Ron Paul: Obama Presidency On The Verge Of Being A "Dictatorship"

Jr. signed in 281 over 8 years.

How many of those created public law?

You've got the link, it's in the thread, so do your own fucking research. The OP stated that because Obama had signed in 100 in 3 years, we were now heading towards dictatorship.

Jr. signs a whole bunch more than Obama, yet you want to know which ones created public law.

Like I said jackass, do your own fucking research.
You've got the link, it's in the thread, so do your own fucking research.

I already have, the answer is none. I pointed out on the first page of this thread that the number of EO's issued is utterly irrelevant. It is the CONTENT that matters.

The OP stated that because Obama had signed in 100 in 3 years, we were now heading towards dictatorship.

That is NOT what the OP nor Dr. Paul said. Obama openly and flagrantly dictated law in direct defiance of the elected representatives of the people. He promoted legislation that the congress, including the Senate controlled by his own party, rejected.

Instead of recrafting or revising, Obama simply declared portions of the legislation to be law based on his command. IOW Obama has taken the position that his word is law, which is indeed dictatorial.

Jr. signs a whole bunch more than Obama, yet you want to know which ones created public law.


Drafting orders to public agencies that report to the executive branch is what the president, the CEO of the nation, does. Executive Orders are part of the job. It isn't the fact that Obama issues EO's, or that Bush did that is relevant. It is that Obama used the EO to create law in defiance of congress that is the key issue - a violation of the constitution that should get the bastard impeached. He won't be, but should be. This is a gross abuse of power.

Like I said jackass, do your own fucking research.

You do sound like a jackass.
So we are expected as a people to spend our own money to defend the constitution? I thought that is what we pay congress for. It's a shame that in this country the president can issue an order that must be followed as if it were law and unless no one objects by using their own time or money to bring it before the supreme court, it remains in effect despite its unconstitionality. Who is advocating for us? I guess since I don't have a lot of money I deserve a dicatator.
Every single one.

No Konnie, none of them were. They were directives to the agencies of the federal government that report to the executive branch.

EOs aren't new, so if Obama did it, so did Bush.

You are a partisan, I realize. But your claim is like saying that if Joe has been in a liquor store 500 times, that excuses Leroy for robbing it at gunpoint. They both went into the liquor store, in fact Joe went in more times than Leroy. What you can't seem to grasp is it's what they did inside the store that matters; just like it is the content of the EO that matters.
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Uncensored, point out the logic you are using here, and see if JRK agrees with it, when it comes to Bush and Obama.
No, Uncensored, he did not.

End of story.

What a brilliant synopsis, troll.

Considering Jake has over 21,000 posts and has never
started a thread of his own- his claims of trolls is questionable
at best

Again, he wants to spam and waste people's posting space with his non answers
I have made it easy for him but still he hesitates
It's not like people will think him less of a poltroon.
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No, Uncensored, he did not.

End of story.

What a brilliant synopsis, troll.

Considering Jake has over 21,000 posts and has never
started a thread of his own- his claims of trolls is questionable
at best

Again, he wants to spam and waste people's posting space with his non answers
I have made it easy for him but still he hesitates
It's not like people will think him less of a poltroon.
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Nothing to fear, the truth awaits

That shouldn't even be up for questioning.:lol:
No, Uncensored, he did not.

End of story.

What a brilliant synopsis, troll.

Considering Jake has over 21,000 posts and has never
started a thread of his own- his claims of trolls is questionable
at best

Again, he wants to spam and waste people's posting space with his non answers
I have made it easy for him but still he hesitates
It's not like people will think him less of a poltroon.
Click here
Nothing to fear, the truth awaits

You are continuing to spam the same mumble again. You will learn better eventually.

Go ahead and post here your discussion points or continue as a coward.
You are continuing to spam the same mumble again. You will learn better eventually.

What will he learn, fakey Jake? That you're a fraud? Do you really think there is anyone here who doesn't know this?

Go ahead and post here your discussion points or continue as a coward.

You have no capacity to discuss. You regurgitate talking points from the leftist hate sites, but it isn't as if you comprehend what they mean.
What a brilliant synopsis, troll.

Considering Jake has over 21,000 posts and has never
started a thread of his own- his claims of trolls is questionable
at best

Again, he wants to spam and waste people's posting space with his non answers
I have made it easy for him but still he hesitates
It's not like people will think him less of a poltroon.
Click here
Nothing to fear, the truth awaits

You are continuing to spam the same mumble again. You will learn better eventually.

Go ahead and post here your discussion points or continue as a coward.

Got a question for you jake. Have you started one thread?
Oh so someone who tries to prepare people for emergency's are say obama is coming to take you away?
FEMA is scared of the obama take over?

Citizen Corps : Citizen Preparedness Publications

I have plenty of food water, survival supplies guns and ammo. So whats it to you?

Is this stuff left over from the Y2K scare of 1999, or is this new stuff for the paranoia-du-jour?

Do you also have a short wave radio?

I knew what y2k was for nope didn't stock up because of it. I really didn't give a shit if the computers crashed because the time and date stamps reset to all zeros. I am more concerned with what people would do if they lost access to food and water.

Considering Jake has over 21,000 posts and has never
started a thread of his own- his claims of trolls is questionable
at best

Again, he wants to spam and waste people's posting space with his non answers
I have made it easy for him but still he hesitates
It's not like people will think him less of a poltroon.
Click here
Nothing to fear, the truth awaits

You are continuing to spam the same mumble again. You will learn better eventually.

Go ahead and post here your discussion points or continue as a coward.

Got a question for you jake. Have you started one thread?

Facts are now spam or at least when they are "inconvenient"
Funny how that works
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

What is the problem
Here is a thread in the flame zone where this kind of thing

Coward, yes indeed....
Click here
Nothing to fear, the truth awaits
(296 hits so far, the crowd awaits us)
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