Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Republicans are happy to volunteer other people's children to die for them. Just don't ask them to pay taxes - that's too great a sacrifice to make for country.

I have both right and left in my family. The children of the right are all in the military.... the ones on the left.... would DIE before they saw or allowed their children in the military.

I did a little experiment in 2004. I invited some College Republicans to talk about the Iraq War, how much they supported it, and how crucial they felt it was to the nation. At first they were a little reserved, but once they got going, those maniacs just couldn't stop piling the crap on - eventually they were basically saying if we didn't invade Iraq, the world would end in fiery Armageddon tomorrow. So I told them I had good news: I had arranged for them all to come with me to a recruiting station so they could enlist and save America from imminent doom. Dead silence, then sputtering. A few of the lurkers on the fringe made a hasty getaway, while the people I'd been directly talking to turned beet red - first from embarrassment, then from rage that I'd shown them to be cowards and hypocrites. Eventually they came up with some lame idea that they were the "Home Guard" by sitting on their Hitler Youth asses telling other people to be killers for George Bush.

That isn't to say the military isn't generally right-wing, because it is - but the reverse is not true: Right-wingers are, generally speaking, lazy, undisciplined, cowardly bullies who like the idea of killing people and stealing things, but will only approach their psychotic fantasies vicariously through politics. They will be so enthusiastic about a war, they'll hold barbecues to celebrate its commencement - but enlist? Of course not. That's for a very, very small proportion among them who actually believe what they're told, and aren't just lying sociopaths. The few who do enlist are very different from the typical Republican, and most have some semblance of decency - although compromised by a lot of authoritarian hogwash.

As to the left, most don't enlist because they don't agree with the war being fought. Isn't that a novel idea, to only fight when necessary? There were plenty on the left who enlisted after 9/11 because it seemed like there might actually be a need, but that isn't how things turned out - Bush soft-pedaled the war against the people who attacked us and sent our troops to die trying to create an empire for him in Iraq. So yeah, liberals would not volunteer to die for a mad dictator who's as much an enemy of their country as the one he was trying to overthrow, but they do volunteer when the nation actually needs troops. That's what a citizen is supposed to do, not go into the military just because your daddy did, or because you think it's cool and honorable to follow orders.

But most conservatives don't even do that - they won't even freaking pay the taxes to fund the wars they demand and send other people to fight. They're despicable, loathsome characters and sorry excuses for Americans and human beings.
Bill Clinton made a principled stand against a war that most people agree now was a horrible idea. Obama came of age at a time when we were at peace and had no draft. So, uh, no, those things don't really fall into the same category, really.

The Romney kids are all on the campaign payroll and have been for the last five years, when none of them felt the need to go down to a recruiter's station and sign up.

my gawd you people are excuse Clinton then attack someones kids..

Romney's "Kids" are all in their 20's and 30's. They are grown men who should be held accountable for their decisions.

I don't excuse Clinton, I recognize he made a choice. He could have hid out in ROTC, he could have hid out in England, he made the decision to protest the war. And, yes, that had political consequences for him. I didn't vote for him either time in the 1990's on that principle alone.

The Romneys neither protest the war nor serve in it, they kind of aren't taking a moral stand one way or the other. They are just letting others do the hard work and let us know how that turns out.

But some poor working class kid will go off to Afghanistan or Iraq, and then come back and find out while he was gone, Bain Capital sent his job off to China. That's totally effed up.

You people can't sink much lower...Romneys KIDS aren't running for office..
obama came of age when there was no draft and did not volenteer. Romneys kids came of age when there is no draft and did not volunteer. As far a s i am concerned...they are equal. [/COLOR]

Except when Obama came of age (1979) there was no war going on.

When the Romney Boys came of age (2001 to 2012) there were two wars going on.

And when Mittens came of age, there was a draft AND a war, and he somehow found a way to avoid both.

Dying in wars is for poor people!

The war issue makes no difference unless there is a mandatory draft in place. There is not.... it is still a voluntary military. Registering and being drafted are very different things.

And as far as i know.....the military accepts both men and women.... just saying.
Republicans refused to even pay higher taxes when they were insisting on invading Iraq - when they were sending people to die for them. That's how they conceive of people's responsibilities in America: You die for them, and they...sit back on their yachts and collect their tax cuts.

