Ronald Reagan Called Out Republicans on Raising Debt Ceiling

No, actually, I didn't. But good try for a LOLberal.

He has nothing so he has to claim you did the same thing you are "whining" about. Never mind the fact that he is generalizing and stereotyping and hasnt at all looked at what you actually advocated.
No, actually, I didn't. But good try for a LOLberal.

You do know that people have eyes that can see. :lol:

Your comprehension and coherency skill are awful, dude. Just awful.

But, that's not a surprise.

You have no argument.

The OP points to reagan putting the screws to congress over debt ceiling increases. OK. Great. The OP has to reach back 40 years to try and make conservatives look bad. Good job, too.

At the same time, those who support Obama raising the debt ceiling look absolutely no better. In fact, they look worse. As Senator Obama wrestles the shadow of President Obama. Like I said, no politician, and no LOLberal has any integrity. That includes you, Mumbles.
No, actually, I didn't. But good try for a LOLberal.

You do know that people have eyes that can see. :lol:

Your comprehension and coherency skill are awful, dude. Just awful.

But, that's not a surprise.

You have no argument.

The OP points to reagan putting the screws to congress over debt ceiling increases. OK. Great. The OP has to reach back 40 years to try and make conservatives look bad. Good job, too.

At the same time, those who support Obama raising the debt ceiling look absolutely no better. In fact, they look worse. As Senator Obama wrestles the shadow of President Obama. Like I said, no politician, and no LOLberal has any integrity. That includes you, Mumbles.

Actually he doesn't but at least you acknowledge the Repubs look bad. This is just one example and you ignored the OP to try and make this about the second comment being ignored. Pot meet kettle
You do know that people have eyes that can see. :lol:

Your comprehension and coherency skill are awful, dude. Just awful.

But, that's not a surprise.

You have no argument.

The OP points to reagan putting the screws to congress over debt ceiling increases. OK. Great. The OP has to reach back 40 years to try and make conservatives look bad. Good job, too.

At the same time, those who support Obama raising the debt ceiling look absolutely no better. In fact, they look worse. As Senator Obama wrestles the shadow of President Obama. Like I said, no politician, and no LOLberal has any integrity. That includes you, Mumbles.

Actually he doesn't but at least you acknowledge the Repubs look bad. This is just one example and you ignored the OP to try and make this about the second comment being ignored. Pot meet kettle

Yes, actually, the Op does. Or it wouldn't have done so. That's exactly what it is trying to do. And it, as I said, does a good job. On the other hand, you complettely ignore the fact Obama is no better. Nor are his supporters. You all get to sit together. On the short bus. The problem with people like you though, is that you actually believe you have a superior argument than conservatives. But you dont. You lack integrity the same as all politicians and their sycophants.

You just dont want to admit it.

Call out Reagan. Call out conservatives. Meanwhile, you're all wrestling with your own shadow. Just like Obama.

Your comprehension and coherency skill are awful, dude. Just awful.

But, that's not a surprise.

You have no argument.

The OP points to reagan putting the screws to congress over debt ceiling increases. OK. Great. The OP has to reach back 40 years to try and make conservatives look bad. Good job, too.

At the same time, those who support Obama raising the debt ceiling look absolutely no better. In fact, they look worse. As Senator Obama wrestles the shadow of President Obama. Like I said, no politician, and no LOLberal has any integrity. That includes you, Mumbles.

Actually he doesn't but at least you acknowledge the Repubs look bad. This is just one example and you ignored the OP to try and make this about the second comment being ignored. Pot meet kettle

Yes, actually, the Op does. Or it wouldn't have done so. That's exactly what it is trying to do. And it, as I said, does a good job. On the other hand, you complettely ignore the fact Obama is no better. Nor are his supporters. You all get to sit together. On the short bus. The problem with people like you though, is that you actually believe you have a superior argument than conservatives. But you dont. You lack integrity the same as all politicians and their sycophants.

You just dont want to admit it.

Call out Reagan. Call out conservatives. Meanwhile, you're all wrestling with your own shadow. Just like Obama.


Actually he doesn't. There are other examples just so happen this thread is about Ronnie. If you want a thread about todays Repub party looking bad you probably want to find a thread that doesn't talk about Ronald Regan.

On the other hand, you complettely ignore the fact Obama is no better.
Are you saying Obama and Regan are neck and neck with bad ideas?

I agree. Is this where you get off and defend dear Ronnie now as being different or where you feel pinned down and start going personal again? :lol: We'll see...
Like I said, your comprehension skills are awful. Is this thread really about Reagan? No, it isn't. It quips him and then proceeds to blame republicans for the current "crisis" regarding the debt ceiling.


The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.

Senator Barack Obama, March 20, 2006

So, yeah. Who is it again that is in need of a debt ceiling increaase? Could it be Obama and the current congress (minus a small minority of them)? Liek I said, it's easy to point at others and try to call them out when you dont have the integrity to really do so. That's the LOLberal way.

