Ron Paul "Loons" at it again!!!

He is being investigated for campaign finance violations. People with a lot of money have been caught donating to the max, then giving their friends and employees money to give to the campaign, which is a big no no. If you remember that is one thing Dina Titus was doing with out of state businesses during the Gubernatorial Campaign that almost got her shit canned from the State Senate.

`link ? to ron pauls investigation etc
Tom, his supporters have been caught flooding polls. He even pays for his supporters to travel around to the different straw polls so he will rank high, that's not illegal but it's just stupid and a waste of money. He also did some borderline illegal things before the Iowa Straw Poll that hurt Tancredo's, Hunter's, Brownback's and Giuliani's results. The guy is a creep and he is using every cheap trick in the book to win as he knows he can't win on the issues. It's almost like he is using Karl Rove's playbook.

I've heard nothing of the sort, about this or the finance thing. Prove it.
There's no way anyone can take you seriously nevada. You've proven your stupidity so many times. I mean, even earlier in THIS THREAD you looked like a moron with the whole clinton impeachment vote shit.

I've never seen you be right about anything.

You're credibility is 0, and I'd be willing to bet almost everyone here agrees.

Tom, his supporters have been caught flooding polls.
Caught? By whom?
He even pays for his supporters to travel around to the different straw polls so he will rank high, that's not illegal but it's just stupid and a waste of money.
He doesn't 'pay' anyone dummy. His plethora of independent volunteers launched a campaign on their OWN to raise money to have Iowans bused to Ames who couldn't afford to make it to the straw poll, but wanted to vote for Ron. ROMNEY is the one who paid his own money to bus people in. Get your god damn fucking facts straight you fucking moron.
He also did some borderline illegal things before the Iowa Straw Poll that hurt Tancredo's, Hunter's, Brownback's and Giuliani's results. The guy is a creep and he is using every cheap trick in the book to win as he knows he can't win on the issues. It's almost like he is using Karl Rove's playbook.
Not even backed up with any source. Quite a ridiculous, UNSUBSTANTIATED claim there, you stupid fuck.

Go the fuck away, dude. You're such a disgrace to the discussions that go on at this board.
I've heard nothing of the sort, about this or the finance thing. Prove it.

The hell you haven't. Congressman Tancredo sent a letter out to everyone who was on his mailing list at the time of the Iowa Straw poll. You were a suscriber to his email list so I know you got it. If not im sure it's on his website somewhere.
There's no way anyone can take you seriously nevada. You've proven your stupidity so many times. I mean, even earlier in THIS THREAD you looked like a moron with the whole clinton impeachment vote shit.

I've never seen you be right about anything.

You're credibility is 0, and I'd be willing to bet almost everyone here agrees.

Caught? By whom?

He doesn't 'pay' anyone dummy. His plethora of independent volunteers launched a campaign on their OWN to raise money to have Iowans bused to Ames who couldn't afford to make it to the straw poll, but wanted to vote for Ron. ROMNEY is the one who paid his own money to bus people in. Get your god damn fucking facts straight you fucking moron.

Not even backed up with any source. Quite a ridiculous, UNSUBSTANTIATED claim there, you stupid fuck.

Go the fuck away, dude. You're such a disgrace to the discussions that go on at this board.

I didn't say he pays them dipshit, I said he pays for them to go to them you know Airline and Hotel costs. The same thing Brownback and Romney did.
I didn't say he pays them dipshit, I said he pays for them to go to them you know Airline and Hotel costs. The same thing Brownback and Romney did.

Airline? Dude, state straw polls are typically limited to the residents of the state the poll is being held in, and likewise for county straw polls. There's no airline tickets involved in that. He doesn't even pay for bus fare. There are 10's of thousands of people nationwide who are covering those costs FOR him...something most other candidates couldn't even attempt to stake a claim to.

Ron doesn't pay his supporters ANYTHING. It took me 2 months to get them to send me some fucking slim jim cards to hand out. The man is running an unbelievably frugal campaign. That's why he's still got most of his donation money on hand. He just started spending his money on things other than his campaign travel expenses.

The other guy in this thread has a sig line that is right on the money: Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.

The fact is, you don't know SHIT about how Ron's running his campaign, and you make yourself look dumber each time you post on this board.

If Brownback was really doing that, then it would go to show why his broke ass isn't in the race anymore. As far as Romney, that's already public knowledge. You think the other 'top tier' aren't doing that??? Don't kid yourself. Like you said, it's not illegal.
Airline? Dude, state straw polls are typically limited to the residents of the state the poll is being held in, and likewise for county straw polls. There's no airline tickets involved in that. He doesn't even pay for bus fare. There are 10's of thousands of people nationwide who are covering those costs FOR him...something most other candidates couldn't even attempt to stake a claim to.

Ron doesn't pay his supporters ANYTHING. It took me 2 months to get them to send me some fucking slim jim cards to hand out. The man is running an unbelievably frugal campaign. That's why he's still got most of his donation money on hand. He just started spending his money on things other than his campaign travel expenses.

The other guy in this thread has a sig line that is right on the money: Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.

