Ron Paul: Obama Presidency On The Verge Of Being A "Dictatorship"

One last time. That's BULLSHIT. Congress never gave the president the authority to create and pass laws. It's FALSE on the face of it, because someone like you would have already challenged it and the USSC ruled on it. Since they haven't, it's obvious to me and anyone without partisan blinders on, that you're... WRONG AGAIN!!!

The executive order is treated as law. why have an executive order if it can't be enforced?

Executive orders can't replace legislation. Otherwise, there's no point in having a Congress or a Senate. We would just have a dictator.
Remember? obama has already stated that HE isn't going to wait for the Congress...Law states that he has to.
One last time. That's BULLSHIT. Congress never gave the president the authority to create and pass laws. It's FALSE on the face of it, because someone like you would have already challenged it and the USSC ruled on it. Since they haven't, it's obvious to me and anyone without partisan blinders on, that you're... WRONG AGAIN!!!

The executive order is treated as law. why have an executive order if it can't be enforced?

Executive orders can't replace legislation. Otherwise, there's no point in having a Congress or a Senate. We would just have a dictator.

Here is an example of what I am talking about Clinton gun control measures.

Executive Measures

While a Republican takeover of the House of Representatives in the 1994 midterm election hampered efforts by the Clinton White House to usher in more gun control measures, Clinton turned to his executive powers several times during his second term to tighten down on gun ownership.

One such measure was an order banning the importation of more than four dozen makes of assault weapons, such as variations of the AK-47. The order, signed in 1998, targeted the importation of guns that were not subjected to the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban.

Another measure was an order in the eleventh hour of Clinton’s presidency banning the importation of certain makes of so-called “assault pistols,” such as Uzis, and requiring firearms dealers to submit to fingerprinting and background checks.

Finally, the White House reached a deal with firearms giant Smith & Wesson in which Clinton promised an end to civil lawsuits against the gun manufacturer in exchange for Smith & Wesson outfitting its guns with trigger locks and agreeing to implement “smart gun” technology within two years.

President Clinton and Gun Rights - The Second Amendment and the Clinton Administration

As I said executive order become law until the president decides they are no langer needed or until the next president comes along and strikes it down. Congress and the courts fail when they allow this abuse.
The executive order is treated as law. why have an executive order if it can't be enforced?

Executive orders can't replace legislation. Otherwise, there's no point in having a Congress or a Senate. We would just have a dictator.
Remember? obama has already stated that HE isn't going to wait for the Congress...Law states that he has to.

He has no regard for the Constitution. I will not be surprised if he tries to by pass the election if his poll numbers are low. Like create a crisis that he must stay in control until the crisis is over with. It probably will never happen but I will not be surprised if he try's.
Ron Paul apparently has a warning for America.

That's what I love about Paul, he has the balls to be honest.

Really? What's the number of EOs that Obama has signed in a little less than 3 years? The answer is 100.

In 8 years in office, Reagan signed 381 Executive Orders.

Based on the numbers, who better qualifies as a dictator?

Based on the CONTENT of those EO's - Obama. Reagan didn't use Executive Orders to thwart the US Constitution, Obama does.

You can check the numbers at the link below.

Barack Obama Executive Orders Disposition Tables

Numbers are irrelevant. Obama is defying the Constitution. Paul is right on the money, as usual.

Another Faux outrage thread.

Funny you bring up Raygun in a thread about thwarting the will of Congress. To raise funding for the terrorist in Central America not only did they sell weapons to our enemy in Iran but also allow the 'Contras' to smuggle and flood the market with so much cocaine that dealers had to invent a new product, "Crack" (which is nothing more than Free-base as all Richard Pryor fans know) to sell on the streets.

But it's nothing new that Presidents use executive power to thwart the will(or lack thereof) of Congress. Andrew Johnson defied not only Congress but the Supreme Court as well.

The president is not defying the Constitution and we are not on the verge of a dictatorship anymore than the President was going to start taxing Christmas Trees. Although all presidents have been accumulating power and never seem to reliquish it.
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Many people know the first Supreme Court decision to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional (It's Marbury, of course), but few people could identify the Court's first decision declaring Executive Branch action to be unconstitutional. Little v Barreme (1804), called the Flying Fish case, involved an order by President John Adams, issued in 1799 during our brief war with France, authorizing the Navy to seize ships bound for French ports. The president's order was inconsistent with an act of Congress declaring the government to have no such authorization. After a Navy Captain in December 1799 seized the Danish vessel, the Flying Fish, pursuant to Adams's order, the owners of the ship sued the captain for trespass in U. S. maritime court. On appeal, C. J. Marshall rejected the captain's argument that he could not be sued because he was just following presidential orders. The Court noted that commanders "act at their own peril" when they obey invalid orders--and the president's order was outside of his powers, given the congressional action.

That's what I love about Paul, he has the balls to be honest.

You must also love your shared ignorance of the Constitution and its case law.

Based on the CONTENT of those EO's - Obama. Reagan didn't use Executive Orders to thwart the US Constitution, Obama does.

Numbers are irrelevant. Obama is defying the Constitution. Paul is right on the money, as usual.
And what Obama EOs has the Court struck down? Until that happens the EOs are Constitutional.

This has nothing to do with the Constitution or its possible violation, it has only to do with partisan rightists still angry a democrat occupies the WH.
Jeeebus but Faux and the 8 dwarves are turning the dupes' brains to mush...Obama 56, Paul 44.
Ron Paul apparently has a warning for America.

Really? What's the number of EOs that Obama has signed in a little less than 3 years? The answer is 100.

In 8 years in office, Reagan signed 381 Executive Orders.

Based on the numbers, who better qualifies as a dictator?

You can check the numbers at the link below.

Barack Obama Executive Orders Disposition Tables

Ron Paul is right but he didn't say much about Bush's signing statements which were far worse. Those basically said I am going to ignore this part of the bill.

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