Obama is wrestling his former self. He has been for 5 years. He's no better. But i'm sure your want the government to raise the debt ceiling, right? Obama, in 2006 was against such measure, or at least that is what he claimed. it turns out he's a phoney too! Would you look at that.
Like I said, your comprehension skills are awful. Is this thread really about Reagan? No, it isn't. It quips him and then proceeds to blame republicans for the current "crisis" regarding the debt ceiling.


The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.

Senator Barack Obama, March 20, 2006

So, yeah. Who is it again that is in need of a debt ceiling increaase? Could it be Obama and the current congress (minus a small minority of them)? Liek I said, it's easy to point at others and try to call them out when you dont have the integrity to really do so. That's the LOLberal way.

Obama is wrestling his former self. He has been for 5 years. He's no better. But i'm sure your want the government to raise the debt ceiling, right? Obama, in 2006 was against such measure, or at least that is what he claimed. it turns out he's a phoney too! Would you look at that.


Go Stepback it's ya birthday!

do you think we can continue raising the debt ceiling (and our national debt) indefinetely? Do you think we can put the country 50 trillion in debt? 100 trillion? At what point should we stop increasing our national debt? ever?
Like I said, your comprehension skills are awful. Is this thread really about Reagan? No, it isn't. It quips him and then proceeds to blame republicans for the current "crisis" regarding the debt ceiling.


The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that “the buck stops here.” Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.

Senator Barack Obama, March 20, 2006

So, yeah. Who is it again that is in need of a debt ceiling increaase? Could it be Obama and the current congress (minus a small minority of them)? Liek I said, it's easy to point at others and try to call them out when you dont have the integrity to really do so. That's the LOLberal way.

Obama is wrestling his former self. He has been for 5 years. He's no better. But i'm sure your want the government to raise the debt ceiling, right? Obama, in 2006 was against such measure, or at least that is what he claimed. it turns out he's a phoney too! Would you look at that.


Go Stepback it's ya birthday!

I'll take that as an admission that you don't have shit. You know i'm right and yet you will continue to deny being as bankrupt as those you oppose.

If it wasn't so predictably funny, it would be sad.
You keep dodging. You haven't addressed the OP, Me or ANY question I asked you. So yeah, I got nothing but tap dancing from you keep trying to make a Regan thread about Obama.

do you think we can continue raising the debt ceiling (and our national debt) indefinetely? Do you think we can put the country 50 trillion in debt? 100 trillion? At what point should we stop increasing our national debt? ever?

NEVER!!! :doubt:
You keep dodging. You haven't addressed the OP, Me or ANY question I asked you. So yeah, I got nothing but tap dancing from you keep trying to make a Regan thread about Obama.

Your lack of comprehension skills are showing again. This thread, Bumbles, is not about Reagan.

But you knew that.

What this thread is about is blaming rebuplicans for the current debt ceiling "crisis". meanwhile, Obama wrestles with his own shadow.
You keep dodging. You haven't addressed the OP, Me or ANY question I asked you. So yeah, I got nothing but tap dancing from you keep trying to make a Regan thread about Obama.

Your lack of comprehension skills are showing again. This thread, Bumbles, is not about Reagan.

But you knew that.

What this thread is about is blaming rebuplicans for the current debt ceiling "crisis". meanwhile, Obama wrestles with his own shadow.

So when the title is "Ronald Reagan Called Out Republicans on Raising Debt Ceiling" you maintain the stance that this thread and the OP has nothing to do with Reagan?

How can this thread be about the debt ceiling, included in the title, but not anything to do with Reagan at the same time. All because you say so.

Oh and you dodged all my questions because ....uh...because my posts aren't about my questions either right?
You keep dodging. You haven't addressed the OP, Me or ANY question I asked you. So yeah, I got nothing but tap dancing from you keep trying to make a Regan thread about Obama.

Your lack of comprehension skills are showing again. This thread, Bumbles, is not about Reagan.

But you knew that.

What this thread is about is blaming rebuplicans for the current debt ceiling "crisis". meanwhile, Obama wrestles with his own shadow.

So when the title is "Ronald Reagan Called Out Republicans on Raising Debt Ceiling" you maintain the stance that this thread and the OP has nothing to do with Reagan?

How can this thread be about the debt ceiling, included in the title, but not anything to do with Reagan at the same time. All because you say so.

Oh and you dodged all my questions because ....uh...because my posts aren't about my questions either right?

You're not only inept at comprehension, you're also a down right foolish liar. I never said the thread had "nothing to do with Reagan". What i did say, is that he is quipped, but the main point is about blaming republicans for the current debt ceiling crisis.

Not that much else is expected of intellectually bankrupt LOLberals such as yourself.

And, you didn't ask any valid questions that went unanswered. Another lie from Bumbles.

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