons and daughters to war, then has battlefield policies to abandon therm. More over, this regime is ready to serve up our military for human sacrifice whenever the enemy feels peckish for blood.

You don't play with a full deck, do you? But you sure write some strange stuff. Even for a Rethug it is strange.
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

At least they aren't out trying to sound like a "real good guy" like Warren Buffett who claims he wants to pay more taxes, yet he owes what about a billion in back taxes he refuses to pay?

Oh, is it a left-wing thing to attack the children and grandchildren of Republican candidates, yeah, it is.

Left wing? I attacked Republicans for supporting Cheney who dodged the draft 5 times while never blinking when sending other people's children to wars he would never have fought.

Romney's family has reaped the cream at the top of American society. Most old time Dems and Repubs of old felt a sense of obligation for their place in society. What the hell is wrong with these 1%ers?

Take, and never give? Romney is always talking about keeping America strong. He wants a strong America? It's time for his ilk to step up and sacrifice. The main reason troops had so many tours in Iraq and Afghanistan is NOT enough loud and proud flag wavers volunteered when needed.

How much money did Romney give to church and charity ?

How much money did Joe Biden give to church and charity ?

Percentages will do just fine.
But mention ANYHING about the Obama girls.........


How about Romney, himself? He protested FOR the Vietnam war..then went to France.

Sign of the Times – A Photo Shows Romney Backing Vietnam Draft - ABC News


funny how abc can dig up the dirt on Republicans but not one peep about obama's younger days...

You don't get it.

Not only did he get a special exclusion from service..he participated in the political process that supported the war.

Just how the fuck does that happen?

You get to set policy? But don't suffer the consequences?

That bodes well for government, how exactly?
At least they aren't out trying to sound like a "real good guy" like Warren Buffett who claims he wants to pay more taxes, yet he owes what about a billion in back taxes he refuses to pay?

Oh, is it a left-wing thing to attack the children and grandchildren of Republican candidates, yeah, it is.

Left wing? I attacked Republicans for supporting Cheney who dodged the draft 5 times while never blinking when sending other people's children to wars he would never have fought.

Romney's family has reaped the cream at the top of American society. Most old time Dems and Repubs of old felt a sense of obligation for their place in society. What the hell is wrong with these 1%ers?

Take, and never give? Romney is always talking about keeping America strong. He wants a strong America? It's time for his ilk to step up and sacrifice. The main reason troops had so many tours in Iraq and Afghanistan is NOT enough loud and proud flag wavers volunteered when needed.

How much money did Romney give to church and charity ?

How much money did Joe Biden give to church and charity ?

Percentages will do just fine.

Biden's son went to Iraq. Biden's worth about $350,000. One of the poorest members of congress before becoming Vice.

Romney's worth a quarter Billion dollars..and that's what we know. He's got foreign he might be worth more.

None of his sons went to war. Given a chance to fight in a war he FULLY SUPPORTED, he balked.
you haven't gotten a clue

I got a clue. You are a mouthy asshole sitting on a message board trying to imply you are gonna shoot someone. You a bad muttafooker eh?

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