Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Left wing? I attacked Republicans for supporting Cheney who dodged the draft 5 times while never blinking when sending other people's children to wars he would never have fought..

And you think that proves it's not a left-wing thing to attack the children of Republicans? You are a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

Romney's family has reaped the cream at the top of American society. Most old time Dems and Repubs of old felt a sense of obligation for their place in society. What the hell is wrong with these 1%ers?.

Name the children of Democrat politicians who are currently serving. We'll wait for it . . .
. . . . . . . .

We didn't think you could name any.

Take, and never give? Romney is always talking about keeping America strong. He wants a strong America? It's time for his ilk to step up and sacrifice. The main reason troops had so many tours in Iraq and Afghanistan is NOT enough loud and proud flag wavers volunteered when needed.

It's time for your ilk to shut the fuck up.

The military says it has all the volunteers it needs.

Joe Biden's son
It really is odd that Romney or any of his five sons ever served their country in the military.

Regarding the military draft, Romney had initially received a student deferment, then like most other Mormon missionaries a ministerial deferment while in France, then another student deferment. When those ran out, his high number in the December 1969 draft lottery (300) ensured he would not be selected.

Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Are you guys so desperate for something to attack Romney with that you have to resort to this? Is Obama's record so crappy that you have to deflect so much? I guess the answer is yes.

Pretty sad. I can come up with better stuff to attack Romney with and I support the man.

The wealthy from other generations believed in a certain sense of Noblesse oblige but not the 1%ers.

these 1%ers are Like Paul Ryan in that they worship greed and Ayn Lunatic Rand.

In other words, you are desperate.
Republicans refused to even pay higher taxes when they were insisting on invading Iraq - when they were sending people to die for them. That's how they conceive of people's responsibilities in America: You die for them, and they...sit back on their yachts and collect their tax cuts.
Republicans refused to even pay higher taxes when they were insisting on invading Iraq - when they were sending people to die for them. That's how they conceive of people's responsibilities in America: You die for them, and they...sit back on their yachts and collect their tax cuts.

shocking that we wouldnt want to burden the American people more when we are spending trillions of dollars. Perhaps politicians should be responsible and do with less rather than continually thinking the American people should pay for their privileges and pet projects.

Why do you want to burden to the people with higher and higher taxes? How is making people miserable by enslaving them to the government a good thing?
Republicans refused to even pay higher taxes when they were insisting on invading Iraq - when they were sending people to die for them. That's how they conceive of people's responsibilities in America: You die for them, and they...sit back on their yachts and collect their tax cuts.

shocking that we wouldnt want to burden the American people more when we are spending trillions of dollars.

They did burden the American people - they just didn't want to share in paying the bill! Not with their money, and certainly not with their skin. Instead they made everyone else pay the bill later on when their Republican leaders cited the deficits they had created to cut public spending priorities that benefit anyone other than their donor base. This country keeps paying Republicans' bills for them! It's about time we stopped.

Perhaps politicians should be responsible and do with less rather than continually thinking the American people should pay for their privileges and pet projects.

Or, here's a shocking thought, spend the money on things that actually benefit the taxpayers - like science, education, and infrastructure - so that it comes out as an investment rather than an expense. That was kind of how we built this country in the first place, not some right-wing delusional mythology of free-market magicians conjuring this stuff out of thin air. The interstate highways, the satellite communications, the internet we're talking over right now - these sprang from massive government projects that today's conservatives would rather decapitate kittens on live TV than support, and the results have been predictably dismal ever since those nutjobs have had a say in politics. This country falls farther and farther behind because of you people and your mindless anti-government ideology.

Why do you want to burden to the people with higher and higher taxes?

How exactly are rich people "burdened" with taxes? How are they "burdened" with anything if it has no impact on their lifestyle? If you're asking me to weep for the hit to their egos that comes with acknowledging they owe something back to their country, I'll play the world's smallest violin for the wealthy taxpayers who mourn abstract numbers on bank statements they see once a year.

Why do you want to burden ordinary working people by denying them services, opportunities, and infrastructure? Why do you want to make it impossible for them to have a college education? Why do you want them to be poor, and have no security, and no healthcare, and no protections against the whims of their idle rich Republican employers whose wealth they work to create? Why do you want all of America's wealth to exist in the hands of people who only see this country as a flag of convenience?

