Ron Paul: Obama Presidency On The Verge Of Being A "Dictatorship"

No he hasnt and no matter how many times you say it, its not true. You are not a court, you are not a judge. Your word is meaningless, and UNTIL a court overrules any of his Eo's they are not unconstitutional.

wow that is just stupid. Smack yourself.

Time for your meds, pussball.

Have you gained control of yourself?

{President Obama unveiled three executive actions Monday aimed at helping unemployed veterans secure private-sector employment, the White House’s latest effort to bypass Congress with initiatives designed to spur economic growth.

Flanked by members of veterans associations in the Rose Garden, the president announced three new programs the White House says will reduce the time it takes a veteran to find a job. It’s part of what the White has dubbed the “We Can’t Wait” campaign – a series of moves Obama says he can initiate without congressional authorization.}

Bypassing congress, Obama unveils latest jobs push for veterans – The 1600 Report - Blogs

Obama has violated the United States Constitution by crafting legislation. This is a matter of establish fact, irrefutable.

I believe that Obama should be impeached and removed from office for it. I also have and continue to acknowledge that the impeachment will never happen. None of this changes the fact that Obama declared law by his word with no congressional involvement, in defiance of the duly elected congress.
do you believe that actually supports your assertion in any way?

Congress voted down a measure that Dear Leader wanted, so he took upon himself dictatorial power and created law by fiat.

look, it should be easy for someone as certain as yourself - show us the executive order that violates the constitution - or admit you're full of shit.

The issue with you fascist democrats is that you've never actually been exposed to the constitution.

{Article. I.
Section 1.

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. }


still waiting. cite the EO that is unconstitutional. please.
Another Faux outrage thread.

The thread was started by your fellow fascist, outraged the Ron Paul would openly and honestly point out that Obama has engaged in dictatorial behavior.

Funny you bring up Raygun in a thread about thwarting the will of Congress.

Who is "Raygun?"

We have never had a president with that name. (Are you fucking 2?)

I didn't "bring up" anything, and Obama isn't "thwarting the will of Congress," he is violating article one, section one of the United States Constitution. (My apologies, I realize that the constitution applied to fascist democrats has the same effect as pouring salt on a slug. No offense to slugs intended...)

To raise funding for the terrorist in Central America

Jim Wright of the Soviet 5th column was funding the terrorist Sandinistas. Try to get your facts straight.

not only did they sell weapons to our enemy in Iran but also allow the 'Contras' to smuggle and flood the market with so much cocaine that dealers had to invent a new product, "Crack" (which is nothing more than Free-base as all Richard Pryor fans know) to sell on the streets.

Bullshit, as you well know.

But it's nothing new that Presidents use executive power to thwart the will(or lack thereof) of Congress. Andrew Johnson defied not only Congress but the Supreme Court as well.

What was the result with Johnson?

Why shouldn't Obama face the same result?

The president is not defying the Constitution

I said the United States Constitution - and he is violating article one, section one. Your preferred North Korean constitution I have no idea about.

and we are not on the verge of a dictatorship anymore than the President was going to start taxing Christmas Trees.

Are ya fucking stupid son?

{'Christmas Tree Tax' Nixed After Obama Administration Hit With Criticism }

'Christmas Tree Tax' Nixed After Obama Administration Hit With Criticism

Although all presidents have been accumulating power and never seem to reliquish it.

Is it your goal that we by ruled so that the word of our sovereign lord, Dear Leader, is the law of the land?

Silly question, clearly that is your dream.
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I believe that Obama should be impeached and removed from office for it. I also have and continue to acknowledge that the impeachment will never happen. None of this changes the fact that Obama declared law by his word with no congressional involvement, in defiance of the duly elected congress.

That's why you're one of the board jokes. You call for impeachment, then ADMIT there are really no grounds!!! If he'd really done what you said, there would be grounds. Nice double-talk!!! :eek:
You must also love your shared ignorance of the Constitution and its case law.

Son, I shit out more constitutional knowledge every morning than you'll ever acquire.

And what Obama EOs has the Court struck down? Until that happens the EOs are Constitutional.

