Romney's Trip Ends With A Spat With The Press Corps

NBC’s Garrett Haake reports that at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw, a Romney press secretary told reporters that the GOP candidate would likely not answer questions from the press. That meant on the six-day trip, he would have taken precisely three questions from the traveling press corps. When the pool and traveling reporters were told to return to their busses, Haake adds, a mass of reporters instead headed over to the motorcade area, where Romney was observing another monument. It was there the press started shouting questions. An example: “Gov. Romney, are you concerned about some of the mishaps on your trip?” Another: “Gov. Romney, do you have a statement for the Palestinians?” And: “What about your gaffes?” Another Romney press aide fired back, “Show some respect,” adding: “Kiss my ass. This is a holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect.” That press aide later apologized to some of the reporters, but the damage was done. You’ll recall, this trip got off to a bad start during a joint avail with British Labor leader Ed Miliband when Romney refused to take questions from his own press corps, even as he answered questions from the British press.

First Thoughts: Judging Romney's overseas trip - First Read

Romney is just a huge embarassment to us. How can the right wing defend his behavior and the behavior of those that work with him??

More evidence of an amateurish and undisciplined campaign incapable of staying on message (granted, likely made more difficult because there is no ‘message’).
Just think if the PRESS had done that to Obama when he was in Poland or ANYWHERE for that matter..

remember the guy from the press interrupting Obama..


but this display is ok I guess
Romney is spreading his insults around, three different regions of the world. At least he is trying to bash many nations.:lol::lol:
NBC’s Garrett Haake reports that at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw, a Romney press secretary told reporters that the GOP candidate would likely not answer questions from the press. That meant on the six-day trip, he would have taken precisely three questions from the traveling press corps. When the pool and traveling reporters were told to return to their busses, Haake adds, a mass of reporters instead headed over to the motorcade area, where Romney was observing another monument. It was there the press started shouting questions. An example: “Gov. Romney, are you concerned about some of the mishaps on your trip?” Another: “Gov. Romney, do you have a statement for the Palestinians?” And: “What about your gaffes?” Another Romney press aide fired back, “Show some respect,” adding: “Kiss my ass. This is a holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect.” That press aide later apologized to some of the reporters, but the damage was done. You’ll recall, this trip got off to a bad start during a joint avail with British Labor leader Ed Miliband when Romney refused to take questions from his own press corps, even as he answered questions from the British press.

First Thoughts: Judging Romney's overseas trip - First Read

Romney is just a huge embarassment to us. How can the right wing defend his behavior and the behavior of those that work with him??

Soooo....the Press acted like a bunch of dicks at a holy site, yet you call Romney the embarrassment? Liberals *shakes head*.
Gasp! He said "kiss my ass"? Oh nooooooooooo!

Not a good thing to say to the press under any circumstances. They are like hungry beasts who have to fed information or they become vicious and uncontrollable.

Sometimes the Press needs a good swift kick in the ass (or in the head) to knock some common sense into them.
I wish he Moonglow them....but the reason we Back Romney is that we hear liberals and they are faaaaaar, faaaaaar crazier and dumber!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can be sure of one thing. The press would never have a spat with Barry Hussein's people. The A.P. acts like part of Barry's campaign most of the time.
Gasp! He said "kiss my ass"? Oh nooooooooooo!

“Kiss my ass. This is a holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect,” is what he said. Amazing. Do you tell people to "kiss your ass" at holy sites?
Greta Van Susteren, an anchor on the Fox News Channel, Romney's go-to network for interviews, had a different assessment of the coverage.
"There has been no press access to Governor Romney since we landed in Poland. We (press) are in a holding pattern (I can't help but feel a bit like the press is a modified petting zoo since we are trapped in a bus while Polish citizens take pictures of us.)," Van Susteren wrote on her blog.

Was Romney's trip 'a great success' or gaffe-filled disaster? -
NBC’s Garrett Haake reports that at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw, a Romney press secretary told reporters that the GOP candidate would likely not answer questions from the press. That meant on the six-day trip, he would have taken precisely three questions from the traveling press corps. When the pool and traveling reporters were told to return to their busses, Haake adds, a mass of reporters instead headed over to the motorcade area, where Romney was observing another monument. It was there the press started shouting questions. An example: “Gov. Romney, are you concerned about some of the mishaps on your trip?” Another: “Gov. Romney, do you have a statement for the Palestinians?” And: “What about your gaffes?” Another Romney press aide fired back, “Show some respect,” adding: “Kiss my ass. This is a holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect.” That press aide later apologized to some of the reporters, but the damage was done. You’ll recall, this trip got off to a bad start during a joint avail with British Labor leader Ed Miliband when Romney refused to take questions from his own press corps, even as he answered questions from the British press.