How is making people miserable by enslaving them to the government a good thing?

Now you're just going off the deep end, claiming that government doing its job and providing opportunities to the people is "enslaving" them. That's Tim McVeigh-type nuttery right there, the way he saw a Social Security building as the Death Star. Everything you're saying is pure ideology - pure fanaticism that has nothing to do with the reality of people's lives. Government can and does help people. Just not government run by the kind of people you vote for. So stop voting for those psychos and start doing your part for this country already.
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Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

well I guess it's now open season on the Obama's kids?
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

If we had a mandatory draft and they got out of serving, i would say you had an argument. As it stands they are reaping the same benefits as ever other American who is not serving....male or female.
Republicans are happy to volunteer other people's children to die for them. Just don't ask them to pay taxes - that's too great a sacrifice to make for country.

I have both right and left in my family. The children of the right are all in the military.... the ones on the left.... would DIE before they saw or allowed their children in the military.
Are you guys so desperate for something to attack Romney with that you have to resort to this? Is Obama's record so crappy that you have to deflect so much? I guess the answer is yes.

Pretty sad. I can come up with better stuff to attack Romney with and I support the man.

But isn't it a fairly honest question?

And not even a partisan one. Joe Biden's son served in Iraq. So did Sarah Palin's son. So did John McCain's son.

And John McCain served in Vietnam while Mitt Romney was out annoying French People in a white shirt.

I think it cuts to the core of what's morally wrong with the Romney candidacy. He's a very well off guy whose family are enjoying all the privilages of America while other people who are doing the hard work and making the sacrifices.

So when Mitt said in 2008 that his sons serving on his campaign staff was just as much serving their country as kids over in Iraq and Afghanistan, well, honestly, I don't think I rolled my eyes that much since that demonic possession.
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

Since when is joining the service a requirement for being a patriot?

Why isn't it?

I'd make it a requirement to hold public office. HAd to have served in the Armed Forces. Extra points if you were in a war.
Are you guys so desperate for something to attack Romney with that you have to resort to this? Is Obama's record so crappy that you have to deflect so much? I guess the answer is yes.

Pretty sad. I can come up with better stuff to attack Romney with and I support the man.

But isn't it a fairly honest question?

And not even a partisan one. Joe Biden's son served in Iraq. So did Sarah Palin's son. So did John McCain's son.

And John McCain served in Vietnam while Mitt Romney was out annoying French People in a white shirt.

I think it cuts to the core of what's morally wrong with the Romney candidacy. He's a very well off guy whose family are enjoying all the privilages of America while other people who are doing the hard work and making the sacrifices.

So when Mitt said in 2008 that his sons serving on his campaign staff was just as much serving their country as kids over in Iraq and Afghanistan, well, honestly, I don't think I rolled my eyes that much since that demonic possession.

It might be fair game if Bill Clinton and Obama had served...but now you're going after someones kids? can't crawl much lower, ya think?
Are you guys so desperate for something to attack Romney with that you have to resort to this? Is Obama's record so crappy that you have to deflect so much? I guess the answer is yes.

Pretty sad. I can come up with better stuff to attack Romney with and I support the man.

But isn't it a fairly honest question?

And not even a partisan one. Joe Biden's son served in Iraq. So did Sarah Palin's son. So did John McCain's son.

And John McCain served in Vietnam while Mitt Romney was out annoying French People in a white shirt.

I think it cuts to the core of what's morally wrong with the Romney candidacy. He's a very well off guy whose family are enjoying all the privilages of America while other people who are doing the hard work and making the sacrifices.

So when Mitt said in 2008 that his sons serving on his campaign staff was just as much serving their country as kids over in Iraq and Afghanistan, well, honestly, I don't think I rolled my eyes that much since that demonic possession.

It might be fair game if Bill Clinton and Obama had served...but now you're going after someones kids? can't crawl much lower, ya think?

Bill Clinton made a principled stand against a war that most people agree now was a horrible idea. Obama came of age at a time when we were at peace and had no draft. So, uh, no, those things don't really fall into the same category, really.

The Romney kids are all on the campaign payroll and have been for the last five years, when none of them felt the need to go down to a recruiter's station and sign up.
But isn't it a fairly honest question?