You of the left seek a system of man.

One of the distinguishing features between left and right is that the left seeks to have the capricious rule of man, turning to rulers to decide for them.

The right promotes the rule of law, codified statute that defines in an immutable manner what the rules of society are.

To you, the word of 9 dictators determines whether the acts of another dictator should stand. You seek the rulers decision. To me, the question is one of law. Does Obama have the authority to craft legislation, is his word law? You turn to rulers to decide.

I turn to;

{Article. I.
Section 1.

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. }

No, he does not have that authority. But again, you seek to be ruled by man, I seek a society governed by law.

This has nothing to do with the Constitution or its possible violation, it has only to do with partisan rightists still angry a democrat occupies the WH.

Your ignorance and contempt for the constitution has no bearing on the fact that Obama flagrantly violated said constitution.
You must also love your shared ignorance of the Constitution and its case law.

Son, I shit out more constitutional knowledge every morning than you'll ever acquire.

And what Obama EOs has the Court struck down? Until that happens the EOs are Constitutional.

You of the left seek a system of man.

One of the distinguishing features between left and right is that the left seeks to have the capricious rule of man, turning to rulers to decide for them.

The right promotes the rule of law, codified statute that defines in an immutable manner what the rules of society are.

To you, the word of 9 dictators determines whether the acts of another dictator should stand. You seek the rulers decision. To me, the question is one of law. Does Obama have the authority to craft legislation, is his word law? You turn to rulers to decide.

I turn to;

{Article. I.
Section 1.

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. }

No, he does not have that authority. But again, you seek to be ruled by man, I seek a society governed by law.

This has nothing to do with the Constitution or its possible violation, it has only to do with partisan rightists still angry a democrat occupies the WH.

Your ignorance and contempt for the constitution has no bearing on the fact that Obama flagrantly violated said constitution.

So, I take it YOU want to be the one-and-only dictator, Adolf. You seem to know even more than the USSC!!! :udaman:
You must also love your shared ignorance of the Constitution and its case law.

Son, I shit out more constitutional knowledge every morning than you'll ever acquire.

And what Obama EOs has the Court struck down? Until that happens the EOs are Constitutional.

You of the left seek a system of man.

One of the distinguishing features between left and right is that the left seeks to have the capricious rule of man, turning to rulers to decide for them.

The right promotes the rule of law, codified statute that defines in an immutable manner what the rules of society are.

To you, the word of 9 dictators determines whether the acts of another dictator should stand. You seek the rulers decision. To me, the question is one of law. Does Obama have the authority to craft legislation, is his word law? You turn to rulers to decide.

I turn to;

{Article. I.
Section 1.

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. }

No, he does not have that authority. But again, you seek to be ruled by man, I seek a society governed by law.

This has nothing to do with the Constitution or its possible violation, it has only to do with partisan rightists still angry a democrat occupies the WH.

Your ignorance and contempt for the constitution has no bearing on the fact that Obama flagrantly violated said constitution.

you keep citing article 1, secition 1, but you've yet to cite any such violation.
That's why you're one of the board jokes.

I thought I was the board Nazi, Konrad?

Oh, I guess you could never come up with justification for the charge.

You know why Konrad? Because you're fucking stupid - seriously.

You call for impeachment, then ADMIT there are really no grounds!!!


Is that what you think I said?

You truly are fucking stupid.

If he'd really done what you said, there would be grounds. Nice double-talk!!! :eek:

There are grounds, it is not politically expedient.

You idiots on the left think that your smear campaign against Cain saved Obama. It didn't, all it did was put that mealy-mouthed fool Romney in the White House in 2013. Obama is still toast.
You call for impeachment, then ADMIT there are really no grounds!!!


Is that what you think I said?

You truly are fucking stupid.

If he'd really done what you said, there would be grounds. Nice double-talk!!! :eek:

There are grounds, it is not politically expedient.

If there are grounds why hasn't someone put it before the USSC? Politcal expediency shouldn't mean shit to badasses like you. I'm not stupid, just giving a little back. You're the past master at twisting words. It makes you wonder who's really stupid, considering that you didn't pick up on that!!! :lol::lol::lol:
If there are grounds why hasn't someone put it before the USSC?

