Ron Paul's influence going forward

We should have a government that follows the CONSTITUTION...that is what ron paul says. You make yourself look like a moron...maybe you are but seriously consider reading up before posting stupid is embarrassing for you. Ron Paul is against CORPORATISM and for CAPITALISM...the two are different...sigh you know what I am wasting my time trying to educate another moron on this board. No thanks.

paulian's don't know what the constitution is.

Ain't that the truth. Funny how they scream the right to privacy is absolute (it is a main philosophy of libertarianism/Paulism), because it's in the constitution. However, what they don't know is a Right to Privacy is NOT in the constitution. It became a fundmental right the Griswold case, based off an interpretation of the constitution!

Mr Dumb Ass , Sir.

Neither is the right to take a crap.

But that is irrelevant, read the goddamned Ninth Amendment.

This is rather interesting.

The other candidates have complained that Paul and Romney appear to be working in concert despite their ideological differences, and there has been speculation the Paul campaign is now considering cutting a deal in which Paul would throw his support behind Romney if Romney falls short on delegates. Benton denies that speculation (as does Romney) and dismisses a possible prime convention speaking slot as "window dressing."

"It's something we'd like but it's not terribly important to us," he said. "We're looking potentially for Ron to be the vice presidential nominee...we're not looking for easy concessions like a speaking slot." He says the campaign would also push for a cabinet position for Paul or major changes to the party platform.

For Ron Paul, winning isn't everything - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

All the speculation of Rand being the VP pick in a Romney-Paul deal at the convention may be wrong. According to Ron Paul's campaign chairman they're looking for Ron Paul to be the VP, or a cabinet position if they're going to enter into a deal with Romney.
All this political concern about Ron Paul is totally unfounded.

All you Republicans have to do is give Paul an audience, and implement some of his ideas into your platform.

It is called a compromise! And not much of one if Republicans Politicians behaved more like their constituents.
All this political concern about Ron Paul is totally unfounded.

All you Republicans have to do is give Paul an audience, and implement some of his ideas into your platform.

It is called a compromise! And not much of one if Republicans Politicians behaved more like their constituents.

What does the platform matter? Is a hypothetical President Romney going to base his decisions on the Republican platform? Not in the least.
Ron Paul's influence going forward is the same as it was looking backward.

Zero is still zero.
Ron Paul's influence going forward is the same as it was looking backward.

Zero is still zero.

Careful now, your blind hatred is showing. To say that the candidate with the most military support and the highest number of younger voters has no influence is absolutely absurd.
yeah, but Ron Paul doesn't want to blowed shit up. And Merika just loves blowin' shit up for some nonsense cause. that's why the hardcore left and the moronic neocons hate him. He wants to return the power they usurped back to the people. Which is why he will never get anything and if he does, it will be all blow and nothing will come of it.
yeah, but Ron Paul doesn't want to blowed shit up. And Merika just loves blowin' shit up for some nonsense cause. that's why the hardcore left and the moronic neocons hate him. He wants to return the power they usurped back to the people. Which is why he will never get anything and if he does, it will be all blow and nothing will come of it.

You sound as fucking ridiculous as that asshole Douger.

By the way, that means that you lack persuasive capacity when you post stupid shit as you just did.
Ron Paul's influence going forward is the same as it was looking backward.

Zero is still zero.

Careful now, your blind hatred is showing. To say that the candidate with the most military support and the highest number of younger voters has no influence is absolutely absurd.


To say it is to speak the truth -- truth you may not care to see or hear, but the truth just the same.

Ron Paul has not one tiny shred of influence.

He has not had it in the past.

He will not have any in the future.

He's worthless.
Ron Paul's influence going forward is the same as it was looking backward.

Zero is still zero.

Careful now, your blind hatred is showing. To say that the candidate with the most military support and the highest number of younger voters has no influence is absolutely absurd.


To say it is to speak the truth -- truth you may not care to see or hear, but the truth just the same.

Ron Paul has not one tiny shred of influence.

He has not had it in the past.

He will not have any in the future.

He's worthless.

It's going to be funny watching you eat these words...
Careful now, your blind hatred is showing. To say that the candidate with the most military support and the highest number of younger voters has no influence is absolutely absurd.


To say it is to speak the truth -- truth you may not care to see or hear, but the truth just the same.

Ron Paul has not one tiny shred of influence.

He has not had it in the past.

He will not have any in the future.

He's worthless.

It's going to be funny watching you eat these words...

Not as funny as the fact that you think that day would ever come.

Ron Paul's influence going forward
.....But, everyone needs to make sure their "shots" are current, when.....

....are running-free, within the general-vicinity.


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The issue in St. Charles County started because of a straw poll that was taken at the door. The temporary chairman is a Sanotorum guy and had heard that the Romney camp and the Paul camp were going to form an alliance and block Santorum from getting delegates. The temporary chairman has 3 jobs. He is to open the meeting with a prayer and the pledge of allegiance and the take nominations for chairman of the caucus. In this case he instead starting making appointments to the rules committee and tried to enforce rules that hadn't been voted on. Namely that cameras weren't allowed. He then called the police and had a man with a camera forcibly removed and he repeatedly ignored calls of point of order. He called police and had them enter the facility. He appointed a secretary which is to be voted on as well. He called for nominations for the chair and picked a pre-selected woman and she nominated his choice. The new chair adjourned the meeting without a vote without electing delegates. The person that everyone else wanted to be chair tried to reconvene the caucus and had the microphone unplugged on him. He then went outside and started telling everyone that they had to go back in since the rules stated that they had to convene at that site on that date. When he stood on a chair and everyone got quiet so he could talk the police came and arrested him for trespassing. Now tell me does this sound like Ron Paul supporters might have grounds to suspect that the establishment is scared?
[ame=]st charles caucus pt 1 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]St. Charles Caucus 3/17 #2 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]St. Charles Caucus 3/17 #3 - YouTube[/ame]
I happened upon this old article from 2008.

McCain in talks with Ron Paul for backing - Washington Times

It shows that the GOP nominee even back in 2008, when Paul had less than half of the support he has now in 2012, knew that he needed Ron Paul and his supporters.

So what about now?

Well we know Ron Paul's delegate strategy is doing better than the media is reporting, but we also know that he didn't win the straw poll in any of the states that he needed to win. We can argue about the obvious fraud that occurred in Maine, but it doesn't matter. Romney won, fair or not. Not to mention how Paul underperformed in states like Alaska and North Dakota.

Regardless, the GOP nominee, whether it's Romney or Santorum (My money's still on Romney), is going to need Ron Paul's supporters in November just like McCain did in 2008.

Hurry, he will be on soon. He's on Leno.

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