Roof: Confederate terrorist?


unlicensed metaphysician
Jul 5, 2012
The young man, with a bent toward eliminating the 'menace' of a group previously held as slaves in his state, clearly adhered to the ideas of that time.
His cause is, thus, not dead.
There may be much more to this.
"previously held as slaves"?

wtf does that have to do with anything?
He didn't show any affinity for the confederacy. His attachment was to Africa, particularly South Africa and Rhodesia, now known as the failed state of Zimbabwe.
Think he was just a mentally ill person who latched onto a local thing he could belong to as in the racist affiliations. His statements during don't make sense except through the prism of mental illness.

If he was concerned with blacks 'raping our women' why were two-thirds of his victims women? Could found more male victims just about anywhere if he'd wanted, as seemed to be the case conducting recon at that mall.

Think his parents, in particular his father, should be scrutinized as well. "Here Son, a .45 pistol - go kill *******." Seems possible. Can very easily imagine a son desperate to win his father's approval being primed by a racist family then triggered with the pistol-gift.
Think he was just a mentally ill person who latched onto a local thing he could belong to as in the racist affiliations. His statements during don't make sense except through the prism of mental illness.

If he was concerned with blacks 'raping our women' why was two-thirds of his victims women? Could found more male victims just about anywhere if he'd wanted, and as seemed to be the case conduction recon at that mall.

Think his parents, in particular his father should be scrutinized as well. "Here Son, a .45 pistol - go kill *******." Seems possible. Can very easily imagine a son desperate to win his father's approval being primed by a racist family then triggered with the pistol-gift.

i would be careful with the blaming of the parents. that seems to be an extremely subjective judgement there.
It's doubtful that he came from a racist family. He came from a family that thought his behavior was controlled by medication. That medication just so happened to be the same kind of medication that so many other mass shooters have been on.

Anything can be the subject of a fixation. The man, just a couple if days ago, fixated on the police and opened fire on a police station. No one suggested that he came from a cop hating family.
The young man, with a bent toward eliminating the 'menace' of a group previously held as slaves in his state, clearly adhered to the ideas of that time.
His cause is, thus, not dead.
There may be much more to this.
Roof ??????

If you're talking about the young man that killed the nine people attending church, it was an individual that was filled with anger, hatred, confusion, no direction in life, obvious self-esteem issues, is mentally unstable, and wanted to take all of it out on an easy target. Society is filled with such individuals. We have many people that would fit all of the above mentioned problems. We have many people that could go postal at any given moment. We have problems in this country that go beyond racism, group identity and affiliation, and inbred hatred. Our social and economic woes are fueling an escalation in violence and inhumane actions.

Although it's easy to blame guns, guns are only a means to express the anger and frustrations felt by many. Guns are nothing more than tools used to carry out hatred and anger. If guns weren't available, we'd see homemade bombs, deadly chemicals, deadly biological weapons, and other items used to kill. People that are mentally unstable, angry, filled with hate, racist, and those with no purpose or direction in life, will find a way to vent, and to carry out inhumane acts of violence.

At this time, I see no way of detecting these individuals before they explode. Many of them remain silent and passive until they reach a breaking point. It would be very difficult to detect these people since no one can read minds. In many cases, in my opinion, social and economic pressures are partially to blame, and certainly fueling the flames. I don't have all of the answers, but I do know that given present social and economic conditions, the worst is yet to come. Many people have just plain given up, can see no future, and are at or very close to their breaking point.

Racism, in my opinion, adds fuel to the already burning fires of frustration, anger, the sense of desperation, the absence of a bright future, and lost hope for the immediate individual's crisis.
Think he was just a mentally ill person who latched onto a local thing he could belong to as in the racist affiliations. His statements during don't make sense except through the prism of mental illness.

If he was concerned with blacks 'raping our women' why was two-thirds of his victims women? Could found more male victims just about anywhere if he'd wanted, and as seemed to be the case conduction recon at that mall.

Think his parents, in particular his father should be scrutinized as well. "Here Son, a .45 pistol - go kill *******." Seems possible. Can very easily imagine a son desperate to win his father's approval being primed by a racist family then triggered with the pistol-gift.

i would be careful with the blaming of the parents. that seems to be an extremely subjective judgement there.

Not blaming them, am suggesting they may be co-conspirators.

Racism is taught, usually by parents. Odd the kid gets a pistol for a birthday present then uses that present in the commision of a crime. Grounds for at least a little scrutiny.
Think he was just a mentally ill person who latched onto a local thing he could belong to as in the racist affiliations. His statements during don't make sense except through the prism of mental illness.

If he was concerned with blacks 'raping our women' why was two-thirds of his victims women? Could found more male victims just about anywhere if he'd wanted, and as seemed to be the case conduction recon at that mall.

Think his parents, in particular his father should be scrutinized as well. "Here Son, a .45 pistol - go kill *******." Seems possible. Can very easily imagine a son desperate to win his father's approval being primed by a racist family then triggered with the pistol-gift.

i would be careful with the blaming of the parents. that seems to be an extremely subjective judgement there.

Not blaming them, am suggesting they may be co-conspirators.

Racism is taught, usually by parents. Odd the kid gets a pistol for a birthday present then uses that present in the commision of a crime. Grounds for at least a little scrutiny.
All parents can't be blamed. Everyone with a gun doesn't kill. I have guns, I don't kill. I wasn't close to my parents, how can they be blamed for what I do, or have done in my life? Your reasoning doesn't hold water.
The young man, with a bent toward eliminating the 'menace' of a group previously held as slaves in his state, clearly adhered to the ideas of that time.
His cause is, thus, not dead.
There may be much more to this.

And the dumbass post of the day goes to.....

Here is the problem....

Dylann Storm Roof was taking habit-forming drug suboxone

Charleston shooter Dylann Storm Roof was reportedly taking a drug that has been linked with sudden outbursts of violence, fitting the pattern of innumerable other mass shooters who were on or had recently come off pharmaceutical drugs linked to aggression.

According to a CBS News report, earlier this year when cops searched Roof after he was acting suspiciously inside a Bath and Body Works store, they found “orange strips” that Roof told officers was suboxone, a narcotic that is used to treat opiate addiction.

Charleston Shooter Was on Drug Linked to Violent Outbursts Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind
MSNBC fuck-witts DO NOT WANT to you to know about his drug use.
They want to claim the insane shooter is a White supremacist. There are many racists. Some White some negro.
There was a photo in a thread here. It showed a so-called Confederate flag.
A young Moslem with an Isis flag on the front of his car who went into a church and started shooting would be assumed to be what?

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