Ron DeSantis - And you thought Cuomo had problems?

DeSantis isn't going to win the presidency and neither will anyone other than a Democrat. They have legalized cheating and the president will always and forever be a Democrat.

Chances are you are correct. They may win in the short run but in the long run the country will split up and everybody loses.
Chances are you are correct. They may win in the short run but in the long run the country will split up and everybody loses.

Not everybody will lose. Party elites will be safe and financially secure while the rest of the nation realizes a lower standard of living. It's not like we're going to die; we'll just have less stuff, less medical care, etc.
And this is worse than having 15,000 people killed?
Isn't what happened, for the 502nd time.

Cuomo understated Covid deaths of the seniors he put into convalescent homes. He admitted it was because he didn't want Trump to use the information for political advantage. Gee, I wonder if thats the same reason he left the hospital ships trump sent to New York, empty and unused all while sending those elderly to their deaths.. to prevent Trump from getting any credit.
And this after Trump gave him everything Cuomo asked for. Cuomo is not only a piece... he's a two faced piece of shit.
Try starting a business in New York or in Florida, and see which one is successful first. Theres a reason people are leaving NY in droves and Florida is one of the primary destinations. People don't want to live under the thumb of those lunatics.
What are you, his fucking girlfriend? Get outta here, dude.
What are you, his fucking girlfriend? Get outta here, dude.

You should be awarded a medal for fighting for the party!
DeSantis isn't going to win the presidency and neither will anyone other than a Democrat. They have legalized cheating and the president will always and forever be a Democrat.

There is a fundamental change coming.
Chances are you are correct. They may win in the short run but in the long run the country will split up and everybody loses.

Not everybody will lose. Party elites will be safe and financially secure while the rest of the nation realizes a lower standard of living. It's not like we're going to die; we'll just have less stuff, less medical care, etc.

Sounds about right. We definitely will not be the greatest nation in the world. Far from it.
what a sad, desperate move by the dembots.....and frankly tragically sad......Fl did an amazing job of handling the Chinese Virus, balancing safety, with the economy and civil rights of the citizens of Fl.....meanwhile the Dems in NY, destroyed the economy, and Cuomo, a modern day Ted Bundy, sexually assaulted just about every woman that came within arms reach, and committed mass murder....
Uncovered text messages reveal mucho mas about Ronnie’s country club vaccination centers. The corrupt dickheadery is strong!

Cuomo was the gold standard according to Biden and the media that loves him, so how many old folk does DeSantis have to murder and how many women does he have to sexually assault to become the Left wing gold standard for leadership?

Oh yea, and Cuomo will win reelection

The stupid asshole Libtards are just pissed that DeSantis used age as a criteria instead of race.
DeSantis needs to follow Cuomo straight out of elected office.

Both Governors are the epitome of hubris...
Uncovered emails reveal mucho mas about Ronnie’s country club vaccination centers. The corrupt dickheadery is strong!

What bullshit. DeSantis has done a great job here in Florida. Thank God the commie cock sucker he ran against lost and destroyed his political career by sleeping with male whores while on a crack binge.

If this is the best you've got try again.
What else you expect from the biggest stupid fuck troll on usmb,a child that has been programmed? :laughing0301: :lmao: :abgg2q.jpg: Like you said so well,miserable always is the norm for santos is one of the few politicians not corrupt and part of the new world order agenda as cuomo
So when will the Democrat's get the New York mad man to finally realize that he must take the fall of a lesser charge (sexual harassment), than to go down in flame's for killing all those old folks in the Covid, and possibly revealing that a more sinister plan was in play ?????

Hmmm, maybe the New York mad man and the crats are just playing it for as long as they can (the sexual harassment allegations), in order to make it look as bad as they can in hopes that it will kill the old folks scandal when he walks away from it all (finally resigns)??

If MC did anything criminal, Letitia James will file charges. Thus far it doesn't look like he killed anyone - He merely fudged and misclassified their deaths. Speaking of blood on hands, Dear Leader has a lot of it. Probably at least 200,000 souls.
DeSantis isn't going to win the presidency and neither will anyone other than a Democrat. They have legalized cheating and the president will always and forever be a Democrat.

Oh NOES - Buck up little camper, such a defeatist attitude will get you no where but Loserville. ;-)

He's a worthless piece of shit who is only Governor because his opponent got caught liking drugs.
He, unlike Andrew Cuomo, handled the pandemic rather well. Floridians seem to like Ron De Santis as Governor.

Admit only dislike him because he liked Trump.

Meh - He sucked at handling the pandemic OS. Like his Orange Daddy, he dithered, opened up too quick for the spring breakers, eschewed masks, and set up country club pop up centers for cash.
Cuomo understated Covid deaths of the seniors he put into convalescent homes. He admitted it was because he didn't want Trump to use the information for political advantage. Gee, I wonder if thats the same reason he left the hospital ships trump sent to New York, empty and unused all while sending those elderly to their deaths.. to prevent Trump from getting any credit.
And this after Trump gave him everything Cuomo asked for. Cuomo is not only a piece... he's a two faced piece of shit.
Try starting a business in New York or in Florida, and see which one is successful first. Theres a reason people are leaving NY in droves and Florida is one of the primary destinations. People don't want to live under the thumb of those lunatics.

People are leaving NY for Florida because they're old and tired of being cold. It's what you do when you turn 65. ;)
Uncovered emails reveal mucho mas about Ronnie’s country club vaccination centers. The corrupt dickheadery is strong!

What bullshit. DeSantis has done a great job here in Florida. Thank God the commie cock sucker he ran against lost and destroyed his political career by sleeping with male whores while on a crack binge.

If this is the best you've got try again.
Politicizing vital medical supplies is gonna be hard to top. Much worse than another "me too" scandal.
DeSantis needs to follow Cuomo straight out of elected office.

Both Governors are the epitome of hubris...

True, but Ronnie is creepier. I see much love for TrumpyBoy here in this thread. Don't get it - He's cringeworthy and not particularly bright.

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