The fact is, you don't know SHIT about how Ron's running his campaign, and you make yourself look dumber each time you post on this board.

If Brownback was really doing that, then it would go to show why his broke ass isn't in the race anymore. As far as Romney, that's already public knowledge. You think the other 'top tier' aren't doing that??? Don't kid yourself. Like you said, it's not illegal.

Actually you don't have to be a resident for the Iowa or Texas straw polls. Your right it's not illegal but it is a waste of money and if someone wants to waste money stupidly like that they have no business running the country.

I didn't say he paid his supporters, I said he paid for them to travel, shit learn to read. He also has quite a paid staff actually, including internet blogers etc.

As far as materials for his campaign and people having to pay for them is stupid. I've never had a problem, I get campaign stuff for his and all the other Republican campaigns for nothing as I order them for the different local Republican Headquarters, you just need to lear how to get around things. You want a bumper sticker? I can get one mailed to you, T-Shirt no problem send me a PM.
Actually you don't have to be a resident for the Iowa or Texas straw polls. Your right it's not illegal but it is a waste of money and if someone wants to waste money stupidly like that they have no business running the country.

I didn't say he paid his supporters, I said he paid for them to travel, shit learn to read. He also has quite a paid staff actually, including internet blogers etc.

As far as materials for his campaign and people having to pay for them is stupid. I've never had a problem, I get campaign stuff for his and all the other Republican campaigns for nothing as I order them for the different local Republican Headquarters, you just need to lear how to get around things. You want a bumper sticker? I can get one mailed to you, T-Shirt no problem send me a PM.

links ? articals ? bloogers on his pay roll ? what is this what buddy told you at the water cooler ?
Bush 'planted fake news stories on American TV'
By Andrew Buncombe in Washington
Published: 29 May 2006
Federal authorities are actively investigating dozens of American television stations for broadcasting items produced by the Bush administration and major corporations, and passing them off as normal news. Some of the fake news segments talked up success in the war in Iraq, or promoted the companies' products.

Investigators from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) are seeking information about stations across the country after a report produced by a campaign group detailed the extraordinary extent of the use of such items.

The report, by the non-profit group Centre for Media and Democracy, found that over a 10-month period at least 77 television stations were making use of the faux news broadcasts, known as Video News Releases (VNRs). Not one told viewers who had produced the items.

"We know we only had partial access to these VNRs and yet we found 77 stations using them," said Diana Farsetta, one of the group's researchers. "I would say it's pretty extraordinary. The picture we found was much worse than we expected going into the investigation in terms of just how widely these get played and how frequently these pre-packaged segments are put on the air."

Ms Farsetta said the public relations companies commissioned to produce these segments by corporations had become increasingly sophisticated in their techniques in order to get the VNRs broadcast. "They have got very good at mimicking what a real, independently produced television report would look like," she said.

The FCC has declined to comment on the investigation but investigators from the commission's enforcement unit recently approached Ms Farsetta for a copy of her group's report.

The range of VNR is wide. Among items provided by the Bush administration to news stations was one in which an Iraqi-American in Kansas City was seen saying "Thank you Bush. Thank you USA" in response to the 2003 fall of Baghdad. The footage was actually produced by the State Department, one of 20 federal agencies that have produced and distributed such items.

Many of the corporate reports, produced by drugs manufacturers such as Pfizer, focus on health issues and promote the manufacturer's product. One example cited by the report was a Hallowe'en segment produced by the confectionery giant Mars, which featured Snickers, M&Ms and other company brands. While the original VNR disclosed that it was produced by Mars, such information was removed when it was broadcast by the television channel - in this case a Fox-owned station in St Louis, Missouri.

Bloomberg news service said that other companies that sponsored the promotions included General Motors, the world's largest car maker, and Intel, the biggest maker of semi-conductors. All of the companies said they included full disclosure of their involvement in the VNRs. "We in no way attempt to hide that we are providing the video," said Chuck Mulloy, a spokesman for Intel. "In fact, we bend over backward to make this disclosure."

The FCC was urged to act by a lobbying campaign organised by Free Press, another non-profit group that focuses on media policy. Spokesman Craig Aaron said more than 25,000 people had written to the FCC about the VNRs. "Essentially it's corporate advertising or propaganda masquerading as news," he said. "The public obviously expects their news reports are going to be based on real reporting and real information. If they are watching an advertisement for a company or a government policy, they need to be told."


The White House has made it perfectly clear that it will target American citizens for propagating information harmful to the interests of the U.S. government and classify them as enemy combatants. This is codified in sub-section 27 of section 950v. of the Military Commissions Act of 2006.

Bush's own strategy document for "winning the war on terror" identifies "conspiracy theorists," meaning anyone who exposes government corruption and its lies about major domestic and world events, as "terrorists recruiters," and vows to eliminate their influence in society.

In a speech given last Monday, Homeland Security director Michael Chertoff identified the web as a "terror training camp," through which "disaffected people living in the United States" are developing "radical ideologies and potentially violent skills."

Chertoff has pledged to dispatch Homeland Security agents to local police departments in order to aid in the apprehension of domestic terrorists who use the Internet as a political tool.

