Ron Paul interview with John Stewart

Jon was very light-handed in the interview which was the polite thing to do. Ron lost me here though. I had been tempted to try him out, but after this interview...that's a no go.

He basically said that the market will self-police better than the government. That's a complete crock. The old man is misguided. He doesn't just want to remove the stupid, wasteful laws,...he wants to remove all the damn laws. Too fucking far for my taste.

The guy's positions have been about as constant as you can possibly get in politics, and have become much more well known the last couple years, but somehow a brief interview with a comedian has decided it for you?

Yes. I saw the interview. I know the track record for being consistent. I didn't know much about the guy, that's all. It's new information because it's NEW INFORMATION.

It's not like I heard it once and then changed MY mind. I'd just never heard that out of him before. He sounds great in some of his speeches about waste. I'd never heard him come out and say he wanted a fully unfettered market place.
i liked the interview. I could support Ron Paul. But he isnt my first choice.
Jon was very light-handed in the interview which was the polite thing to do. Ron lost me here though. I had been tempted to try him out, but after this interview...that's a no go.

He basically said that the market will self-police better than the government. That's a complete crock. The old man is misguided. He doesn't just want to remove the stupid, wasteful laws,...he wants to remove all the damn laws. Too fucking far for my taste.

He wants to remove nearly all the damn laws AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL, yes. Stewart had a nice jab at him when he admitted that Bloomberg might get more aggressive at his level than Ron would at his.

Ron's correct, there are lots of causes of action and tort remedies to combat pollution without the EPA. Nevertheless, I think such a patchwork remedy may prove ineffective. After all, we instituted the EPA in response to nationwide pollution catastrophes.

Anyway, I don't agree with everything Paul says. But he's exactly the candidate we need today. We need to end the war on drugs and cut military spending, and he's the only potential President who can be trusted to do that.
Jon was very light-handed in the interview which was the polite thing to do. Ron lost me here though. I had been tempted to try him out, but after this interview...that's a no go.

He basically said that the market will self-police better than the government. That's a complete crock. The old man is misguided. He doesn't just want to remove the stupid, wasteful laws,...he wants to remove all the damn laws. Too fucking far for my taste.

The guy's positions have been about as constant as you can possibly get in politics, and have become much more well known the last couple years, but somehow a brief interview with a comedian has decided it for you?

Ummmm, the part where Vanqi said he was 'tempted to try him out' is pure, unadulterated horse shit.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, dumbass. You don't know shit about me. All you can do is mischaracterize me the same way Rabbi and other conservative dumbasses do. That's all you've got.

I actually was tempted to try the coot out. I really liked several of his speeches about waste and getting out of the wars that our government can't seem to stop getting into.

What I don't like is the idea that big business will regulate itself entirely. fuck that. we'd still have child labor and minorities being discriminated against if business still had its fucking way.

So yeah. If you were twice as smart, you'd still be stupid.
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Jon was very light-handed in the interview which was the polite thing to do. Ron lost me here though. I had been tempted to try him out, but after this interview...that's a no go.

He basically said that the market will self-police better than the government. That's a complete crock. The old man is misguided. He doesn't just want to remove the stupid, wasteful laws,...he wants to remove all the damn laws. Too fucking far for my taste.

The guy's positions have been about as constant as you can possibly get in politics, and have become much more well known the last couple years, but somehow a brief interview with a comedian has decided it for you?

Yes. I saw the interview. I know the track record for being consistent. I didn't know much about the guy, that's all. It's new information because it's NEW INFORMATION.

It's not like I heard it once and then changed MY mind. I'd just never heard that out of him before. He sounds great in some of his speeches about waste. I'd never heard him come out and say he wanted a fully unfettered market place.

And you still have never heard him say that you lying sack of shit. :thup:
The guy's positions have been about as constant as you can possibly get in politics, and have become much more well known the last couple years, but somehow a brief interview with a comedian has decided it for you?

Ummmm, the part where Vanqi said he was 'tempted to try him out' is pure, unadulterated horse shit.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, dumbass. You don't know shit about me. All you can do is mischaracterize me the same way Rabbi and other conservative dumbasses do. That's all you've got.

I actually was tempted to try the coot out. I really liked several of his speeches about waste and getting out of the wars that our government can't seem to stop getting into.

What I don't like is the idea that big business will regulate itself entirely. fuck that. we'd still have child labor and minorities being discriminated against if business still had its fucking way.

So yeah. If you were twice as smart, you'd still be stupid.


Transparent lying cocksmooch is transparent. :thup:
It was a good interview, not "wow" but good and that is good for Ron Paul at this point.

John is a nice guy, smart and all that but politically he seems a bit lost or uneasy in his own beliefs. I say that because he seems to understand that he has criticisms of something like RP’s view but then RP turns around and points out clearly how Johns Government has failed him and that in fact John is unhappy with the end result.

He's cool, he's funny, he adds fairness and keeps a check on the MSM, but at the end of the day his purpose is still to keep you somewhere to the left.

FAIRNESS?????... Jon Stewart adds fairness?? :lol::lol::lol:

There are several videos out there showing the shear number of times Stewart contradicts himself...sometimes a full 180.
Avory is spot on - he doesn't know what he believes in...and can get away with it because he is a comedian that pretends to be a journalist.
I'd never heard him come out and say he wanted a fully unfettered market place.

Can you cite anytime, with distinct quote from him, where he's ever said such a thing?

Or did you just take something out of context?

