Ron Paul: Israel Encouraged and Started Hamas

There's no doubt that the Zionists provoked Hamas, starting 75 years ago and it continues today.

Why does the Lamestream media always fail to mention that?

Hamas is the hebrew word for violence. There is no historical trace of a palestinian people. Hadrian named the land palestine because he hated the jews. Gaza is a sliver known as Gath. Nothing good has ever come from that land that was occupied by the philistines.
One other note. Look at how our govt parallels Israel. Our govt, congress, senate is corrupt beyond imagination and laden with people who hate this country. Go look at the knesset. Some of the factions are a who's who of antisemites.


Relevant reading...

Biden Election Strategy: ‘Let’s Fight Three Wars at Once!’

''President Joe Biden announced last week that the United States would be funding – and possibly fighting - three wars in three different parts of the world at the same time. It is an ambitious foreign policy for a president who doesn’t even seem to be able to express a coherent thought without the help of a teleprompter.

Nearly every word of Biden’s speech was untrue, including the preposterous suggestion that “American leadership is what holds the world together. American alliances are what keep us, America, safe.”

By dragging the United States into this war, President Biden has planted the seeds of innumerable 9/11-style blowback attacks on the US. Yet he has the audacity to claim that all of this is keeping us safe.''

Observing the trend around here and elsewhere, it certainly seems like Biden has quite a bit of support. More than many will openly admit anyway. Which, I, for one, find intriguing.
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Relevant reading...

Biden Election Strategy: ‘Let’s Fight Three Wars at Once!’

''By dragging the United States into this war, President Biden has planted the seeds of innumerable 9/11-style blowback attacks on the US. Yet he has the audacity to claim that all of this is keeping us safe.''

Judging by the trend around here, it certainly seems like Biden has quite a bit of support.

Uh huh. Everytime. When the poll numbers go south, it's time for war.
“Ron Paul explains that Israel started and encouraged Hamas to rise against Yasser Arafat.”

The great Ron Paul the libertarian who stands up for individual rights and common sense approach to government… provides his to take on Israelpalestine.

Ron Paul is a good man who fully defends Israel's right to defend themselves when attacked.

But he a strong American isolationist who thinks we shouldn't be providing any foreign aid anywhere. Right or wrong, that is his opinion. If he's right that Israel in fact encouraged Hamas to rise up against the murderous fatah, it was because the PLO was also sworn to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. And as these things often go, it turned out to be a case of trading a devil they knew for a devil in the making.

Rand Paul, Ron Paul's son, was the only senator who would not co-sponsor or vote for a resolution supporting Israel in the current conflict. The other 99 senators all voted for the resolution. Paul also would not vote for funding for Israel in 2018 saying it should be time limited and should include removal of funding for Israel's enemies.

If the free world does not help Israel, Israel ceases to exist and most of it citizens will have to leave or be slaughtered. I suspect people like the OP want that. A large majority of Americans, both Democrat and Republican, do not.

American public opinion remains mostly with Israel:

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But he a strong American isolationist who thinks we shouldn't be providing any foreign aid anywhere. Right or wrong, that is his opinion.

I imagine that he would likely define ''isolationism'' much differently than the way you're insinuating the term.

Actually, I know for a fact that he would.

As would I.

That's another term that seems to get arbitrarily invoked without ever discussing what it actually means, applicably speaking.

Of all of the attacks on the statesman, I tend to think that one is the most intellectually dishonest of them all, whether purposefully invoked for political effect or just out of pure ignorance alone.

Ron is a non-interventionist.

And, technically speaking, those who make the false charge are historically the true isolationists, but because the difference between isolationism and non-intervention is seldom understood, it just becomes a convenient political catch phrase.

There's a lot of confusion, collectively speaking, about isolationism versus non-intervention. There is a big difference between them.
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I imagine that he would likely define ''isolationism'' much differently than the way you're insinuating the term.

As would I.

That's another term that seems to get arbitrarily invoked without ever discussing what it actually means, applicably speaking.
An Isolationist is one who thinks we should not be involved in the meddling of governments of and participation in the wars of other countries., i.e. believes in neutrality. I'm pretty sure that both Ron Paul and Rand Paul pretty much support that position though Rand in particular often shifts his opinions on these things. (That isn't always a bad thing as circumstances differ over time.)

I like them both by the way. But there is probably no human being on Earth that I agree with 100% on every single issue.
Ron is pro-America. As are those, collectively speaking, who historically share his philosophy with regard to peace, prosperity, the proper role of government as well as the cause of Individual liberty.

Well unfortunately Hamas didn't choose peace and are now feeling the consequences.

No matter Paul's crap
Isolationism, national policy of avoiding political or economic entanglements with other countries. (Encyclopedia Britannica)

Ron's a non-interventionist.

Dictionary definitions are rather irrelevant when we're applicably speaking.

Applicably speaking, there are principles involved.

The what and the why.

I remember a ways back on here we were debating the concept of liberty in America.

Someone gave me a dictionary definition for liberty.

Now...that simply will not due. Again...there are principles involved...particularly as the cause of liberty in America is premised upon the principles that define it.

The principles of Individual liberty and the primary foundation for moral code are Indivisible and cannot be accepted or rejected piece meal.

I offer this for the sake of illustration, of course, but that's what generic dictionary definitions do. They compartmentalize and therefore trivialize concepts in the interest of...oh...let's call it equity.
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It worked horribly in the the end right has to become might
Yes it is always a tough call though. What is the right and ethical thing to do? U.S. reluctance to get into WWII probably cost many lives. And many lives were saved because we finally were forced into becoming part of it. Think what the world might have looked like if we had not? It is unlikely without us the allies would have prevailed.
Maybe but definitely anti Israel...semetic

He's not anti Israel either.

What he's saying is that anytime the USA props up our enemies of our enemies, they usually turn out to be our enemies.
In 10 years, when Israel becomes close allies with Russia, we'll remember these days. Just like we remember when we were allies with Iraq.

Remember when we were allies of Russia and China? Allies with all of Korea & Vietnam.

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