Jesus but you are ignorant.

First off, the process of impeachment isn "put before the USSC." (The proper abbreviation is SCOTUS)

Impeachment occurs in the house of representatives, they are the only body with the authority to impeach a president. Once impeached, the president stands trial in the Senate, with the Chief Justice presiding as judge.

Secondly, Obama's unconstitutional thwarting of congress and the constitution IS being challenged, as we speak. If you paid attention, that was covered long ago.

You are too dull witted to comprehend that this is all a political ploy. Obama will be overruled, he KNEW he would be overruled, he WANTS to be overruled. This is just campaigning, it allows him to come out and say "See, I TRIED to give you free houses, but the evil Republicans and the SCOTUS wouldn't let me."

Politcal expediency shouldn't mean shit to badasses like you.

Goddamn but you're fucking stupid - seriously.

I'm not stupid, just giving a little back. You're the past master at twisting words. It makes you wonder who's really stupid, considering that you didn't pick up on that!!! :lol::lol::lol:

No one is wondering Konrad.
If there are grounds why hasn't someone put it before the USSC?

Jesus but you are ignorant.

First off, the process of impeachment isn "put before the USSC." (The proper abbreviation is SCOTUS)

Impeachment occurs in the house of representatives, they are the only body with the authority to impeach a president. Once impeached, the president stands trial in the Senate, with the Chief Justice presiding as judge.

Secondly, Obama's unconstitutional thwarting of congress and the constitution IS being challenged, as we speak. If you paid attention, that was covered long ago.

You are too dull witted to comprehend that this is all a political ploy. Obama will be overruled, he KNEW he would be overruled, he WANTS to be overruled. This is just campaigning, it allows him to come out and say "See, I TRIED to give you free houses, but the evil Republicans and the SCOTUS wouldn't let me."

Politcal expediency shouldn't mean shit to badasses like you.

Goddamn but you're fucking stupid - seriously.

I'm not stupid, just giving a little back. You're the past master at twisting words. It makes you wonder who's really stupid, considering that you didn't pick up on that!!! :lol::lol::lol:

No one is wondering Konrad.

No one is wondering Konrad

It's hard to wound anyone when you're powder is wet and you're loaded with blanks.
If there are grounds why hasn't someone put it before the USSC?

Jesus but you are ignorant.

First off, the process of impeachment isn "put before the USSC." (The proper abbreviation is SCOTUS)

Impeachment occurs in the house of representatives, they are the only body with the authority to impeach a president. Once impeached, the president stands trial in the Senate, with the Chief Justice presiding as judge.

Secondly, Obama's unconstitutional thwarting of congress and the constitution IS being challenged, as we speak. If you paid attention, that was covered long ago.

USSC is perfectly acceptable. I thought you'd want to prove you aren't the board Nazi?!?!

As for the challenge, we'll see what the USSC says, but I never said that impeachment proceeding are brought before the USSC. Do you take us all for being ignorant enough to accept you say-so, after you've been outed as a word-twister? So, in your stupidity or is it in insanity, i.e. doing things the same way, but expecting a different result, you start twisting words..., AGAIN!!! :bang3:
If there are grounds why hasn't someone put it before the USSC?

Jesus but you are ignorant.

First off, the process of impeachment isn "put before the USSC." (The proper abbreviation is SCOTUS)

Impeachment occurs in the house of representatives, they are the only body with the authority to impeach a president. Once impeached, the president stands trial in the Senate, with the Chief Justice presiding as judge.

Secondly, Obama's unconstitutional thwarting of congress and the constitution IS being challenged, as we speak. If you paid attention, that was covered long ago.

USSC is perfectly acceptable. I thought you'd want to prove you aren't the board Nazi?!?!

As for the challenge, we'll see what the USSC says, but I never said that impeachment proceeding are brought before the USSC. Do you take us all for being ignorant enough to accept you say-so, after you've been outed as a word-twister? So, in your stupidity or is it in insanity, i.e. doing things the same way, but expecting a different result, you start twisting words..., AGAIN!!! :bang3:

As for the challenge, we'll see what the USSC says, but I never said that impeachment proceeding are brought before the USSC.

