Ron Paul and Gary Johnson’s supporters are not a “nonfactor” in this election

Im not sure the winners are much different.

Just not going to pussy foot around them....I get tired of them wanting us to feel bad about not choosing ether of these losers....If the majority of conservatives wanted ether Johnson or Paul one of them would be the nominee....Throwing a tantrum and wanting the country to fail cause Paul or Johnson lost is just pathetic.....Us republicans dont need to be taught a lesson cause we are already sure Obama will destroy the USA.

While I don't disagree. That doesn't mean we can't treat them better.

No I will continue to treat them as they treat us.
You losers are so pathetic.......Amazing how like spoiled children you are. You are a perfect fit for Obama.

Im not sure the winners are much different.

Just not going to pussy foot around them....I get tired of them wanting us to feel bad about not choosing ether of these losers....If the majority of conservatives wanted ether Johnson or Paul one of them would be the nominee....Throwing a tantrum and wanting the country to fail cause Paul or Johnson lost is just pathetic.....Us republicans dont need to be taught a lesson cause we are already sure Obama will destroy the USA.

That's really the thing that's turned me off Libertarianism. While I lean heavily towards it as a guiding philosophy, I can't ignore the total lack of pragmatism I've seen in its proponents. No foreign policy to speak of, and not even willing to be an impediment to the likes of Barack Obama. :eek:

This business of both these candidates being "the same" shows a SHOCKING lack of insight. Obama's last Supreme Court pick isn't too sure she can't force-feed us our broccoli. :eek:
And Libertarians think it would be funny to give him 4-5 more bites of the Supreme Court apple as well as a lame-duck term where he'd be politically unaccountable to the American people. And they WONDER why we can't take them seriously at this point?

I'm sorry, but if they've lost ME, who agreed with about 90% of the platform, they've got no game. And worse, there will be backlash should their votes actually assist Barack Obama and his socialist agenda. A libertarian who cannot be bothered to stand against the likes of Obama is of no practical use to any liberty-loving American.

Yes, because Mitt Romney is such a proponent of liberty, free markets and small government.... :lmao:

Mitt Romney's picks for Supreme Court will be infinitely better than Elena Kagan because, damn... it's hard to imagine worse. The fact that Libertarians can't be bothered to impede the WORST assault on Liberty this country has seen is what makes the Libertarian Party no more serious than the Green Party. It's not always about what we're FOR. It's sometimes about what we're AGAINST. If you're not "against" Barack Obama, who cares what you're "for"? The house is on fire. And you're wandering around bitching instead of grabbing a hose.

I'm not trying to be ignorant about it. Like I said, I agree with like 90% of the philosophy. But I'm not going to sit on my ass and watch the grass grow as this country descends into tyranny.
I'll be voting for Romney.
Vinnie Vitalis is already going to win OK...Why not make your vote count?

Your so much better supporting Obama? Cause lets not lie your idiocy of trying to act like you have principles is nothing more than you wanting to punish republicans for not nominating the crazy old man.

If that were the case he'd go out and vote for Obama.

Oh wait, I forgot that breathing on election day is a vote for Obama.
Johnson is my first choice. That being said, he doesn't have a snow ball's chance in hell of winning. Since I believe any votes he will receive will come for conservative leaning people rather than liberal leaning people, any votes for him will take votes away that Romney needs to defeat Obama.......and he needs to be defeated. It's a practical no-brainer for me. If you want to vote for Johnson or Paul and then set there proud of "standing on principle" while Obama continues to dismantle the country for four more years, I can't stop you. I just hope you come to your senses and do the practical thing to keep our nation from swirling down the toilet.
OK is already a safe state for Mitt Bundy...Your one vote isn't going to help him any.

Your really hate it that people have their own mind dont you? Truth must suck for you.


Yes, because Mitt Romney is such a proponent of liberty, free markets and small government.... :lmao:

Oh... I've got to go out for awhile, but I'm hoping you'll elaborate on the above. Seems to me that Romney HAS campaigned on those very things.

Yes, because Mitt Romney is such a proponent of liberty, free markets and small government.... :lmao:

Mitt Romney's picks for Supreme Court will be infinitely better than Elena Kagan because, damn... it's hard to imagine worse. The fact that Libertarians can't be bothered to impede the WORST assault on Liberty this country has seen is what makes the Libertarian Party no more serious than the Green Party. It's not always about what we're FOR. It's sometimes about what we're AGAINST. If you're not "against" Barack Obama, who cares what you're "for"? The house is on fire. And you're wandering around bitching instead of grabbing a hose.

I'm not trying to be ignorant about it. Like I said, I agree with like 90% of the philosophy. But I'm not going to sit on my ass and watch the grass grow as this country descends into tyranny.

It's true. Mitt's picks will be so much better than Obama's. I mean, he said he'd nominate good conservative justices like John Roberts, right? :eusa_whistle:

Yes, because Mitt Romney is such a proponent of liberty, free markets and small government.... :lmao:

Oh... I've got to go out for awhile, but I'm hoping you'll elaborate on the above. Seems to me that Romney HAS campaigned on those very things.

If only he had governed on those things.

And he's not even campaigning on them anymore since the primary is over. Did you miss all the backtracking he's done on repealing Obamacare?

Yes, because Mitt Romney is such a proponent of liberty, free markets and small government.... :lmao:

Mitt Romney's picks for Supreme Court will be infinitely better than Elena Kagan because, damn... it's hard to imagine worse. The fact that Libertarians can't be bothered to impede the WORST assault on Liberty this country has seen is what makes the Libertarian Party no more serious than the Green Party. It's not always about what we're FOR. It's sometimes about what we're AGAINST. If you're not "against" Barack Obama, who cares what you're "for"? The house is on fire. And you're wandering around bitching instead of grabbing a hose.

