Ron Paul: Obama Presidency On The Verge Of Being A "Dictatorship"

Trying to drown out healthy debate with lies. You know, typical Nazi stuff.

Your ignorance does not make the facts I post "lies," it just reveals that you are a cretin.

"Typical Nazi stuff" is support of fascism; I oppose Obama, and hatred of Jews; I have no issue with Jews, but the democrats sure seem to.

Again Konny, you are an utter dolt.
Silly phonicly challenge Uncensored. Raygun earned his name.

Silly childish and petulant leftist, Reagan destroyed your beloved USSR - you'll never forgive him for that.

It was Congresses will to not pass the Presidents' proposals and he is using executive orders to do every thing he has the power to do.

The problem here is that Obama does NOT have the power to create legislation, and is violating the constitution.

You think he is subverting the Constitution by doing that.

It's a fact that he is.

I do not.

No, you support him in subverting the constitution - you know full well that he is and you applaud him for it.

You think he is a half a step away from being a dicator.

I think that Obama would love to be dictator and that many of the leftist fringe, such as you, would enthusiastically support him as dictator.

However, I don't think he is one, or even ten steps away from being a dictator. He will be voted out of office a year from now and will leave office in 2013. He has no basis for a dictatorship - the military sure the fuck doesn't support him, he never got his Chavez army in place, so the Brownshirts that he dreamed of in 2008 never came about. What would he use to seize power with?

I think that is funny. But many loonies on the left were claiming the same about Presient Bush too.

Equally ridiculous
Oops I meant Jackson not Johnson.

Freudian slip? Johnson did violate the constitution and was impeached.

Founder of the Democratic party, Jackson SHOULD have been impeached (then shot.)

The CIA was caught red handed in the smuggling.

Into Mena Arkansas under the protection of Governor Bill Clinton - yeah, I've seen the Dennis Hopper movie.
Nor were the two examples the only way the RAYGUN administration illegally harrased the Sandinistas.

Oh, the poor terrorist Sandinistas - how dare the mean Reagan interfere with their vital task of establishing a Soviet beach head on the North American continent....

"Got Milk?" Or "Beef, it's what's for Dinner!" Were simular industry iniatives (teamed up with the Dept of Ag.) as the Christmas tree proposed program. The 15 cent per tree was no different that the 1 dollar per cow the beef producers paid!

Faux Outaged posters always resort to personal insults when trying to rebut when their artificially induced outrage is exposed for what it is?


You hate Reagan because he ended the dream of world communism.
Some of the hard righty hystericas, e. g., Uncensored and others, follow the Big Lie policy of the Nazis. They have done that for more then a decade, and now they scream when the rest of America has caught up with them. The hard right defeats in MS, OH, and AZ should put them on notice that their time is short.

Konrad should pay you fakey Jake.

Every time I think "you just can't get any fucking stupider than Konrad," you come along to prove me wrong.
I think it's crazy that so many can defend the President brazenly stating he will no longer be working with Congress. Talk about defending the indefensible?
Sounds like Bush, doesn't it, when he lost Congress. These darn dictators! :lol:
Sounds like Bush, doesn't it, when he lost Congress. These darn dictators! :lol:

Bull. I never heard Boooooooosh say such a thing. EVER
And that most of you here don't CARE that Obama said it, says a lot about you all.
Stephanie miscontextualizes the comment. No surprise there. And the country realizes that Bush, the neo-cons, the neo-econs, and the social values folks seriously damaged the economic and cultural framework of America. The process of repair will take a generation at least to bring America up to speed.
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to be fair paul was not supportive of bushes use of eo's either.......

Newt Giingrich has said on the record that he would sign up to 200 EOs on his first day in office, if elected.

I would too. There's at LEAST that many that need to be signed to overturn a plethora of others that had no business existing in the first place.
Show me in the Constitution or established law where the POTUS is limited to the number of EO's he or she can issue, then you might have a point. Until then, this is just Paul proving once again how out of touch with reality he is.

Article I, Section 1 of the United States Constitution is concise in its language, "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives."

EO's are a Presidential power not designated by the Constitution.

I'm no constitutional or political science scholar; but I believe that Congress, through legislation, gave presidents the power to issue EO's. In that case, EO's fall squarely in line with the passage you cited.

Not to mention the fact that if you are right (you're not), every president who has ever issued an EO would have violated the Constitution.

The constitution does not just authorize congress to pass any law it desires. The conflict between the constitution and congress passing executive order legislation is that it creates a slippery slope in regards to the checks and balances aspect of the separation of powers.

It's strange to me that the line item veto would be shot down, for instance, while the executive order is allowed to stay.
to be fair paul was not supportive of bushes use of eo's either.......

Newt Giingrich has said on the record that he would sign up to 200 EOs on his first day in office, if elected.

I think Mitt Romney made similar promises in regards to stopping as much as he could of so-called Obamacare,

but, you know, it's always different when it's your guy and you like the outcome.
Ron Paul needs to look up the definition of dictatorship.

   [dik-tey-ter-ship, dik-tey-] Show IPA
a country, government, or the form of government in which absolute power is exercised by a dictator.

Just so you know, tyranny by the majority is tyranny nevertheless

Just out of curiosity, is anybody doing anything to prepare for martial law as the Obama tyranny dictatorship noose starts to tighten.

For example, a lot of talk radio shows are now advertising for emergency preparedness food (it basically sounds like your typical freeze-dried food, to me) so their listeners can be ready in case of...something happening.

So, who here is hoarding food and ammunition in their basements?
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Any smart man, knowing the few wack militia nuts in our community, is prepared for action.

So is LEO.
Totalitarianism is Totalitarianism. And clearly we're headed in that direction. Doesn't really matter whether they're perceived as "Righties" or "Lefties." They are both taking us down a very sad & dangerous road. Since 911 they've raped us of our Freedom & Liberty. I don't get how so many don't see this.
Just out of curiosity, is anybody doing anything to prepare for martial law as the Obama tyranny dictatorship noose starts to tighten.

For example, a lot of talk radio shows are now advertising for emergency preparedness food (it basically sounds like your typical freeze-dried food to me) so their listeners can be ready in case of...something happening.

So, who here is hording food and ammunition in their basements?

For example, a lot of talk radio shows are now advertising for emergency preparedness food (it basically sounds like your typical freeze-dried food to me) so their listeners can be ready in case of...something happening.

Oh so someone who tries to prepare people for emergency's are say obama is coming to take you away?
FEMA is scared of the obama take over?

Citizen Corps : Citizen Preparedness Publications

So, who here is hording food and ammunition in their basements
I have plenty of food water, survival supplies guns and ammo. So whats it to you?
Just out of curiosity, is anybody doing anything to prepare for martial law as the Obama tyranny dictatorship noose starts to tighten.

For example, a lot of talk radio shows are now advertising for emergency preparedness food (it basically sounds like your typical freeze-dried food to me) so their listeners can be ready in case of...something happening.

So, who here is hording food and ammunition in their basements?
it's a little thing called self reliance and responsibility. Try it some time.

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