Ron Paul: Not Raising Debt Ceiling Won't Put U.S. In Default...

RP ... (up to 2008-09) we still produced enough revenue

Not Raising Debt Ceiling Won't Put U.S. In Default...

that is correct, all that is required to pay the Debt is to raise taxes on those not paying their fair share - just about everyone.

the truth be known, there just are not enough willing to do what is right ... and really not that big a deal.


I suppose it is you that gets to determine what everyone's "fair share" is.
I hate to say this, but the Nazi's came to power in Germany after a protracted period of economic strife and a final catastrophic blow to the legitimacy of German democratic governance--engineered by the extreme right wing (the National Socialist Party). They allied with financial and military interests to overthrow the fragile democracy that was comprised of centrists, moderates, liberals, and socialists. Communists were a third group that further fractured the nation.

Nazis came to power by proclaiming nationalism, patriotism, hatred of immigrants, opposition to communism, and a desire to resolve international conflicts through military force. They believed there was an international conspiracy (led by Jews) of banks against Germany.

Sound familiar? I believe these Tea Partiers, like Nazis, would be more than happy to destroy American democracy to push their ideology.

These guys are extremely dangerous, and they represent chaos and insanity. They now control the Congress--and, unfortunately, we have a weak-kneed President Obama that has not stood up to them in the past. It looks bad.

Let us know when they start rounding up the Jews and putting them in the ovens.
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Tea Partiers, like Nazis, would be more than happy to destroy American democracy to push their ideology..

What is wrong with destroying democracy when we are supposed to be a constitutional republic?


Yes, that is similar to the angle Nazis used in Germany.

I agree the TPM have no interest in functioning within a constitutional republic. However, they aren't nearly as well organized as were the Nazis.
Well, in a sense he is right, but as usual the gop's talking points on Obamacare stretch credulity to being at best disengenous.

If we don't raise the debt limit, we still have taxes coming in, but we can't borrow any more. So, the first thing we pay is interest on the debt, so technically we aren't in default. Then I suppose we pay the military and soc sec. and medicare. After that it becomes pretty much chaos in that some things get some money and others don't. Which is sort of how the gop house intends to run the govt right now.

Sounds good to me.
I hate to say this, but the Nazi's came to power in Germany after a protracted period of economic strife and a final catastrophic blow to the legitimacy of German democratic governance--engineered by the extreme right wing (the National Socialist Party). They allied with financial and military interests to overthrow the fragile democracy that was comprised of centrists, moderates, liberals, and socialists. Communists were a third group that further fractured the nation.

Nazis came to power by proclaiming nationalism, patriotism, hatred of immigrants, opposition to communism, and a desire to resolve international conflicts through military force. They believed there was an international conspiracy (led by Jews) of banks against Germany.

Sound familiar? I believe these Tea Partiers, like Nazis, would be more than happy to destroy American democracy to push their ideology.

These guys are extremely dangerous, and they represent chaos and insanity. They now control the Congress--and, unfortunately, we have a weak-kneed President Obama that has not stood up to them in the past. It looks bad.

Typical libtard, hand over all your money or I'll call you a nazi.
Tea Partiers, like Nazis, would be more than happy to destroy American democracy to push their ideology..

What is wrong with destroying democracy when we are supposed to be a constitutional republic?


Yes, that is similar to the angle Nazis used in Germany.


Link, please.

Hitler was ELECTED to power on a FASCIST platform similar to the democrats.

He's right. The US doesn't need to borrow any more money. There are billions of dollars going into the government on a daily basis. There isn't an income problem. It's a spending problem. Not unlike an individual who has a good job making plenty of money. They go out to dinner on the credit cards. He now needs a new credit card to make the payments on the old credit cards. This won't continue forever.
He's right. The US doesn't need to borrow any more money. There are billions of dollars going into the government on a daily basis. There isn't an income problem. It's a spending problem. Not unlike an individual who has a good job making plenty of money. They go out to dinner on the credit cards. He now needs a new credit card to make the payments on the old credit cards. This won't continue forever.

