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Ron Paul almost Over 3 Million for the Day, About to Set a Record!

Go easy on him Jill - the dude's got asbergers and is addicted to porn. Hitting him with facts will really fuck him up big time...

Perhaps, but now you know why I'm ok with some people *not* exercising their right to vote. :lol:
Yeah, but chances are this loon will vote! Mind you it'll probably be for Paul! Hillary is gonna get in! I reckon a Hillary Obama ticket. Now if only she was half Hispanic and a Lesbo, and Obama was a dwarf, all bases would be covered...
Yeah, but chances are this loon will vote! Mind you it'll probably be for Paul! Hillary is gonna get in! I reckon a Hillary Obama ticket. Now if only she was half Hispanic and a Lesbo, and Obama was a dwarf, all bases would be covered...

I have friends whose kids have apsbergers (sp?)... that isn't what makes him a loon...and yeah, he probably will vote. ah well...

lol re the dems... that *is* kind of funny. but better than the old white men's club on the repub side.

I don't know if Obama would take second seat. He and Hillary really don't like each other. On the other hand, after 8 years as VP, he'd be ready for the presidency in 2016. ;)
Kevin Drum , adult, has it out for Ron Paul:

"Ron Paul raised a buttload of money yesterday. This doesn't really change anything, and everyone knows it, but I guess it's something to write about. So people are writing about it."

No kidding. Drum used this noun?if it rates as a noun: "buttload." And Mr. Drum is considered a columnist over at CBS. Drum pretends Ron Paul's remarkable ability to raise millions of dollars for his presidential campaign "doesn't really change anything." In other words, no matter what Paul does, Drum will dismiss it because "Paul's extreme, uncompromising positions really don't mean a thing." Let's allow Drum to amplify:

They don't reflect either well or badly on him. They're meaningless, and I wish grown adults who know better would stop pretending otherwise. Ditto for his "record breaking" fundraising day, which is just a function of (a) the growth of the internet as a political money machine and (b) the curious but well-known fact that technophiles are disproportionately libertarian.

In other words, libertarians, a number of them "technophiles" (i.e., they like computers and iPods, I suppose), are "infants," they really don't count, and the adults, like Drum, will vote for Hillary or Mitt or the sincerely scary neocon Rudy. Adults buy the same old crap every election cycle. Adults are authoritarians and libertarians are kids playing with toys.

But I will say this: if Ron Paul really is suddenly a "serious" candidate, then I expect him to start getting some pointed questions at the next debate. In the last Republican debate I saw, this noted truth-teller gave a strange and convoluted answer about his economic policies that the audience plainly didn't understand. Next time I expect to see some straight talk about how we should return to the gold standard and get rid of the Fed. This should be followed by a question about whether he supports the free coinage of silver at 16:1. Then some questions about the tin trust.

Obviously, the man has a "buttload" of ignorance to spare. But then that puts him up there unfortunately with the vast majority of the American public. It is not Ron Paul's fault "the audience plainly didn't understand" that the Federal Reserve is about as federal as Federal Express, that is to say it is a private central bank.

Mr. Drum, it should be easy to understand, even for the average American adult: the paper money issued by the Federal Reserve is fiat money, that is to say it is based on nothing, not on gold or, yes indeed, tin. Because it is based on a "buttload" of nothing?please excuse the plagiarism?there is no restraint on how much of it can be cranked out by Federal Reserve?as in Federal Express or Federal Plumbing. Because of this the non-federal banks associated with the non-federal reserve can create an unlimited, sky-is-the-limit amount of credit. But the more money that is printed the less valuable it becomes. Because it is based on nothing?not gold, not tin, not peanut shells, nothing of substance.

It really is not all that difficult to understand, Mr. Drum. Even an adult sitting pretty at a "debate" or "town hall meeting" should be able to understand.

Our money is not based on anything of substance. It is based on confidence?and once that confidence is gone, you have big problems.

In the beginning, it is called inflation?and then its called hyper-inflation.

Remember those pictures of German adults with wheelbarrows stacked with Deutsche Marks going to market to buy a loaf of bread for their kids? That's where we are heading, Mr. Drum, and you may wish to poke a "buttload" of fun at Ron Paul, who believes in sound monetary policy, and call him an "infant," and dismiss his supporters as technophiles and internet navel-gazers, but that will not stop the fact we are headed for disaster, due mostly to funny money printed by bankers no more federal than Federal Dry Cleaning.

But then you work for CBS News, so your attitude is quite understandable. CBS, of course, was founded by William Paley, who worked closely with the CIA to turn corporate media into a government propaganda leviathan. Paley's no longer with us but his effort works like a dream as corporate media and government propaganda are pretty much indistinguishable these days. In fact, one can fairly say the corporate media is the official propaganda wing of the government.