President Johnson did not want to raise taxes either, for the Viet Nam war.
Johnson instead, decided to rob the American workers of their retirement fund insurance.
Which is more despicable ?
President Bush borrowing on the credit card to be paid for later or President Johnson who opened the door to the robbing American workers retirement?
I say both are, but President Johnson act was much more destructive to the American people.

Until the Democratic voters get it through their heads that both parties are to blame for the mess we are in, we are not going to get anything done.
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

Since when is joining the service a requirement for being a patriot?

Why isn't it?

I'd make it a requirement to hold public office. HAd to have served in the Armed Forces. Extra points if you were in a war.
Then you are a buffoon.

Not everyone can serve. some can't follow orders, some clearly can't handle pressure, some can't handle that it often sucks.

People joined the Navy not knowing how to swim.
obama came of age when there was no draft and did not volenteer. Romneys kids came of age when there is no draft and did not volunteer. As far a s i am concerned...they are equal. [/COLOR]

Except when Obama came of age (1979) there was no war going on.

When the Romney Boys came of age (2001 to 2012) there were two wars going on.

And when Mittens came of age, there was a draft AND a war, and he somehow found a way to avoid both.

Dying in wars is for poor people!

The war issue makes no difference unless there is a mandatory draft in place. There is not.... it is still a voluntary military. Registering and being drafted are very different things.

And as far as i know.....the military accepts both men and women.... just saying.

Actually, it makes more of a difference when there isn't a draft.

The major unfairness of the all-volunteer military is that even more than the draft, it disproportionately taps poor and working class kids. Now, I was brought up in a middle class background (that was back when we used to HAVE a middle class in this country before Romney and his sort got a hold of it), and I signed up because I felt it was my duty to do so.

But a lot of the kids who signed up were poor white kids from the rural area and poor black kids from the urban areas. Signing up to pay for college educations that largely never happened because Public Education did such a poor job preparing them.

So yeah, when I see a Romney who tries to claim that his kids working on the campaign is right up there with kids serving in Iraq, well, it's just reason #589 why I couldn't vote for this joker.
Since when is joining the service a requirement for being a patriot?

Why isn't it?

I'd make it a requirement to hold public office. HAd to have served in the Armed Forces. Extra points if you were in a war.
Then you are a buffoon.

Not everyone can serve. some can't follow orders, some clearly can't handle pressure, some can't handle that it often sucks.

People joined the Navy not knowing how to swim.

Well, people who can't follow orders and can't handle pressure aren't ones I'd want in public service... I'm not sure why you'd want that.

And, yeah, sometimes a lot of things suck. We can't all have Car Elevators like the Romneys.
Did obama join the military? Has he ever worn a uniform?

Maybe he has worn a uniform of an al qaeda solider.
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Except when Obama came of age (1979) there was no war going on.

When the Romney Boys came of age (2001 to 2012) there were two wars going on.

And when Mittens came of age, there was a draft AND a war, and he somehow found a way to avoid both.

Dying in wars is for poor people!

The war issue makes no difference unless there is a mandatory draft in place. There is not.... it is still a voluntary military. Registering and being drafted are very different things.

And as far as i know.....the military accepts both men and women.... just saying.

Actually, it makes more of a difference when there isn't a draft.

The major unfairness of the all-volunteer military is that even more than the draft, it disproportionately taps poor and working class kids. Now, I was brought up in a middle class background (that was back when we used to HAVE a middle class in this country before Romney and his sort got a hold of it), and I signed up because I felt it was my duty to do so.

But a lot of the kids who signed up were poor white kids from the rural area and poor black kids from the urban areas. Signing up to pay for college educations that largely never happened because Public Education did such a poor job preparing them.

So yeah, when I see a Romney who tries to claim that his kids working on the campaign is right up there with kids serving in Iraq, well, it's just reason #589 why I couldn't vote for this joker.

What part of volunteer military are you not understanding? I don't care if they are rich or poor ...its voluntary to server or not to serve. There is nothing unfair about it.

You want to blast away at romney kids for dodging a mandatory draft...ill be right there with you. Until there is a mandatory draft...its all bull shit.

Understand...i could care less about Romney or his kids. And the way i see it.... it is a joke for any politician to compare THEIR jobs to serving in iraq...let alone what their kids working for a champagne.
The MASTERS don't typically send their childrens into harms way.

