Ron Paul

Why he can't be 'ignored.' Why those that understand what his campaign is about need to speak out. I'm all for people 'getting involved', I just wish they knew a bit more:

Ron Beats Rudy?
New Hampshire could surprise a lot of people.

Sunday, December 30, 2007 12:01 a.m. EST

MANCHESTER, N.H.--For several hours last Sunday, more than a dozen Ron Paul volunteers stood in snowdrifts in the rain outside the Mall of New Hampshire in Manchester waving at last-minute Christmas shoppers and handing out hundreds of yards signs.

The campaign doesn't know how many people participated because, as with so many Paul rallies, this one was organized entirely by fans not officially associated with the campaign.

"We told them to take Christmas Eve and Christmas off, and next thing we know they're doing a sign wave at the mall," said Jim Forsythe, a self-employed engineer and former Air Force pilot from Strafford, N.H., who independently organizes volunteer efforts for Ron Paul.

That spontaneous grassroots support is why Mr. Paul, an obstetrician from Lake Jackson, Texas, could pull off a stunner on Jan. 8 and place third in New Hampshire's Republican primary. If he does, he would embarrass Rudy Giuliani and steal media limelight from John McCain and Mitt Romney, who are battling for first place.

Many Republican operatives in New Hampshire, even those affiliated with other campaigns, think Mr. Paul is headed for an impressive, double-digit performance. That he has been polling in the high single digits for months is discounted, because the polls may be missing the depth of his support.

Why? For starters, he appears to be drawing new voters. Polls that screen for "likely" voters might screen out many Paul supporters who haven't voted often, or at all, before. Many of Mr. Paul's supporters appear to be first-time voters. They will be able to cast their ballots because New Hampshire allows them to register and vote on the day of an election.

Russert Predicts Paul Could Beat Giuliani in Iowa
Raw Story | January 2, 2008
Jason Rhyne

Republican presidential contender Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) could be poised to beat Rudy Giuliani ? once perceived as a frontrunner for the GOP nomination ? in Thursday's Iowa caucus voting, according to NBC's Tim Russert.

Appearing on MSNBC's Morning Joe program for a discussion about the latest Iowa polling numbers, Russert said Paul could realistically score a fourth place showing in the state.

"Having gone around and watching this thing," said Russert, "to say for example Huckabee wins, Romney is two. McCain comes in third. Thompson is out ? he has already said if he's not two, he's out. I think Ron Paul has a chance of coming in fourth here. I really do."

Assuming former Sen. Fred Thompson (R-TN) took fifth, Russert added that it appeared likely Giuliani could slip to a lowly sixth place finish.

Conservative pundit and two-time Republican presidential aspirant Pat Buchanan said he believed the former New York mayor was now facing an uphill fight for his party's nomination.

"I think Rudy is toast?I mean, you can't go 0-4, 0-5, and come back and win Florida," said Buchanan of the possibility that Giuliani could fair poorly in the opening contests of the primary season.

Giuliani has not campaigned heavily in Iowa, choosing instead to adopt a national strategy focused on other states, such as Florida, that vote later in the primary process. More than twenty states, including New York and California go to the polls on February 5.

"When you get to Florida and the February 5th states," Giuliani told Fox News, "we're ahead in some cases by large percentages and in some case by closer percentages. We believe it's a good strategy and it's going to work."

The latest poll from Iowa's Des Moines Register tallies Giuliani's support in the state at five percent. Paul and Thompson each notch nine percent.
Wow, Guiliani spent how much time and effort? Paul? Yeah, pound whatever.
thats the best you can do...whatever ?

Paul Campaign Manager Urges Boycott Of Fox News Sponsors
Snyder slams decision to exclude Congessman from presidential forum as "insult, slap in the face"

Prison Planet | January 3, 2008
Paul Joseph Watson

Ron Paul's 2008 presidential campaign manager Kent Snyder has slammed Fox News' decision to bar the Congressman from a live televised January 6 forum as "an insult" and has urged supporters to boycott Fox sponsors if they follow through on their promise to exclude Dr. Paul.

Speaking on The Alex Jones Show, Snyder described Fox News' excuse for not inviting the Congressman, that they don't have enough room, as "lame".

"I can't imagine Fox News not having enough room in a studio for another participant so that's just lame and it just goes to show exactly what they are doing, they don't have any any more legitimate or rational excuse than that," he said.

"It's unfortunate and that's being kind," said Snyder, "We definitely think Dr. Paul should be included because of his historic fundraising, interest in his campaign is growing by the day," he added.

