Ron Paul: Obama Presidency On The Verge Of Being A "Dictatorship"

We do not have a Monarchy or Dictatorship in this country. We have a Constitution that clearly lays out the three branches of government and their respective functions. What is so difficult to understand about this? I don't care which side of the aisle violates our Constitution, wrong is wrong. We're walking down a very dangerous road. Every American needs to put aside party politics for the sake of freedom.
We do not have a Monarchy or Dictatorship in this country. We have a Constitution that clearly lays out the three branches of government and their respective functions. What is so difficult to understand about this? I don't care which side of the aisle violates our Constitution, wrong is wrong. We're walking down a very dangerous road. Every American needs to put aside party politics for the sake of freedom.

Most Americans will never bite the hand they think feeds them ( the government) but in reality they are biting the real hand that feeds 45% of Americans. (The tax payer)
Why even have three branches of government?? Separation of Powers?? After all if Congress can delegate their authority, shirking their Constitutional responsibility, we don't really need a Congress once those power has been passed on to the Executive Branch. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES are EO's constitutional. (IMO)

Congress isn't delegating their authority. They're giving the president the authority to do something at his discretion, as opposed to other laws where he is bound to do something. It's not like the president can write new laws. THAT would be unconstitutional.

One last time, where in the Constitution does it allow for Congress to give powers to the President of the United States? It doesn't and it never should. No one group of men should ever have that kind of power, to usurp the Constitution along party lines and give power to a sitting President over party and issue politics. Separation of Powers is there for a reason. Congress has NO AUTHORITY to grant the President of the United States authority to create and pass laws.

One last time. That's BULLSHIT. Congress never gave the president the authority to create and pass laws. It's FALSE on the face of it, because someone like you would have already challenged it and the USSC ruled on it. Since they haven't, it's obvious to me and anyone without partisan blinders on, that you're... WRONG AGAIN!!!
One last time. That's BULLSHIT. Congress never gave the president the authority to create and pass laws. It's FALSE on the face of it, because someone like you would have already challenged it and the USSC ruled on it. Since they haven't, it's obvious to me and anyone without partisan blinders on, that you're... WRONG AGAIN!!!

So then you agree that Obama violated the constitution and should be impeached? Congress gave him no authority to create law, the constitution prohibits him making law, yet make law he did.
You didn't prove shit. You posted a passage from the Constitution that you thought proved your point. It didn't. Congress gave president's the power to issue EO's - which means that per the passage you cited, EO's are Constitutional. Are you another one who thinks that every president in the history of the US violated the Constitution with their EO's?

Here. Educate yourself:

You're truly one of the dumber posters here.. The Constitution stands on it's own merit.. those words don't run nor do they change.. IT'S CONCISE and lays out what our Founders intended in regard to how Government should function within the confines of a Republic.. so do us all a favor and take your ignorant talking points and shove them straight up your ass.
so you admit you have no clue as to what you are talking about

Do me a favor, don't come insulting me when I wasn't even speaking to you Plaz.. don't do that.. I know precisely what I am talking about and I've explained it several times along with asking for you or anyone else to show me anywhere in the Constitution that allows for Congress to grant powers to our President.. instead I get insults.. Stow it.
Congress isn't delegating their authority. They're giving the president the authority to do something at his discretion, as opposed to other laws where he is bound to do something. It's not like the president can write new laws. THAT would be unconstitutional.

One last time, where in the Constitution does it allow for Congress to give powers to the President of the United States? It doesn't and it never should. No one group of men should ever have that kind of power, to usurp the Constitution along party lines and give power to a sitting President over party and issue politics. Separation of Powers is there for a reason. Congress has NO AUTHORITY to grant the President of the United States authority to create and pass laws.

One last time. That's BULLSHIT. Congress never gave the president the authority to create and pass laws. It's FALSE on the face of it, because someone like you would have already challenged it and the USSC ruled on it. Since they haven't, it's obvious to me and anyone without partisan blinders on, that you're... WRONG AGAIN!!!

Lawmaker challenges Cheney on executive order -
Foundation Challenges Obama Executive Orders Designed to Blackball Efficient Non-Union Contractors | National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation

Now what???????????????
Congress isn't delegating their authority. They're giving the president the authority to do something at his discretion, as opposed to other laws where he is bound to do something. It's not like the president can write new laws. THAT would be unconstitutional.

One last time, where in the Constitution does it allow for Congress to give powers to the President of the United States? It doesn't and it never should. No one group of men should ever have that kind of power, to usurp the Constitution along party lines and give power to a sitting President over party and issue politics. Separation of Powers is there for a reason. Congress has NO AUTHORITY to grant the President of the United States authority to create and pass laws.

One last time. That's BULLSHIT. Congress never gave the president the authority to create and pass laws. It's FALSE on the face of it, because someone like you would have already challenged it and the USSC ruled on it. Since they haven't, it's obvious to me and anyone without partisan blinders on, that you're... WRONG AGAIN!!!

The executive order is treated as law. why have an executive order if it can't be enforced?
Been headin this way for awhile. It's always that "Yea he's a Dictator but he's OUR Dictator" mentality. This President already announced he will no longer be working with Congress. He's so confident Americans are so dumbed-down and lazy that he just came out in public and brazenly announced it. Sad stuff for sure.
so you admit you have no clue as to what you are talking about

Do me a favor, don't come insulting me when I wasn't even speaking to you Plaz.. don't do that.. I know precisely what I am talking about and I've explained it several times along with asking for you or anyone else to show me anywhere in the Constitution that allows for Congress to grant powers to our President.. instead I get insults.. Stow it.

no, no you dont and i am not insulting you.
If you understood what was going on then you would know Obama has every right to use Eo's.