That what us little people's kids are for.
Republicans are happy to volunteer other people's children to die for them. Just don't ask them to pay taxes - that's too great a sacrifice to make for country.

I have both right and left in my family. The children of the right are all in the military.... the ones on the left.... would DIE before they saw or allowed their children in the military.

They won't understand this....i don't think they understand the word "volunteer"!
My son joined the Army in 2003 right after the war in Iraq broke out, he's been there 3 times....he's now training with SF.

I have left and right also in my family.....NONE of the kids on the "left" have done anything to serve their country either. In fact i dont think any of the parents did either! But the left scream about the Right sending their kids over there to die...unbelievable! If their kids are sent anywhere it's because they VOLUNTEERED for the Military! Geesh! :cuckoo:
Why isn't it?

I'd make it a requirement to hold public office. HAd to have served in the Armed Forces. Extra points if you were in a war.
Then you are a buffoon.

Not everyone can serve. some can't follow orders, some clearly can't handle pressure, some can't handle that it often sucks.

People joined the Navy not knowing how to swim.

Well, people who can't follow orders and can't handle pressure aren't ones I'd want in public service... I'm not sure why you'd want that.

And, yeah, sometimes a lot of things suck. We can't all have Car Elevators like the Romneys.

Man, you are a canteen away from being a Pee Party member.

Have you picked out your spot for this springs cry fest? Or are you just going to go full bum and make do?
The MASTERS don't typically send their childrens into harms way.

That what us little people's kids are for.

fucken morans are out in force early today.

No one "sends" their children into the service.

It's long over due for some people to grow the fuck up and figure out that life isn't fair, and quit crying about it.

What part of volunteer military are you not understanding? I don't care if they are rich or poor ...its voluntary to server or not to serve. There is nothing unfair about it.

You want to blast away at romney kids for dodging a mandatory draft...ill be right there with you. Until there is a mandatory draft...its all bull shit.

Understand...i could care less about Romney or his kids. And the way i see it.... it is a joke for any politician to compare THEIR jobs to serving in iraq...let alone what their kids working for a champagne.

Okay, it's totally their choice. And if they make a choice not to stand up, we should judge them on that. And we should judge the mentality of the people who raised them.

I signed up when I was 18. Saturday will be the 31st anniversry of my first enlistment. (God, it makes me sound old just saying it!) I signed up because my Dad served in WWII. That's what you did. You stood up for your country.

Mittens dodged the draft. His boys didn't sign up, even though there was a war going on. I think it says a lot about how he raised his boys.

Something along the lines of "Dying in Wars is for Poor People, Son!"

And this is my whole problem with Romney. Call it class warfare, but this guy just doesn't see you if you make less than six figures.
Then you are a buffoon.

Not everyone can serve. some can't follow orders, some clearly can't handle pressure, some can't handle that it often sucks.

People joined the Navy not knowing how to swim.

Well, people who can't follow orders and can't handle pressure aren't ones I'd want in public service... I'm not sure why you'd want that.

And, yeah, sometimes a lot of things suck. We can't all have Car Elevators like the Romneys.

Man, you are a canteen away from being a Pee Party member.

Have you picked out your spot for this springs cry fest? Or are you just going to go full bum and make do?

Sorry, man, you guys are the ones who nominated Romney after all the obvious problems like this one.

Don't come whining to me because I won't follow you over the cliff.
The MASTERS don't typically send their childrens into harms way.

That what us little people's kids are for.

To be absolutely fair, John McCain's sons served.

Sarah Palin's son served.

I think it's unfair to tar all Republicans because the Romneys are crapping their magic underwear at the thought of being in harms way. :eusa_whistle:
Well, people who can't follow orders and can't handle pressure aren't ones I'd want in public service... I'm not sure why you'd want that.

And, yeah, sometimes a lot of things suck. We can't all have Car Elevators like the Romneys.

Man, you are a canteen away from being a Pee Party member.

Have you picked out your spot for this springs cry fest? Or are you just going to go full bum and make do?

Sorry, man, you guys are the ones who nominated Romney after all the obvious problems like this one.

Don't come whining to me because I won't follow you over the cliff.

I have issues with Romney but the problems you are talking about is not a problem.
He's a Mormon
is not a problem

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