Ron Pauls support is slipping. Falling in polls outside of Iowa

Ron Paul will bow out after New Hampshire. If he doesn't, he's gonna embarrass himself. Same with Michelle B.
And if you are wrong will you never post on political boards again to spare us your stupidity? Didn't think so.
I’m trying to stay away from politics until Iowa… I don’t care if Paul is in first or in third as polls mean very little to me. I find myself getting angry when dealing with stupid people over and over. Watching debates where fanboys make threads like “NEWT WON THE DEBATE HANDS DOWN!!!!!!!!!! PAUL LOST!!!!” then Newt slips massively in the polls and Paul gains…

Even Gramps can’t be taken seriously anymore. He posts ridiculous threads and when proven wrong 100’s time over, he will say “I trolled you,” then he will call you a troll/Liberal and maybe even a Obama supporter, right after he says he might vote Obama if Paul wins the nomination….

Anyways I’m out until Iowa, all these “opinionated facts” that make up the threads here are getting beyond old when it’s clear bias and partisanship block an ability to have honest debate.
I did "New Hmashire polling" in google... here we the first 2 links I clicked on at the ver top...

Poll: Romney Still Ahead In New Hampshire — Paul In Second | TPM2012

Poll: Romney dominating in New Hampshire - The Hill's Ballot Box

Let me guess, if Paul wins or does well in NH then NH means nothing as well..?

Paul won't win the nomination dude. And no bet will stop me from being here to rub it in your damn face when he finally bows out. You seem to have the pulse of every gop candidates chances except for your own.

The lols will be a plentiful.
I dont think Paul will ever get second place, he could get third easily, but even if he gets second in iowa, he is likely to be in the lower tier come New Hamphsire and South Carolina. His age alone is hurting him. Just like it did with John McCain.
I’m trying to stay away from politics until Iowa… I don’t care if Paul is in first or in third as polls mean very little to me. I find myself getting angry when dealing with stupid people over and over. Watching debates where fanboys make threads like “NEWT WON THE DEBATE HANDS DOWN!!!!!!!!!! PAUL LOST!!!!” then Newt slips massively in the polls and Paul gains…

Even Gramps can’t be taken seriously anymore. He posts ridiculous threads and when proven wrong 100’s time over, he will say “I trolled you,” then he will call you a troll/Liberal and maybe even a Obama supporter, right after he says he might vote Obama if Paul wins the nomination….

Anyways I’m out until Iowa, all these “opinionated facts” that make up the threads here are getting beyond old when it’s clear bias and partisanship block an ability to have honest debate.

The only one I call a troll is you. And most of the time your not even trolling I just know it gets under your skin, troll. Lol

As far as the debate thread. I purposfully avoided the live one just to avoid you. I then posted a non partisan poll afterwards. I voted Perry the winner and he didn't even attack Paul.

As usual you have trouble with reality and facts.


I'm at work on my phone and can't click on your link. What is it? Something good I hope as our sparring has gotten rather dull lately.

It's people betting who wins... Paul wins Iowa and is in second in NH. It has a bigger break down because it's a bet.

So you can bet Paul will win Iowa or come in second in Iowa. Same for NH and other states. This is for all the candidates, it would be best to look at the link to understand it.
I'm an old democrat but, I do like Ron Paul's ideas. But I do not agree with everything and would not vote for him since he is a Republican
Whether Ron Paul wins or not you neo-cons will find out that NO pro-war big daddy gubamint republican will win against Obama. He will eat Romney and Gingrich alive... he'll just compare them to Boosh and try to create the illusion that Obama's big government is better then Bush's big-government. It's the more fuzzier happy nicer big government then the one Gingrich and Romney like. If Paul doesn't win Iowa or New Hampshire my vote goes to Bachmann... reluctantly.
I would vote for paul before I would Newt or Romney. Newt and romney both lick there index finger and put it in the air before deciding what to do. They both are as progressive as Obama in my opinion and according to there past stances on left leaning policies, romney with the individual mandate and actually signing it, newt with his support of the individual mandate up until it became unpopular in 2009 and also when he was buddies with peloci. I just dont trust either of them to do what's right by the constitution. If I had to choose a candidate today, it would be santorum. Just my 2 cents. It's just a damn shame Christie and rubio didn't get in on the action.

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