I'm not trying to be ignorant about it. Like I said, I agree with like 90% of the philosophy. But I'm not going to sit on my ass and watch the grass grow as this country descends into tyranny.

Yes, lets worry about the possibility that a supreme court justice will retire in the next four years and how Obama, err, I mean Romney, will make an infinitely better appointment choice for that gambled on replacement. :lmao:

I'm AGAINST both hands of the federal government party. Neither have my interests in mind. Yours neither, really. But you'll claim "doomsday" if Obama wins so we muct put Romney in as insurance to supreme court justice appointments. What exactly do you forsee in the future that will be overwhelmingly relevant to making sure one big govt. LOLberal gets elected vs. another?
In most states, they are... I will be voting for Johnson.. but as a statement, not an endorsement.. not like me doing something like voting for the lesser of 2 evils in Romney in MD is going to make a difference...

You might be surprised this year.

And yes. both Ron Paul and Gary Johnson are non-factors this year.

Did you read the article?

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Let me help.
A libertarian who cannot be bothered to stand against the likes of Obama is of no practical use to any liberty-loving American.
I'm not a libertarian. But I do feel the same way about you, for exactly the same reason.

I feel disdain toward you BECAUSE you stand against something, rather than for something.

Yes, because Mitt Romney is such a proponent of liberty, free markets and small government.... :lmao:

Oh... I've got to go out for awhile, but I'm hoping you'll elaborate on the above. Seems to me that Romney HAS campaigned on those very things.
He has said it yes... But his actions don't really support that.

Romney care is pretty big in that department.
A libertarian who cannot be bothered to stand against the likes of Obama is of no practical use to any liberty-loving American.
I'm not a libertarian. But I do feel the same way about you, for exactly the same reason.

I feel disdain toward you BECAUSE you stand against something, rather than for something.

Also, it could be said:

A libertarian who cannot be bothered to stand against the likes of Romney is of no practical use to any liberty-loving American.

So standing against both sounds like a great idea to me.
A libertarian who cannot be bothered to stand against the likes of Obama is of no practical use to any liberty-loving American.
I'm not a libertarian. But I do feel the same way about you, for exactly the same reason.

I feel disdain toward you BECAUSE you stand against something, rather than for something.

Also, it could be said:

A libertarian who cannot be bothered to stand against the likes of Romney is of no practical use to any liberty-loving American.

So standing against both sounds like a great idea to me.
I disagree. I don't care what the reason is. You and I might even agree on who to vote for... But if your reasoning behind it is to stand against Obama or Willard, and that's why you are voting for someone else... Then you're just as bad.

*shrugs* I'm always on the same side.
You losers are so pathetic.......Amazing how like spoiled children you are. You are a perfect fit for Obama.

Im not sure the winners are much different.

Just not going to pussy foot around them....I get tired of them wanting us to feel bad about not choosing ether of these losers...
Well that's a little odd coming from a man who says a vote for anyone but Willard is a vote for Obama.

I mean... Damn... You got a severe case of introvert to the point of stupidity there guy.
I'm not a libertarian. But I do feel the same way about you, for exactly the same reason.

I feel disdain toward you BECAUSE you stand against something, rather than for something.

Also, it could be said:

A libertarian who cannot be bothered to stand against the likes of Romney is of no practical use to any liberty-loving American.

So standing against both sounds like a great idea to me.
I disagree. I don't care what the reason is. You and I might even agree on who to vote for... But if your reasoning behind it is to stand against Obama or Willard, and that's why you are voting for someone else... Then you're just as bad.

*shrugs* I'm always on the same side.

I don't think you can have one without the other. I see what you're saying that you should vote for someone rather than against someone, but even if your vote is as principled as can be I think you're still doing both. I voted for Ron Paul in the primaries, because that's who I wanted to be President. However, I also voted against the other Republicans, and that was as principled as voting for Ron Paul.
I'll be voting for Romney.

Then I suggest you take the Johnson banner out of your signature...your choice who ya vote for just saying it doesn't make much sense since he is gonna lose anyways and obviously you don't like him to much since you were pulling for Johnson..

Johnson is my first choice. That being said, he doesn't have a snow ball's chance in hell of winning. Since I believe any votes he will receive will come for conservative leaning people rather than liberal leaning people, any votes for him will take votes away that Romney needs to defeat Obama.......and he needs to be defeated. It's a practical no-brainer for me. If you want to vote for Johnson or Paul and then set there proud of "standing on principle" while Obama continues to dismantle the country for four more years, I can't stop you. I just hope you come to your senses and do the practical thing to keep our nation from swirling down the toilet.

Romney would just slow the inevitable. Why slow it down? Lets get it over with.
Then I suggest you take the Johnson banner out of your signature...your choice who ya vote for just saying it doesn't make much sense since he is gonna lose anyways and obviously you don't like him to much since you were pulling for Johnson..

Johnson is my first choice. That being said, he doesn't have a snow ball's chance in hell of winning. Since I believe any votes he will receive will come for conservative leaning people rather than liberal leaning people, any votes for him will take votes away that Romney needs to defeat Obama.......and he needs to be defeated. It's a practical no-brainer for me. If you want to vote for Johnson or Paul and then set there proud of "standing on principle" while Obama continues to dismantle the country for four more years, I can't stop you. I just hope you come to your senses and do the practical thing to keep our nation from swirling down the toilet.

Romney would just slow the inevitable. Why slow it down? Lets get it over with.

Would he even slow it down? I'm not convinced of that.
Possibly not. We know he wants to go to war in Syria and Iran...he may just speed it up..

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