And not even a partisan one. Joe Biden's son served in Iraq. So did Sarah Palin's son. So did John McCain's son.

And John McCain served in Vietnam while Mitt Romney was out annoying French People in a white shirt.

I think it cuts to the core of what's morally wrong with the Romney candidacy. He's a very well off guy whose family are enjoying all the privileges of America while other people who are doing the hard work and making the sacrifices.

So when Mitt said in 2008 that his sons serving on his campaign staff was just as much serving their country as kids over in Iraq and Afghanistan, well, honestly, I don't think I rolled my eyes that much since that demonic possession.

It might be fair game if Bill Clinton and Obama had served...but now you're going after someones kids? can't crawl much lower, ya think?

Bill Clinton made a principled stand against a war that most people agree now was a horrible idea. Obama came of age at a time when we were at peace and had no draft. So, uh, no, those things don't really fall into the same category, really.

The Romney kids are all on the campaign payroll and have been for the last five years, when none of them felt the need to go down to a recruiter's station and sign up.

my gawd you people are excuse Clinton then attack someones kids..
But isn't it a fairly honest question?

And not even a partisan one. Joe Biden's son served in Iraq. So did Sarah Palin's son. So did John McCain's son.

And John McCain served in Vietnam while Mitt Romney was out annoying French People in a white shirt.

I think it cuts to the core of what's morally wrong with the Romney candidacy. He's a very well off guy whose family are enjoying all the privilages of America while other people who are doing the hard work and making the sacrifices.

So when Mitt said in 2008 that his sons serving on his campaign staff was just as much serving their country as kids over in Iraq and Afghanistan, well, honestly, I don't think I rolled my eyes that much since that demonic possession.

It might be fair game if Bill Clinton and Obama had served...but now you're going after someones kids? can't crawl much lower, ya think?

Bill Clinton made a principled stand against a war that most people agree now was a horrible idea. Obama came of age at a time when we were at peace and had no draft. So, uh, no, those things don't really fall into the same category, really.

The Romney kids are all on the campaign payroll and have been for the last five years, when none of them felt the need to go down to a recruiter's station and sign up.

obama came of age when there was no draft and did not volenteer. Romneys kids came of age when there is no draft and did not volunteer. As far a s i am concerned...they are equal.
It might be fair game if Bill Clinton and Obama had served...but now you're going after someones kids? can't crawl much lower, ya think?

Bill Clinton made a principled stand against a war that most people agree now was a horrible idea. Obama came of age at a time when we were at peace and had no draft. So, uh, no, those things don't really fall into the same category, really.

The Romney kids are all on the campaign payroll and have been for the last five years, when none of them felt the need to go down to a recruiter's station and sign up.

my gawd you people are excuse Clinton then attack someones kids..

Romney's "Kids" are all in their 20's and 30's. They are grown men who should be held accountable for their decisions.

I don't excuse Clinton, I recognize he made a choice. He could have hid out in ROTC, he could have hid out in England, he made the decision to protest the war. And, yes, that had political consequences for him. I didn't vote for him either time in the 1990's on that principle alone.

The Romneys neither protest the war nor serve in it, they kind of aren't taking a moral stand one way or the other. They are just letting others do the hard work and let us know how that turns out.

But some poor working class kid will go off to Afghanistan or Iraq, and then come back and find out while he was gone, Bain Capital sent his job off to China. That's totally effed up.
obama came of age when there was no draft and did not volenteer. Romneys kids came of age when there is no draft and did not volunteer. As far a s i am concerned...they are equal. [/COLOR]

Except when Obama came of age (1979) there was no war going on.

When the Romney Boys came of age (2001 to 2012) there were two wars going on.

And when Mittens came of age, there was a draft AND a war, and he somehow found a way to avoid both.

Dying in wars is for poor people!
Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Is this still the correct age list for the 5 wonder boys: Mitt and Ann Romney have 5 children, all sons: Tagg (37 years old), Matt (36), Josh (32), Ben (29), and Craig (26)?

Is it a religious thing or a class thing that keeps all 5 Romney sons out of harms way, while reaping most of the benefits of being an American?

Since when is joining the service a requirement for being a patriot?

Yup. The country is full of patriots that have never served in the military.

This is just a bunch of bs.

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