No you didn't say that however you did ask like it was supposed to happen that way. But I will leave it up to uncensored to make that call or not

You call for impeachment, then ADMIT there are really no grounds!!!


Is that what you think I said?

You truly are fucking stupid.

If he'd really done what you said, there would be grounds. Nice double-talk!!! :eek:

There are grounds, it is not politically expedient.

If there are grounds why hasn't someone put it before the USSC? Politcal expediency shouldn't mean shit to badasses like you. I'm not stupid, just giving a little back. You're the past master at twisting words. It makes you wonder who's really stupid, considering that you didn't pick up on that!!! :lol::lol::lol:
USSC is perfectly acceptable. I thought you'd want to prove you aren't the board Nazi?!?!

What is it, exactly that makes me a "Nazi," sparky?

I'll give you a hint, just call me "Infidel," it will convey what you really mean without revealing how stupid you are.

As for the challenge, we'll see what the USSC says, but I never said that impeachment proceeding are brought before the USSC.


What a clumsy back peddle.

Do you take us all for being ignorant enough to accept you say-so,

I take you for ignorant, it's a demonstrable fact that you are.

after you've been outed as a word-twister?

Is that better or worse than a Nazi?

So, in your stupidity or is it in insanity, i.e. doing things the same way, but expecting a different result, you start twisting words..., AGAIN!!! :bang3:

Son, you post from a position of abject ignorance. You have no clue what you're talking about, but you love your party.

Yes, that does make you a moron.
Another Faux outrage thread.

The thread was started by your fellow fascist, outraged the Ron Paul would openly and honestly point out that Obama has engaged in dictatorial behavior.

Funny you bring up Raygun in a thread about thwarting the will of Congress.

Who is "Raygun?"

We have never had a president with that name. (Are you fucking 2?)

I didn't "bring up" anything, and Obama isn't "thwarting the will of Congress," he is violating article one, section one of the United States Constitution. (My apologies, I realize that the constitution applied to fascist democrats has the same effect as pouring salt on a slug. No offense to slugs intended...)

Jim Wright of the Soviet 5th column was funding the terrorist Sandinistas. Try to get your facts straight.

Bullshit, as you well know.

What was the result with Johnson?

Why shouldn't Obama face the same result?

I said the United States Constitution - and he is violating article one, section one. Your preferred North Korean constitution I have no idea about.

and we are not on the verge of a dictatorship anymore than the President was going to start taxing Christmas Trees.

Are ya fucking stupid son?

{'Christmas Tree Tax' Nixed After Obama Administration Hit With Criticism }

'Christmas Tree Tax' Nixed After Obama Administration Hit With Criticism

Although all presidents have been accumulating power and never seem to reliquish it.

Is it your goal that we by ruled so that the word of our sovereign lord, Dear Leader, is the law of the land?

Silly question, clearly that is your dream.

Silly phonicly challenge Uncensored. Raygun earned his name.

It was Congresses will to not pass the Presidents' proposals and he is using executive orders to do every thing he has the power to do. You think he is subverting the Constitution by doing that. I do not. You think he is a half a step away from being a dicator. I think that is funny. But many loonies on the left were claiming the same about Presient Bush too.

Oops I meant Jackson not Johnson.

The CIA was caught red handed in the smuggling. Nor were the two examples the only way the RAYGUN administration illegally harrased the Sandinistas.

"Got Milk?" Or "Beef, it's what's for Dinner!" Were simular industry iniatives (teamed up with the Dept of Ag.) as the Christmas tree proposed program. The 15 cent per tree was no different that the 1 dollar per cow the beef producers paid!

Faux Outaged posters always resort to personal insults when trying to rebut when their artificially induced outrage is exposed for what it is?
Some of the hard righty hystericas, e. g., Uncensored and others, follow the Big Lie policy of the Nazis. They have done that for more then a decade, and now they scream when the rest of America has caught up with them. The hard right defeats in MS, OH, and AZ should put them on notice that their time is short.

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