If you have a problem take him to court, or have congress repeal it.

Other wise it is what it is.

Yes yes yes I do.. and good.. you're my friend.. no matter our differences.
The power to issue executive orders is based on an interpretation of the constitution and not based on a specific right or power granted to the office. The intention is something along the lines of using orders to enforce the laws that Congress has instituted. If congress decided to create a new tax on widget imports then it would be up to the president to establish the collection procedure and uphold the law. He would do this by issueing an executive order outlining what needed to be done and who was to do it. If a president issues an order that breaks new ground and is not backed by current legislation then that president has exceeded the powers granted to him and if Congress allows this then they are as much to blame as the POTUS. Maybe they should all be impeached?

Thats how I see things anyway
The power to issue executive orders is based on an interpretation of the constitution and not based on a specific right or power granted to the office. The intention is something along the lines of using orders to enforce the laws that Congress has instituted. If congress decided to create a new tax on widget imports then it would be up to the president to establish the collection procedure and uphold the law. He would do this by issueing an executive order outlining what needed to be done and who was to do it. If a president issues an order that breaks new ground and is not backed by current legislation then that president has exceeded the powers granted to him and if Congress allows this then they are as much to blame as the POTUS. Maybe they should all be impeached?

Thats how I see things anyway

Excellent post, thank you.
Ron Paul apparently has a warning for America.

The problem with Paul is he wants to replace one ‘dictatorship’ with 50.

This assertion is ridculous. He wants to restore the constitution and bring back the republic. If you read the writings of Founders then you will see that they never intended for the Federal Government to become so large and have so much power.
The power to issue executive orders is based on an interpretation of the constitution and not based on a specific right or power granted to the office. The intention is something along the lines of using orders to enforce the laws that Congress has instituted. If congress decided to create a new tax on widget imports then it would be up to the president to establish the collection procedure and uphold the law. He would do this by issueing an executive order outlining what needed to be done and who was to do it. If a president issues an order that breaks new ground and is not backed by current legislation then that president has exceeded the powers granted to him and if Congress allows this then they are as much to blame as the POTUS. Maybe they should all be impeached?

Thats how I see things anyway
congress has the right to appeal or Amend said law.

It's not really a law, its just treated as a law. My point was that if Congress is allowing the POTUS to overstep his boundaries then they are not fulfilling their oaths to uphold the constitution either.
no, no you dont and i am not insulting you.
If you understood what was going on then you would know Obama has every right to use Eo's.

Not to create laws, he doesn't. EO's are designed to direct federal agencies in actions to implement law created by congress. The Executive has the authority to EXECUTE, not create. Obama has crossed a hard line.

If you have a problem take him to court, or have congress repeal it.

Other wise it is what it is.

It's already in the works, it will go to court. But Obama should be impeached as well. IF we permit presidents to subvert the elected representatives in congress, then we are a dictatorship. Is that really what you want? I know you serve you party above all, but do you REALLY want a dictatorship, where the word of one man is law?
Ron Paul apparently has a warning for America.

Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) says President Obama's continued use of the executive order "brings the modern presidency dangerously close to an elective dictatorship." "That is arrogant," Paul said of Obama frequently using the executive order function as of late. "It is flaunting the Constitution and the whole principle of how we’re supposed to operate. The idea they can just do this and take over the legislative function and brag about it -- and Congress does nothing and the courts do nothing about it, it's very, very bad." "He's dictatorial, is what he is," Rep. Paul said before the end of the interview.
Really? What's the number of EOs that Obama has signed in a little less than 3 years? The answer is 100. In 8 years in office, Reagan signed 381 Executive Orders. Based on the numbers, who better qualifies as a dictator? You can check the numbers at the link below. Barack Obama Executive Orders Disposition Tables

Nah, because libertarians and hard righties don't get their way does not make BHO a dictator. It means his opponents are in the minority, and in our democracy, guess what: majority rules.

Want to change it? Get a majority.
Nah, because libertarians and hard righties don't get their way does not make BHO a dictator. It means his opponents are in the minority, and in our democracy, guess what: majority rules.

Want to change it? Get a majority.

Fuck off Jake, let the grown ups talk.
I am not convinced on the impeachment argument but mainly because it would be dragged out and take up time and money that should be used to deal with other issues. It would be a media circus and nothing much would come of it. Besides I believe that they are all working for the same people anyway so even if he was impeached the votes would go whichever way the money flows. The real solution is to make people aware of what is going on and that's why I am glad Dr. Paul brought this up.
no, no you dont and i am not insulting you.
If you understood what was going on then you would know Obama has every right to use Eo's.

If you have a problem take him to court, or have congress repeal it.

Other wise it is what it is.

Yes yes yes I do.. and good.. you're my friend.. no matter our differences.

no you dont and it shows by what you are saying.
Obama has Every right to issue EO's. I defended Bushes right to do it, and i'll defend any future Presidents right to issue these. They may be wrong but he has the right to try...

This doesnt make Obama or Bush or anyone a Dictator.

I know precisely what I'm saying.. you're the one talking out both sides of your mouth. You either support the Constitution or you say to hell with the law.

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