I'd guess the latter, considering you seem to still be pretty new on him.
I'd never heard him come out and say he wanted a fully unfettered market place.

Can you cite anytime, with distinct quote from him, where he's ever said such a thing?

Or did you just take something out of context?

I'd guess the latter, considering you seem to still be pretty new on him.


You can go easy on him if you like, but I have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to lying partisan shitstains. :thup:
It was a good interview, not "wow" but good and that is good for Ron Paul at this point.

John is a nice guy, smart and all that but politically he seems a bit lost or uneasy in his own beliefs. I say that because he seems to understand that he has criticisms of something like RP’s view but then RP turns around and points out clearly how Johns Government has failed him and that in fact John is unhappy with the end result.

He's cool, he's funny, he adds fairness and keeps a check on the MSM, but at the end of the day his purpose is still to keep you somewhere to the left.

FAIRNESS?????... Jon Stewart adds fairness?? :lol::lol::lol:

There are several videos out there showing the shear number of times Stewart contradicts himself...sometimes a full 180.
Avory is spot on - he doesn't know what he believes in...and can get away with it because he is a comedian that pretends to be a journalist.

Yes. Fairness when he calls the media out on ignoring Ron Paul, for instance.

Contradiction doesn't necessarily preclude fairness. His contradictions generally relate to my point about him really just being another voice steering the ship to the left at the end of the day.

I never said he was perfect.
I'd never heard him come out and say he wanted a fully unfettered market place.

Can you cite anytime, with distinct quote from him, where he's ever said such a thing?

Or did you just take something out of context?

I'd guess the latter, considering you seem to still be pretty new on him.


You can go easy on him if you like, but I have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to lying partisan shitstains. :thup:

Fuck all you people. I'm the furthest fucking thing from a partisan this board fucking has you cock gobblers.

Simply calling me that doesn't make me what you're calling me.

He absolutely DOES say that in the Jon Stewart Interview you fucktards. I will admit that I meant on a federal level...not a state level. He does clearly state in the interview that states can add more controls if they want. (The Bloomberg comment)

The joker actually fucking says "In a free marketplace you (meaning corporations) can't commit fraud, can't have to be responsible." Stewart interview at 6:17


We HAVE regulations and corporations still commit fraud...steal...and aren't responsible.

I swear to fucking god this guy thinks if we get rid of government, corporations will just play nice and do what customers want them to. If we'd done that childredn would still be working and minorities would still be treated like shit. Hell...women still make pennies on the dollar compared to men.

He's fucking batshit, y'all. Batshit. And Jon calls him on it. So Paul deflects to "socialism and authoritarianism sucks" so anything else must be better.
He's cool, he's funny, he adds fairness and keeps a check on the MSM, but at the end of the day his purpose is still to keep you somewhere to the left.

FAIRNESS?????... Jon Stewart adds fairness?? :lol::lol::lol:

There are several videos out there showing the shear number of times Stewart contradicts himself...sometimes a full 180.
Avory is spot on - he doesn't know what he believes in...and can get away with it because he is a comedian that pretends to be a journalist.

Yes. Fairness when he calls the media out on ignoring Ron Paul, for instance.

Contradiction doesn't necessarily preclude fairness. His contradictions generally relate to my point about him really just being another voice steering the ship to the left at the end of the day.

I never said he was perfect.

Aye...but he ignores people who don't agree with him...some call that hypocrisy.
I dont think he ignores them. In fact, I think he targets them for more material.
He's fucking batshit, y'all. Batshit. And Jon calls him on it.

No, he's not. And Jon treated him with the respect he deserves. Unlike you.

You say you're a centrist, but I wonder where you stand on the Wall St. bailouts, or rampant "defense" spending, or the war on drugs. If you're against all these things and yet still think Ron Paul is "fucking batshit" then you are simply confused.
Who is John Stewart ?

Ha! He is, unfortunately, the main source of "news" for a bunch of young socialists and other misguided souls. I can't take his nanny state bias but when I heard Paul was being interviewed, I wanted to see it.

oooh... socialists...

typical rightwingnut phrase meaning "you're someone i disagree with".


Not at all. I know perfectly well what the word socialist means...and it's a word, not a phrase. Why are you afraid of a word? Does it not describe your political leanings?
Who is John Stewart ?

Ha! He is, unfortunately, the main source of "news" for a bunch of young socialists and other misguided souls. I can't take his nanny state bias but when I heard Paul was being interviewed, I wanted to see it.

oooh... socialists...

typical rightwingnut phrase meaning "you're someone i disagree with".


Note to noobs: Whenever Jillian uses the term 'nutter' it means she can't refute whatever it is you've posted and she's at least smart enough not to try to fake it.
He's fucking batshit, y'all. Batshit. And Jon calls him on it.

No, he's not. And Jon treated him with the respect he deserves. Unlike you.

You say you're a centrist, but I wonder where you stand on the Wall St. bailouts, or rampant "defense" spending, or the war on drugs. If you're against all these things and yet still think Ron Paul is "fucking batshit" then you are simply confused.

And you point out all the reasons why I was actually thinking of voting for the guy. Despite what the conservative trolls above would have you believe. I really wanted someone against corporate bailouts, against war, against the war on drugs...fiscal conservatism and social liberalism...

then he undercut it all by saying to Jon "if you just let the markets regulate themselves (federally) they can't steal or defraud customers." Ive got a timestamp above if you don't believe me.

That's where he lost me. Corporations aren't inherently evil...but they can't be trusted either.

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