Snyder said that if things went went for Paul in Iowa today then Fox News would be forced to include Paul in the forum, adding that the decision to bar him was a slap in the face, an insult, and a deliberate attempt to squelch the momentum of the freedom movement, but cautioned that the campaign and its supporters "were not going away" as the establishment wished they would.

The forum takes place just two days before the watershed New Hampshire Primary.

Paul has been excluded from many major online polls in the last few months and was also initially blocked from attending a Republican presidential forum in Des Moines Iowa in June.

Snyder agreed that people should boycott Fox News' sponsors if Paul is indeed blocked from participating in the presidential forum.

"I think boycotts are always effective in a lot of different situations and that's something that the individual consumer can do and I would encourage them to express their disappointment and anger in that way," said Snyder

FOX News Corp Stock Taking a Beating for Slighting Ron Paul

Nolan Chart | January 3, 2007
Michael McDonnough

From the look of the 3 day chart on it seems that the NWS stock dump and boycott is having an effect already.

I predict that the numbers will continue in their current downward trend in the days and weeks ahead as the Ron Paul campaign with its huge grass roots engine rolling along will in the end steam roll the parent company of Fox news in stock value with their efforts. This will be in addition to the thousands of faxes, emails, phone calls and other such activist efforts on the part of the grass roots for Ron Paul.

This is fair compensation to Fox in my opinion for their slighting of Ron Paul by not inviting him to the Jan 6th forum sponsored in part by the New Hampshire Republican Party and Fox News.

From what I have read of the boycott effort it will include all advertisers that are currently sponsors of Fox news as well as encouraging the sell off of NWS stock for the forseable furture. The stock was kind of a dog from what I have seen so this is not going to help the situation for certain.

Fox has been most biased and unfair to Ron Paul and that is quite clear. This might be a further lesson for Fox News in what Dr. Paul referenced in that now famous first Fox Republican debate as what the CIA teaches and talks about. Blowback. I think he called that one. I hope that holders of NWS are short calling their holdings at about $18 that would be my bet.
Well, Ron Paul beat Rudy in Iowa but when one considers that Rudy didn't even campaign in Iowa, it's not saying much. Go Ron Paul. :D :D :D
This whole Ron Paul deal is a fucking Internet rip off.

He will be elected President of the parallel universe, you know, the one Kerry lives in.:cuckoo:
Iowa: The Perfect Outcome For Ron Paul
Nolan Chart | January 4, 2007
CT Johnson

Things could have not turned out better for Congressman Ron Paul in Iowa for the Republican presidential race. Let's face it, at this time Ron Paul cannot yet win a one on one or three way contest in the Republican race. He is by far one of the most spectacular candidates to run in the Republican field in a long time. However, he is not some willy nilly thirty second soundbite politician. People need to become educated in more depth to understand his well thought out, solid, and logical positions. For many Republicans they have not had enough exposure yet. It is a long, hard, and tiring process to educate in depth the conservative electorate about traditional conservative principles and values.

Tonight just bought Ron Paul even more time to get out his message and to still place well in all of the upcoming states. Iowa will keep Huckabee in the race. Romney wasn't going to be exiting any time soon. Fred Thompson was thought to be dead, but just had new life breathed into his campaign. McCain was also thought to be dead, but got a rebound. And of course Iowa was irrelevant to Giuliani as he will stay in the race. Only Duncan Hunter may drop, but his support base doesn't seem likely to be a factor anywhere.

What does this all mean to Ron Paul. Well, Ron Paul has shown that in an ultra-religious conservative state that he can pull 10% of the vote...double digits. It has shown that he can pull close to the well known, stalwart of the Republican establishment, warhorse John McCain. He is literally within spitting distance of third place in a state that is not tailored to him. A state where he would not promise ongoing farm subsidies. This is a huge that cannot be discounted. What is more important though is that all of the neoconservative candidates will stay in the race with this outcome with maybe the exception of Duncan Hunter. This is very good for Ron Paul. Like I said earlier, at this time Ron Paul cannot win in a one on one or three way race...yet. This Iowa scenario ensures that Ron Paul will face a divided neoconservative field. I cannot overstate how good this is from a strategic standpoint. It gives Ron Paul time to continue to spread the message and gain more and more support while the neoconservative vote is split.

Come New Hampshire, Ron Paul will likely place in the top three. Romney, McCain, and Ron Paul will show well. Ron Paul has the funds, with more than $19.5 million raised in the 4th quarter, and is in for the long haul. As has been discussed across the internet...this may end up being a brokered convention...a very long and hard race. The more face time and the longer Ron Paul stays in the race the better. Unlike Ron Paul, many of the candidates cannot and will not show well in all states. Ron Paul's support is nationwide and he has the money, nationwide support, and fundraising ability to go the distance.

