Ron Paul "Loons" at it again!!!

7 min -

Ron Paul on the IssuesRated 0% by NARAL, indicating a pro-life voting record: Strongly Opposes topic 1 .... Ron Paul is a Moderate Libertarian. Click here for explanation of ... - 97k

You think so eh? He voted to not impeach a convicted purgerer(Slick Willy).
Nevadamedic, you are one stupid dude, let me tell you.

He voted to impeach clinton, man. You're making yourself look like a fucking idiot. Quit while you're behind.
Get bent.

This is your typical response when it has been shown you are both...

1) incredibly uneducated and incredible unintelligent

2) a liar

Your best bet is to stop discussing politics. You have shown you are an absolute moron, and you have no understanding of the American political system.
This is your typical response when it has been shown you are both...

1) incredibly uneducated and incredible unintelligent

2) a liar

Your best bet is to stop discussing politics. You have shown you are an absolute moron, and you have no understanding of the American political system. it up to you all to tell people if they might be stupid about politics, to stop trying to discuss them....
This is your typical response when it has been shown you are both...

1) incredibly uneducated and incredible unintelligent

2) a liar

Your best bet is to stop discussing politics. You have shown you are an absolute moron, and you have no understanding of the American political system.

You can think what you want but in the meantime Get Bent.
on to more important matters

VIDEO: Buchanan on the Debate: Ron Paul is the Classic ...I think Ron Paul should be on the MSNBC Pat Buchanan show on a regular basis. This way he will get the regular media attention he needs to get. ... - 39k -

Ron Paul has never climbed out of a 1% of even being someone people know a Regular poll that wasn't spammable by the Pauletts....

And that is where he will stay....:eusa_dance:
Ron Paul supporters may be using e-mail spam and dirty tricks to gin up support for their presidential candidate on the Internet.

"This is clearly a criminal act in support of a campaign, which has been committed with or without [its] knowledge," University of Alabama at Birmingham computer-forensics expert Gary Warner told Wired News.

Warner was referring to a wave of pro-Paul e-mails that flooded the Internet after the most recent Republican presidential debate on Oct. 21.

The e-mails had subject lines such as "Ron Paul Wins GOP Debate! HMzjoqO" and "Ron Paul Exposes Federal Reserve! SBHBcSO."

The funny character strings are common methods to defeat spam filters.

Warner says his lab traced the e-mails back to servers in Asia, Africa, South America and Europe — signifying that whoever sent them may have used a botnet, or world-wide network of hijacked computers, to pump out massive volumes of e-mail.

FTC Warns of Fake FTC E-Mail Virus Hackers Launch Massive Attack on Ukrainian President's Web Site Feds: Fake Harassment Complaint E-Mail Contains Virus Four 'Critical' Patches in October's Microsoft Updates "This is the first I've heard about this situation," Paul campaign spokesman Jesse Benton told Wired News. Read the rest of the story........,2933,307056,00.html

Ron Paul is an asshole and so are his supporters. I wouldn't give a damn if he became President since he can't do worst than all the other motherfuckers who have held this position since the first bastard ascended to the throne of the United Kingdom of America. Anyone who supports the Constitution like Ron Paul deserves to be President so that they can fuck us over some more like the idiots who wrote it did in 1789.
Ron Paul is an asshole and so are his supporters. I wouldn't give a damn if he became President since he can't do worst than all the other motherfuckers who have held this position since the first bastard ascended to the throne of the United Kingdom of America. Anyone who supports the Constitution like Ron Paul deserves to be President so that they can fuck us over some more like the idiots who wrote it did in 1789.

I retract my previous statement about your swearing, they definantly need to up your medication.
Solar may be nutty as a fruitcake and more looney tunes than the thread title--being a newscomer here, I don't know anything about him--but he doesn't deserve to be dissed on this particular issue. News organizations as well as many well established blogs have not only identified, but have dealt with Ron Paul spammers attempting to make him look more popular and successful and ANY organized scientific national poll has demonstrated.

So we might talk about whether the accusations are wrong and/or, if true, such spamming techniques are useful to the process.

Here is a tiny sampling of comments/information on it:

How do you know it's "Ron Paul" supporters?

It may very well be "Ron Paul" HACKERS, doing everything they can to make him and his supporters look bad.

Open your eyes. Look at all the possibilities here instead of just jumping on the band wagon.

You wouldn't make a good cop, or prosecutor. You're accusations, and solars, are all full of holes.
Ron Paul has never climbed out of a 1% of even being someone people know a Regular poll that wasn't spammable by the Pauletts....

And that is where he will stay....:eusa_dance:

Then why is he third in raising money? Somebody must like him. A lot of somebodys.
How do you know it's "Ron Paul" supporters?

It may very well be "Ron Paul" HACKERS, doing everything they can to make him and his supporters look bad.

Open your eyes. Look at all the possibilities here instead of just jumping on the band wagon.

You wouldn't make a good cop, or prosecutor. You're accusations, and solars, are all full of holes.

Tom, his supporters have been caught flooding polls. He even pays for his supporters to travel around to the different straw polls so he will rank high, that's not illegal but it's just stupid and a waste of money. He also did some borderline illegal things before the Iowa Straw Poll that hurt Tancredo's, Hunter's, Brownback's and Giuliani's results. The guy is a creep and he is using every cheap trick in the book to win as he knows he can't win on the issues. It's almost like he is using Karl Rove's playbook.
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Then why is he third in raising money? Somebody must like him. A lot of somebodys.

He is being investigated for campaign finance violations. People with a lot of money have been caught donating to the max, then giving their friends and employees money to give to the campaign, which is a big no no. If you remember that is one thing Dina Titus was doing with out of state businesses during the Gubernatorial Campaign that almost got her shit canned from the State Senate.

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