Romney's push against amnesty makes immigration a defining issue

"I can't have illegals, I'm running for office, for Pete's Sake!" - Mitt Romney discovering he had illegals doing the yard work on his mansion.

Reality check, as much as racists like Matthew and Get Involved get excised illegals are taking jobs they'd never lower themselves to, the reality is that the people who are really pulling the strings in the GOP WANT illegals. They WANT a cheap labor force to keep wages down.

And eventually, those folks will get Amnesty, when we aer a little less scared than we are now. At the moment, it's a non-starter.

If the GOP has the balls to run on it, they could win. mainstream americans do not want amnesty for illegals and it is one of the main issues many people have with the left.
Romney is doing the right thing in not going after his co-candidates, he is keeping it all about Obama and Obamas failures, which is what needs to be done to win in 2012. Not that I will vote for him in the primary because I wont, but still.

If the GOP has the balls to run on it, they could win. mainstream americans do not want amnesty for illegals and it is one of the main issues many people have with the left.
Romney is doing the right thing in not going after his co-candidates, he is keeping it all about Obama and Obamas failures, which is what needs to be done to win in 2012. Not that I will vote for him in the primary because I wont, but still.


Since 2009, the annual average number of deportations has approached 400,000, according to the Department of Homeland Security. That’s double the annual average during President George W. Bush’s first term and 30 percent higher than the average when he left office.

Obama’s Record-High Deportations Draw Hispanic Scorn - ABC News

So, you're agreeing that Obama is more conservative than Bush, and since Reagan granted amnesty during his Presidency, I am not following how Romney's position is a good platform for the GOP?

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