Ron Paul : Stop Dreaming

Oh, I didn't know you were a liberal. I wouldn't have wasted my time with you if I did.

Hey, I'm a liberal but I like some of the things ron paul has to say. That guy nailed why I don't fully support him, but I do agree with abolishing the federal reserve and irs.

And remind liberals how republicans demonize them. That's what the establishment does when you try to buck the system like Dr. Paul does. I don't like his every man for himself approach, but he is a true constitutionalist.

Its so funny to be a liberal who likes paul because it makes me not respect my liberal buddies. they have good hearts voting democratic but they aren't smart enough to get mad enough that we can make washington reform.

If they can just paint guys like paul as kooks, why reform?
I wish Ron Paul were on the ballot. He certainly wouldn't support the buyouts of these banks. As for Alex Jones, he interviews a lot of people. He INTERVIEWED Ron Paul. He also interviewed Noam Chomsky and Pat Buchanan. None of these three men think Bush put explosives in the World Trade Center. Bill O'Reilly interviewed Obama. Does Obama support Bill O'Reilly?

Everyone is on the ballot. Write it in.

Why didn't he do better in the republican primaries?

Because he didn't do soundbytes worth a damn.

Really? I think Ben Franklin and Bill Clinton would have gone skirt-chasing together. ;)

But would they smoke cigars? Hi Jill long time no etc etc etc.

I struggle with that. It's tough to vote for someone that has no chance of winning.

I struggle with that, it's tough to look at yourself in the mirror the day after because you cave on your principles and voted for the lesser of two evils.

Ron Paul is the last of the true conservatives in the GOP and most of today's Republicans consider him to be a fringe whackjob, which just goes to show how far the GOP has strayed from it's core principles of personal freedom, personal responsibility, and limited government. Barry Goldwater must be spinning in his grave at the current state of the GOP.

Reagan too. Well, Acorn can get em registered so they can voice their complaint come November.
Phil long time no see, brother!

Good to see you back here. If you haven't lurked in a while, this place has gotten just a tad bit interesting since you stopped posting.
Phil long time no see, brother! Like the Frog said "Waaaazzzzzzzzzuuuuuuuuuupppppppp"

Good to see you back here. If you haven't lurked in a while, this place has gotten just a tad bit interesting since you stopped posting. Noted. Looks like a buncha newbies, some clueless, some not.

Looks like the Chinese Curse is in effect no?
Voting for a third party is hardly a waste of time. If you happen to agree with a person running for President that's who you need to vote for.
I prefer to vote for people with a chance of winning. If a 3rd party candidate I like is ever prominent enough in the polls, then of course I would vote for them, but if they aren't, then I'd like to help the major party candidate that I support.
I prefer to vote for people with a chance of winning. If a 3rd party candidate I like is ever prominent enough in the polls, then of course I would vote for them, but if they aren't, then I'd like to help the major party candidate that I support.

A pragmatic approach. It's what Jarheads call "tactically sound". Of course that is what the DNC and the RNC are betting on. At least you are honest in acknowledging that they will win the bet.
I prefer to vote for people with a chance of winning. If a 3rd party candidate I like is ever prominent enough in the polls, then of course I would vote for them, but if they aren't, then I'd like to help the major party candidate that I support.

Well I'm voting for Bob Barr, neither major candidate even comes close to his platform. Why would I vote for them?
Stop dreaming?


I would be curious to know how he did in EVERY state. If it looks anything like that, then you KNOW this election was rigged.:doubt:
And yet when it came time to count things that mattered--like votes--even people like Lyndon LaRouche could point and snicker.
Well he "won" those debates because more of his supporters voted in those polls than anyone else. If everyone who actually voted in the primaries voted for who won the debates I'm guessing they'd tell a different story. I happen to agree with the polls, but facts are facts.
The polls were put up for people to vote who they thought was best. It's not the fault of Ron Paul supporters that they're more active than others.
The day the US becomes a true democracy* (and, yes folks, I know you are a constitutional republic), is the day I eat my hat.

* By true democarcy, I mean a cross section of political ideas are represented in Congress - not just the two trains of thought you have now...
The day the US becomes a true democracy* (and, yes folks, I know you are a constitutional republic), is the day I eat my hat.

* By true democarcy, I mean a cross section of political ideas are represented in Congress - not just the two trains of thought you have now...

Not anytime soon. But that is a good thing.


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