Folks...this is a marathon...not a sprint. Watch and see...the Ron Paul movement will continue to grow. The message will continue to spread. The people of Iowa are our fellow citizens, but they are not the end all. Their voice is important, but only a part of the voice of America. As Loub Dobbs mentioned on the eve of the Iowa election...there are only three populist candidates, and might I add Revolutionary candidates, that are for the middle class...and Ron Paul is the only Republican standing up for the average middle class and low income American! Not Huckabee...but Ron Paul.

This still may May Very Well Be Ron Paul's Time . The Ron Paul Movement is Still Very Dangerous.
Iowa: The Perfect Outcome For Ron Paul
Nolan Chart | January 4, 2007
CT Johnson

Things could have not turned out better for Congressman Ron Paul in Iowa for the Republican presidential race. Let's face it, at this time Ron Paul cannot yet win a one on one or three way contest in the Republican race. He is by far one of the most spectacular candidates to run in the Republican field in a long time. However, he is not some willy nilly thirty second soundbite politician. People need to become educated in more depth to understand his well thought out, solid, and logical positions. For many Republicans they have not had enough exposure yet. It is a long, hard, and tiring process to educate in depth the conservative electorate about traditional conservative principles and values.

Tonight just bought Ron Paul even more time to get out his message and to still place well in all of the upcoming states. Iowa will keep Huckabee in the race. Romney wasn't going to be exiting any time soon. Fred Thompson was thought to be dead, but just had new life breathed into his campaign. McCain was also thought to be dead, but got a rebound. And of course Iowa was irrelevant to Giuliani as he will stay in the race. Only Duncan Hunter may drop, but his support base doesn't seem likely to be a factor anywhere.

What does this all mean to Ron Paul. Well, Ron Paul has shown that in an ultra-religious conservative state that he can pull 10% of the vote...double digits. It has shown that he can pull close to the well known, stalwart of the Republican establishment, warhorse John McCain. He is literally within spitting distance of third place in a state that is not tailored to him. A state where he would not promise ongoing farm subsidies. This is a huge that cannot be discounted. What is more important though is that all of the neoconservative candidates will stay in the race with this outcome with maybe the exception of Duncan Hunter. This is very good for Ron Paul. Like I said earlier, at this time Ron Paul cannot win in a one on one or three way race...yet. This Iowa scenario ensures that Ron Paul will face a divided neoconservative field. I cannot overstate how good this is from a strategic standpoint. It gives Ron Paul time to continue to spread the message and gain more and more support while the neoconservative vote is split.

Come New Hampshire, Ron Paul will likely place in the top three. Romney, McCain, and Ron Paul will show well. Ron Paul has the funds, with more than $19.5 million raised in the 4th quarter, and is in for the long haul. As has been discussed across the internet...this may end up being a brokered convention...a very long and hard race. The more face time and the longer Ron Paul stays in the race the better. Unlike Ron Paul, many of the candidates cannot and will not show well in all states. Ron Paul's support is nationwide and he has the money, nationwide support, and fundraising ability to go the distance.

Folks...this is a marathon...not a sprint. Watch and see...the Ron Paul movement will continue to grow. The message will continue to spread. The people of Iowa are our fellow citizens, but they are not the end all. Their voice is important, but only a part of the voice of America. As Loub Dobbs mentioned on the eve of the Iowa election...there are only three populist candidates, and might I add Revolutionary candidates, that are for the middle class...and Ron Paul is the only Republican standing up for the average middle class and low income American! Not Huckabee...but Ron Paul.

This still may May Very Well Be Ron Paul's Time . The Ron Paul Movement is Still Very Dangerous.


I agree..........:shock:

I agree..........:shock:

yes.. to the corrupt status quo this is a war we have money bombs and truth bombs a air corp and a blimp!and after ron paul takes 2nd place in new Hampshire occurs we will raise another 20 million and the exponential growth will be phenomenal ron paul and his supporters will be a FORCE not to be ignored and win or lose the revolution will continue
Giuliani did some campaigning in Iowa, but not much in the last couple of months, though.

but the way to read the candidates' strategy on the maps is not just by looking at how many stops they had in a given place, although that's part of it... but to look at where their emphasis is. For example, by clicking on Obama, you can see that he put almost all of his emphasis in Iowa to start so he can get some momentum. Same with Edwards. Giuliani has a lot more on the coasts. Paul focused most of his efforts in iowa, making 12 appearances in Des Moines alone.

If you look at the grand scheme of things on the maps, you get the overall strategy, not just by looking at it simplistically and saying "ooooh., giulian campained in Iowa... if you look, almost not at all the past couple of months before the caucuses.

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