First Thoughts: Judging Romney's overseas trip - First Read

Romney is just a huge embarassment to us. How can the right wing defend his behavior and the behavior of those that work with him??

5 Ways to Spot a B.S. Political Story in Under 10 Seconds

Please see #5.

Yes, I'll do it immediately. :rolleyes:
NBC’s Garrett Haake reports that at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw, a Romney press secretary told reporters that the GOP candidate would likely not answer questions from the press. That meant on the six-day trip, he would have taken precisely three questions from the traveling press corps. When the pool and traveling reporters were told to return to their busses, Haake adds, a mass of reporters instead headed over to the motorcade area, where Romney was observing another monument. It was there the press started shouting questions. An example: “Gov. Romney, are you concerned about some of the mishaps on your trip?” Another: “Gov. Romney, do you have a statement for the Palestinians?” And: “What about your gaffes?” Another Romney press aide fired back, “Show some respect,” adding: “Kiss my ass. This is a holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect.” That press aide later apologized to some of the reporters, but the damage was done. You’ll recall, this trip got off to a bad start during a joint avail with British Labor leader Ed Miliband when Romney refused to take questions from his own press corps, even as he answered questions from the British press.

First Thoughts: Judging Romney's overseas trip - First Read

Romney is just a huge embarassment to us. How can the right wing defend his behavior and the behavior of those that work with him??

They forgot to ask Romney "Just how much do you suck?"

I saw it. It was like the press was protesting the event.


I also saw it. They were shouting questions at him because he had refused to speak with them. Why did he do that?? That was the only reason they were there. Even Greta was annoyed with him. He acts as though he's afraid of the press. I think it's because he is never prepared.

I have come to the conclusion that Romney wants to be president just because he thinks he can and he also has a sense of entitlement. He does not want to work for it. God help us if he ever makes it.
LOL, A lot of us came to the same conclusion about Obama..he wanted to President just because he as we've seen, the guy didn't want it to work...He's never at his job..He's on the road all the time lecturing us and giving his AMAZING scripted speechs..:lol:
NBC’s Garrett Haake reports that at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw, a Romney press secretary told reporters that the GOP candidate would likely not answer questions from the press. That meant on the six-day trip, he would have taken precisely three questions from the traveling press corps. When the pool and traveling reporters were told to return to their busses, Haake adds, a mass of reporters instead headed over to the motorcade area, where Romney was observing another monument. It was there the press started shouting questions. An example: “Gov. Romney, are you concerned about some of the mishaps on your trip?” Another: “Gov. Romney, do you have a statement for the Palestinians?” And: “What about your gaffes?” Another Romney press aide fired back, “Show some respect,” adding: “Kiss my ass. This is a holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect.” That press aide later apologized to some of the reporters, but the damage was done. You’ll recall, this trip got off to a bad start during a joint avail with British Labor leader Ed Miliband when Romney refused to take questions from his own press corps, even as he answered questions from the British press.

First Thoughts: Judging Romney's overseas trip - First Read

Romney is just a huge embarassment to us. How can the right wing defend his behavior and the behavior of those that work with him??

The press stepped over the line.
“What about your gaffes?” and “Gov. Romney, are you concerned about some of the mishaps on your trip?” are loaded with premises. That's like asked "when did you stop beating you wife?" To be honest seems like the kind of tactics FOX News would use.

Its obvious Romney made a fool of himself on this trip, we don't need the press to continuously harass him over it to know that.
the press stepped over the line but it's obvious Romney made a fool of himself...

he sure showed Obama up right before the elections...good for him
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You can be sure of one thing. The press would never have a spat with Barry Hussein's people. The A.P. acts like part of Barry's campaign most of the time.

Yup. Romneys a Rep and Barry is a Dem and we all know how the press has that slobbering love affair with Barry still goin on.

Anything Romney does will be under their microscope. Too bad Barry isn't.

Wonder if Chrissy still has that tingle running up his leg??
Greta Van Susteren, an anchor on the Fox News Channel, Romney's go-to network for interviews, had a different assessment of the coverage.
"There has been no press access to Governor Romney since we landed in Poland. We (press) are in a holding pattern (I can't help but feel a bit like the press is a modified petting zoo since we are trapped in a bus while Polish citizens take pictures of us.)," Van Susteren wrote on her blog.

Was Romney's trip 'a great success' or gaffe-filled disaster? -

The media was acting like assholes. Essentially asking Mitt Romney to comment on "How much do you suck" type questions.

The US press doesn't have the right to barge in and disrupt everything in Poland like they do in the states.

Who needs an Occupy movement when you have Obama cheerleaders in the media.
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Romney blew this trip..not the Press. If the Press sent no one to cover this, the Romney campaign would be complaining about it.

He's got absolutely no game. Simple as that.

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