A program on behalf of CENTCOM is also underway to infiltrate blogs and message boards to ensure people, "have the opportunity to read positive stories,"presumably about how Iraq is a wonderful liberated democracy and the war on terror really is about protecting Americans from Al-CIAda.

The eminently hypocritical tenet of the Pentagon's justification for the propaganda program - that they need to correct "inaccurate statements" and "set the record straight" is borne out by the fact that they participated in the dissemination of the most lurid and damaging propaganda since Hitler's final speech - a deliberately fomented lie about weapons of mass destruction that killed 655,000 Iraqis and thousands of American soldiers.

How dare this gaggle of criminals lecture us about how the insurgents control the media while equating anyone who even mildly criticizes their bloodlust with being a terrorist?

They are the liars, they are the crooks, they are the propagandists and it is we the alternative media - the fifth estate - that should mobilize like never before to counter their spurious deception.
links ? articals ? bloogers on his pay roll ? what is this what buddy told you at the water cooler ?

A very good friend of mineworks on his campaign, he is a paid grass roots activist and blogger. That is how I found out about Ron Paul's Campaign paying for people to fly to Iowa and Texas for the straw poll, he was one of the people who were flown out and he participated in both polls.
Actually you don't have to be a resident for the Iowa or Texas straw polls.

Oh my god. Are you really that stupid, or are you just blatantly lying?

The Iowa republican straw poll, according to republican party rules, is open to Iowans only. Always has been, probably always will be.


The poll takes place among attendees of a fundraising dinner benefiting the Iowa Republican Party. Before the vote, after each candidate is given a chance to make a short speech to the attendees.

Non-Republicans are allowed to vote in the Ames Straw Poll. However, all voters must be 18 years of age, be legal residents of the state of Iowa, and purchase a ticket to the fundraising dinner

How many times do you want to get schooled in this thread?

I don't really think you're that stupid anymore...I think you're blatantly lying to get people to refuse Ron Paul, and pick your candidate.

It's pretty sad man, and you're really not helping your cause.

It makes this an obvious blatant lie as well:

NevadaMedic said:
A very good friend of mineworks on his campaign, he is a paid grass roots activist and blogger. That is how I found out about Ron Paul's Campaign paying for people to fly to Iowa and Texas for the straw poll, he was one of the people who were flown out and he participated in both polls.

I think it's time the mods here took some action against you. You just exposed yourself to a huge lie.
Oh my god. Are you really that stupid, or are you just blatantly lying?

The Iowa republican straw poll, according to republican party rules, is open to Iowans only. Always has been, probably always will be.

How many times do you want to get schooled in this thread?

I don't really think you're that stupid anymore...I think you're blatantly lying to get people to refuse Ron Paul, and pick your candidate.

It's pretty sad man, and you're really not helping your cause.

It makes this an obvious blatant lie as well:

I think it's time the mods here took some action against you. You just exposed yourself to a huge lie.

Alls you have to do is goto Iowa and register for the poll dipshit. I don't have to sit here and make up things about Ron Paul, he doesn;t stand a chance in hell.
Thompson's the only Republican with a chance to win the election. Soon as you no-name, RINO-backing folks figure that out, the sooner a single front can be presented.

At the rate you folks are going, we're going have 1992 redeux.

The hell he does. I know several Republicans who would vote Democratic before voting for Thompson and I am one of them. The guy is a phoney and a joke. He flips more then IHOP. He is running on a Hollywood ticket and that's sad. Especially when people with the experience needed are running like Duncan Hunter, Tom Tancredo, Rudy Giuliani, Dr. Alan Keys, Chris Dodd, Joe Biden, even Hillary Clinton and Ron Paul have more experience and would do a better job.
Oh my god. Are you really that stupid, or are you just blatantly lying?

The Iowa republican straw poll, according to republican party rules, is open to Iowans only. Always has been, probably always will be.

How many times do you want to get schooled in this thread?

I don't really think you're that stupid anymore...I think you're blatantly lying to get people to refuse Ron Paul, and pick your candidate.

It's pretty sad man, and you're really not helping your cause.

It makes this an obvious blatant lie as well:

I think it's time the mods here took some action against you. You just exposed yourself to a huge lie.

Also I have no idea who im supporting yet so how am I trying to damage Paul and get "My"candidate in?!?
The hell he does. I know several Republicans who would vote Democratic before voting for Thompson and I am one of them. The guy is a phoney and a joke. He flips more then IHOP. He is running on a Hollywood ticket and that's sad. Especially when people with the experience needed are running like Duncan Hunter, Tom Tancredo, Rudy Giuliani, Dr. Alan Keys, Chris Dodd, Joe Biden, even Hillary Clinton and Ron Paul have more experience and would do a better job.

I see you've got your finger on top of this just as you did Ron Paul's impeachment vote. You're wrong. Simple as that.
I see you've got your finger on top of this just as you did Ron Paul's impeachment vote. You're wrong. Simple as that.

The hell I am. This guy would sell his values for a nickel, back in the 90's he lobbied for an Abortion Advocacy program when he is supposedly against Abortion so either he is for Abortion or he would overlook his values for a paycheck.

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