Ron Paul would naturally put an end to all that nonsense.

And no doubt that is of concern for corporate adults such as yourself, Mr. Drum.

I mean, you'd have to find real work, wouldn't you?

And a job where using the word "buttload" as a noun in a supposedly serious and professional venue would not likely be looked upon as real work.
This is why Ron is not taken seriously

Ron Paul and the 'kook squad' [Ron Paul's 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Albatross]

If Mr. Paul intends to stay in the race or even maintain his credibility, he needs to dissociate himself quickly from irresponsible accusations that the government is guilty of 3,000 counts of mass murder. Not only are such ideas offensive, but they are being used around the world to bash America and organize terrorist cells against us. American lives are endangered by such irresponsible propaganda.

For those who have not gone slumming on the Internet, the September 11 conspiracy theorists say no airplanes hit the Pentagon or the World Trade Center, even though hundreds of thousands of eyes watched the planes hit live, in person. They refuse to accept Osama bin Laden's proud claims of responsibility for September 11, instead "outing" bin Laden as a paid CIA agent. They claim that 30 tons of burning jet fuel could not melt steel, even though steel's strength is reduced at 1,000 degrees Celsius and melting is irrelevant. More than a dozen steel buildings have failed from fire alone. Last month, a burning fuel truck caused the steel in a San Francisco highway overpass to melt and fail. These people are not interested in answers or truth, but only in bashing America with falsehoods.

It's the same old story. When liberals thought "maverick" John McCain was useful for undermining President Bush and Republicans, he was the darling of the news media and liberals pretending to be Republican voters. Now that Mr. McCain is supporting Mr. Bush's position on the dominant issue of the day, the mainstream news media has shunned Mr. McCain like an old mistress once the affair is over.

This is why Ron is not taken seriously

Ron Paul and the 'kook squad' [Ron Paul's 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Albatross]

If Mr. Paul intends to stay in the race or even maintain his credibility, he needs to dissociate himself quickly from irresponsible accusations that the government is guilty of 3,000 counts of mass murder. Not only are such ideas offensive, but they are being used around the world to bash America and organize terrorist cells against us. American lives are endangered by such irresponsible propaganda.

For those who have not gone slumming on the Internet, the September 11 conspiracy theorists say no airplanes hit the Pentagon or the World Trade Center, even though hundreds of thousands of eyes watched the planes hit live, in person. They refuse to accept Osama bin Laden's proud claims of responsibility for September 11, instead "outing" bin Laden as a paid CIA agent. They claim that 30 tons of burning jet fuel could not melt steel, even though steel's strength is reduced at 1,000 degrees Celsius and melting is irrelevant. More than a dozen steel buildings have failed from fire alone. Last month, a burning fuel truck caused the steel in a San Francisco highway overpass to melt and fail. These people are not interested in answers or truth, but only in bashing America with falsehoods.

It's the same old story. When liberals thought "maverick" John McCain was useful for undermining President Bush and Republicans, he was the darling of the news media and liberals pretending to be Republican voters. Now that Mr. McCain is supporting Mr. Bush's position on the dominant issue of the day, the mainstream news media has shunned Mr. McCain like an old mistress once the affair is over.


Nice spin article RSR, but Ron himself has neither endorsed the 9/11 truth movement, nor advocated for it.

That the 9/11 truth movement has flocked to his message and ideals has nothing to do with Ron Paul being associated with the movement, or it's presumptions.

Try again.
Nice spin article RSR, but Ron himself has neither endorsed the 9/11 truth movement, nor advocated for it.

That the 9/11 truth movement has flocked to his message and ideals has nothing to do with Ron Paul being associated with the movement, or it's presumptions.

Try again.

No spin - he is a kook

Rudy slapped him down in the first debate when he tried to blame the US for 9-11
No spin - he is a kook

Rudy slapped him down in the first debate when he tried to blame the US for 9-11

You still talking about that? You're the only one dude. That's ancient history, and Ron's ascension since then has proven that most people AGREED with him. Rudy speaks to small rooms full of about 40-50 people...Ron speaks to thousands wherever he goes. LIVE WITH IT.
You still talking about that? You're the only one dude. That's ancient history, and Ron's ascension since then has proven that most people AGREED with him. Rudy speaks to small rooms full of about 40-50 people...Ron speaks to thousands wherever he goes. LIVE WITH IT.

Yea, Ron is tearing up the primary with 2% support
fuck the republican primary. It's no secret that the line towers want a bush clone anyway.

RP's strength lies in his ability to appeal to people accross the spectrum instead of simply those huddled together over there on the right.

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