It can continue forever as long as they continue to devalue the dollar with our monetary policy of lending money to banks that is not backed by real assets. You just have to be willing to live with the fact that your money is gonna loose more and more value each year in the never ending cycle. Infinite expansion of credit.. welcome to the hidden tax burden that is trying to hide the debt impact through quantitative easing.
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God is Paul a moron

No wonder nobody would vote for him

He is a quirky old fart, but on this he his absolutely correct, the debt gets paid first, the USA will not default on its debts.

the claim that it will is a dem/lib LIE.
When you are $1500 in debt and only have $1000 someone is not going to get paid. That is common sense. On a larger scale that is exactly the situation the US is facing. Only a fool (ie, ron paul) would fail to see this picture.

You're dumb what are you 15 years old or something? The US has near 20 trillion in debt, but that does not mean we have to pay it all by the end of the month you fucking retard.

You guys are so fucking dumb even when it laid out for you, you still can't accept that you're wrong. We pay either 6 or 11% of our budget on our debt, can't remember the %, but that's all it takes to pay the fucking bills on debt. The rest is pretty much fake ass welfare that has outgrown our ability to tax enough to pay for people to sit the fuck around.


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Don't Believe The Debt Ceiling Hype: The Federal Government Can Survive Without An Increase - Forbes

An increase in the debt ceiling allows the government to continue to run a budget deficit, which by simple accounting means that the national debt will increase. Not raising the debt ceiling does not mean defaulting on the current debt, but rather that no new debt can be incurred.

Raising the debt ceiling is like having the credit limit increased on your credit card. Technically, having a higher credit limit does not force you to spend beyond your means and end up with a higher balance on the credit card. However, it makes it much more likely, especially you are not good at handling money responsibly.

I think we can all agree that our national politicians are not financially responsible. Giving them a credit card with a higher limit is sure to end with them using that extra credit and hitting the new limit. Thus, conservatives in Congress should only agree to raise the debt ceiling in exchange for real and immediate spending cuts (not future hypothetical ones) and other changes that justify burdening the country with additional debt.

Over the past five years government spending and deficits have soared while average American families have seen their incomes fall. Regular families have been forced to prioritize bills, cut spending, and do without in order to balance their budgets. Perhaps government needs a lesson in how budgeting works in the real world.

In fact, the liberals might be so concerned about settling this issue because they do not want Americans to realize that we can survive just fine with a lot less government spending. The sequester budget cuts turned out to be a non-event, not the disaster that was promised. The country did not even notice the missing spending that was cut. The debt ceiling deadline is a bigger deal than the sequester, but it is still manageable.

If the fiscal conservatives in Congress need to threaten to cut up the government’s credit card in order to get the big spenders to realize it is time to get serious about bringing the budget toward balance, then so be it. Republicans should hold firm and get meaningful spending cuts and perhaps other legislative concessions in exchange for letting the national debt continue to grow.

If Republicans cannot get a worthwhile agreement, put the credit card in the freezer and let everyone learn a lesson for a little while. If Congress does not raise the debt ceiling, the country will not default on its debt. Social security checks will still go out on time. There will be spending cuts, but plenty of spending will continue. The country can survive for a while on a balanced budget. Perhaps we will be better off in the long run if government gets a little taste of what so many families have been experiencing for years: staying within a budget.
Well, in a sense he is right, but as usual the gop's talking points on Obamacare stretch credulity to being at best disengenous.

If we don't raise the debt limit, we still have taxes coming in, but we can't borrow any more. So, the first thing we pay is interest on the debt, so technically we aren't in default. Then I suppose we pay the military and soc sec. and medicare. After that it becomes pretty much chaos in that some things get some money and others don't. Which is sort of how the gop house intends to run the govt right now.
Gee, wouldn't a budget alleviate all that.......Something that hasn't been done in a half decade.

The time has arrived that we stop borrowing to finance whims and power plays and actually pass a budget that comes in UNDER the debt ceiling.

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